

单词 crank
crank1 nouncrank2 verb
crankcrank1 /kræŋk/ noun [countable] Word Origin
Old English cranc
  • Call me a crank, but I think the world was a lot better before mobile phones came along.
  • Vegetarians were once regarded as cranks.
  • Alternatively, the loan of a Proctor flap crank would enable Q6-sized versions to be fabricated.
  • Handles and cranks, architectural facades, and pump housings were cast-iron.
  • He is prepared for sceptics who think he's a crank.
  • In addition, Los Angeles has always demonstrated a remarkably high tolerance for spiritual innovators, political cranks, and religious eccentrics.
  • Many people are unaware of the recall because the bikes can work perfectly before the crank suddenly breaks off.
  • The reason this cumbersome arrangement was used was because the simple crank had already been patented in 1780.
  • This was a simple affair worked by one-man-power, just the turning of a large crank.
  • You had to be a crank to insist on being right.
Longman Language Activatora strange person
informal someone who is very strange in an unpleasant and sometimes threatening way: · There's a weirdo who stands in front of the store and talks to himself.· When I travel by underground I always seem to end up sitting next to some weirdo.
informal a strange person: · Most of my family's OK, but my brother's a bit of an oddball.· Growing up, most of the other kids considered me an oddball.
informal a very strange person, especially one who behaves oddly and has strange ideas: · The guy is probably just some freak who saw her on TV and decided he loves her.control/neat/fast food etc freak: · Her husband's a control freak - he won't let her leave the house without him.
British someone who other people think is strange, especially because they have beliefs, aims, or habits that are thought to be very unusual or too extreme: · Vegetarians were once regarded as cranks.· Call me a crank, but I think the world was a lot better before mobile phones came along.
AC, accessory, nounadapter, nounaerosol, nounalarm, nounarm, nounash, nounattaché case, nounbag, nounbar, nounbarrel, nounbeep, verbbeeswax, nounbell, nounbelly, nounbelt, nounbench, nounbenzine, nounbinding, nounbiro, nounbolt, nounbooth, nounbox, nounbox, verbbrad, nounbriefcase, nounbristle, nounbrolly, nounbrush, nounbucket, nounbuckle, nounbuffer, nounbulb, nounBulldog clip, nounbulletin board, nounbullhorn, nounbung, nounbunting, nounbusiness card, nounbutt, nounbutton, nounbuzzer, nouncable, nouncalling card, nouncan, nouncandle, nouncane, nouncarbon, nouncarbon copy, nouncarbon paper, nouncard, nouncardboard, nouncardboard, adjectivecardboard cut-out, nouncard catalog, nouncarrier, nouncarrier bag, nouncarryall, nouncart, nouncarton, nouncartridge, nouncase, nouncaster, nouncatch, nounCellophane, nouncesspit, nounchain, nounchalice, nounchannel, nounchart, nounchute, nouncitronella, nounclamp, nouncleat, nounclip, nounclipboard, nouncomb, nouncombination lock, nouncompartment, nouncord, nouncrank, nouncrate, nouncrepe paper, nouncycle, noundetector, noundial, noundigital, adjectivedisposable, adjectivedrape, verbdrawing pin, noundryer, noundurable goods, nounDurex, nounearplug, nounelastic band, nouneraser, nouneyelet, nounfabric, nounfelt-tip pen, nounfemale, adjectivefence, nounfiberglass, nounfibreglass, nounfigurine, nounfilament, nounfile, verbFilofax, nounfire extinguisher, nounfirewood, nounfitness, nounflag, nounflagon, nounflagstaff, nounflashlight, nounflat, adjectivefloodlight, nounfoam, nounfoam, verbfog, verbfolder, nounfoolscap, nounforecourt, nounfountain, nounfountain pen, nounframe, nounfunnel, nounfuse, noungadget, noungadgetry, noungargle, verbgas, nounglue, noungoggles, noungold