

单词 cold frame
cold frameˈcold frame noun [countable] British English Examples
  • A mini greenhouse or cold frame would be a good alternative in small gardens.
  • Because polyanthus are more difficult to germinate, start them off in seed trays or pots in a greenhouse or cold frame.
  • Before planting outside, they will require a short hardening-off period in a cold frame or cool greenhouse.
  • Cyclamen may also be raised from seed sown now in pots and pans and put outside in a shaded cold frame.
  • In August, sow early carrots in a cold frame or greenhouse and keep covered during winter for pulling as needed.
  • Keep the plants cool, putting them in a shaded cold frame.
  • Stand boxes of cuttings in a cold frame or under greenhouse staging and keep slightly moist.
  • Water well. 4 Label the pot and put on a cool bench or in a cold frame.
a box-like structure with sides and a top made of glass or clear plastic, used for keeping young plants warm as they start to grow




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