

单词 devolution
devolutionde‧vo‧lu‧tion /ˌdiːvəˈluːʃən/ noun [uncountable] Examples
  • Cronkite expressed surprise at the devolution of TV news into little more than soundbites.
  • However, devolution is already quite a commonplace activity in many educational establishments around the world.
  • No doubt that was one reason for the deep-rooted Labour hostility to devolution, and there were other reasons.
  • One form of horizontal devolution has been a feature of the constitution of the United Kingdom for centuries.
  • The history of devolution has been a chequered one in our country, perhaps since the second world war.
  • The latter were given a choice between fast-and slow-track devolution.
  • The regimes under which nationalised industries function are by no means the only examples of vertical devolution under the United Kingdom constitution at present.
  • Their policies on devolution seemed to be going awry.
  • This is what I would also like to see happen throughout Great Britain, with devolution and regional assemblies.
word sets
absolutism, nounadministration, nounagency, nounagent, nounagent provocateur, nounalderman, nounally, nounassembly, nounautarchy, nounautocracy, nounautocrat, nounautonomous, adjectiveautonomy, nounban, nounbaron, nounbig government, nounbilateral, adjectivebody politic, nounbudget, nounbureau, nounbureaucracy, nouncabinet, nouncaliphate, nouncanton, nouncanvass, verbcapital, nouncapitalist, nounCapitol Hill, nounCBE, nouncede, verbcentral, adjectivecentral government, nouncentralism, nouncentralize, verbchancellery, nounchancery, nouncharter, nouncharter, verbchief, nounCIA, the, city hall, nouncity-state, nounclient state, nounCo., coalition, nouncold war, nouncolonial, adjectivecolonial, nouncolonialism, nouncolonize, verbcolony, nouncommissioner, nouncommune, nounconsort, nounconstitution, nounconstitutional, adjectiveconstitutionality, nounconvention, nouncoronation, nouncount, nouncounterintelligence, nouncountess, nouncounty, nouncounty council, noundecolonize, verbdemocracy, noundemocratic, adjectivedependency, noundespotism, noundétente, noundethrone, verbdevolution, noundictatorial, adjectivedictatorship, noundiplomacy, noundiplomatic immunity, noundirective, noundisinformation, noundispatch, noundispensation, noundissent, verbdistrict council, noundocumentation, nounDOD, dominion, nounDowning Street, noundynasty, nounearl, nounearldom, nounempire, nounEuro, adjectiveEurope, nounexecutive, nounexecutive privilege, nounfall, verbfall, nounfederalism, nounfeudal, adjectivefeudalism, nounfeudalistic, adjectivegazette, nounhead of state, nounhigh commission, nounimperial, adjectiveindependence, nounindependent, adjectiveinfrastructure, nouninstigate, verbinsurgent, nouninsurrection, nounintelligence, nouninternal, adjectivejunket, nounjunta, nounkingdom, nounkingship, nounkitchen cabinet, nounland office, nounland registry, nounlegation, nounlegislature, nounlicensed, adjectivelocal authority, nounlocal government, nounmaharajah, nounmaharani, nounmandate, nounmandated, adjectivemartial law, nounMBE, nounmeasure, nounmidterm, nounministry, nounminority government, nounmisrule, nounmonarchy, nounmonolith, nounmonolithic, adjectivemoratorium, nounmouthpiece, nounmove, verbmover, nounmunicipal, adjectivemunicipality, nounNASA, nounnational, adjectivenational debt, nounNational Health Service, the, nationalize, verbnational monument, nounnation state, nounNATO, nounneocolonialism, nounneutral, adjectiveneutral, nounneutralize, verbnon-aligned, adjectivenon-intervention, nounnon-proliferation, noun-ocracy, suffix-ocrat, suffixofficiate, verboligarchy, nounoperational, adjectiveoperative, nounoverthrow, verboverthrow, nounoverturn, verbpacify, verbpact, nounpalatinate, nounpardon, nounparish, nounpartition, nounpass, verbpeer, nounpeer, verbpeerage, nounpeeress, nounpermit, nounplenary, adjectiveplutocracy, nounpolice state, nounpolitburo, nounpolitical science, nounpolity, nounpork, nounpork barrel, nounportfolio, nounpossession, nounprecinct, nounprefecture, nounpremiership, nounpresidium, nounprotectorate, nounpublic, adjectivepublic service, nounquota, nounR, ratify, verbrealm, nounrecall, nounrecognition, nounrecognize, verbregency, nounregent, nounregime, nounregister, nounregulation, nounrelease, nounrepeal, verbrepresentative, nounrepressive, adjectiverepublic, nounrepublican, adjectiverescind, verbreunify, verbrevoke, verbrising, nounroyalist, nounruling, adjectivesanction, nounseat, nounsecret agent, nounsecurity service, nounself-governing, adjectiveself-rule, nounsheikh, nounshire, nounsocial democracy, nounsocialist, adjectivesocial service, nounsovereign, adjectivesovereignty, nounspin doctor, nounstaff, nounstate, nounstatehood, nounStatehouse, nounstate line, nounstate of emergency, nounstatewide, adjectivesubject, adjectivesubject, verbsultanate, nounsummit, nounsuperpower, nounsuppress, verbsupranational, adjectivesurgery, nounsuzerainty, nountechnocracy, nounterritory, nounthrone, nountopple, verbtotalitarian, adjectivetown planning, nountownship, nountransit visa, nountreaty, nountribalism, nountripartite, adjectivetrusteeship, nountsarism, nountyrant, nountzarism, noununconstitutional, adjectiveunification, noununify, verbunilateral, adjectiveunion, nounUnion Jack, nounvassal, nounVIP, nounviscount, nounviscountess, nounwelfare state, nounWhitehall, noun
when a national government gives power to a group or organization at a lower or more local leveldevolutionist adjectivedevolutionist noun [countable]




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