

单词 tax-deductible
tax-deductibleˌtax-deˈductible adjective Examples
  • A portion of both trips includes a tax-deductible donation to the Palos Verdes Art Center.
  • Additionally, the cost of debt finance is made even cheaper because debt interest payments are a tax-deductible expense.
  • Because the firm is incorporated, the interest it pays on the bond is tax-deductible.
  • First test: make sure that your advice is tax-deductible.
  • Preferred dividends are deducted because, unlike interest paid to bondholders, they are not a tax-deductible expense of doing business.
  • The gain from leverage arises because the interest payments on bonds are tax-deductible whereas the dividend payments on shares are not.
  • The group has a foundation that can take tax-deductible contributions.
  • The Progress and Freedom Foundation, another Gingrichrelated group financed with tax-deductible dollars, then picked up the funding.
word sets
ad valorem tax, allowance, nounanti-dumping, adjectivebasic rate, bonded factory, bonded warehouse, nounbusiness gift, cabinet bid, capital allowance, capital gain, capital gains tax, nouncapital levy, nouncapitation, nouncarryback, nouncarryforward, nouncar tax, nouncash shell, nouncertificate of tax deducted, nounCGT, chargeable, adjectiveCTT, death duties, noundeclare, verbdeficiency notice, delinquent tax certificate, depreciable life, direct tax, noundutiable, adjectiveduty, nounduty-free, adjectiveduty-free, nounenrolled agent, estate tax, nounexcise, nounexemption, nounfiscal year, nounflat-rate, adjectivefree pay, imputed value, income tax, nounincome tax deduction, indirect tax, nouninheritance tax, nouninspector of taxes, nounInternal Revenue Service, nouninvestment tax credit, levy, verblevy, nounmarginal rate, net income, net interest, NIC, nounovertax, verbpay and file, nounpayroll tax, nounpersonal allowance, nounpoll tax, nounpollution credit, port of registry, progressive tax, nounratable, adjectiveratepayer, nounrebate, nounregressive tax, nounrepayment supplement, return, nounrevenue, nounsales tax, nounshell company, short-term gain, stamp, nounstamp duty, nounstandard deduction, surtax, nountariff, nountaxable income, taxation, nountax avoidance, nountax bracket, nountax break, nountax credit, tax-deductible, adjectivetax-deferred, adjectivetax disc, nountax dodge, nountax evasion, nountax exempt, adjectivetax-exempt income, tax exile, nountax haven, nountax inspector, nountaxman, nountaxpayer, nountax relief, nountax return, nountax shelter, nountax year, nountithe, noununderreport, verbunreported income, user fee, nounvalue-added tax, nounVAT, nounwithholding tax, nounzero-rated, adjective
· A portion of both trips includes a tax-deductible donation to the Palos Verdes Art Center.· Groups accepting tax-deductible donations must be operated exclusively for exempt purposes, the panel said.
tax-deductible costs can be taken off your total income before it is taxed:  If you’re self-employed, your travel expenses are tax-deductible.




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