

单词 comedian
comedianco‧me‧di‧an /kəˈmiːdiən/ ●●○ noun [countable] Examples
  • Dan was always trying to be the class comedian.
  • Circus performers, magicians and comedians will round out the entertainment.
  • He is so much more than a comedian.
  • It wasn't just a matter of meeting an old comedian.
  • Maybe he ought to be trying to make it as a comedian.
  • The comedian was not officially notified until about an hour later.
  • The whole world, the whole of society was there for the comedians to plunder.
Longman Language Activatorsomeone who tells jokes or does things to make people laugh
a professional entertainer who makes people laugh: · Lenny Henry, the famous British comedian, will appear in a show in London next week.· Before becoming a film actor, he'd been a comic appearing regularly in cabaret.stand-up comedian/comic (=one who stands alone in front of the public and tells jokes): · Robin Williams first made his name as a stand-up comedian.
an intelligent person who is good at being funny in clever or original ways: · Rochester was well known as a wit in society circles.· A dozen writers and wits used to gather at the Algonquin Hotel for lunch.
someone who does something in order to confuse or trick someone else, to make other people laugh: · The shop sold toys and gadgets for practical jokers.
accountant, nounactuary, nounadministrator, nounadviser, nounadvocate, nounamanuensis, nounarchivist, nounarmourer, nounauctioneer, nounaudiotypist, nounbackroom boy, nounbailiff, nounbaker, nounbanker, nounbarber, nounbargee, nounbarkeeper, nounbarker, nounbarmaid, nounbarman, nounbartender, nounbeachcomber, nounbeadle, nounbellboy, nounbellhop, nounbiographer, nounblacksmith, nounboatman, nounboatswain, nounbodyguard, nounboffin, nounbombardier, nounbookseller, nounboss, nounbotanist, nounbouncer, nounbreeder, nounbricklayer, nounbuckaroo, nounbuilder, nounbureaucrat, nounbutcher, nounbutler, nounbuyer, nouncabin boy, nouncabinet-maker, nouncareer counselor, nouncareers officer, nouncaretaker, nouncarpenter, nouncarter, nouncashier, nouncaterer, nounCEO, nouncertified public accountant, nounchairman, nounchambermaid, nounchandler, nounchar, nouncharlady, nouncharwoman, nounchef, nounchief executive officer, nounchief of staff, nounchildminder, nounchimney sweep, nouncleaner, nounclerk, nounclothier, nounclown, nouncoastguard, nouncobbler, nouncocktail waitress, nouncollier, nouncomedian, nouncomedienne, nouncomic, nouncommercial traveller, nouncommissionaire, nouncompositor, nounconcierge, nounconfectioner, nounconsultant, nouncook, nouncooper, nouncopy editor, nouncopywriter, nouncorrespondent, nouncostermonger, nouncounsellor, nouncourier, nouncowboy, nouncowgirl, nouncowhand, nouncowpoke, nounCPA, nouncraftsman, nouncrew, nouncrewman, nouncrofter, nouncroupier, nouncurator, nouncustodian, noundaily, noundairymaid, noundairyman, noundelivery man, noundesigner, noundesk clerk, noundetective, noundick, noundietician, noundinner lady, noundisc jockey, noundispatch rider, noundistrict nurse, noundiver, nounDJ, noundocent, noundocker, noundogcatcher, noundog warden, noundomestic, noundomestic service, noundoorkeeper, noundoorman, noundowser, noundramatist, noundraper, noundraughtsman, noundressmaker, noundriver, noundrover, noundruggist, noundustbin man, noundustman, nouneducationalist, nouneducator, nounelectrician, nounengineer, nounescort, nounessayist, nounestate agent, nounexecutive, nounfarmer, nounfarmhand, nounfarrier, nounfire chief, nounfirefighter, nounfireman, nounfirst mate, nounfirst officer, nounfishmonger, nounfitter, nounflorist, nounflower girl, nounforeman, nounforewoman, nounfrogman, nounfruiterer, nounfunctionary, nounfuneral director, nounfurrier, noungaffer, noungamekeeper, noungarbage collector, noungarbage man, noungardener, noungatekeeper, noungaucho, noungendarme, nounghost writer, nounglazier, noungoatherd, noungoldsmith, noungondolier, noungoverness, noungovernor, noungravedigger, noungreengrocer, noungrip, noungrocer, noungroom, noungroundsman, nounground staff, nounguard, nounguest worker, nounguide, noungunner, noungunsmith, nounhack, nounhandler, nounhandmaiden, nounhandyman, nounhangman, nounharvester, nounhatter, nounhawker, nounheadhunter, nounhead teacher, nounhelper, nounherald, nounherbalist, nounherdsman, nounhired hand, nounhireling, nounhistorian, nounhomemaker, nounhomeworker, nounhouse husband, nounhousewife, nouniceman, nounillustrator, nounimpersonator, nounimpresario, nounindustrialist, nouninnkeeper, nouninspector, nouninterior