

单词 prefect
prefectpre‧fect /ˈpriːfekt/ noun [countable] Word Origin
1300-1400 Old French, Latin praefectus, from praeficere ‘to put in front’
  • I also remember proudly coming home to tell Dad I'd been made head prefect of my grammar school.
  • In recompense Anthemius created Sidonius prefect of the city of Rome.
  • She refused to marry the local prefect who had her imprisoned and tortured.
  • The prefect had him bound to a hot griddle.
  • The prefects also kicked you, as a rule with the inside of the shoe, but occasionally you felt the toe.
  • The atmosphere was of an end-of-term party given by a headmaster in his study for the prefects.
  • We are not part of the Prefect of Anacreon or of any other prefect.
  • When the prefect learned that Hadrian had been baptized, he had him broken limb from limb.
word sets
accession, nounaccredited, adjectiveaide, nounambassador, nounapparatchik, nounarchduke, nounassemblyman, nounassemblywoman, nounattaché, nounbadge, nounborough council, nouncaliph, nounchamberlain, nounchancellery, nounchancellor, nounChancellor of the Exchequer, nounchieftain, nouncity fathers, nouncity planning, nouncivil servant, nounclerk, nounclerk of works, nounCllr, commissioner, nouncomptroller, nouncongressman, nouncongresswoman, nounconsul, nounconsulate, nouncoroner, nouncouncillor, nouncouncilman, nouncouncilwoman, nouncourtier, nouncrown, nouncrown, verbcrowned head, nounCrown Prince, nounCrown Princess, nounCustoms and Excise, noun-cy, suffixczar, nounczarina, noundeputy, noundictator, noundignitary, noundiplomat, noundiplomatic, adjectivediplomatic corps, noundiplomatic immunity, noundispatch box, noundispensation, noun-dom, suffixdossier, noundrug czar, nounducal, adjectiveduchess, nounduchy, nounduke, noundukedom, nounelder statesman, nounembassy, nounemirate, nounemissary, nounemperor, nounempress, nounEurocrat, nounfigurehead, nounForeign Office, the, governor, nounGovernor-General, noungovernorship, noungubernatorial, adjectivehack, nounHome Secretary, nounimpeach, verbinaugurate, verbincumbency, nounincumbent, nounkhalif, nounkhan, nounlegate, nounlegation, nounlegislator, nounlocal council, nounlord, nounLord, nounmandarin, nounmarshal, nounmayor, nounmayoralty, nounmayoress, nounmember, nounMember of Parliament, nounMEP, nounMI5, nounMI6, nounminister, nounministerial, adjectiveminister of state, nounmission, nounmole, nounmonarch, nounmonitor, nounmotorcade, nounMP, nounNo. 10, occupy, verb-ocrat, suffixoffice, nounoffice holder, nounofficer, nounofficial, nounofficial, adjectiveofficialdom, nounofficialese, nounoverlord, nounpalace, nounpatriarchal, adjectivepatrician, adjectivePharaoh, nounplenipotentiary, nounPM, nounpost, verbposting, nounpotentate, nounPPS, nounprefect, nounpremier, nounpres., presidency, nounpresident, nounpresident-elect, nounpresidential, adjectivepress secretary, nounpretender, nounPrime Minister, nounprince, nounprince consort, nounprincess, nounproconsul, nounproconsulate, nounProvost, nounpublic servant, nounquango, nounqueen, nounqueenly, adjectiveQueen Mother, nounrajah, nounred tape, nounreeve, nounreign, nounreign, verbreshuffle, nounroyal, adjectiveroyal, nounroyalty, nounruler, nounsecretary, nounsenator, nounShah, nounsheriff, nounshogun, nounsovereign, nounsoviet, nounstatesman, nounsuccession, nounsultan, nounsultana, nountechnocrat, nountown clerk, nountown council, nountribune, nountriumvirate, nountroika, nountsar, nountsarina, nountzar, nountzarina, nounundersecretary, nounvice-president, nounviceroy, nounvizier, nounVP, nounwalkabout, nounwatchdog, nounwhip, nounWhite House, noun
1an older student in some British schools, who has special duties and helps to control younger students2a public official in some countries etc who is responsible for a particular area




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