

单词 demagnetize
demagnetizede‧mag‧ne‧tize (also demagnetise British English) /ˌdiːˈmæɡnətaɪz/ verb [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theydemagnetize
he, she, itdemagnetizes
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theydemagnetized
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave demagnetized
he, she, ithas demagnetized
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad demagnetized
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill demagnetize
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have demagnetized
Continuous Form
PresentIam demagnetizing
he, she, itis demagnetizing
you, we, theyare demagnetizing
PastI, he, she, itwas demagnetizing
you, we, theywere demagnetizing
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been demagnetizing
he, she, ithas been demagnetizing
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been demagnetizing
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be demagnetizing
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been demagnetizing
word sets
aether, nounamplitude, nounantimatter, nounantiparticle, nounastrophysics, nounatom, nounatomic, adjectiveattract, verbattraction, nounballistics, nounbeam, nounblack hole, nounbuoyancy, nouncalorie, nouncalorific, adjectivecapillary action, nouncathode ray tube, nouncentre of gravity, nouncentrifugal force, nouncentrifuge, nouncentripetal force, nounchain reaction, nouncondensation, nounconduct, verbconduction, nounconductive, adjectiveconductor, nounconvect, verbconvection, nouncore, nouncritical mass, noundemagnetize, verbdense, adjectivedensity, noundisplacement, noundynamic, adjectiveelectron, nounelementary particle, nounfallout, nounfissile, adjectivefission, nounfocus, verbfrequency, nounfriction, nounfusion, noungamma ray, noungravitation, noungravitational, adjectivegravity, nounhalf-life, nounhertz, nounhydraulic, adjectiveHz, imaging, nounimpetus, nouninertia, nouninvariable, adjectiveion, nounionize, verbkinetic, adjectivelaser, nounlift, nounliquefaction, nounliquefy, verblodestone, nounmagnet, nounmagnetic, adjectivemagnetic field, nounmagnetism, nounmagnetize, verbmass, nounmechanical, adjectivemedium, nounmeltdown, nounmomentum, nounmotive, adjectivemushroom cloud, nounnatural philosophy, nounneutron, nounNewtonian, adjectivenuclear, adjectivenuclear fission, nounnuclear fusion, nounnuclear physics, nounnuclear reactor, nounnucleus, nounoptical fibre, nounparticle accelerator, nounparticle physics, nounphonic, adjectivephosphorescence, nounphosphorescent, adjectivephoto-, prefixphoton, nounphotosensitive, adjectivephotosensitize, verbphysical, adjectivephysicist, nounphysics, nounpivot, nounpolar, adjectivepole, nounpotential energy, nounpower, nounpressure, nounpropulsion, nounproton, nounpull, nounquantum mechanics, nounquantum theory, nounquark, nounradiate, verbradiation, nounradio wave, nounray, nounreaction, nounreactor, nounreflect, verbreflector, nounrefract, verbrelativity, nounrepel, verbrepulsion, nounrepulsive, adjectiveresilience, nounresilient, adjectiveresistance, nounresonance, nounretention, nounsolid-state, adjectivesonic, adjectivesonic boom, nounsound wave, nounspace, nounspecific gravity, nounspectral, adjectivespectroscope, nounspectrum, nounstatics, nounsteady state theory, nounstrain, nounstress, nounsurface tension, nountension, nounthermodynamics, nounthrust, nountraction, nountrajectory, nountransmit, verbultrasonic, adjectiveultrasound, nounvacuum, nounvaporize, verbvapour, nounvector, nounwave, nounwavelength, nounwork, noun
to take away the magnetic qualities of something




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