

单词 sum
sum1 nounsum2 verb
sumsum1 /sʌm/ ●●○ W2 AWL noun [countable] Entry menu
MENU FOR sumsum1 money2 the sum of something3 greater/more/better etc than the sum of its parts4 calculation5 do your sums6 in sum
Word Origin
1200-1300 Old French summe, from Latin summa, from summus ‘highest’
  • a lump-sum payment
  • A purse containing a small sum of money was found at Guildhall Square on March 20.
  • Apple has spent huge sums in its drive to penetrate new markets.
  • He offered to purchase the estate for the sum of $80,000.
  • Instead of paying him a regular pension, they gave him a lump sum when he retired.
  • It'll be quicker if I use a calculator for these sums.
  • My uncle left me a small sum of money when he died.
  • She and the other workers received the princely sum of $14 for the evening's work.
  • She left a small sum of money to her two granddaughters.
  • She puts away small sums of money when she can afford to.
  • Stars like Chaplin earned $2000 a week, which was an enormous sum in those days.
  • The apartment cost over $25,000, which was an enormous sum in those days.
  • The case was settled for an undisclosed sum last year.
  • They are asking $40 for the new software, almost twice the sum it costs when bought via the Internet.
  • We had to do some really hard sums today.
  • You can receive your bonus in monthly instalments, or as a lump sum.
  • A lump sum would be paid to a trade association or similar body.
  • But when all had been settled, it seemed that Phil could expect a sum of only about six thousand pounds.
  • If it is less than £1.05 a week, it will be paid as a lump sum once a year.
  • Take your pension in lump sum rather than in monthly checks.
  • This sum will be doubled up to £80,000, if both husband and wife die as a result of the same accident.
  • This procedure applies to actions brought for the recovery of a sum, in either contract or tort, not exceeding £1000.
Longman Language Activatoran amount of something such as money, time, or a substance
: the amount of something · The amount of tax you pay depends on how much you earn.· Try to reduce the amount of fat in your diet.· The amount of calories a person needs each day is determined by the type of work they do.a small/tiny amount · The water here contains small amounts of calcium and other minerals.a large/enormous/considerable amount · He knows an enormous amount about Italian paintings.
use this to ask or talk about the size of an amount of something: · How much did your jeans cost?· I'll get you some paint if you tell me how much you need.how much money/time/food etc: · How much money do I owe you?· Do you realize how much trouble you caused?· How much nitrogen is there in the air?how much of: · You received $50,000. How much of that money is still in your bank account?
use this, especially in written descriptions or instructions, to talk about amounts of food, liquid, or other substances that can be measured: quantity of: · Make sure that you add the correct quantity of water.· Use equal quantities of flour and butter.a large/small/enormous etc quantity: · An enormous quantity of chemical waste has been dumped in the river. in large/small quantities: · Expensive spices, like saffron, are only produced in small quantities.
use this to talk about the total amount of something such as business activity or traffic, especially when it is large or increasing : the volume of trade/sales/traffic/business: · The volume of traffic on our roads has risen by 50% in the past three years.· After 1998, there was a rapid fall in the volume of trade.
use this to talk about the exact amount of something at one time, even though this amount may go up or go down at other times: the level of something: · a device that measures the level of carbon monoxide in the aira high/low level: · The company continues to enjoy a high level of sales.· People who suffer heart attacks tend to have a high level of cholesterol in the blood.
an amount of money: a large/enormous sum: · The apartment cost over $25,000, which was an enormous sum in those days.a sum of money: · She left a small sum of money to her two granddaughters.· A purse containing a small sum of money was found at Guildhall Square on March 20.a lump sum (=an amount of money given in a single payment): · Instead of paying him a regular pension, they gave him a lump sum when he retired.
an amount of something that is worth £100, $10 etc: 100 pounds' worth/ten dollars' worth etc of: · Over £10 million worth of heroin was seized in the raid.· The company owns millions of dollars' worth of real estate in downtown Tokyo.
a calculation
· This type of calculation would take several hours without a computer.· According to our calculations, 2000 jobs will be lost.do/make a calculation · Mickey sat at the kitchen table doing calculations on a scratch pad.· Once all the necessary calculations have been made the experiment can proceed.
especially British a simple calculation, especially one done by children as an exercise in school: · It'll be quicker if I use a calculator for these sums.· We had to do some really hard sums today.
what you think the number, price, or value of something probably is, after calculating it quickly: · I'm allowing $300, but that's only an estimate.estimate of: · Officials said Huntcor's estimate of building costs was about $3 million more than expected.rough estimate (=not exact but good enough to be useful): · This proposal represents a rough estimate of the cost of materials and labor.conservative estimate (=an estimate that is probably too low, so you can be sure that the true amount will not be less than this): · The paintings have been valued at $3.5 million, which is probably a conservative estimate.
