

单词 cube
cube1 nouncube2 verb
cubecube1 /kjuːb/ ●●○ noun [countable] Word Origin
1500-1600 Latin cubus, from Greek kybos ‘cube, vertebra’
  • cubes of Cheddar cheese
  • Cut the melon into 2cm cubes and leave to soak in some port or red wine.
  • For a joke, he put an ice cube down the back of her dress.
  • She dropped a cube of sugar into her tea and stirred it with a spoon.
  • Would you get me some ice cubes out of the freezer?
  • Cooking such small amounts of food can be fiddly and time consuming so try freezing baby-sized portions in ice cube trays.
  • I fetched ice cubes in the middle of the night to try to numb the backs of my legs.
  • Karen took some ice cubes from the freezer and poured the soda.
  • Place the thread on the ice cube and put salt on it, especially near the thread. 4.
  • Toni filled the glasses with ice cubes and watched as Letia slid two thick red steaks under the broiler.
  • We can also let any point inside the cube be input too.
  • We start by picking up and examining the cube.
an amount of something that has been cut or separated from the main part: · Could I have another piece of cake?· a piece of broken glass· Emma cut the pie into eight pieces.
a piece. Bit is more informal than piece and is often used about smaller pieces: · The notes were written on bits of paper.· He threw a bit of wood onto the fire.
a small piece of something solid or firm that does not have a regular shape: · two lumps of sugar· a lump of coal· a lump of clay
a small piece of paper, cloth etc that is no longer needed: · I wrote the phone number on a scrap of paper.· The dog was eating scraps of food off the floor.
a long narrow piece of cloth, paper etc: · a strip of cloth· The leather had been cut into strips.
a thin flat piece of something such as paper, glass, or metal: · a blank sheet of paper· a sheet of aluminium
a thin flat piece of bread, cake, meat etc cut from a larger piece: · a slice of pizza· Cut the tomatoes into thin slices.
a piece of something solid that does not have a regular shape – used especially about food, rock, or metal: · The fruit was cut into large chunks.· a chunk of bread
a large piece with rough edges, which has been cut or has broken off a bigger piece of food, rock etc: · a big hunk of cheese· hunks of concrete
a piece of something solid, which has straight sides: · concrete blocks· a block of cheese· a block of ice
a thick flat piece of stone, or of cake, meat etc: · The floor had been made from stone slabs.· a slab of beef
a piece that has six square sides – used especially about food: · a cube of sugar· ice cubes
a piece that has a thick end and a pointed end, and is shaped like a triangle – used especially about food and metal: · a wedge of cheese
a block of soap, chocolate, candy, or metal, which has straight sides: · a chocolate bar· a bar of soap· gold bars worth more than £26 million
British English a slice of bacon: · I usually have two rashers of bacon for breakfast.
types of shapes
a shape with four straight sides that are equal in length and four angles of 90 degrees
a round shape that is like an O
half a circle
a shape with three straight sides and three angles
a shape with four straight sides and four angles of 90 degrees
a shape like a circle, but that is longer than it is wide
an object in the shape of a tube
a solid object with six equal square sides
a shape with a square base and four triangular sides that meet in a point at the top
a shape like a ball
Longman Language Activatora piece that has a regular shape
a large solid piece of wood, stone, or ice that has straight sides: · Concrete blocks were used by most builders in the 1960s when constructing office buildings.block of: · The fish were lying on huge blocks of ice to keep them cold.cut something into blocks: · The ice was cut into blocks and stored in a special shed.
a solid object with six equal square sides: ice cube: · For a joke, he put an ice cube down the back of her dress.cube of: · She dropped a cube of sugar into her tea and stirred it with a spoon.cut/chop something into cubes: · Cut the melon into 2cm cubes and leave to soak in some port or red wine.
a thick, flat, heavy piece of something such as stone: stone/concrete/marble slab: · His grave is covered by a huge marble slab.slab of: · Slabs of concrete had been used to build a pathway for people to walk on.· The butcher's counter was covered in huge slabs of red meat and the air smelled of blood.
a fairly long, thick piece of something such as metal, soap, or chocolate: · We go through so much soap in our family that I buy about 10 bars a month.bar of chocolate/soap/gold: · I used to buy a bar of chocolate every day and give half to my friend.chocolate/candy/gold bar: · I helped him take the wrapper off his candy bar.· The gold bars were transported from the bank in an armored truck.
