

单词 postgraduate
postgraduate1 nounpostgraduate2 adjective
postgraduatepost‧grad‧u‧ate1 /ˌpəʊstˈɡrædjuət $ ˌpoʊstˈɡrædʒuət/ noun [countable] especially British English Examples
  • He has three postgraduates helping him with his research.
  • Research students are admitted initially as supervised postgraduates and take a course of study tailored to their individual needs and experience.
  • Some 450 students, mainly postgraduates, were overseas students attracted from non-EC countries.
  • The Foundation has been delighted to be able to sow the seeds of international cooperation by supporting postgraduates.
Longman Language Activatora student
someone who is studying at school, university etc: · We would welcome suggestions from both teachers and students.· Student leaders had organized a sit-in to protest against the war.high school/college etc student: · The study found that drug use among high school students is rising.English/engineering/business etc student: · Seventy percent of the university's business students have job offers by graduation.student of: · Wiggins was a student of theology for many years before leaving the seminary.student days (=the time when you were a student): · Mira hadn't seen Brad since their student days at the University of Wisconsin.
especially British a child who studies at a school: · The school has over 700 pupils.· The new law reduces the number of pupils per class in the first four years of schooling.
someone who is learning about a particular subject - used especially by teachers and people talking about the needs of students: · A major aim of education is to improve learners' understanding of the world around them.· At the end of each chapter there is a series of exercises designed to help the learner.
especially British a child who studies at a school: · He was quickly surrounded by schoolgirls asking for his autograph.· Only 10% of British schoolchildren attend private schools.
informal a child who studies at a school: · I was just a schoolkid - I didn't know anything about poetry or literature.· They were standing outside giggling away like a couple of naughty schoolkids.
someone who is studying at a university in order to get their first degree: · They met when they were undergraduates at Cambridge.· The loans, which are based on financial need, are limited to $3000 for undergraduates.
American someone who is studying English, history etc as their main subject at a college or university: · Her boyfriend was a political science major at Berkeley.· I was a biology major in college, but I've forgotten almost everything I learned.
British /graduate student American someone who is studying for a higher degree after their first degree: · About half the graduate students in the program come from overseas.· He has three postgraduates helping him with his research.
AA, nounacademia, nounacademic, adjectiveacademic, nounacademy, nounalum, nounalumna, nounalumni, nounalumnus, nounassistant professor, nounAssociate of Arts, nounassociate professor, nounaudit, verbBA, nounbachelor's degree, nounBig Man on Campus, nounblue book, nounbrother, nounBSc, nounbursar, nounbursary, nouncampus, nounCantab, chair, nounchancellery, nounchancellor, nounclass, nouncoed, nouncommencement, nouncommunity college, nounconservatoire, nounconservatory, nounconvocation, nouncourse, nouncredit, nouncum laude, adverbdean, noundean's list, noundiploma, noundissertation, noundoctor, noundoctoral, adjectivedoctorate, nounDoctor of Philosophy, noundon, noundorm, noundormitory, noundouble first, noundown, adverbelective, nounexaminer, nounextension, nounextramural, adjectivefaculty, nounfinancial aid, nounfirst class, noungrad, noungrad school, noungraduate, noungraduate, verbgraduate, adjectivegraduate school, noungraduation, nounGRE, nounGreek, nounhall, nounhall of residence, nounhaze, verbhigher education, nounhomecoming, nounhonor roll, nounhonours degree, nounintercollegiate, adjectiveintramural, adjectiveIvy League, the, adjectivejoint honours, nounjunior college, nounlectureship, nounLLB, nounLLD, nounLLM, nounMA, nounmagna cum laude, adjectivemajor, nounMaster of Arts, nounMaster of Science, nounmaster's, nounmaster's degree, nounmatriculate, verbmature student, nounMBA, nounMEd, nounmedic, nounmedical school, nounMFA, nounmidterm, nounMilitary Academy, nounminor, nounMLitt, nounmortarboard, nounMPhil, nounM.Sc., nounOpen University, the, option, nounoral, nounOxbridge, nounPhD, nounPhi Beta Kappa, nounpledge, nounpledge, verbpoly, nounpolytechnic, nounpost doctoral, adjectivepost-grad, nounpostgraduate, nounpostgraduate, adjectivepractical, nounprof, nounprofessor, nounprofessorial, adjectiveprofessorship, nounProvost, nounqualified, adjectivequarter, nounrag, nounread, verbreadership, nounredbrick, adjectiverush, verbrush, nounsandwich course, nounschool, nounsemester, nounseminar, nounseminary, nounsenate, nounsenior, nounsingle honours, nounsophomore, nounsorority, nounspring break, nounstate university, nounstudent union, nounsubject, nounsumma cum laude, adverbsummer school, nounsurvey course, nounsyllabus, nountech, nountechnical college, nountenure, nountermly, adjectivetertiary education, nountheological college, nounthesis, nounthird, nounthird class, nountutor, nountutorial, nountutorial, adjective2.1, nountwo-two, nounU., undergraduate, noununi, nounUniv., university, nounupperclassman, nounupperclasswoman, nounvac, nounvacation, nounvarsity, nounvice-chancellor, nounvisiting professor, noun
British English (=one you do after your first degree course)
(=one that you take after a first degree)· He was offered a grant for a postgraduate degree.
