

单词 dressed
dresseddressed /drest/ adjective Examples
  • And let me explain what I meant by that silly passage in my last letter, about expensively dressed girls.
  • How, for example, should one handle the dressed fleas and their garments in terms of a computer record?
  • I got dressed and they got slightly worse.
  • She is all style, all form, all impeccably dressed dandy and wit, with never a tear out of place.
  • She was paralysed, couldn't focus, knew that Gran couldn't hurry herself getting dressed and needed help.
  • The humiliation of standing beside a woman who smelt, dressed and looked absolutely wonderful was doing little for her ego.
  • The pavements are packed to overflowing with spectators and yet more immaculately dressed clown children.
  • While waiting they are pleasantly confronted by what must be one of the prettiest and best dressed greengrocers in the country.
Longman Language Activatorto wear a particular piece of clothing or set of clothes
to have clothes, shoes, glasses, jewellery etc on your body: · She was wearing shorts and a T-shirt.· Were you wearing your jacket when we got on the bus?wear black/red/green etc (=wear black clothes, red clothes etc): · Carolyn always wore bright colors like red.somebody wears something (=someone usually wears a particular type of clothes): · She wears sandals, even in the winter.· I wear a lot of black.
: in a suit/in a red dress etc wearing a suit, a red dress etc: · a couple of boys in baseball caps· There was a man in a linen suit standing at the bar.
to be wearing clothes, shoes, glasses, or jewellery: have a coat/jacket/suit etc on: · That's Jenny Salton over there; she has a blue dress on.· Could you read this for me? I don't have my glasses on.have on a coat/jacket/suit etc: · "What was she wearing?" "I think she had on a dark suit."
to be wearing clothes: · Are you dressed yet? We have to leave now!be dressed in: · They were all dressed in T-shirts and jeans.· a woman dressed in greenbe dressed as somebody (=wearing clothes that make you look like someone else): · Some of the children were dressed as soldiers.
American to be wearing formal clothes or your best clothes, for example on a special occasion: · Look at you - you're all dressed up!· Harvey arrived, dressed up in his only business suit.
British to wear clothes that are more informal than you usually wear: · We dress down at work these days, unless we're going to a client meeting.
to be wearing a lot of warm clothes because it is cold: be bundled up in: · The old man sat on his porch bundled up in old sweaters and scarves.be bundled up against the cold/rain/wind etc: · Spectators, bundled up against the cold, stood and listened to the President speak for an hour.
British to be wearing a particular kind of clothes, especially to do an activity: · Anna was kitted out in her riding gear, waiting by the car.
to put someone else's clothes on for them
· Honey, can you get the kids dressed, please?· The nurses have to wash and dress the patients before the doctor comes to see them.
to put on clothes for a special occasion
to put on clothes that are suitable for a special or formal occasion: · Do we have to get dressed up to go to this restaurant?· It's an informal party, so you don't need to dress up.
informal to put on your best clothes and pay a lot of attention to your appearance, usually for a special occasion - used especially about women: · You don't need to doll yourself up. It's only my sister who's coming to dinner.
to put on clothes
to put on a piece of clothing: put something on: · Put your coat on if you're going out.put on something: · She put on her bathrobe and went downstairs.
to put on the clothes that you usually wear during the day or to go out in clothes: · I got dressed quickly and ran outside.· Sandra's in the bedroom getting dressed.
to put on a piece of clothing, to see if it fits you and if it looks nice on you: try something on: · If you like the shoes, why don't you try them on?try on something: · I tried on a beautiful coat, but it was too big.
to put a piece of clothing on quickly and easily: slip something/it/them on: · I took out my old cardigan and slipped it on.· The girls got out their party dresses, giggling as they slipped them on.slip on something: · She slipped on a pair of white jeans and a black sleeveless top.
to put on warm clothing, especially because you are going out in cold weather: wrap up warm: · You ought to wrap up warm -- I think it's going to snow.be wrapped up against the cold: · The kids, wrapped up in layers against the cold, waddled out to play.
to wear clothes that you do not normally wear so that you look like someone else for fun: · Most kids love dressing up.dress up in: · They were dressed up in old sheets, pretending to be ghosts.dress up as: · One of the students dressed up as a rabbit and marched around campus carrying a sign.dress yourself up: · I came in to find that my daughter had dressed herself up in my clothes.
