

单词 conquest
conquestcon‧quest /ˈkɒŋkwest $ ˈkɑːŋ-/ ●○○ noun Word Origin
1200-1300 Old French, Latin conquisitus, past participle of conquirere; CONQUER
  • military conquests
  • The palace was built in Cordoba, Spain, following the Arab conquest.
  • The Roman legions left, opening the way for the conquest of the British Isles by the Germanic tribes.
  • These men seek power through sexual conquests.
  • Cis was also his first conquest.
  • He went downstairs, finished his column, then shaved and bathed and went out to the office ripe for conquest.
  • His conquests transformed the ancient world and ushered in the Hellenistic age of great monarchies.
  • History is the story of conquest.
  • In this first phase of conquest, the Arabs created an Empire and a State, but not yet a civilization.
  • It arose from the recent conquest of the northern coastal area as far as Anglesey by his friend Hugh, earl of Chester.
  • They were the legates of conquest.
  • Was it only a desire for conquest?
noun [countable, uncountable] a situation in which you win a battle, game, election, or dispute: · The crowds celebrated Italy’s victory against England.· The party won a comfortable victory in the general election.· We’re very confident of victory.
noun [countable] a victory in a sports game or in a competition: · It was an important win for the Yankees.· A couple from London are celebrating a big lottery win.
noun [countable] written an important victory, especially in war or politics: · Thatcher’s greatest triumph was becoming the UK’s first female prime minister.
noun [countable] a situation in which one country wins a war against another country and takes control of it: · the Spanish conquest of Mexico· Caesar is well-known for his military conquests.
noun [countable] an election victory in which one party or candidate gets far more votes than their opponents: · In 1945, there was a Labour landslide.
especially British English, cakewalk American English noun [countable] informal a very easy victory: · The match was expected to be a walkover for Brazil.
noun [countable] a situation in which the person, team, party etc that was expected to win is defeated: · Truman pulled off the greatest election upset in United States history.
Longman Language Activatorwhen someone wins
when a country, player, team etc wins a battle, game, race etc: · The crowds were celebrating Italy's victory.· We're very confident of victory.· victory celebrationsvictory over/against: · Their 2-1 victory over the Australians was completely unexpected.win a victory: · He had won a comfortable victory in the general election.
when a team or player wins in a sport or competition - used especially in news reports: · It was an important win for Manchester United.· A couple from London are celebrating a big lottery win.win over/against: · a 2-0 win over their oldest rivals
written an important victory after a long, difficult struggle, especially in war or politics: · Despite many local triumphs, their party stands little chance of winning a national election.· Arsenal's recent League Cup triumph.
a victory, especially in a series of games, fights etc: · With such a strong team, France are heading for certain success.· their fourth success in a row
a victory in which one country wins a war against another country and takes control of it: · The palace was built in Cordoba, Spain, following the Arab conquest.· The Roman legions left, opening the way for the conquest of the British Isles by the Germanic tribes.
informal a situation in which someone wins very easily, especially in a sport, because they are much better than the people they are playing against: · If they were expecting this game to be a walkover, they were very wrong.
when one party or candidate gets far more votes than their opponents in an election: · The newspapers were predicting a landslide for Thatcher.by a landslide: · He was re-elected in 1984 by a landslide.landslide victory: · Few people had expected Labour's landslide victory in 1945.
action stations, nounaide-de-camp, nounairborne, adjectiveaircraft carrier, nounairlift, nounallied, adjectivearmour, nounarms control, nounarms race, nounarray, verbassault course, nounAWOL, adjectivebalance of power, nounbandmaster, nounbandsman, nounbase, nounbattle, nounbattle, verbbattle cry, nounbattlefield, nounbattlements, nounbeachhead, nounbivouac, nounblackout, nounblast, verbblitz, nounblockade, nounblockade, verbblockhouse, nounbloodshed, nounbody bag, nounbody count, nounbomb, verbbombard, verbbombardment, nounbomb disposal, nounboot camp, nounbowman, nounbreastplate, nounbridgehead, nounbunker, nouncall-up, nouncannonade, nouncapability, nouncaptain, nouncapture, nouncarrier, nouncashier, verbcenotaph, nounchief of staff, nouncitation, nouncivil defence, nounC.O., nouncommand, nouncommand, verbcommandant, nouncommander, nouncommander in chief, nouncommand post, nouncommissariat, nouncommissary, nouncommission, nouncommissioned officer, nounconquer, verbconquest, nounconscientious