

单词 prehistoric
prehistoricpre‧his‧tor‧ic /ˌpriːhɪˈstɒrɪk◂ $ -ˈstɔː-, -ˈstɑː-/ adjective Examples
  • prehistoric cave drawings
  • A number of authoritative scholars seriously question the propriety of interpreting prehistoric remains by reference to the customs of modern primitive peoples.
  • Frazer writes about the ceremonial king of so many prehistoric agricultural societies.
  • There are some ruins down there and some prehistoric engravings in the rock faces.
  • There is at least one other prehistoric ridgeway on sheet 145.
  • They have looked upon the bones of the prehistoric dead and seen evidence of a Stone Age holocaust.
  • What can we learn from twenty prehistoric burial chambers, which we call cists, and which have been uncovered up to now?
word sets
age, nounallied, adjectivebarbarian, nounbaroque, adjectivebarrow, nounbattlements, nounbestiary, nounbiography, nounBlack Death, the, bloodletting, nounchivalry, nouncircus, nounclassical, adjectivecolony, nounconquistador, noundolmen, noundominion, noundoublet, noundragoon, nounducking stool, noundunce's cap, nounEdwardian, adjectiveElizabethan, adjectiveepoch, nounera, nounfeudalism, nounforum, noungalleon, noungalley, noungenealogy, noungladiator, nounGraeco-, prefixGrecian, adjectiveGreco-, prefixHellene, nounHellenic, adjectiveherald, nounhighwayman, nounhistorian, nounhistoric, adjectivehistorical, adjectiveIce Age, nounindustrial archaeology, nounIndustrial Revolution, the, nouninterwar, adjectiveIron Curtain, the, Jacobite, nounlocal history, nounlord, nounmedieval, adjectiveMoorish, adjectiveNorman, adjectiveNorse, adjectivepage, nounpageant, nounpaladin, nounpalimpsest, nounpapyrus, nounparchment, nounpatrician, adjectivepennon, nounperiod piece, nounprehistoric, adjectiveprehistory, nounquarterstaff, nounredcoat, nounreeve, nounRegency, adjectiveRomano-, prefixromanticism, nountime capsule, nounTudor, adjectiveVictorian, adjectiveVictorian, nounWhig, nounzeitgeist, noun
(=people who lived at a particular stage of human development)
· Some sites are astronomical calendars, others lunar observatories, showing the scientific abilities of prehistoric man.· But most of the references to prehistoric man, Darnton says, are based on current research and theories.· We still don't understand how prehistoric man achieved that feat.· But unlike prehistoric man, you have far fewer ways to release the energy produced by the stress response.· Fire, then, may well have been the first enshrined divinity of prehistoric man.
· We have already noted that folklore associates certain numbers, particularly three, seven and nine, with prehistoric sites.· In 1938 he postulated that leys and prehistoric sites marked a network of subtle energy and that this power could be detected.
· On the whole the climate of prehistoric times was warmer and more uniform than it is now.· Tirthankaras, dating back to prehistoric times.· Dating since prehistoric times people still lived here until the 1960s.· This was so as early as prehistoric times.· Our sand lizard, resembling a green mini-monster from prehistoric times, scrambled over the twiggy heather.· Scientific study had long since proved that it was the work of giant rabbits who had lived there in prehistoric times.· But we do not have to go back to prehistoric times to witness the change in our diet.· The only evidence for their use in prehistoric times are the remains of simple tubes often in pieces.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounhistorianhistoryprehistoryadjectivehistoricprehistorichistoricaladverbhistorically
1relating to the time in history before anything was written down:  prehistoric burial grounds prehistoric animals2very old-fashioned – used humorously:  a prehistoric attitude towards women




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