British English, a graduate student American English (=one who has already done a first degree)· There is a separate university prospectus for postgraduate students.
· The most successful postgraduate course in terms of both applicants and admissions was the MPhil in Publishing Studies.
· All Henley postgraduate students are registered at Brunel University which also confers the degree.· The Oxford postgraduate student has hit on a novel way of studying moths on his forthcoming trip to Sumatra.· The complex, consisting of 37 houses each accommodating five students, provides high quality accommodation for 185 postgraduate students.· Undergraduate and postgraduate student numbers remain steady.· The series encourages contributions from postgraduate students as well as established researchers.
· I want to undertake the postgraduate study in Britain.· For those who go on to read postgraduate studies, there is the further problem of publishing any research findings.
someone who is studying at a university to get a master’s degree or a PhD SYN graduate student American English
postgraduate1 nounpostgraduate2 adjective
postgraduatepostgraduate2 adjective [only before noun] Examples
  • postgraduate research
  • postgraduate work at the Sorbonne
  • Most of the people in the department hold postgraduate degrees.
  • She got a degree in history last year, and now she's doing a postgraduate course.
  • Although organised on a departmental basis, postgraduate study within the Faculty is not confined to disciplinary boundaries.
  • But his woods look as beautiful as any tended by a forester with a postgraduate degree from Yale.
  • For these students, this was manifested by a decision not to continue with physics at postgraduate level.
  • Funding a course is one of the most challenging things people face when considering postgraduate study.
  • Quite a few have gone on to postgraduate teacher training to teach in the secondary sector.
  • Study for the dissertation for postgraduate degrees is normally undertaken during the summer vacation.
  • This booklet provides an introduction to the postgraduate programme.
Longman Language Activatora place where people over 18 can study
a place where students study one or two subjects at a high level, in order to get degrees: · the University of Chicago· In 1986 32% of Saudi Arabian university professors were women.go to university British: · She wants to go to university to study biology.be at university British: · Both my sisters are at university.
in the US a university; in Britain, a place where people can study academic subjects or practical skills after they leave secondary school, but which does not give degrees: · The grant money is for low-income college students.go to college: · My brother never went to college, but he still has a very good job.be at college British: be in college American: · Our youngest daughter is in college now.graduate from college: · We hadn't seen each other since we graduated from college.college graduate (=someone who has successfully completed college): · Many college graduates are unable to find work in their field.
American informal a university or similar institution: go to school (=study at a college or university): · Phil gave up his job, and he's going back to school next year.
a university or part of a university where you study law, medicine, or business: · My father always wanted me to go to law school.· Harvard Business School· He's applied to all the best medical schools in the country.
American use this about education that takes place after a student has finished high school: · Eighty-five percent of high school students in the program go on to post-secondary education.· post-secondary institutions
especially British /graduate American use this about advanced education that takes place after a student has finished a university degree, or about students who study at this level: · She got a degree in history last year, and now she's doing a postgraduate course.· postgraduate research· We met when we were both graduate students at Berkeley.
education at a university or similar institution: · The U.S. community college system is the largest system of higher education in the world.· More women than ever are going on to higher education.
classes for adults, often in the evenings, either because they want to improve their skills or for interest and enjoyment: · The government needs to do more to fund adult education for the unemployed.
