

单词 diver
diverdiv‧er /ˈdaɪvə $ -ər/ ●●○ noun [countable] Examples
  • a deep sea diver
  • A major difficulty the divers faced was caused by a lack of valves.
  • Duck or diver, it had dived, and, though I waited for long minutes, it did not appear again.
  • I teamed up with peter Cornish who was one of the key divers who master-minded the recovery of Halifax W1048.
  • I went down like a diver submerging, the floor flowed over my head.
  • If a scuba diver is bitten by a shark in deep water, what color does the blood look?
  • So after supper with the Miyako divers I went with Nina to check that he was all right.
  • They were almost naked; the heavy garments divers always wear to keep warm had been discarded.
  • Two divers swim through a natural arch at one of the reef's coral heads.
word sets
accountant, nounactuary, nounadministrator, nounadviser, nounadvocate, nounamanuensis, nounarchivist, nounarmourer, nounauctioneer, nounaudiotypist, nounbackroom boy, nounbailiff, nounbaker, nounbanker, nounbarber, nounbargee, nounbarkeeper, nounbarker, nounbarmaid, nounbarman, nounbartender, nounbeachcomber, nounbeadle, nounbellboy, nounbellhop, nounbiographer, nounblacksmith, nounboatman, nounboatswain, nounbodyguard, nounboffin, nounbombardier, nounbookseller, nounboss, nounbotanist, nounbouncer, nounbreeder, nounbricklayer, nounbuckaroo, nounbuilder, nounbureaucrat, nounbutcher, nounbutler, nounbuyer, nouncabin boy, nouncabinet-maker, nouncareer counselor, nouncareers officer, nouncaretaker, nouncarpenter, nouncarter, nouncashier, nouncaterer, nounCEO, nouncertified public accountant, nounchairman, nounchambermaid, nounchandler, nounchar, nouncharlady, nouncharwoman, nounchef, nounchief executive officer, nounchief of staff, nounchildminder, nounchimney sweep, nouncleaner, nounclerk, nounclothier, nounclown, nouncoastguard, nouncobbler, nouncocktail waitress, nouncollier, nouncomedian, nouncomedienne, nouncomic, nouncommercial traveller, nouncommissionaire, nouncompositor, nounconcierge, nounconfectioner, nounconsultant, nouncook, nouncooper, nouncopy editor, nouncopywriter, nouncorrespondent, nouncostermonger, nouncounsellor, nouncourier, nouncowboy, nouncowgirl, nouncowhand, nouncowpoke, nounCPA, nouncraftsman, nouncrew, nouncrewman, nouncrofter, nouncroupier, nouncurator, nouncustodian, noundaily, noundairymaid, noundairyman, noundelivery man, noundesigner, noundesk clerk, noundetective, noundick, noundietician, noundinner lady, noundisc jockey, noundispatch rider, noundistrict nurse, noundiver, nounDJ, noundocent, noundocker, noundogcatcher, noundog warden, noundomestic, noundomestic service, noundoorkeeper, noundoorman, noundowser, noundramatist, noundraper, noundraughtsman, noundressmaker, noundriver, noundrover, noundruggist, noundustbin man, noundustman, nouneducationalist, nouneducator, nounelectrician, nounengineer, nounescort, nounessayist, nounestate agent, nounexecutive, nounfarmer, nounfarmhand, nounfarrier, nounfire chief, nounfirefighter, nounfireman, nounfirst mate, nounfirst officer, nounfishmonger, nounfitter, nounflorist, nounflower girl, nounforeman, nounforewoman, nounfrogman, nounfruiterer, nounfunctionary, nounfuneral director, nounfurrier, noungaffer, noungamekeeper, noungarbage collector, noungarbage man, noungardener, noungatekeeper, noungaucho, noungendarme, nounghost writer, nounglazier, noungoatherd, noungoldsmith, noungondolier, noungoverness, noungovernor, noungravedigger, noungreengrocer, noungrip, noungrocer, noungroom, noungroundsman, nounground staff, nounguard, nounguest worker, nounguide, noungunner, noungunsmith, nounhack, nounhandler, nounhandmaiden, nounhandyman, nounhangman, nounharvester, nounhatter, nounhawker, nounheadhunter, nounhead teacher, nounhelper, nounherald, nounherbalist, nounherdsman, nounhired hand, nounhireling, nounhistorian, nounhomemaker, nounhomeworker, nounhouse husband, nounhousewife, nouniceman, nounillustrator, nounimpersonator, nounimpresario, nounindustrialist, nouninnkeeper, nouninspector, nouninterior decorator, nouninterpreter, nouninvestigator, nounjanitor, nounjester, nounjeweller, nounjoiner, nounjourno, nounJP, nounjudge, nounkeeper, nounlamplighter, nounlandlady, nounlandlord, nounlibrarian, nounlocksmith, nounlongshoreman, nounmagician, nounmaid, nounmaid of honour, nounmaidservant, nounmail