someone who looks tidy
someone who has a neat appearance because of the type of clothes they are wearing: · I rang the bell, and a neatly dressed maid answered the door. · She was in her mid-forties, neatly dressed with a quiet air of authority.
looking perfectly neat and clean, because you take a lot of care about your clothes, your hair etc: · Leonardo appeared, immaculate as ever in a dark suit and tie. · She was always elegantly dressed and absolutely immaculate.· A small but immaculate figure stood in the doorway.
a man who is clean-cut looks neat and clean: · a handsome, clean-cut man· Where Clinton was rugged and earthy, Gore is clean-cut and preppy.
to have a very neat appearance: · He sat at his desk, not a hair out of place, and turning a pencil over in his hand.· He seemed stern and austere and never had a hair out of place.
looking or behaving like a young person
looking or behaving like a young person, even though you are no longer young: · At 61, she seems remarkably youthful.· Although middle-aged, he had a youthful appearance.· She still manages to bring a youthful enthusiasm and energy to her work.
to look younger than you really are: · Veronique looks very young for her age, and people often think that her daughter is her sister.
British someone who dresses in clothes that are only suitable for a much younger person in order to seem younger - use this to say that you think this makes them look silly or embarrassing: · Some people might think that she was 'mutton dressed as lamb', but tonight Moira really didn't care.
accessory, nounalter, verbappliqué, nounarmband, nounarmhole, nounbag, nounbejewelled, adjectivebillfold, nounboater, nounbow, nounbowler, nounbow tie, nounbraid, nounbraid, verbbreast-pocket, nounbrim, nounbum bag, nounbust, nounbutton, nounbutton-down, adjectivebuttonhole, nouncape, nounchecked, adjectivecivvies, nounclasp, nouncleat, nounclingy, adjectiveclothes brush, nounclothes hanger, nounclutch bag, nouncoat check, nouncoat hanger, nouncoatroom, nouncobbler, nouncockade, nouncocktail dress, nouncodpiece, nouncollar, nouncollar stud, nouncolour-coordinated, adjectivecolourfast, adjectivecorsage, nouncostume, nouncoveralls, nouncravat, nouncrinkly, adjectivecut, noundark glasses, noundarn, verbdarn, noundart, noundécolletage, noundetailing, noundiadem, noundiaphanous, adjectivedishevelled, adjectivedowdy, adjectivedown-at-heel, adjectivedress, noundress, verbdressed, adjectivedressmaker, noundress sense, noundressy, adjectiveepaulette, nounfacing, nounfancy dress, nounfinery, nounfleecy, adjectivefop, noungarb, noungather, verbgingham, noungold-rimmed, adjectivegranny, adjectivegroom, verbhabit, nounhandbag, nounherringbone, nounknit, verbknitwear, nounline, verblined, adjectiveliner, nounlingerie, nounlining, nounlivery, nounlocker room, nounmade-to-measure, adjectivemade-to-order, adjectivemakeover, nounmodel, nounmodel, verbmodelling, nounmohair, nounname tag, nounnatty, adjectiveneckline, nounout, adverbpack, nounparasol, nounpinstripe, nounplaid, nounpleat, nounpleated, adjectiveplume, nounplumed, adjectiveplunging neckline, nounpocket, nounpocketbook, nounpocket handkerchief, nounpolka dot, nounpompom, nounpopper, nounpouch, nounpower dressing, nounpress, verbproof, verbpurse, nounraffish, adjectiveragged, adjectiverail, nounretro, adjectivesalon, nounsensible, adjectivesequin, nounset, verbshoeshine, nounshoulder bag, nounshoulder pad, nounshoulder strap, nounsingle-breasted, adjectivesize, nounsleeve, nounsleeveless, adjectivesling, nounsmocking, nounsoigné, adjectivespangle, nounsportswear, nounstarch, verbstitch, nounstud, nounstudded, adjectivetack, verbtail, nountailor, nountailored, adjectivetailoring, nountapered, adjectivetartan, nountatters, nounthread, nounthread, verbtie-dye, verbtie-pin, nountoe, nountoecap, nountoggle, nountongue, nountoupée, nountrainer, nountrimmings, nountrouser press, nounturn-up, nountweedy, adjectiveunbecoming, adjectiveundress, noununmentionables, nounvalet, nounwallet, nounwear, verbwearer, nounweatherproof, adjectivewell-dressed, adjectivewell-groomed, adjectivewristband, nounzip, nounzipper, noun
(=wearing nice clothes of good quality)· The restaurant was full of well-dressed couples.