card, noungranny knot, noungravel, noungravelled, adjectivegravelly, adjectivegrease, noungreetings card, noungrommet, noungum, noungun, noungunnysack, noungut, nounhand-held, adjectivehandle, nounhandloom, nounharness, nounhasp, nounhealth, nounhessian, nounhinge, nounhip, nounhoarding, nounhoist, nounholder, nounhook, nounhoop, nounhooter, nounhose, nounhosepipe, nounhub, nounhygiene, nounhygienic, adjectiveillness, nounindented, adjectiveinflatable, adjectiveingrained, adjectiveink, nouninn, nouninnkeeper, nouninsoluble, adjectiveivory, nounjacket, nounjack-knife, nounjoss stick, nounjuggle, verbkey, nounkeypad, nounkey ring, nounKleenex, nounknife, nounknob, nounlabel, nounladder, nounlantern, nounlatch, nounlatchkey, nounlather, nounlather, verbLCD, nounlead, nounlectern, nounlegal pad, nounlens, nounletterbox, nounlever, nounlibrary, nounlid, nounlidded, adjectivelift, nounlight, nounlight bulb, nounlink, nounlinseed oil, nounlitter bin, nounlock, nounlodestone, nounlog, nounloop, verblost property, nounmagnet, nounmagnetic, adjectivemagnifying glass, nounmale, adjectivemantle, nounmanual, adjectivemarker, nounmarker pen, nounmarket day, nounmast, nounmastic, nounmatchstick, nounmaterial, nounmeter, nounmeths, nounmode, nounmortar, nounmortise lock, nounmould, nounmounting, nounmovement, nounnail, nounnameplate, nounnet, nounnib, nounnipple, nounnon-standard, adjectivenoose, nounnotebook, nounnotepad, nounnoticeboard, nounnozzle, nounnut, nounoil, verboilcan, nounoily, adjectiveorb, nounoutfit, nounoutlet, nounovernight, adverbpack, verbpackage, nounpad, nounpad, verbpadlock, nounpaintwork, nounpantyliner, nounpaper, nounpaperclip, nounpasserby, nounpaste, verbpasteboard, nounpatron, nounpatronage, nounpatronize, verbpattern, nounpaving, nounpearl, nounpen, nounpenknife, nounpicket fence, nounpillbox, nounpince-nez, nounpinhead, nounpipe, nounpix, nounpizza parlor, nounplug, nounpocket, nounpocketbook, nounpocket calculator, nounpocket knife, nounpointer, nounpoison, nounpole, nounportfolio, nounPost-it, nounpowder, nounpowdered, adjectivepropellant, nounpropelling pencil, nounpump-action, adjectivePX, nounquarter, verbrack, nounreceptionist, nounreel, nounrefill, nounreflector, nounrefrigerate, verbregimen, nounreservation, nounreserve, verbsachet, nounsack, nounscratchpad, nounscratch paper, nounscreen, nounsealant, nounsealer, nounsearchlight, nounseason ticket, nounseat, nounself-assembly, adjectiveseptic tank, nounservice, nounservice, verbsetting, nounshade, nounsharpener, nounshovel, nounshovel, verbshovelful, nounsilver paper, nounsiphon, nounslat, nounslice, verbslot machine, nounslug, nounsmoke, nounsoot, nounsort, nounspare part, nounspigot, nounsponge, nounspool, nounspout, nounspray, nounspray can, nounspray paint, nounspring, nounstaff, nounstake, nounstalk, nounstandard, nounstaple, nounstapler, nounstationery, nounsteam, nounsteam clean, verbsteel, nounsteel wool, nounstepladder, nounstick, verbstick, nounsticker, nounstilt, nounstopper, nounstorm lantern, nounstrap, nounstreamer, nounstring, nounstub, nounsucker, nounSuperglue, nounswipe, verbswitch, nounswivel, nountab, nountack, nountag, nountag, verbtank, nountap, nountape, nountassel, nountattle, verbtea break, nounthong, nounthread, nountime-saving, adjectivetinder, nountinderbox, nountissue, nountop, nountote bag, nountowel, verbtray, nountrolley, nountube, nountubing, nountwine, nountwo-way mirror, nounumbrella, nounvent, nounvial, nounwaiting room, nounwasher, nounwaste paper, nounwatch, nounwaterspout, nounwheeled, adjectivewhistle, verbwooden, adjectivewriting paper, noun
(=made by someone you do not know, as a joke or to annoy you)· The heavy breathing sounded like a crank call.
