单词 | country house |
释义 | country houseˌcountry ˈhouse noun [countable] British English Examples EXAMPLES FROM THE CORPUS Thesaurus
THESAURUS► house a large house in the countryside, especially one that is of historical interest → stately home a building that someone lives in, especially one that is intended for one family, person, or couple to live in: · Annie and Rick have just bought their first house.· The price of houses is going up all the time. ► detached house British English a house that is not joined to another house: · a detached four-bedroomed house ► semi-detached house British English a house that is joined to another house on one side ► terraced house British English, row house American English one of a row of houses that are joined together ► townhouse one of a row of houses that are joined together. In British English, townhouse is often used about a large and impressive house in a fashionable area of a city: · an 18th-century townhouse in Bath ► cottage a small house in the country – used especially about houses in the UK: · a little cottage in the country· a thatched cottage (=with a roof made of straw) ► bungalow a small house that is all on one level: · Bungalows are suitable for many elderly people. ► country house a large house in the countryside, especially one that is of historical interest: · The hotel was originally an Edwardian country house. ► mansion a very large house: · the family’s Beverly Hills mansion ► mobile home (also trailer American English) a type of house that can be pulled by a large vehicle and moved to another place ► ranch house American English a long narrow house that is all on one level: · a California ranch house ► duplex American English a house that is divided into two separate homes WORD SETS► Buildingsadjoin, verbalcove, nounantechamber, nounanteroom, nounapartment block, nounapse, nounarcade, nounart gallery, nounatrium, nounattic, nounauditorium, nounawning, nounback door, nounback-to-back, nounbailey, nounbalcony, nounbalustrade, nounbanister, nounbarn, nounbasilica, nounbastion, nounbay window, nounblock, nounbrownstone, nounbungalow, nounbunkhouse, nounbyre, nouncabin, nouncampanile, nouncanteen, nouncarport, nouncasement, nouncastle, nounceiling, nouncellar, nouncentre, nounchalet, nounchamber, nounchancel, nounchanging room, nounchateau, nounchimney, nounchimney breast, nounchimney pot, nounchimney stack, nouncladding, nounclerk of works, nouncloakroom, nouncloister, nounclubhouse, nouncoatroom, nouncocktail lounge, nouncolonnade, nouncolumn, nouncommon room, nouncomplex, nouncompound, nounconcourse, nouncondominium, nounconservatory, nounconvent, nouncoping, nouncornerstone, nouncorn exchange, nouncorridor, nouncottage, nouncountry house, nouncountry seat, nouncourthouse, nouncowshed, noundado, noundance hall, noundetached, adjectivedoor, noundoorpost, noundormer, nounedifice, nounentry, nounentryway, nounestate, nounestate agent, nounextension, nouneyrie, nounfacade, nounfallout shelter, nounfamily room, nounfarmhouse, nounfire door, nounfire escape, nounfire station, nounfitment, nounfixture, nounflatlet, nounflight, nounfloor, nounfolly, nounforecourt, nounfort, nounfortress, nounfoyer, nounfrontage, nounfront room, nounfuneral home, noungable, noungabled, adjectivegargoyle, noungrandstand, noungrange, noungranny flat, noungrille, nounground floor, nounguardhouse, nounguesthouse, nounguildhall, noungutter, nounguttering, noungym, noungymnasium, nounhabitation, nounhall, nounhallway, nounhatch, nounhatchway, nounhayloft, nounhealth centre, nounhigh-rise, adjectivehospice, nounhospital, nounlaboratory, nounlanding, nounleaded lights, nounlean-to, nounledge, nounlightning conductor, nounlintel, nounlobby, nounlodge, nounloft, nounlog cabin, nounlounge, nounlouvre, nounmaisonette, nounmezzanine, nounmilking parlour, nounmoving staircase, nounmullion, nounnave, nounniche, nounoast house, nounobelisk, nounoffice building, nounoratory, nounoutbuilding, nounouthouse, nounoverhang, nounparapet, nounparty wall, nounpediment, nounpenthouse, nounperistyle, nounpicture window, nounpilaster, nounpillar, nounpinnacle, nounplatform, nounplumber, nounplumbing, nounpodium, nounpoint, verbPortakabin, nounpotting shed, nounpresbytery, nounpress gallery, nounprivy, nounpublic convenience, nounpyramid, nounrafter, nounrail, nounrampart, nounribbon development, nounrotunda, nounsanctuary, nounschoolhouse, nounscience park, nounsepulchre, nounservice charge, nounshack, nounshed, nounshop front, nounskylight, nounskyscraper, nounsliding door, nounsmokestack, nounsmoking room, nounspiral staircase, nounspire, nounsports centre, nounstack, nounstadium, nounstair, nounstaircase, nounstairway, nounstairwell, nounstall, nounstately home, nounstateroom, nounstation, nounsteeple, nounstep, nounstonework, nounstoop, nounstoreroom, nounstorm cellar, nounstory, nounstudio, nountenement, nountepee, nounterrace, nountheatre, nountoilet, nountool shed, nountower block, nountown hall, nountownhouse, nountransept, nountransom, nountrapdoor, nountreasury, nounturret, nounvault, nounvaulted, adjectivevaulting, nounventilator, nounvestibule, nounvilla, nounwalkway, nounwall, nounwatchtower, nounwater tower, nounweatherboard, nounwedding chapel, nounwing, nounwoodshed, nounworkhouse, nounworkroom, nounworkshop, noun |
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