· There was a smartly dressed man with a briefcase at the door.
(=with all your clothes on)· She was so tired that she went to bed fully dressed.
(=not having finished putting your clothes on)· Don’t come in – I’m only half dressed!
(=wearing clothes that are fashionable)· Most teenagers want to be fashionably dressed.
(=perfectly dressed in smart clothes)· He was immaculately dressed in a grey suit and a blue tie.
(=wearing informal clothes)· Luke was casually dressed in jeans and a white shirt.
(=wearing suitable clothes for something)· It’s important to be properly dressed if you are walking in the mountains.
(=not well dressed)· The prime minister’s been criticized for being badly dressed.
(=wearing clothes that are old and untidy)· A dirty, shabbily dressed man was sitting on the bench.
 a casually dressed young man
· The man was dressed in ordinary clothes.
 Make sure that the children are dressed warmly.
· Its smartly dressed citizens go about their business as if nothing was happening.· When I looked up I saw it was coming from two smartly dressed men on the long bench-seat opposite.· Robed choirs are in decline in New Zealand, although smartly dressed secular choirs are to be seen on television.· Then, in January 1946, a smartly dressed young Guards officer arrived at the camp with orders to see the Colonel.· A prophecy was given which pictured a smartly dressed young man in a zip-up leather jacket.· The foyer was crowded but it was true that there was not a smartly dressed woman in sight.
· Croydon Corporation were insisting on specially dressed stone setts.· Its earliest parts were built of large cobbles and later additions in small stones, very early brickwork and dressed stone.
· An elegantly dressed man and an elegantly dressed woman were sitting opposite each other.· Outside the gates, too, he could see some respectably dressed women.· The foyer was crowded but it was true that there was not a smartly dressed woman in sight.
  • I got dressed quickly and ran outside.
  • Rob got dressed in a hurry.
  • Sandra's in the bedroom getting dressed.
  • After washing, we wandered around outside the tents drying in the sun and getting dressed.
  • I just wanted to get dressed in peace.
  • It took me fifteen minutes to get dressed.
  • Liz dragged her out of bed and stood over her while she got dressed.
  • Ruta, get dressed, get dressed quick.
  • The nappy changes, the meal times, the endless trips round supermarkets, school times, getting dressed and so on?
  • In her black velvet cocktail dress, Elaine Russell was dressed to kill.
  • Erica, who had been dressed to kill when he got to the flat, had agreed.
  • He is dressed to kill with no place to go.
  • Now, remember the elegant woman, always dressed to the nines, with the infectious laugh.
PHRASES FROM OTHER ENTRIESmutton dressed as lamb
  • But one must be suitably dressed for a country visit and I had absolutely nothing fit to wear.
  • They, too, regardless of the loss of their leader, were intent on being suitably dressed for Bank Holiday.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnoundressdresserdressingadjectivedressedundresseddressyverbdressundress
1get dressed to put your clothes on:  Go and get dressed!2having your clothes on or wearing a particular type of clothes:  Aren’t you dressed yet?half/fully dressed She lay down fully dressed on the bed.smartly/well-/elegantly etc dressed a very well-dressed young mandressed in She was dressed in a two-piece suit.dressed as The children came dressed as animals.3dressed to kill informal wearing very attractive clothes so that everyone notices and admires you4dressed (up) to the nines informal wearing your best or most formal clothesCOLLOCATIONS– Meaning 2adverbswell-dressed (=wearing nice clothes of good quality)· The restaurant was full of well-dressed couples.smartly/elegantly/beautifully/neatly etc dressed· There was a smartly dressed man with a briefcase at the door.fully dressed (=with all your clothes on)· She was so tired that she went to bed fully dressed.half dressed (=not having finished putting your clothes on)· Don’t come in – I’m only half dressed!fashionably dressed (=wearing clothes that are fashionable)· Most teenagers want to be fashionably dressed.immaculately/impeccably dressed (=perfectly dressed in smart clothes)· He was immaculately dressed in a grey suit and a blue tie.casually dressed (=wearing informal clothes)· Luke was casually dressed in jeans and a white shirt.properly/suitably dressed (=wearing suitable clothes for something)· It’s important to be properly dressed if you are walking in the mountains.badly dressed (=not well dressed)· The prime minister’s been criticized for being badly dressed.shabbily/scruffily dressed (=wearing clothes that are old and untidy)· A dirty, shabbily dressed man was sitting on the bench.




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