

单词 dime store
dime storeˈdime store noun [countable] American English word sets
after-sales service, agro-industry, nounarcade, nounB2B exchange, nounB2C, adjectivebakery, nounbar code, nounbargain, nounbarrier to trade, nounbarrow, nounbazaar, nounbid, nounbid, verbbidding, nounbid-rigging, nounboard of directors, nounBOL, bonded factory, bookshop, nounbookstall, nounbookstore, nounbook token, nounboom, nounboom, verbboot sale, nounboutique, nounboxed, adjectivebreakdown clause, B/S, business agent, business interruption insurance, business liability insurance, buyback, nounbuyer, nounbuying power, C&F, callback, nouncarrying charge, cash and carry, nouncash basis, nouncash desk, nouncash discount, nouncash generation, cash price, cash register, nouncasualty insurance, CFI, CFR, chain store, nounchamber of trade, nouncheckout, nounCIF, CIP, clearance sale, nounclosed-door policy, nounComdex, nouncommercial agent, common ownership, comparative advantage, competitive advantage, competitive strategy, completion date, concessionaire, nounconsign, verbconsignee, nounconsignment, nounconsignor, nounconsolidator, nounconsumer, nounconsumer confidence, nounconsumerism, nounconsumer society, nouncontinuous improvement, conversion rate, corn exchange, nouncorporate investment, cost, nouncost price, nouncreative brief, credit, nouncredit account, nouncredit control, credit note, nouncreditor turnover rate, nouncredit terms, credit voucher, nouncustom, nouncustomer, nouncustomer capital, cutover, nouncut-price, adjectivedealership, noundebit account, declaration insurance, deliverable, noundelivery date, delivery receipt, deputy chairman, dime store, noundirect investment, disability insurance, discount, noundiscounting, noundispenser, noundistribute, verbdistributive, adjectivedocket, noundocumentary credit, domestic investment, draft terms, draper, noundrive-in, noundrive-in store, -driven, suffixdrop-shipping, nounDutch auction, nounearnings, nounEFQM Excellence Model, electronic point of sale, embargo, verbemporium, nounescalator clause, escape clause, executive chairman, expiration date, export, nounexport, verbexport credit, exporter, nounexport insurance, extended credit, external competitiveness, EXW, factory shop, fair dealing, financial investment, first-tier supplier, flat, adjectiveflea market, nounfleet terms, florist, nounfor-profit, adjectivefree market, nounfree port, nounfreight, nounfreight, verbfront end, nounfutures market, noungift certificate, noungift token, noungift-wrap, verbgiveaway, nounglut, noungoodwill, noungrandfather clause, greengrocer, noungross margin, noungross national product, noungross profit, nounguaranteed price, halo effect, handle, verbhandling charge, nounhigh street, nounhome product, hookup, nounHP, nounindent, nounindirect sale, industrial estate, nouninstallment plan, nouninstalment, nounInternet Service Provider, inventory, nouninvestment goods, invoice, nouninvoice, verbjob order, kanban system, layaway, nounleasing, nounliability insurance, license, verbline, nounlist price, nounlong-term credit, loss leader, nounlot, nounlumberyard, nounmail order, nounmarkdown, nounmarket, nounmarket-driven, adjectivemarket economy, nounmarket forces, nounmarketing, nounmarket leader, nounmarket-led, adjectivemarket price, nounmarket research, nounmarket value, nounmark-up, nounmedium-term credit, mercantile, adjectivemerchandise, nounmerchandiser, nounmerchant, nounMNC, MNE, move, verbmultiple, nounmultiple store, nounoff, adverboffer, nounoff-the-shelf, adjectiveo.n.o., open, adjectiveopen, verbopening hours, nounorder, nounorder, verbOTC, out, adverboutbid, verboutpost, nounoutsell, verboverbid, verboverbook, verboversubscribed, adjectiveovertrade, verbown brand, adjectiveown label, adjectivepackage, verbpackage deal, nounpackager, nounpackaging, nounpacket, nounparade, nounpart exchange, nounpass-along, nounpass-through, nounpeddle, verbpedlar, nounperformance guarantee, perfumery, nounpetty cash, nounpitch, nounplaza, nounpoint of sale, nounprice, nounprice, verbprice fixing, nounprice-fixing, nounprice list, nounprice tag, nounprice war, nounprivate company, private investment, problem child, nounproducer, nounproduction control, profit, nounprofit margin, nounpro forma invoice, nounpro-forma invoice, property and liability insurance, proprietary, adjectivepunter, nounpurchase, verbpurchase, nounpurveyor, nounpyramid selling, nounquotation, nounrake-off, nounready-to-wear, adjectivereal estate, nounreceipt, nounrefund, verbregular, nounrelaunch, nounremnant, nounrent, verbrent, nounrental, nounreorder, verbresell, verbreserve, nounretail, nounretail, verbretail, adverbretailer, nounretailing, nounretail park, nounrevolving credit, sale, nounsales channel, sales slip, nounsecond-tier supplier, secured credit, self-service, adjectivesell-by date, nounseller, nounseller's market, nounselling, nounselling price, nounserve, verbservice, nounservice agreement, service bureau, nounsettlement date, sex shop, nounshelf life, nounship, verbshopfitting, nounshopping centre, nounshopping mall, nounshopping precinct, nounshop-soiled, adjectiveshopworn, adjectiveshort-term credit, showcase, nounshowroom, nounshrink-wrapped, adjectivesister company, soft sell, nounsolicit, verbsouk, nounspecial, nounSRP, stand, nounstand-alone, adjectivestaple, nounstartup, nounstationer, nounstock, nounstockist, nounstockroom, nounstocktaking, nounstoppage in transit, nounstore brand, nounstorefront, nounstreet price, strip mall, nounstructural analysis, supermarket, nounsuperstore, nounsurcharge, nounsurcharge, verbtake-up, nountakings, nountelesales, nountender, verbthrift shop, nounthroughput, nounticket, nounticket, verbtill, nountout, verbtrade discount, nountrade fair, nountrade-in, nountrademark, nountradename, nountrade name, nountrade price, nountrader, nountrade route, nountrade secret, nountradesman, nountrading estate, nountrading post, nountraffic, nountrafficker, nountrigger point, uneconomic, adjectiveunit price, noununsecured credit, upfront fee, wares, nounwarranty, nounwholesale, nounwholesale, adjectivewholesaler, nounwinding up, noun
a shop that sells many different kinds of cheap goods, especially for the house




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