

单词 disarmament
disarmamentdis‧ar‧ma‧ment /dɪsˈɑːməmənt $ -ˈɑːr-/ noun [uncountable] Examples
  • Far from being a defeat, Reykjavik was a milepost, a turning point in disarmament negotiations.
  • He said that he thought it wrong to encourage a military spirit, and that it was contrary to the ideals of disarmament.
  • If we go along with the present approach we shall have unilateral economic disarmament and many crucial matters will be decided elsewhere.
  • The spiritual and physical disarmament of all nations has been one of its essential teachings.
  • This is because there is no organised nuclear peace movement in the subcontinent to provide a focus for the disarmament constituency.
  • Throughout the world they are the banner bearers of the struggles for unilateral nuclear disarmament.
  • Unilateral disarmament for Britain was the policy of the right hon. Gentleman.
word sets
action stations, nounaide-de-camp, nounairborne, adjectiveaircraft carrier, nounairlift, nounallied, adjectivearmour, nounarms control, nounarms race, nounarray, verbassault course, nounAWOL, adjectivebalance of power, nounbandmaster, nounbandsman, nounbase, nounbattle, nounbattle, verbbattle cry, nounbattlefield, nounbattlements, nounbeachhead, nounbivouac, nounblackout, nounblast, verbblitz, nounblockade, nounblockade, verbblockhouse, nounbloodshed, nounbody bag, nounbody count, nounbomb, verbbombard, verbbombardment, nounbomb disposal, nounboot camp, nounbowman, nounbreastplate, nounbridgehead, nounbunker, nouncall-up, nouncannonade, nouncapability, nouncaptain, nouncapture, nouncarrier, nouncashier, verbcenotaph, nounchief of staff, nouncitation, nouncivil defence, nounC.O., nouncommand, nouncommand, verbcommandant, nouncommander, nouncommander in chief, nouncommand post, nouncommissariat, nouncommissary, nouncommission, nouncommissioned officer, nounconquer, verbconquest, nounconscientious objector, nounconscript, verbconscript, nounconscription, nounconvoy, verbcookhouse, nounCorp., corporal, nouncorps, nouncounterinsurgency, nouncounterintelligence, nouncountermand, verbcounter-revolution, nouncourt-martial, nouncourt-martial, verbcross, noundawn raid, noundeath camp, noundemilitarize, verbdemobilize, verbdeploy, verbdetonate, verbdisarm, verbdisarmament, noundispatch, noundraft board, noundraft card, noundraft dodger, noundraftee, noundress uniform, noundrum major, noundump, nounechelon, nounencamp, verbenemy, nounengage, verbengagement, nounenlist, verbenlisted, adjectiveexchange, nounex-serviceman, nounex-servicewoman, nounfield, verbfirst lieutenant, nounfirst strike, nounflak jacket, nounflash, nounfort, nounfortress, nounfoxhole, nounFPO, front, noungas mask, noungeneral headquarters, nounGHQ, nounguardhouse, nounheadquarters, nounhigh command, nounHQ, nounincursion, nounindefensible, adjectiveinsignia, nouninstallation, nouninsubordination, nounintelligence, nouninternment, nouninvade, verbinvader, nouninvasion, nounkit bag, nounKP, nounlieutenant, nounline, nounMaj., major, nounmajor general, nounman, nounmarch, verbmarch, nounmarch-past, nounmarshal, nounmassacre, nounmassacre, verbmess, nounmess, verbmilitarism, nounmilitarized, adjectiveMilitary Academy, nounMilitary Cross, nounmilitary service, nounmilitia, nounmilitiaman, nounminuteman, nounmission, nounMP, nounmutineer, nounmutinous, adjectivemutiny, nounnational service, nounNATO, nounNCO, nounno-man's-land, nounnon-aggression, nounnon-aligned, adjectivenon-combatant, nounobjective, nounobservation post, nounoccupation, nounoccupy, verboffence, nounoffensive, adjectiveoffensive, nounofficer, nounoperation, nounorderly, nounoutflank, verboutpost, nounoverthrow, verboverwhelm, verbpact, nounpadre, nounparade, nounparamilitary, adjectiveparapet, nounpartisan, nounpassword, nounpatrol, nounperilous, adjectiveperiscope, nounpillbox, nounpincer movement, nounpost, verbPOW, nounpre-war, adjectiveprisoner, nounprisoner of war, nounPurple Heart, nounpush, nounputsch, nounPX, nounquarter, verbquartermaster, nounquell, verbR & R, nounraid, nounraid, verbrank, nounrebellion, nounrecapture, verbreconnaissance, nounreconnoitre, verbrecruit, verbrecruit, nounreinforce, verbrelieve, verbRemembrance Day, nounrepel, verbrequisition, verbretake, verbretire, verbretreat, verbretreat, nounreview, nounreview, verbribbon, nounsabre-rattling, nounsally, nounsalute, verbsalute, nounsalvo, nounsamurai, nounscorched earth policy, nounscout, nounscout, verbscramble, verbsecond