carrier, nounmailman, nounmaitre d', nounmajordomo, nounman, nounmanagement consultant, nounmanservant, nounmason, nounmasseur, nounmasseuse, nounmatador, nounmathematician, nounmechanic, nounmedic, nounmenial, adjectivemenial, nounmerchant seaman, nounmidwife, nounmilkmaid, nounmilkman, nounmilliner, nounminder, nounminer, nounminiaturist, nounminister, nounmodel, nounmortician, nounmover, nounmovie star, nounnanny, nounnavvy, nounnewscaster, nounnewsreader, nounnight porter, nounnight watchman, nounnovelist, nounnumber cruncher, nounnurse, nounnursemaid, nounnurseryman, nounnursery nurse, nounnursing, nounobstetrician, nounoccupation, nounodd-job man, nounoilman, nounold salt, nounoptician, nounostler, nounpacker, nounpaediatrician, nounpaediatrics, nounpageboy, nounpainter, nounpalmist, nounpaperboy, nounpaper girl, nounpaper-pusher, nounparachutist, nounparalegal, nounparamedic, nounpark keeper, nounparliamentarian, nounpathology, nounpawnbroker, nounpeasant, nounpedlar, nounpen pusher, nounpensioner, nounperformer, nounpersonal assistant, nounpharmacist, nounphotographer, nounpipe fitter, nounplanter, nounplasterer, nounplaywright, nounploughman, nounplumber, nounpoet, nounpolice, nounporter, nounpostman, nounpotter, nounpractitioner, nounprinter, nounprivate detective, nounprivate eye, nounprivate investigator, nounprivate practice, nounprivate secretary, nounpro, nounpro, adjectiveprobation officer, nounprofession, nounprofessional, adjectiveprofessional, nounprofessionally, adverbprogrammer, nounproperty developer, nounprostitute, nounpsychiatrist, nounpsychiatry, nounpsychoanalyst, nounpublican, nounpublic defender, nounpublicist, nounpublic prosecutor, nounpublic relations, nounpublisher, nounpurser, nounquantity surveyor, nounquestion master, nounrabbi, nounradiographer, nounradiologist, nounrag-and-bone-man, nounrancher, nounranger, nounreal estate agent, nounreceptionist, nounrecruit, nounrector, nounregistrar, nounrepo man, nounreporter, nounrestaurateur, nounretailer, nounreviewer, nounroadie, nounroad manager, nounrookie, nounroughneck, nounroustabout, nounsailor, nounsalesclerk, nounsalesgirl, nounsalesman, nounsalesperson, nounsales representative, nounsaleswoman, nounsanitation worker, nounscalper, nounschoolmaster, nounschoolmistress, nounschoolteacher, nounscout, nounscout, verbscrew, nounscribe, nounscrubber, nounsea captain, nounseaman, nounseamstress, nounsecretary, nounsecurity guard, nounsemi-professional, adjectiveservant, nounshepherd, nounshepherdess, nounship's chandler, nounshipwright, nounshoemaker, nounshopkeeper, nounsilversmith, nounsmith, nounsoldier, nounsoldier of fortune, nounspaceman, nounspiv, nounstallholder, nounstationer, nounsteeplejack, nounsteersman, nounsteno, nounstenographer, nounstevedore, nounstockbroker, nounstoker, nounstorekeeper, nounstraight man, nounstringer, nounstructural engineer, nounstylist, nounsubmariner, nounsuperintendent, nounsurveyor, nounsweep, nounswineherd, nountailor, nountanner, nountaster, nountattooist, nountaxidermist, nounteamster, nountelecommuter, nounteller, nountemp, nountemp, verbtinker, nountobacconist, nountown crier, nountrade, nountradesman, nountraffic warden, nountranslator, nountrapper, nountravel agent, nountravelling salesman, nountreasurer, nountroubleshooter, nountrucker, nounturner, nountypist, nountypographer, nounundertaker, noununderwriter, nounusher, nounusherette, nounusurer, nounvalet, nounvaluer, nounvice-president, nounvideo jockey, nounvillein, nounvintner, nounvocation, nounvocational, adjectivewaiter, nounwaitress, nounwallah, nounwarden, nounwarder, nounwasherwoman, nounwatchmaker, nounwatchman, nounweaver, nounwelder, nounwhaler, nounwheelwright, nounwindow cleaner, nounwindow dresser, nounwoodcutter, nounwoodsman, nounworkman, nounWPC, nounwrangler, nounwriter, nounyeoman, nounzoo-keeper, noun
· I love camping and am an active scuba diver, both of which mean interaction.· Teams of scuba divers have injected thousands of them with copper.· ANTI-NORAS: As in scuba divers.· As the pressure increases, so does the amount of nitrogen forced into the bloodstream of a SCUBA diver.
1someone who swims or works under water using special equipment to help them breathe2someone who jumps into water with their head and arms first




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