objector, nounconscript, verbconscript, nounconscription, nounconvoy, verbcookhouse, nounCorp., corporal, nouncorps, nouncounterinsurgency, nouncounterintelligence, nouncountermand, verbcounter-revolution, nouncourt-martial, nouncourt-martial, verbcross, noundawn raid, noundeath camp, noundemilitarize, verbdemobilize, verbdeploy, verbdetonate, verbdisarm, verbdisarmament, noundispatch, noundraft board, noundraft card, noundraft dodger, noundraftee, noundress uniform, noundrum major, noundump, nounechelon, nounencamp, verbenemy, nounengage, verbengagement, nounenlist, verbenlisted, adjectiveexchange, nounex-serviceman, nounex-servicewoman, nounfield, verbfirst lieutenant, nounfirst strike, nounflak jacket, nounflash, nounfort, nounfortress, nounfoxhole, nounFPO, front, noungas mask, noungeneral headquarters, nounGHQ, nounguardhouse, nounheadquarters, nounhigh command, nounHQ, nounincursion, nounindefensible, adjectiveinsignia, nouninstallation, nouninsubordination, nounintelligence, nouninternment, nouninvade, verbinvader, nouninvasion, nounkit bag, nounKP, nounlieutenant, nounline, nounMaj., major, nounmajor general, nounman, nounmarch, verbmarch, nounmarch-past, nounmarshal, nounmassacre, nounmassacre, verbmess, nounmess, verbmilitarism, nounmilitarized, adjectiveMilitary Academy, nounMilitary Cross, nounmilitary service, nounmilitia, nounmilitiaman, nounminuteman, nounmission, nounMP, nounmutineer, nounmutinous, adjectivemutiny, nounnational service, nounNATO, nounNCO, nounno-man's-land, nounnon-aggression, nounnon-aligned, adjectivenon-combatant, nounobjective, nounobservation post, nounoccupation, nounoccupy, verboffence, nounoffensive, adjectiveoffensive, nounofficer, nounoperation, nounorderly, nounoutflank, verboutpost, nounoverthrow, verboverwhelm, verbpact, nounpadre, nounparade, nounparamilitary, adjectiveparapet, nounpartisan, nounpassword, nounpatrol, nounperilous, adjectiveperiscope, nounpillbox, nounpincer movement, nounpost, verbPOW, nounpre-war, adjectiveprisoner, nounprisoner of war, nounPurple Heart, nounpush, nounputsch, nounPX, nounquarter, verbquartermaster, nounquell, verbR & R, nounraid, nounraid, verbrank, nounrebellion, nounrecapture, verbreconnaissance, nounreconnoitre, verbrecruit, verbrecruit, nounreinforce, verbrelieve, verbRemembrance Day, nounrepel, verbrequisition, verbretake, verbretire, verbretreat, verbretreat, nounreview, nounreview, verbribbon, nounsabre-rattling, nounsally, nounsalute, verbsalute, nounsalvo, nounsamurai, nounscorched earth policy, nounscout, nounscout, verbscramble, verbsecond lieutenant, nounsentinel, nounsentry, nounsentry box, nounsergeant, nounsergeant major, nounserviceman, nounservicewoman, nounSgt., shell, verbshelling, nounsiege, nounskirmish, nounstaff officer, nounstaging area, nounstandard-issue, adjectivestar, nounstation, nounstation, verbstrategic, adjectivestrategist, nounstrategy, nounstripe, nounstronghold, nounsuperpower, nounsuppress, verbsurgical strike, nounsurrender, verbsurrender, nountactical, adjectivetarget, nountarget, verbtask force, nountattoo, nountheatre, nountrench warfare, nountripwire, nountruce, nounturret, noununarmed, adjectiveunoccupied, adjectivevalour, nounveteran, nounvolunteer, nounvolunteer, verbwar chest, nounwar crime, nounwar cry, nounwar dance, nounwar effort, nounwarfare, nounwarhorse, nounwarlike, adjectivewarlord, nounwar memorial, nounwarmonger, nounwarrant officer, nounwarring, adjectivewarrior, nounwar-torn, adjectivewar widow, nounwar zone, nounwounded, adjectivezero hour, noun
· Henry wanted nothing less than military conquest.· First Campaigns Among the many achievements of Charles, the most obvious is the extent of his military conquests.· In terms of military conquest, a considerable difference existed between the conditions encountered in the north and the south of Siberia.
· Aksum had outlasted Jerusalem and Rome, going down in ruin only eighty years before the Norman conquest of Britain.· The situation grew dramatic with the Norman conquest of Sicily.· The parish boundaries were often indistinct until after the Norman conquest, but there may have been 150 of these by 1066.· His final resting place alongside 19 generations of his family dating back before the Norman conquest.· It arose as a consequence of the Norman conquest and settlement of the Vale of Glamorgan in the early twelfth century.
· Like Polybius, we repeat, he did not question the Roman conquests as such.
1[singular, uncountable] the act of getting control of a country by fighting:  the Norman Conquest (=the conquest of England by the Normans)conquest of the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire see thesaurus at victory2[countable] land that is won in a war:  French conquests in Asia3[countable] someone that you have persuaded to love you or to have sex with you – often used humorously:  He boasts about his many conquests.4[countable] when you gain control of or deal successfully with something that is difficult or dangerousconquest of the conquest of space




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