

单词 co-pilot
co-pilotˈco-ˌpi‧lot noun [countable] Examples
  • At his side was co-pilot Lisa Netsch of Sunset Beach.
  • He and his co-pilot settled down in the darkness for the long flight in the cramped cockpit.
  • His co-pilot did not say a word.
  • His co-pilot made an emergency landing at Southampton.
  • The pilot and the co-pilot were still trapped in their seats.
  • The pilot is caught in the crossfire; the co-pilot gets his neck broken just sitting in the cockpit.
  • The two injured Marines were the pilot and co-pilot of the Sea Knight.
  • Two men in blue came out of the plane - the pilot and co-pilot.
THESAURUSpeople on a plane
someone who operates the controls of a plane: · an airline pilot· He has a pilot’s licence.
a pilot who shares the control of a plane with the main pilot: · The pilot became ill, and the co-pilot had to land the plane.
the pilot who is in charge of an aircraft: · This is your captain speaking. We will be arriving at Gatwick Airport in approximately 10 minutes.
all the people who work on a plane during a flight: · The flight crew asked for permission to land at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport.
the people whose job is to serve food and drinks to passengers on a plane: · The cabin crew will be serving drinks shortly.
someone whose job is to serve food and drink to passengers on a plane: · The flight attendant told him to go back to his seat.
a man/woman whose job is to serve food and drinks to passengers on a plane: · I asked the stewardess if I could have a blanket.
aerial, adjectiveaero-, prefixaerobatics, nounaerodrome, nounaeronautics, nounairborne, adjectiveaircraft, nounaircrew, nounairfare, nounairfield, nounairline, nounairliner, nounair pocket, nounairport, nounairship, nounairsick, adjectiveairspace, nounairspeed, nounairstrip, nounair terminal, nounair traffic controller, nounairway, nounairworthy, adjectivealtimeter, nounapron, nounautomatic pilot, nounautopilot, nounaviation, nounaviator, nounballast, nounballoon, nounballooning, nounbank, verbbarrage balloon, nounbiplane, nounblack box, nounblimp, nounboarding card, nounboarding pass, nounbulkhead, nounbusiness class, nounbuzz, verbcabin, nouncaptain, nouncarousel, nounceiling, nouncharter flight, nouncheck-in, nounchock, nounchopper, nounchute, nounclub class, nouncontrail, nouncontrol tower, nounco-pilot, nouncowling, nouncraft, nouncrash landing, noundeparture lounge, noundepartures board, noundirigible, noundisembark, verbdive, verbeconomy class, nouneject, verbejector seat, nounfin, nounflap, nounflier, nounflight, nounflight attendant, nounflight deck, nounflight path, nounflight recorder, nounflight simulator, nounfly, verbflyby, nounflyer, nounflying, nounflypast, nounfree fall, nounfuselage, noungate, nounglider, noungliding, noungondola, nounground, verbground control, nounground crew, nounground staff, nounhangar, nounhang-glider, nounhang-gliding, nounhelicopter, nounhelicopter pad, nounheliport, nounhijacking, nounholding pattern, nounhot-air balloon, nounhydroplane, nouninbound, adjectivein-flight, adjectiveinstrument panel, nounjet, nounjet engine, nounjet-propelled, adjectivejet propulsion, nounjoystick, nounjumbo jet, nounjump jet, nounland, verblanding gear, nounlanding strip, nounlayover, nounlift, nounlight aircraft, nounlounge, nounlow-flying, adjectivemicrolight, nounmonoplane, nounnavigation, nounno-fly zone, nounnose, nounnosedive, nounnosedive, verboverfly, verbparachute, nounparachute, verbparachutist, nounpilot, nounpilot, verbpitch, nounpitch, verbplane, nounplot, verbpod, nounpressurized, adjectiveprop, nounpropeller, nounradio beacon, nounrefuel, verbripcord, nounroll, verbroll, nounrotor, nounrudder, nounrunway, nounseaplane, nounseat belt, nounshort-haul, adjectiveski plane, nounskycap, nounsonic boom, nounspoiler, nounsteward, nounstewardess, nounstrut, nounswept-back, adjectiveswoop, verbtail, nountailspin, nountake-off, nountaxi, verbterminal, nountest pilot, nounthrust, nountouchdown, nountransit lounge, nountransport plane, nounturbojet, nounturboprop, nountwin-engined, adjectiveundercarriage, nounupgrade, verbvapour trail, nounwheel, verbwindsock, nounwind tunnel, nounwing, nounwingspan, nounwingtip, nounzeppelin, noun
a pilot who shares the control of an aircraft with the main pilot




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