

单词 demist
demistde‧mist /ˌdiːˈmɪst/ verb [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theydemist
he, she, itdemists
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theydemisted
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave demisted
he, she, ithas demisted
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad demisted
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill demist
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have demisted
Continuous Form
PresentIam demisting
he, she, itis demisting
you, we, theyare demisting
PastI, he, she, itwas demisting
you, we, theywere demisting
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been demisting
he, she, ithas been demisting
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been demisting
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be demisting
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been demisting
word sets
ABS, nounacceleration, nounaccelerator, nounairbag, nounambulance, nounantifreeze, nounanti-lock braking system, nounaquaplane, verbarmoured car, nounarticulated, adjectiveauto, nounautomatic, nounautomatic transmission, nounautomobile, nounaxle, nounbackfire, verbback seat, nounbanger, nounbeater, nounbeep, verbbike, nounbiker, nounblind spot, nounblow, verbblowout, nounbody, nounbodywork, nounbonnet, nounbookmobile, nounboot, nounboot, verbbreakdown truck, nounbrights, nounbroadside, verbbulldozer, nounbumper, nounbumper sticker, nounbus, nounbus, verbbus pass, nounbus station, nouncab, nouncab rank, nouncabriolet, nouncabstand, nounCadillac, nouncar, nouncar alarm, nouncarburettor, nouncar park, nouncar pool, nouncarport, nouncarrier, nouncar wash, nounCaterpillar, nouncentral locking, nounchange, verbcharabanc, nounchoke, nounclamp, nounclunker, nouncoach station, nouncoachwork, nouncockpit, nouncompact, nouncompany car, nounconvertible, nouncorner, verbcoupé, nouncourtesy, adjectivecover note, nouncrack-up, nouncrankshaft, nouncrash helmet, nouncruise, verbcruise control, nouncruiser, nouncycle, noundashboard, noundefog, verbdefrost, verbdemist, verbdepot, noundesignated driver, noundiesel, noundiesel fuel, noundifferential gear, noundipstick, noundirt bike, noundirt track, noundisc brakes, noundisengage, verbdismount, verbdistributor, noundouble-decker, noundouble-park, verbdrag race, noundragster, noundrink-driving, noundrive, verbdrive, noundriver, noundriver's education, noundriver's license, noundrive shaft, noundrive-through, noundriving licence, noundriving school, noundriving test, noundrunk driving, noundump truck, noundune buggy, noundust cart, nounemergency brake, nounestate car, nounexcavator, nounexpress, nounfan belt, nounfare, nounfender, nounfender-bender, nounfiller cap, nounfilling station, nounfilter, nounfilter, verbfin, nounfire, verbfire engine, nounfirst gear, nounfishtail, verbflat, adjectiveflat, nounfloorboard, nounfog lamp, nounfour-star, nounfour-wheel drive, nounfreewheel, verbfuel injection, nounfull lock, noungarage, noungarage, verbgarbage truck, noungas-guzzler, noungasohol, noungasoline, noungas pedal, noungas station, noungear, noungearbox, noungear lever, noungear shift, noungear stick, nounglove compartment, noungo-cart, noungo-kart, noungreen light, noungrille, noungritter, nounguardrail, nounhack, nounhackney carriage, nounhandbrake, nounhandlebars, nounhatchback, nounhaulage, nounhazard lights, nounheadlamp, nounheadlight, nounheadroom, nounheap, nounhearse, nounheavy goods vehicle, nounHGV, nounhigh beams, nounhigh-octane, adjectiveHighway Code, nounhijacking, nounhit-and-run, adjectivehitchhike, verbhonk, nounhonk, verbhood, nounhoot, nounhoot, verbhopped-up, adjectivehorsebox, nounhorse trailer, nounhot rod, nounhot-wire, verbhubcap, nounhydroplane, verbignition, nounindicate, verbindicator, nouninner