

单词 dog-eared
dog-eareddog-eared /ˈdɒɡ ɪəd $ ˈdɒːɡ ɪrd/ adjective Examples
  • On the other wall was a dog-eared calendar with faded pictures.
  • Professor Brightly walked into the lecture hall with a pile of dog-eared notes under his arm.
  • Ruth clutched a dog-eared Bible in one hand.
Longman Language Activatorthings made of paper or cloth that are in bad condition
clothes, books etc that look shabby are no longer in good condition because they are old and have been used a lot: · John was standing in the doorway in his shabby blue suit.· She wore shabby black clothes, with holes in the elbows of her jacket.
something such as material or cloth that is worn is thinner or weaker in particular parts as a result of being used a lot over a long time: · There was a worn Persian rug on the parquet floor.· We used to cut up worn blankets to make sleeping bags for the children.· The brake pads are very worn.
clothes or books that are tattered are old and torn: · The old man clutched a tattered copy of "War and Peace".· The shirt was now tattered beyond recognition.
clothes, curtains, carpets etc that are threadbare have become extremely thin and weak because they have been used so much: · She stood shivering in her threadbare dress.· There was a clean but threadbare rug on the floor beside the bed.
British clothes or books that are tatty are in bad condition and slightly torn because they have been used a lot: · At the window of the cottage hang tatty, faded curtains.· Some of our textbooks are starting to look rather tatty.
something that is battered is in bad condition and looks old especially because it has been used a lot: · He carried the same battered green journal with him on all his travels.· a battered old suitcase
a book, page, photograph etc that is dog-eared is torn and bent at the edges because it has been used a lot: · Professor Brightly walked into the lecture hall with a pile of dog-eared notes under his arm.· On the other wall was a dog-eared calendar with faded pictures.
abstract, nounagony aunt, nounagony column, nounannual, nounanthology, nounantiquarian, adjectiveappendix, nounarticle, nounauthor, nounautobiography, nounback, nounbackslash, nounbackspace, nounballoon, nounbanner headline, nounbestiary, nounbest-seller, nounbibliography, nounbibliophile, nounbind, verbbinder, nounbinding, nounbiographer, nounbiography, nounblackout, nounbold, adjectiveboldface, nounbook, nounbookbinding, nounbooklet, nounbookmark, nounbookmobile, nounbookplate, nounbookseller, nounbookshop, nounbookstall, nounbookstore, nounbound, adjectivebox, nounbraille, nounbroadsheet, nounbrochure, nounbubble, nounbulletin, nounby-line, nouncalendar, nouncaption, nouncarry, verbcatalogue, nouncentrefold, nounchain letter, nounchapbook, nounchapter, nounchequebook journalism, nouncircular, nouncirculation, nouncity desk, nouncity editor, nounclassified ad, nounclip, nounclipping, nouncodex, nouncol, collection, nouncolour supplement, nouncolumn, nouncolumnist, nouncomic, nouncomic strip, nouncommentary, nouncommentator, nouncompanion, nouncompendium, nouncomposition, nouncompositor, nouncontribute, verbcontributor, nouncopy, nouncopy editor, nouncopyist, nouncorrespondent, nouncoursebook, nouncover girl, nouncover story, nouncross-refer, verbcross-reference, nouncutting, noundaily, noundesk, noundiarist, noundiary, noundictionary, noundime novel, noundirectory, noundog-eared, adjectivedoorstep, verbdotted line, noundraft, noundraft, verbDTP, noundust jacket, nouned., edit, verbedition, nouneditor, nouneditorial, nouneditorship, nounemend, verbencyclopedia, nounentry, nounerratum, nounet al, adverbet cetera, adverbexclusive, nounexposure, nounexpurgated, adjectivefeature, nounff, figure, nounfiller, nounfinancial supermarket, Fleet