decorator, nouninterpreter, nouninvestigator, nounjanitor, nounjester, nounjeweller, nounjoiner, nounjourno, nounJP, nounjudge, nounkeeper, nounlamplighter, nounlandlady, nounlandlord, nounlibrarian, nounlocksmith, nounlongshoreman, nounmagician, nounmaid, nounmaid of honour, nounmaidservant, nounmail carrier, nounmailman, nounmaitre d', nounmajordomo, nounman, nounmanagement consultant, nounmanservant, nounmason, nounmasseur, nounmasseuse, nounmatador, nounmathematician, nounmechanic, nounmedic, nounmenial, adjectivemenial, nounmerchant seaman, nounmidwife, nounmilkmaid, nounmilkman, nounmilliner, nounminder, nounminer, nounminiaturist, nounminister, nounmodel, nounmortician, nounmover, nounmovie star, nounnanny, nounnavvy, nounnewscaster, nounnewsreader, nounnight porter, nounnight watchman, nounnovelist, nounnumber cruncher, nounnurse, nounnursemaid, nounnurseryman, nounnursery nurse, nounnursing, nounobstetrician, nounoccupation, nounodd-job man, nounoilman, nounold salt, nounoptician, nounostler, nounpacker, nounpaediatrician, nounpaediatrics, nounpageboy, nounpainter, nounpalmist, nounpaperboy, nounpaper girl, nounpaper-pusher, nounparachutist, nounparalegal, nounparamedic, nounpark keeper, nounparliamentarian, nounpathology, nounpawnbroker, nounpeasant, nounpedlar, nounpen pusher, nounpensioner, nounperformer, nounpersonal assistant, nounpharmacist, nounphotographer, nounpipe fitter, nounplanter, nounplasterer, nounplaywright, nounploughman, nounplumber, nounpoet, nounpolice, nounporter, nounpostman, nounpotter, nounpractitioner, nounprinter, nounprivate detective, nounprivate eye, nounprivate investigator, nounprivate practice, nounprivate secretary, nounpro, nounpro, adjectiveprobation officer, nounprofession, nounprofessional, adjectiveprofessional, nounprofessionally, adverbprogrammer, nounproperty developer, nounprostitute, nounpsychiatrist, nounpsychiatry, nounpsychoanalyst, nounpublican, nounpublic defender, nounpublicist, nounpublic prosecutor, nounpublic relations, nounpublisher, nounpurser, nounquantity surveyor, nounquestion master, nounrabbi, nounradiographer, nounradiologist, nounrag-and-bone-man, nounrancher, nounranger, nounreal estate agent, nounreceptionist, nounrecruit, nounrector, nounregistrar, nounrepo man, nounreporter, nounrestaurateur, nounretailer, nounreviewer, nounroadie, nounroad manager, nounrookie, nounroughneck, nounroustabout, nounsailor, nounsalesclerk, nounsalesgirl, nounsalesman, nounsalesperson, nounsales representative, nounsaleswoman, nounsanitation worker, nounscalper, nounschoolmaster, nounschoolmistress, nounschoolteacher, nounscout, nounscout, verbscrew, nounscribe, nounscrubber, nounsea captain, nounseaman, nounseamstress, nounsecretary, nounsecurity guard, nounsemi-professional, adjectiveservant, nounshepherd, nounshepherdess, nounship's chandler, nounshipwright, nounshoemaker, nounshopkeeper, nounsilversmith, nounsmith, nounsoldier, nounsoldier of fortune, nounspaceman, nounspiv, nounstallholder, nounstationer, nounsteeplejack, nounsteersman, nounsteno, nounstenographer, nounstevedore, nounstockbroker, nounstoker, nounstorekeeper, nounstraight man, nounstringer, nounstructural engineer, nounstylist, nounsubmariner, nounsuperintendent, nounsurveyor, nounsweep, nounswineherd, nountailor, nountanner, nountaster, nountattooist, nountaxidermist, nounteamster, nountelecommuter, nounteller, nountemp, nountemp, verbtinker, nountobacconist, nountown crier, nountrade, nountradesman, nountraffic warden, nountranslator, nountrapper, nountravel agent, nountravelling salesman, nountreasurer, nountroubleshooter, nountrucker, nounturner, nountypist, nountypographer, nounundertaker, noununderwriter, nounusher, nounusherette, nounusurer, nounvalet, nounvaluer, nounvice-president, nounvideo jockey, nounvillein, nounvintner, nounvocation, nounvocational, adjectivewaiter, nounwaitress, nounwallah, nounwarden, nounwarder, nounwasherwoman, nounwatchmaker, nounwatchman, nounweaver, nounwelder, nounwhaler, nounwheelwright, nounwindow cleaner, nounwindow dresser, nounwoodcutter, nounwoodsman, nounworkman, nounWPC, nounwrangler, nounwriter, nounyeoman, nounzoo-keeper, noun
 He started as a stand-up comedian (=someone who tells jokes to an audience).
 zany comedian Vic Reeves
1someone whose job is to tell jokes and make people laugh:  He started as a stand-up comedian (=someone who tells jokes to an audience).2someone who is amusing:  You’ll like Matt. He’s a real comedian.




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