AA, nounacademia, nounacademic, adjectiveacademic, nounacademy, nounalum, nounalumna, nounalumni, nounalumnus, nounassistant professor, nounAssociate of Arts, nounassociate professor, nounaudit, verbBA, nounbachelor's degree, nounBig Man on Campus, nounblue book, nounbrother, nounBSc, nounbursar, nounbursary, nouncampus, nounCantab, chair, nounchancellery, nounchancellor, nounclass, nouncoed, nouncommencement, nouncommunity college, nounconservatoire, nounconservatory, nounconvocation, nouncourse, nouncredit, nouncum laude, adverbdean, noundean's list, noundiploma, noundissertation, noundoctor, noundoctoral, adjectivedoctorate, nounDoctor of Philosophy, noundon, noundorm, noundormitory, noundouble first, noundown, adverbelective, nounexaminer, nounextension, nounextramural, adjectivefaculty, nounfinancial aid, nounfirst class, noungrad, noungrad school, noungraduate, noungraduate, verbgraduate, adjectivegraduate school, noungraduation, nounGRE, nounGreek, nounhall, nounhall of residence, nounhaze, verbhigher education, nounhomecoming, nounhonor roll, nounhonours degree, nounintercollegiate, adjectiveintramural, adjectiveIvy League, the, adjectivejoint honours, nounjunior college, nounlectureship, nounLLB, nounLLD, nounLLM, nounMA, nounmagna cum laude, adjectivemajor, nounMaster of Arts, nounMaster of Science, nounmaster's, nounmaster's degree, nounmatriculate, verbmature student, nounMBA, nounMEd, nounmedic, nounmedical school, nounMFA, nounmidterm, nounMilitary Academy, nounminor, nounMLitt, nounmortarboard, nounMPhil, nounM.Sc., nounOpen University, the, option, nounoral, nounOxbridge, nounPhD, nounPhi Beta Kappa, nounpledge, nounpledge, verbpoly, nounpolytechnic, nounpost doctoral, adjectivepost-grad, nounpostgraduate, nounpostgraduate, adjectivepractical, nounprof, nounprofessor, nounprofessorial, adjectiveprofessorship, nounProvost, nounqualified, adjectivequarter, nounrag, nounread, verbreadership, nounredbrick, adjectiverush, verbrush, nounsandwich course, nounschool, nounsemester, nounseminar, nounseminary, nounsenate, nounsenior, nounsingle honours, nounsophomore, nounsorority, nounspring break, nounstate university, nounstudent union, nounsubject, nounsumma cum laude, adverbsummer school, nounsurvey course, nounsyllabus, nountech, nountechnical college, nountenure, nountermly, adjectivetertiary education, nountheological college, nounthesis, nounthird, nounthird class, nountutor, nountutorial, nountutorial, adjective2.1, nountwo-two, nounU., undergraduate, noununi, nounUniv., university, nounupperclassman, nounupperclasswoman, nounvac, nounvacation, nounvarsity, nounvice-chancellor, nounvisiting professor, noun
British English (=one you do after your first degree course)
(=one that you take after a first degree)· He was offered a grant for a postgraduate degree.
British English, a graduate student American English (=one who has already done a first degree)· There is a separate university prospectus for postgraduate students.
· Middlesex University currently offers such a postgraduate course.· Other applicants should also make enquiries early in the year in which they propose to commence a postgraduate course. 1.· The point also holds for those postgraduate courses which are hardly more than programmes of professional training.· In addition to the degree and diploma courses described below, there is a wide range of professional and postgraduate courses.· Some go on to study for a higher degree, and some take postgraduate courses in management or production engineering.· There is open access to undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as reciprocal facilities in Science and Social Science departments.· This can require attendance at postgraduate courses, and perhaps some Masters degree coursework in the same field.· In addition to the foundation course a four-year postgraduate course will begin in 1993.
· Forms one of the postgraduate degree streams in Ecology and Resource Management described in general on this page.· But his woods look as beautiful as any tended by a forester with a postgraduate degree from Yale.· Study for the dissertation for postgraduate degrees is normally undertaken during the summer vacation.· There are also some interesting new postgraduate degrees.· It confers a wide range of research-based and taught postgraduate degrees and diplomas.
· For these students, this was manifested by a decision not to continue with physics at postgraduate level.· His love of international law he communicated to his students both at an undergraduate and a postgraduate level.· It is still the best foundation at postgraduate level.· Scholarships A number of scholarships are available at entrance, undergraduate and postgraduate level.· At postgraduate level the Bucher and Fraser Scholarships provide opportunities for further research or for advanced studies in composition or performance.· It is generally assumed that at postgraduate level and above users can look after themselves.· This is reflected in the range of courses offered by the Faculty of Business and Management, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.· This Centre offers a programme of studies both at the undergraduate and intermediate postgraduate levels.
· Recent postgraduate research has been conducted in all of these areas and elsewhere.· Some graduates go on to take further qualifications, for example in housing or social work, or into postgraduate research.· Further details are available in the departmental postgraduate research brochure.
· The point appears to come through even more strongly in the role of the postgraduate student, particularly the research student.· There are approximately 380 postgraduate students, including both students taking postgraduate taught courses and those studying for research degrees.· The department runs a research seminar, with guest speakers and opportunities for postgraduate students to present their work.· Linton lists as his perceived audience undergraduates studying microbiology, together with both undergraduate and postgraduate students of medicine and veterinary science.· Undergraduate and postgraduate students will also find papers worth reading.· Currently there are approximately 230 postgraduate students registered in the Faculty.· The department is accordingly a highly suitable base for postgraduate students seeking to pursue research or advanced study in comparative law.· The international and interdisciplinary background of the department's postgraduate students provides the basis of a lively community.
· Although organised on a departmental basis, postgraduate study within the Faculty is not confined to disciplinary boundaries.· They provide a thorough preparation for postgraduate study programmes and are of 3, 6, 9 and 13 weeks' duration.· Funding a course is one of the most challenging things people face when considering postgraduate study.· Edinburgh is a capital city for postgraduate study.· Increasingly, the approach to postgraduate study is becoming modular.· Applicants for postgraduate study should have a thorough grounding in economics, preferably at the Master's level.
1 especially British English relating to studies done at a university after completing a first degree SYN graduate American English:  postgraduate degrees2 American English relating to studies done after completing a PhD SYN  post doctoral




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