Street, fly leaf, nounfolio, nounfollow-up, nounfont, nounfootnote, nounforeword, nounformat, nounformat, verbfrontispiece, nounfull-page, adjectivefull stop, nounfunny papers, noungagging order, galley, noungazette, noungazetteer, nounghost, verbghost writer, noungloss, noungloss, verbglossary, nounglossy, noungonzo journalism, noungossip column, noungraphic design, nounguide, nounguillotine, nounhack, nounhagiography, nounhalftone, nounhandbill, nounhandbook, nounhardback, nounhardcover, nounheading, nounheadline, nounheadline, verbheadword, nounhistory, nounhumorist, nounillustrate, verbillustration, nounimpression, nounimprimatur, nounimprint, nounindent, verbindentation, nounindex, nounindex, verbinsert, nouninset, nouninset, verbinstalment, nouninterpolate, verbISBN, nounissue, nounitalicize, verbitalics, nounjacket, nounjournal, nounjournalese, nounjournalism, nounjournalist, nounjourno, nounl, landscape, nounlayout, nounleader, nounleading article, nounleaf, nounletter-size, adjectivelibrary, nounlimited edition, nounlined, adjectiveLinotype, nounliterature, nounlocal paper, nounlocal rag, nounloose-leaf, adjectivelower case, nounmag, nounmagazine, nounmanuscript, nounmargin, nounmasthead, nounmezzotint, nounmicrofiche, nounmisprint, nounmonograph, nounmonthly, nounmorocco, nounmuckraking, nounN/A, N.B., news, nounnews agency, nounnewshound, nounnewsletter, nounnewspaper, nounnewsprint, nounnews release, nounnon-fiction, nounnote, nounnotebook, nounnotice, nounnumber, nounobituary, nounoffprint, nounoffset, adjectiveomnibus, nounop. cit., open letter, nounorgan, nounoverleaf, adverboverprint, verbp., pagination, nounpamphlet, nounpamphleteer, nounpap, nounpaparazzi, nounpaper, nounpaperback, nounpaperboy, nounpaper girl, nounpaper round, nounpaper shop, nounpara, passage, nounpaste-up, nounperiodical, nounpersonal ad, nounpersonal column, nounphrasebook, nounpicture book, nounpiece, nounplate, nounpocketbook, nounpp., prequel, nounpress, nounpress baron, nounpress box, nounpress conference, nounpress corps, nounpress cutting, nounpress gallery, nounpressman, nounpress office, nounpress release, nounprint, verbprint, nounprinted matter, nounprinter, nounprinting, nounprinting ink, nounprinting press, nounproblem page, nounproof, nounproofread, verbpublication, nounpublish, verbpublisher, nounpublishing, nounpull-out, nounquarterly, adjectivequarterly, nounquarto, nounquire, nounquotation, nounquote, verbrag, nounreader, nounreadership, nounreading, nounream, nounred ink, nounreference, nounreference book, nounreference library, nounrelease, verbreprint, verbreproduce, verbreproduction, nounreproductive, adjectivereview, nounreview, verbreviewer, nounrevise, verbrevision, nounrider, nounroman, nounsans serif, nounsaturation, nounscare story, nounscoop, nounscoop, verbsection, nounserif, nounset, verbsilk screen, adjectivesketch, nounslipcase, nounsmall ad, nounsoft porn, nounsource, nounspace, nounspine, nounsplash, verbspoiler, nounstay of execution, nounstop press, nounstory, nounstorybook, nounstringer, nounstrip, nounstrip cartoon, nounsub, nounsub, verbsubedit, verbsub-editor, nounsubheading, nounsubscribe, verbsubscriber, nounsubscription, nounsuperscript, adjectivesupplement, nounsymposium, nounsyndicate, verbtable, nountabloid, nountext, nounthumb index, nountitle page, nountome, nountract, nountreatise, nountrot, nountype, nountypeface, nountypescript, nountypesetting, nountypographer, nountypography, nounvanity press, nounvellum, nounvignette, nounvol., volume, nounweekly, nounwell-thumbed, adjectivewoodblock, nounwrite-up, noun
dog-eared books or papers have been used so much that the corners are turned over or torn:  a dog-eared novel




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