1800-1900Raphael (Raffaello Santi) (1483-1520), Italian painter
An accompanying exhibition of Pre-Raphaelite paintings mounted by Peter Nahum will include a work by Burne-Jones priced at £85,000.
But that makes her sound too pale, too Pre-Raphaelite.
Rosetti, the founder of the Pre-Raphaelite painting movement shared the tenancy.
Some of her designs were included in the 1857 Pre-Raphaelite exhibition in Russell Square.
The Pre-Raphaelite beatnik, in other words.
The Wardley family collection contained many treasures, including many Pre-Raphaelite paintings, and Miss Hatherby knew them all intimately.
When it came to designing jewellery, Edward Burne-Jones was probably the most prolific of the Pre-Raphaelite group.
1relating to the members of a group of late 19th-century English painters and artists: a Pre-Raphaelite painting2used to describe a woman’s hair that is long and curly—Pre-Raphaelite noun [countable]