All schools must follow the district's prescribed curriculum.
If the prescribed action affects others outside your community, would you so react if aware from their viewpoints?
Overdosing of prescribed drugs can be fatal.
Sometimes, the subject areas outlined are impossibly large, given the essay's prescribed length.
The list of prescribed topics may look formidable, but not all need to be covered in depth.
The surveys will be repeated at prescribed intervals.
The transition from Key Stage 1 to the more structured and prescribed history curriculum for Key Stage 2 needs particularly careful handling.
The work of the first two years is based mainly on prescribed texts, and on literary and stylistic criticism.
Within a group each individual had a prescribed status above or below the other members of the group.
(=one for which you need a doctor's order)· What happens if the patient does not take their prescribed medication?
· Medically prescribed drugs - essential though they may be - sometimes bring about confusion or memory loss.· Take any prescribed drugs with your breakfast and apply the plasters, petroleum jelly etc to help you on your way.· Moon died in 1978, after an overdose of the prescribed drug he was taking to ease himself out of alcoholism.· Helen had a miserable existance hooked on prescribed drugs.· Overdosing of prescribed drugs can be fatal.· The pattern of self-poisoning with prescribed drugs largely reflects general prescribing patterns of psychotropic medication.· McLeod called the rest of the team together and asked the entire squad if they had access to prescribed drugs.· It is still one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for heart complaints.
· There are prescribed forms of request for summons and of summons.
decided by a rule: All schools must follow the prescribed curriculum.