

单词 day return
day returnˌday reˈturn noun [countable] British English Examples
  • She left early, bought a day return, and sat back to enjoy the journey.
  • Since February 22, passengers buying a cheap day return have been able to get a second ticket for £1.
  • Typical fares: day return from Kilburn to Blackfriars, £2.40.
  • Young orangs living free in the forest all day return in the afternoon for their meal of bananas and milk.
word sets
baggage car, nounbaggage room, nounboat train, nounboxcar, nounBR, nounbuffer, nouncaboose, nouncarriage, nouncattle truck, nounchoo-choo, nouncoach, nouncommunication cord, nounconductor, nouncouchette, nouncowcatcher, nouncutting, nounday return, noundepartures board, noundepot, nounderail, verbdining car, nounelectrify, verbemergency cord, nounengine, nounexpress, nounflatcar, nounfreight, nounfreight train, noungauge, noungrade, noungrade crossing, noungradient, nounguard, nounguard's van, nounhandcar, nouninbound, adjectivelight railway, nounline, nounlineman, nounlocal, nounlocomotive, nounloop, nounmail train, nounmain line, nounmetro, nounmonorail, nounnarrow gauge, nounplatform, nounPullman, nounrail, nounrailroad, nounrailway, nounrailway line, nounrailway station, nounrapid transit system, nounrestaurant car, nounrolling stock, nounshunt, verbshunt, nounsiding, nounsignal, nounsignal box, nounsignalman, nounsleeper, nounsleeping car, nounspur, nounstation master, nounsteam, nounstock car, nounsubway, nountender, nounterminus, nounthrust, nountrack, nountrain, nountrain spotter, nountruck, nounturntable, nounvan, nounvestibule, nounwagon, nounway station, noun
a train or bus ticket that lets you go somewhere at a cheaper price than usual, if you go there and back on the same day




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