abacus, nounalgebra, nounangle, nounarc, nounarea, nounarithmetic, nounarithmetic, adjectivearithmetic progression, nounaxis, nounbar chart, nounbar graph, nounbase, nounbinomial, nounbisect, verbBoolean, adjectiveC, nouncalculator, nouncalculus, nouncanonical, adjectivechord, nouncipher, nouncircumference, nouncircumscribe, verbcompass, nouncomplementary, adjectivecomputation, nouncompute, verbconcentric, adjectivecone, nouncongruent, adjectiveconical, adjectiveconstant, nouncontain, verbcoordinate, nouncoordinate, adjectivecos, cosine, nouncube, nouncubic, adjectivecurvature, nouncurve, nouncut, verbdeci-, prefixdeviation, noundiagonal, adjectivediameter, noundifferential calculus, noundigit, noundimension, noundomain, nouneccentric, adjectiveellipse, nounelliptical, adjectiveequal, adjectiveequal, verbequals sign, nounequation, nounequilateral triangle, nounexponential, adjectiveexpress, verbexpression, nounface, nounfigure, nounflow chart, nounformula, nounfraction, nounfractional, adjectivefunction, noungeometric, adjectivegeometry, noungraph, noungraphically, adverbgraph paper, noungrid, nounHCF, helix, nounheptagon, nounhexagon, nounhistogram, nounhypotenuse, nounimperial, adjectiveimproper fraction, nouninfinity, nouninformation theory, nouninnumerate, adjectiveinto, prepositioninverse, adjectiveisosceles triangle, nounline graph, log, nounlogarithm, nounlong division, nounlozenge, nounmath, nounmathematical, adjectivemathematician, nounmathematics, nounmatrix, nounmean, adjectivemedian, nounmedian, adjectivemetric, adjectiveminus, prepositionminus, nounminus, adjectiveminus sign, nounminute, nounmultiplication, nounmultiplication sign, nounmultiplication table, nounmultiply, verbN, nounnumber, nounnumerate, adjectivenumeration, nounoblong, adjectiveobtuse angle, nounoctagon, nounoval, nounparabola, nounparallel, adjectiveparallelogram, nounpentagon, nounpercentage, nounperimeter, nounperpendicular, nounpi, nounpictogram, nounpie chart, nounplane, nounplane geometry, nounplus, prepositionplus, nounplus, adjectiveplus sign, nounpolygon, nounpolyhedron, nounpower, nounprism, nounprobability, nounproof, nounproportion, nounproposition, nounprotractor, nounquadrangle, nounquadrant, nounquadratic equation, nounquadri-, prefixquadrilateral, nounradius, nounratio, nounrectangle, nounrectilinear, adjectiverecur, verbrhombus, nounright angle, nounright-angled triangle, nounroot, nounruler, nounscale, nounscalene triangle, nounscatter diagram, section, nounsegment, nounsemicircle, nounset square, nounsine, nounslide rule, nounsolid, adjectivesolid, nounsolution, nounsolve, verbsphere, nounsquare, adjectivesquare, nounsquare, verbsquare, adverbsquarely, adverbsquare root, nounsubset, nounsubtract, verbsubtraction, nounsum, nounsurface area, nounsymmetrical, adjectivesymmetry, nountangent, nounterm, nountheorem, nounthreefold, adjectivetimes, prepositiontrapezium, nountriangle, nountrigonometry, nountwo-dimensional, adjectivevalue, nounvariable, nounvector, nounVenn diagram, nounvertex, nounvertical, adjectivevolume, nounwork, verbX, nounx-axis, nouny-axis, noun
(=a small square piece of ice that you add to a drink)· She put a couple of ice cubes in her glass.
· Even though it was just a small black cube, it somehow always looked more alert when it was listening.· Scallops come in two sizes: the large white cubes from sea scallops and the smaller pinkish cubes from bay scallops.· Peel the cucumber, cut into small cubes of similar size to the melon cubes.· He often ran errands for Fong in return for jelly beans or small cubes of greasy homemade soap.· Cut the brioche trimmings into small cubes.· Cut the pepper in half, discard the seeds and stem and chop the flesh into small cubes.· Where two small cubes meet fact to face I shall put glue on one of the two faces.
· Add the ice cubes and chill for at least 1 hour.· Karen took some ice cubes from the freezer and poured the soda.· Cooking such small amounts of food can be fiddly and time consuming so try freezing baby-sized portions in ice cube trays.· Or put some ice cubes in the sieve before straining the soup, Roraback suggests.· Hannah had poured herself a dry Martini and put in ice cubes and lemon.· The ice cubes will help to cool the soup and attract any fat globules.· I improvised by putting colour into an ice cube tray - thus giving me deep wells and plenty of colour.· I fetched ice cubes in the middle of the night to try to numb the backs of my legs.
· In the meantime, cook the rice according to the instructions, using the pilau rice stock cube.
