

单词 disinformation
disinformationdis‧in‧for‧ma‧tion /ˌdɪsɪnfəˈmeɪʃən $ -fər-/ noun [uncountable] Examples
  • Logan said government agents are still spreading disinformation about leaders of the political reform movement.
  • Wallace says his job was to spread government disinformation to extremist groups.
  • But the disinformation was not what bothered Dash about the book and the bowl.
  • But the larger picture is systematically distorted by the military and political calculations concerning the strategic uses of information and disinformation.
  • If they exist, these pictures come from specialists in disinformation with a grudge.
  • In a democracy, we respect the opinions of others while remaining aware of what we call systematic disinformation.
  • In a meeting, Mrs Aquino said the rebels had a started a disinformation campaign to weaken her government.
  • Inquisitive journalists were told that any contamination was so negligible that it couldn't be measured, a clear piece of disinformation.
  • The secretiveness of the regime and the often seemingly wilful disinformation provided by its opponents makes matters worse.
  • Williamson is well known to have been a highly successful spy, and high up in the apartheid regime's disinformation network.
Longman Language Activatorsomething untrue that is said or written
something that you say which you know is not true: · Jim said that he was planning to stay home and watch TV, but I knew it was a lie.lie about: · How can the newspapers print all these lies about her?a pack of lies (=so many lies that you feel shocked or angry): · He called the report "a pack of lies".a bald-faced/an outright/a downright lie (=a clear and shocking lie): · Davenport said the congressman's allegations were nothing more than "downright lies".
a lie that does not harm anyone, especially one that is told in order to avoid hurting someone's feelings: · It's just a little white lie. No real harm done.· I told him his suit looked wonderful, which was a white lie.· "I'm sorry I couldn't come. I had a really bad headache," she explained, resorting to a white lie.
informal a lie, especially one that is not very important: · You're not telling me a fib, are you?fib about: · I had to make up some fib about why I was late.
formal an untrue statement or story, especially one that has been carefully and deliberately invented to give people the wrong idea about someone or something: · Mudge, in a written statement Wednesday, said the article was a collection of "falsehoods and misinformation".spread a falsehood: · Why Campbell had chosen to spread such a falsehood is a mystery.
a statement that is almost a lie because it does not tell the whole truth about something: · McCarthy's blend of half-truths and lies ruined many careers in government and the professions.· Forbes' book on Bonham is littered with half-truths, and, in some cases, outright lies.
incorrect information, especially information that is deliberately intended to deceive people: · According to Kramer, the Internet is a storehouse of lies and misinformation.misinformation about: · "For months, the Democrats have run television commercials filled with misinformation about the Republican Party," said Dawson.
false information which is given deliberately in order to hide the truth or confuse people, especially in political situations: · The Russian Foreign Ministry denounced the report as "disinformation".disinformation about: · Logan said government agents are still spreading disinformation about leaders of the political reform movement.
false or partly false information that is spread by a government or political organization, in order to make people support and agree with their political aims and beliefs: · Propaganda is a tool of war.Communist/US etc propaganda: · Radio Marti is still there, spewing its US propaganda across the waters toward Cuba.propaganda campaign (=an organized plan to spread propaganda): · In Najaf, Khomeini had begun a propaganda campaign against the Shah.anti-Western/anti-Communist/anti-Labour etc propaganda: · a piece of anti-Communist propaganda
when people tell lies about someone in the newspapers, on television etc, in order to make people have a bad opinion of that person: mount a smear campaign against somebody: · The Labour Party mounted a smear campaign against Livingstone before the election.
amplitude, nounAV, beam, verbcall letters, nouncall sign, nounconsole, nouncopier, nouncopyright, nouncoverage, nouncryptography, nouncuneiform, adjectivecypher, noundigital, adjectivedigitize, verbdirectional, adjectivedisinformation, noundisquisition, noundisseminate, verbdocument, verbedit, verbeditor, nounelectronic mail, nounemail, nounfax, nounfax, verbfibre optics, nounfrequency, nounindex, nouninformation science, nouninformation technology, nounintercom, nounloudhailer, nounloudspeaker, nounmedia, nounmedia studies, nounmedium, nounmicrofilm, nounmonitor, nounmultimedia, adjectivenetwork, nounnetwork, verbnews conference, nounnewsreel, nounnonverbal, adjectiveopinion-makers, nounoptical fibre, nounover, adverboverhead, nounoverhead projector, nounPA, nounpage, verbpager, nounpalimpsest, nounpapyrus, nounpenmanship, nounradio beacon, nounradio-cassette player, nounradiogram, nounrecord, nounreissue, verbreportage, nounscramble, verbsemaphore, nounsmoke signal, nounsound wave, nounsurfing, nounTannoy, nountelecommunications, nountransceiver, nountransponder, nounvideo conferencing, nounVideotex, nounvoice print, nounwalkie-talkie, noun
Word family
WORD FAMILYnouninformantinformationinformermisinformationdisinformationadjectiveinformativeuninformativeinformeduninformedverbinformmisinformadverbinformatively
false information which is given deliberately in order to hide the truth or confuse people, especially in political situationsmisinformation:  government disinformation about the effects of nuclear testing




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