lieutenant, nounsentinel, nounsentry, nounsentry box, nounsergeant, nounsergeant major, nounserviceman, nounservicewoman, nounSgt., shell, verbshelling, nounsiege, nounskirmish, nounstaff officer, nounstaging area, nounstandard-issue, adjectivestar, nounstation, nounstation, verbstrategic, adjectivestrategist, nounstrategy, nounstripe, nounstronghold, nounsuperpower, nounsuppress, verbsurgical strike, nounsurrender, verbsurrender, nountactical, adjectivetarget, nountarget, verbtask force, nountattoo, nountheatre, nountrench warfare, nountripwire, nountruce, nounturret, noununarmed, adjectiveunoccupied, adjectivevalour, nounveteran, nounvolunteer, nounvolunteer, verbwar chest, nounwar crime, nounwar cry, nounwar dance, nounwar effort, nounwarfare, nounwarhorse, nounwarlike, adjectivewarlord, nounwar memorial, nounwarmonger, nounwarrant officer, nounwarring, adjectivewarrior, nounwar-torn, adjectivewar widow, nounwar zone, nounwounded, adjectivezero hour, noun
(=reduction of nuclear weapons)· Nuclear disarmament had begun to be a popular political issue.
(=involving several different countries)· It might be possible to negotiate some form of multilateral disarmament in the region.
(=involving only one country)· The United States adopted a policy of unilateral disarmament as a way to avoid another war.
(=involving two countries)· Each side claims to favour mutual disarmament.
disarmament + NOUN
· United Nations disarmament negotiations started today.
· There will be US-Russian talks on a new disarmament treaty.
· The disarmament process seems to have come to a halt.
· the growth of the nuclear disarmament movement in the 1950s
(=when one country gets rid of its own nuclear weapons without waiting for other countries to do the same)
· She spoke frequently in the Debating Society in favour of progressive causes such as abortion, animal rights, state education and nuclear disarmament.· He had seen total nuclear disarmament in the grasp of his President, then seen it slip away.· Might this not be the moment to give nuclear disarmament a push, by keeping the test-ban promise?· Throughout the world they are the banner bearers of the struggles for unilateral nuclear disarmament.· Would it be safe in the hands of a party two thirds of whose members are committed to one-sided nuclear disarmament?
· If we go along with the present approach we shall have unilateral economic disarmament and many crucial matters will be decided elsewhere.· Throughout the world they are the banner bearers of the struggles for unilateral nuclear disarmament.· Their new Social Democratic Party favoured multilateral disarmament as opposed to unilateral nuclear disarmament.· Not so long ago Mr Kinnock was strongly committed to unilateral disarmament.· As late as last year a narrow conference majority wanted to hold the party to unilateral nuclear disarmament.· Here Mr Kinnock should set out clearly why, in the Gorbachev era, negotiated rather than unilateral disarmament is almost always preferable.· The executive is recommending rejection of a motion calling for unilateral disarmament.· This was solved by the nuclear genes enforcing their preference for peace through unilateral disarmament.
· The challenge for the negotiators was as great as for any disarmament treaty.· And it could monitor the implementation of disarmament treaties.
when a country reduces the number of weapons it has, or the size of its army, navy etc:  a commitment to worldwide nuclear disarmamentCOLLOCATIONSadjectivesnuclear disarmament (=reduction of nuclear weapons)· Nuclear disarmament had begun to be a popular political issue.multilateral disarmament (=involving several different countries)· It might be possible to negotiate some form of multilateral disarmament in the region.unilateral disarmament (=involving only one country)· The United States adopted a policy of unilateral disarmament as a way to avoid another war.mutual disarmament (=involving two countries)· Each side claims to favour mutual disarmament.disarmament + NOUNdisarmament negotiations/talks· United Nations disarmament negotiations started today.a disarmament treaty/agreement· There will be US-Russian talks on a new disarmament treaty.the disarmament process· The disarmament process seems to have come to a halt.the nuclear disarmament movement· the growth of the nuclear disarmament movement in the 1950s




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