

单词 diplomat
diplomatdip‧lo‧mat /ˈdɪpləmæt/ ●●○ noun [countable] Word Origin
1800-1900 French diplomate, from diplomatique; DIPLOMATIC
  • Ambassador Thompson is an experienced diplomat who has served in France, South America, and the Middle East.
  • As a natural diplomat, Baxter found it easy to get the two sides to agree.
  • British and Argentinian diplomats met to discuss peace.
  • A shoplifting diplomat caught on videotape was prosecuted by his own government.
  • Even so, a single diplomat may be called upon to serve at different times in a variety of capacities.
  • Jefferson sent his request by way of diplomats he knew who knew her, and she took months to respond.
  • So far as systematic training of diplomats was concerned, therefore, the eighteenth century saw projects and suggestions, but little lasting achievement.
  • The recently arrived cultural attache, Ian Sloane, was among the diplomats to be sent home.
  • These diplomats have never seen a famine.
Longman Language Activatorsomeone who officially represents their government
· Ambassador Thompson is an experienced diplomat who has served in France, South America, and the Middle East.· British and Argentinian diplomats met to discuss peace.
relating to the people who officially represent their government in a foreign country: · Most members of the European diplomatic community have already left the country as war now seems inevitable.diplomatic service (=the government department that employs diplomats): · He joined the diplomatic service and was posted to Ankara.diplomatic relations (=the relationship between governments that depends on having diplomats in each others' countries): · The governments of Britain and Syria are anxious to re-establish diplomatic relations.
a diplomat of the highest rank who is the official representative of their government in a foreign country: a British/French/US etc ambassador: · Sir Auckland Geddes is the British ambassador to Washington,ambassador to: · Ms Takahashi was the first Japanese woman ever to be appointed ambassador to a foreign country.
the group of people who are sent to live in a foreign country in order to officially represent their government in that country: the British/French/American etc embassy: · Travellers in Spain who are worried about the situation are advised to contact the British Embassy in Madrid.· The American Embassy employs 50 local people in administrative positions.
accession, nounaccredited, adjectiveaide, nounambassador, nounapparatchik, nounarchduke, nounassemblyman, nounassemblywoman, nounattaché, nounbadge, nounborough council, nouncaliph, nounchamberlain, nounchancellery, nounchancellor, nounChancellor of the Exchequer, nounchieftain, nouncity fathers, nouncity planning, nouncivil servant, nounclerk, nounclerk of works, nounCllr, commissioner, nouncomptroller, nouncongressman, nouncongresswoman, nounconsul, nounconsulate, nouncoroner, nouncouncillor, nouncouncilman, nouncouncilwoman, nouncourtier, nouncrown, nouncrown, verbcrowned head, nounCrown Prince, nounCrown Princess, nounCustoms and Excise, noun-cy, suffixczar, nounczarina, noundeputy, noundictator, noundignitary, noundiplomat, noundiplomatic, adjectivediplomatic corps, noundiplomatic immunity, noundispatch box, noundispensation, noun-dom, suffixdossier, noundrug czar, nounducal, adjectiveduchess, nounduchy, nounduke, noundukedom, nounelder statesman, nounembassy, nounemirate, nounemissary, nounemperor, nounempress, nounEurocrat, nounfigurehead, nounForeign Office, the, governor, nounGovernor-General, noungovernorship, noungubernatorial, adjectivehack, nounHome Secretary, nounimpeach, verbinaugurate, verbincumbency, nounincumbent, nounkhalif, nounkhan, nounlegate, nounlegation, nounlegislator, nounlocal council, nounlord, nounLord, nounmandarin, nounmarshal, nounmayor, nounmayoralty, nounmayoress, nounmember, nounMember of Parliament, nounMEP, nounMI5, nounMI6, nounminister, nounministerial, adjectiveminister of state, nounmission, nounmole, nounmonarch, nounmonitor, nounmotorcade, nounMP, nounNo. 10, occupy, verb-ocrat, suffixoffice, nounoffice holder, nounofficer, nounofficial, nounofficial, adjectiveofficialdom, nounofficialese, nounoverlord, nounpalace, nounpatriarchal, adjectivepatrician, adjectivePharaoh, nounplenipotentiary, nounPM, nounpost, verbposting, nounpotentate, nounPPS, nounprefect, nounpremier, nounpres., presidency, nounpresident, nounpresident-elect, nounpresidential, adjectivepress secretary, nounpretender, nounPrime Minister, nounprince, nounprince consort, nounprincess, nounproconsul, nounproconsulate, nounProvost, nounpublic servant, nounquango, nounqueen, nounqueenly, adjectiveQueen Mother, nounrajah, nounred tape, nounreeve, nounreign, nounreign, verbreshuffle, nounroyal, adjectiveroyal, nounroyalty, nounruler, nounsecretary, nounsenator, nounShah, nounsheriff, nounshogun, nounsovereign, nounsoviet, nounstatesman, nounsuccession, nounsultan, nounsultana, nountechnocrat, nountown clerk, nountown council, nountribune, nountriumvirate, nountroika, nountsar, nountsarina, nountzar, nountzarina, nounundersecretary, nounvice-president, nounviceroy, nounvizier, nounVP, nounwalkabout, nounwatchdog, nounwhip, nounWhite House, noun
· We taxied towards the buildings and a little party of figures came to meet us as if they were welcoming a foreign diplomat.· Only two foreign diplomats have been involved in violent deaths in the United States.· An early return to civilian rule is endangered, according to politicians and foreign diplomats.· This claim was greeted with scepticism by both campaigners and foreign diplomats.
· He smoked and drank heavily, and his language was rich in expletives even when mixing with senior diplomats and politicians.· The perfect ambassador's wife, according to one of the senior diplomats who had been delighted to promote her husband.
· Cheltenham was outside the radius around London within which Soviet diplomats and journalists could roam free.· These recollections, centred around one Soviet diplomat, track back and forth over the years.· Among those present was the journalist who, with two Soviet diplomats, had recently been expelled from London.
· But it has given rise to two main worries among western diplomats in Bonn.· Neurological, according to a Western diplomat.· Despite the rebel gains, Western diplomats have been upbeat in recent days about the prospects for peace.· To make matters worse, in the opinion of some Western diplomats, these sources could actually shrink.· We all knew what was happening-surely Western diplomats could not be blind to what was going on?· A Western diplomat speculated that Rodionov may be preparing to quit.
· Hurd, a former career diplomat and Foreign Office Minister of State, was the obvious choice as his successor.
· Neurological, according to a Western diplomat.
· Marginalized people are simply creating their own society, says the retired diplomat.
1someone who officially represents their government in a foreign countryambassador:  French diplomats2someone who is good at dealing with people without upsetting them




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