

单词 conditioning
conditioningcon‧di‧tion‧ing /kənˈdɪʃənɪŋ/ noun [uncountable] Examples
  • Most adults are unaware of the social conditioning they have been subject to since childhood.
  • Ask for the facts on electric air conditioning.
  • B.F. Skinner emphasised that during instrumental conditioning an organism learns a response by operating on its environment.
  • But there are other forms of conditioning, too.
  • It is used in refrigeration, air conditioning, aerosols and foams.
  • Odd litters can be born at any time of the year, weather controlling the conditioning of the does.
  • Operant conditioning involves contiguity, in that the reinforcing event follows closely the production of a response.
  • These causes are not necessarily genetic, but may include environmental factors such as upbringing in the family, social conditioning and so on.
  • They incorporated all the Mark 3 features of air conditioning, insulation and good riding.
word sets
abdicate, verbaffirmative action, nounage discrimination, nounageism, nounalienation, nounalmshouse, nounbackground, nounbeatnik, nounbeggar, nounbetterment, nounbirthrate, nounbohemian, adjectivebondage, nouncarer, nouncaretaker, nouncase work, nouncaste, nouncity planning, nouncommoner, nounconditioning, nounconsumer society, nounculture, noundisease, noundosser, noundoss house, noundown-and-out, noundownwardly mobile, adjectiveeuthanasia, nounformative, adjectivegenteel, adjectivegentlefolk, noungentleman, noungentlewoman, noungentry, noungeriatric, adjectivegerontology, noungrey, adjectivehermit, nounhierarchy, nounhippie, nounHonourable, adjectiveindependence, nounindustrialism, nouninequality, nouninfrastructure, nouninner city, nouninstitution, nouninstitutionalize, verbintegrate, verbliteracy, nounlower class, nounlow life, nounmatrix, nounmeritocracy, nounmobile, adjectivemores, nounmortality, nounNew Age traveller, nounorder, nounoutreach, nounpatriarchy, nounpecking order, nounpeer pressure, nounpetty bourgeois, adjectiveplebeian, nounpolitics, nounprogress, nounrank, nounreaction, nounrear, verbreceive, verbredneck, nounrevolution, nounsecularism, nounservice, nounsexual, adjectivesister, nounslave, nounslavery, nounsnowbird, nounsocial, adjectivesocial, nounsocialization, nounsocial science, nounsocial studies, nounsocial work, nounsocial worker, nounsociety, nounsocio-, prefixsocioeconomic, adjectivesoup kitchen, nounstratified, adjectivestratum, nounstreet people, nounsubgroup, nounsuburbanite, nounsuburbia, nounsupport group, nountownie, nountown meeting, nountown planning, nountownspeople, nountramp, noununattached, adjectiveuncle, noununconventional, adjectiveunderclass, nounupwardly mobile, adjectivewhite-collar, adjectiveworking class, noun
 Social conditioning makes crying more difficult for men.
· The building hasn’t got an air-conditioning system.
· These are classical and operant conditioning.· Indeed, Pavlov believed that the study of classical conditioning was the only way to study the functions of the cerebral cortex.· In type two, specific behaviours are linked with specific events as in classical and operant conditioning.· It also gave us the belief, probably misguided, that there are two fundamental learning processes: classical and instrumental conditioning.· The assumptions about classical conditioning that are implied by this notion must be rather different from those embodied in the standard model.· Associative learning, which includes both classical and operant conditioning and emphasises mechanical connections or associations between events. 2.
· There is an obvious analogy between operant conditioning and evolution by natural selection.· The same holds true of any other strategy adopted as a result of operant conditioning.· For operant conditioning to work, at least some stimuli must be reinforcing, and others aversive, without previous training.· I have described the process of operant conditioning discovered by the behaviourists, but not the philosophy that guided them.· Language teachers, impressed by the apparent authority of science, follow suit and try to teach by means of operant conditioning.· These are classical and operant conditioning.· These are examples of Operant conditioning and show the power of parents in shaping the personality of the child.· In type two, specific behaviours are linked with specific events as in classical and operant conditioning.
· The air conditioning was not yet in place.· Ask for the facts on electric air conditioning.· They incorporated all the Mark 3 features of air conditioning, insulation and good riding.· In all stores adequate ventilation should be provided as an aid to temperature control with mechanical air conditioning if needed.· These monitor and diagnose any problems occurring in a particular computer system, drops in temperature and changes in air conditioning levels.· However, air conditioning is standard and there is electric adjustment for mirrors, windows and seats.· Once in the boatyard Ellen ran ahead of me, evidently eager to reach Wavebreaker's air conditioning.· Mr Holmes says he reported the matter to the ferry company, and they told him the air conditioning wasn't working.
· The products will be used in refrigeration systems in the food industry and in large air conditioning systems.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounconditionpreconditionconditionerconditioningadjectiveconditionalunconditionalverbconditionadverbconditionallyunconditionally
the process by which people or animals are trained to behave in a particular way when particular things happen:  Social conditioning makes crying more difficult for men. air conditioning




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