· And then again, but this time on a coffee spoon, with the other half of the sugar cube.
· Peel the cucumber, cut into small cubes of similar size to the melon cubes.· Press the skin so the cubes pop out. Cut mango cubes off the skin.
1a solid object with six equal square sides:  a sugar cube an ice cube Cut the meat into small cubes. see thesaurus at piece2the cube of something the number you get when you multiply a number by itself twice, for example 4 x 4 x 4 = 64, so the cube of 4 is 643 American English spoken a cubicle
cube1 nouncube2 verb
cubecube2 verb [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theycube
he, she, itcubes
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theycubed
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave cubed
he, she, ithas cubed
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad cubed
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill cube
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have cubed
Continuous Form
PresentIam cubing
he, she, itis cubing
you, we, theyare cubing
PastI, he, she, itwas cubing
you, we, theywere cubing
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been cubing
he, she, ithas been cubing
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been cubing
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be cubing
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been cubing
  • 3 cubed is 27
  • The dish is made with cubed pieces of steak.
  • But to suppose that this picture bears the faintest resemblance to what the Labour leadership wants betrays something like paranoia cubed.
word sets
allspice, nounbake, verbbarbecue, verbbaste, verbblanch, verbboil, verbbottle, verbbouillon cube, nounbraise, verbbreadcrumbs, nounbreaded, adjectivebrine, nounbroil, verbbrown, verbbutter, verbcandied, adjectivecaper, nouncaramel, nouncardamom, nouncarve, verbcasserole, nouncasserole, verbcaster sugar, nouncharbroil, verbchervil, nounchestnut, nounchicory, nounchill, verbchilli powder, nounchip, verbcilantro, nouncinnamon, nounclean, verbclove, nouncochineal, nouncoconut, nouncook, verbcook, nouncookbook, nouncookery, nouncookery book, nouncordon bleu, adjectivecore, verbcoriander, nouncream, verbcrisp, verbcube, verbculinary, adjectivecumin, nouncurry powder, noundeep fry, verbdessertspoon, noundevilled, adjectivedice, verbdone, adjectivedress, verbessence, nounfat, nounflambé, adjectiveflan, nounflavouring, nounflour, nounflour, verbfrost, verbfrosting, nounfry, verbglaze, verbglaze, noungourmet, adjectivegourmet, noungrate, verbgrease, noungrease, verbgreaseproof paper, noungrill, verbgrill, noungrind, verbgut, verbhard-boiled, adjectivehaute cuisine, nounhob, nounhull, verbhusk, verbice, verbicebox, nounicing, nounicing sugar, nouningredient, nounjoint, verbknead, verblard, nounlard, verbleaven, nounliquidize, verbmarinade, nounmarinate, verbmarjoram, nounmicrowave, verbmince, verbmincer, nounmint, nounmix, verbmix, nounnouvelle cuisine, nounnutmeg, nounoil, nounolive oil, nounoverdone, adjectiveparboil, verbpare, verbpickle, verbpipe, verbpit, verbpitted, adjectivepkt, pluck, verbplum tomato, nounpoach, verbprecooked, adjectivepreheat, verbprep, verbprove, verbrecipe, nounreduce, verbrice paper, nounrind, nounrise, verbroast, verbroast, nounroast, adjectiverosemary, nounroux, nounsaffron, nounsage, nounsalt, nounsalt, verbsauce, nounsausage meat, nounsauté, verbsavory, nounscalloped, adjectivesear, verbseason, verbseasoning, nounself-raising flour, nounself-rising flour, nounsesame, nounshell, verbshortening, nounshort-order cook, nounshuck, verbsieve, verbsift, verbsifter, nounsimmer, verbsimmer, nounskewer, verbsmoke, verbsoak, verbsoda, nounsodium bicarbonate, nounspice, nounspice, verbspicy, adjectivestarch, nounsteam, verbsteep, verbstew, verbstock, nounstone, verbstrain, verbstuff, verbstuffing, nounsunny-side up, adjectivesweat, verbsweet-and-sour, adjectiveTabasco, nountandoori, adjectivetarragon, nountbsp, teaspoon, nountenderize, verbtenderloin, nountextured vegetable protein, nounthaw, verbthyme, nountimer, nountoast, nountoast, verbtoss, verbtruss, verbtsp, turmeric, noununderdone, adjectivevinaigrette, nounvinegar, nounwhip, verbwhisk, verbyeast, nounzap, verbzest, noun
(=a small square piece of ice that you add to a drink)· She put a couple of ice cubes in her glass.
1to multiply a number by itself twice:  4 cubed is 642to cut food into cubes




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