· Anyone who dares defend this breakthrough speaks in hushed tones, fearing crank calls and canceled grants.
  • Anyone who dares defend this breakthrough speaks in hushed tones, fearing crank calls and canceled grants.
1a handle on a piece of equipment, that you can turn in order to move something2informal someone who has unusual ideas and behaves strangely:  Zoff was originally dismissed as a crank, but his theories later became very influential.3crank call/letter a telephone call or letter in which someone says annoying things4 American English informal someone who easily gets angry or annoyed with people
crank1 nouncrank2 verb
crankcrank2 (also crank up) verb [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theycrank
he, she, itcranks
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theycranked
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave cranked
he, she, ithas cranked
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad cranked
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill crank
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have cranked
Continuous Form
PresentIam cranking
he, she, itis cranking
you, we, theyare cranking
PastI, he, she, itwas cranking
you, we, theywere cranking
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been cranking
he, she, ithas been cranking
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been cranking
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be cranking
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been cranking
  • They had it cranked up pretty loud.
  • You crank the engine while I try to connect these wires.
  • Bringing me glasses of cold nectar is what they would do, and cranking up the air conditioner.
  • His light is not just a depiction of nature, but nature with the volume cranked up very loud.
  • My sisters cranked thoughts like Univacs.
  • She pushed a button, cranking the bed to a more upright position.
  • Tam cranked up the top wire and tied it off at the post.
  • That means cranking up right now.
  • The 1. 8T Quattro would crank just fine, seemingly ready to roll.
  • The door behind her cranked open.
word sets
ball bearing, nounbelt, nouncog, nouncombustion chamber, nounconveyor belt, nouncoolant, nouncooling system, nouncrank, verbdifferential, noundisengage, verbdismantle, verbdrive, nounfour-stroke engine, nounfuel cell, nounfulcrum, noungear, nounheat pump, nounhydraulic, adjectiveinertia, nounmechanical, adjectivemechanical engineering, nounmill, nounmillstone, nounmillwheel, nounmomentum, nounmotive, adjectiveneutral, nounnuclear reactor, nounoil pan, nounpivot, nounpropulsion, nounpulley, nounpump, nounrace, verbratchet, nounreactor, nounregulate, verbretract, verbrev, verbrev, nounrotor, nounselector, nounstarter motor, nounstress, nounstressed, adjectivestrip, verbsump, nounsupercharged, adjectivetemplate, nountop gear, nountorque, nountwo-stroke, adjectiveuniversal joint, nounvalve, nounwheel, nounwinch, nounwindlass, noun
 Try cranking the engine.
 We cranked up the volume.
(=made by someone you do not know, as a joke or to annoy you)· The heavy breathing sounded like a crank call.
· One thousand years ago the Mayans were cranking out codices not dissimilar to today's illustrations.· The creative-writing industry is cranking out reams of stuff that nobody in his or her right mind would ever want to read.· But even without the construction project, she'd still struggle to crank out prose.· The consequence is likely to be a House less inclined to ideological combat and more given to cranking out compromises with Clinton.· Zimmermann says his unit can accommodate bass frequencies and crank out volume levels exceeding 100 decibels.
· When the cold weather kicks in, it's all too easy to crank up the central heating to escape the cold.· Bringing me glasses of cold nectar is what they would do, and cranking up the air conditioner.· Intoxicated by his success and the enthusiasm of his adoring crowds, he cranked up his rhetoric and piled on the symbolism.· Adding a baby to the mix will surely crank up the stress.· She could hear the clatter of iron shutters being cranked up over at the amusement arcades.· That means cranking up right now.· Get the volume cranked up, then the crowd roar as they step out ... awesome.· With Election Day less than six weeks away, both sides cranked up their television campaigns this past week.
to make something move by turning a crank:  Try cranking the engine.crank something ↔ out phrasal verb to produce a lot of something very quickly:  He cranked out three novels last year.crank something ↔ up phrasal verb informal to make the sound of something, especially music, louder:  We cranked up the volume.




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