tube, nouninternal combustion engine, nounjack-knife, verbjalopy, nounJeep, nounjuggernaut, nounjump, verbjumper cables, nounjump leads, nounjump-start, verbkickstand, nounkick-start, verbkick-start, nounKlaxon, nounlead-free, adjectivelearner's permit, nounleft-hand drive, adjectivelicense plate, nounlight, nounlimo, nounlimousine, nounlocal, nounlock, verblock, nounlog book, nounlorry, nounlow gear, nounL-plate, nounmagneto, nounmanifold, nounmechanic, nounmeter maid, nounmileage, nounmileometer, nounmilk float, nounminibus, nounminicab, nounminivan, nounmisfire, verbmoped, nounMOT, nounmotocross, nounmotor, nounmotor, adjectivemotor, verbmotorbike, nounmotorcade, nounmotor car, nounmotorcycle, nounmotor home, nounmotoring, nounmotorist, nounmotorized, adjectivemotor pool, nounmotor racing, nounmotor scooter, nounmotor vehicle, nounmoving van, nounmpg, muffler, nounmulti-storey, nounnearside, adjectiveneutral, nounnumber plate, nounoctane, nounodometer, nounomnibus, nounoverdrive, nounovershoot, verbpanel, nounpanel truck, nounpantechnicon, nounpark, verbpark and ride, nounparking, nounparking brake, nounparking garage, nounparking light, nounparking lot, nounparking meter, nounparking ticket, nounpassenger seat, nounpatrol car, nounpatrolman, nounpedal, nounpenalty point, nounpetrol station, nounpick-up, nounpick-up truck, nounpillion, nounpiston ring, nounpit, nounplate, nounplug, nounpneumatic, adjectivepound, nounpower steering, nounprang, verbpremium, nounprovisional licence, nounpush-start, verbrace, verbrace car, nounracing car, nounradar trap, nounradial tyre, nounradiator, nounrank, nounrearview mirror, nounrefuel, verbreg., registration, nounregistration number, nounregular, nounremould, nounremoval van, nounrespray, verbrestraint, nounretread, nounrev, verbreverse, verbreverse, nounreverse gear, nounreversing light, nounride, nounrig, nounright-hand drive, adjectiveroad hog, nounroad rage, nounroad test, nounroadworthy, adjectiveRolls-Royce, nounroof-rack, nounrun, verbrun, nounrunabout, nounRV, nounsaloon, nounsalt truck, nounscooter, nounseat belt, nounsedan, nounself-drive, adjectiveshaft, nounshift, verbshock absorber, nounsidecar, nounsidelight, nounsideswipe, verbsilencer, nounsill, nounslick, nounslipstream, nounsnarl, verbsnarl-up, nounsnow chains, nounsnowmobile, nounsnow plough, nounsnow tire, nounsouped-up, adjectivespare, nounspare tyre, nounsparking plug, nounspark plug, nounspeedometer, nounspeed trap, nounspeedway, nounsplash guard, nounspoiler, nounsports car, nounstall, nounstart, verbstarter, nounstarter motor, nounstation wagon, nounsteamroller, nounsteering, nounstick, nounstick shift, nounstretch limo, nounsump, nounsunroof, nounsupercharged, adjectivesuspension, nountachograph, nountachometer, nountailback, nountailboard, nountailgate, nountailgate, verbtail light, nountailpipe, nountax disc, nountaxi, nountaxicab, nounteamster, nountest certificate, nountest drive, nounthree-point turn, nounthree-wheeler, nounthrottle, nounthrust, nounticket, nountie-up, nountotal, verbtowbar, nountowline, nountowtruck, nountractor, nountraffic jam, nountransmission, nountransporter, nountread, nountrolley, nountrolleybus, nountrucker, nountrucking, nountrunk, nountune, verbtune-up, nounturbocharger, nounturning circle, nounturn signal, nountwo-stroke, adjectiveunleaded, adjectivevalet, nounvalet, verbvan, nounvanity plate, nounveteran car, nounvintage car, nounvisor, nounwheelbase, nounwheel clamp, nounwhiplash, nounwhitewall, nounwindscreen, nounwindscreen wiper, nounwindshield wiper, nounwing, nounwing mirror, nounwiper, nounwreck, nounwrecker, nounwrite-off, noun
British English to remove mist from a car window, by using heat SYN defog American Englishdemister noun [countable]




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