

单词 coachman
coachmancoach‧man /ˈkəʊtʃmən $ ˈkoʊtʃ-/ noun (plural coachmen /-mən/) [countable] Examples
  • A coachman has to drive, a groom has to open the door, a peon has to shout warnings.
  • A rider had come toward us and was talking to the coachman.
  • He is murdered by a peasant, Gaspard, whose child has been killed by the furious driving of his coachman.
  • He sent for his carriage and jumped in, and after telling his coachman to drive fast he ordered him to stop.
  • He was popular with the grooms and the coachmen and yet they respected him and his discipline was firm.
  • The coachman climbed down slowly and held up both hands.
  • The coachman took off his cap and stuck it in his pocket.
  • They've just dragged the body of a coachman out of the canal too.
word sets
all-terrain, adjectivebackpedal, verbbicycle, nounbicycle, verbbike, nounbike, verbbrougham, nounbuckboard, nounbuggy, nouncab, nouncaravan, nouncarriage, nouncart, nouncarter, nouncarthorse, nouncavalcade, nounchariot, nouncharioteer, nounchuck wagon, nouncoach, nouncoachman, nouncoaster brake, nouncrossbar, nouncycle, nouncycle, verbdismount, verbdogcart, noundogsled, noundray, nounfork, nounfreewheel, verbgoad, verbgoad, nounhackney carriage, nounhandcart, nounhandlebars, nounhansom, nounharness, nounharness, verbhayride, nounhorse-drawn, adjectivehorseshoe, nounhorsewoman, nounhowdah, nounhusky, nounlandau, nounmountain bike, nounoxcart, nounpack animal, nounpack horse, nounpair, nounpedal, nounpedal, verbpenny-farthing, nounpush-bike, nounpushcart, nounreflector, nounrickshaw, nounride, verbsaddle, nounsaddle bag, nounsedan chair, nounsledge, nounsledge, verbsleigh, nounspoke, nounstagecoach, nounsurgery, nounsurrey, nountandem, nounteam, nountrace, nountrailer, nountrap, nountricycle, nountruck, noununicycle, nounvelodrome, nounwagon, nounwagon train, nounwheelwright, noun
someone who drove a coach pulled by horses in the past




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