: an estimated number/cost/value etc a number, cost etc that is not exact but has been roughly calculated: · The tunnel is being constructed at an estimated cost of £15 million.· An estimated 1 million Irish people died from starvation and disease during the Famine.
an amount of money
the money that something costs, is paid etc: · Work out the amount you spend each month on food and clothes.· He expects to spend a similar amount on getting his daughter through college. · He was fined $300,000, an amount that would ruin the average householder.amount of money: · We spent an astonishing amount of money in town today.· The judge reduced the amount of money awarded to the victim. small/large/considerable amount: · She has a pension, and receives a small amount from her ex-husband.the full amount (=all the money that someone owes, must pay etc): · You must pay the full amount in advance.undisclosed amount (=when someone does not say what the amount was): · Heinz Co. acquired the ailing food company for an undisclosed amount.
an amount of money - use this to say how large or small an amount is: · They are asking $40 for the new software, almost twice the sum it costs when bought via the Internet.sum of money: · My uncle left me a small sum of money when he died.sum of $100,000/£400 etc: · He offered to purchase the estate for the sum of $80,000.large/small/considerable/enormous etc sum: · Stars like Chaplin earned $2000 a week, which was an enormous sum in those days.· Apple has spent huge sums in its drive to penetrate new markets.· She puts away small sums of money when she can afford to.· The store chain has been forced to pay hefty sums (=a very large amount) to female employees after it was sued for discrimination.lump sum (=an amount of money given in a single payment): · You can receive your bonus in monthly instalments, or as a lump sum.· a lump-sum paymentundisclosed sum (=when someone does not say what the amount was): · The case was settled for an undisclosed sum last year.princely sum (=used to emphasize how small an amount is, when you think it should be bigger): · She and the other workers received the princely sum of $14 for the evening's work.
a particular amount of money that is stated or written down: · "We need $30,000 to get the project started." "How close are you to that figure?"· A comparison of the two figures shows the estimated profit on investment.row/column of figures (=a list of figures written one below the other): · Add up that row of figures, and transfer the full amount to the top of the next page.a four-/five-/six-etc figure number (=a number in the thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands etc): · What's the point of a six-figure salary and no time to enjoy it?final figure (=the amount of money after everything has been added up): · The event raised $400,000 for charity, but that is not the final figure as donations are still coming in.
abacus, nounalgebra, nounangle, nounarc, nounarea, nounarithmetic, nounarithmetic, adjectivearithmetic progression, nounaxis, nounbar chart, nounbar graph, nounbase, nounbinomial, nounbisect, verbBoolean, adjectiveC, nouncalculator, nouncalculus, nouncanonical, adjectivechord, nouncipher, nouncircumference, nouncircumscribe, verbcompass, nouncomplementary, adjectivecomputation, nouncompute, verbconcentric, adjectivecone, nouncongruent, adjectiveconical, adjectiveconstant, nouncontain, verbcoordinate, nouncoordinate, adjectivecos, cosine, nouncube, nouncubic, adjectivecurvature, nouncurve, nouncut, verbdeci-, prefixdeviation, noundiagonal, adjectivediameter, noundifferential calculus, noundigit, noundimension, noundomain, nouneccentric, adjectiveellipse, nounelliptical, adjectiveequal, adjectiveequal, verbequals sign, nounequation, nounequilateral triangle, nounexponential, adjectiveexpress, verbexpression, nounface, nounfigure, nounflow chart, nounformula, nounfraction, nounfractional, adjectivefunction, noungeometric, adjectivegeometry, noungraph, noungraphically, adverbgraph paper, noungrid, nounHCF, helix, nounheptagon, nounhexagon, nounhistogram, nounhypotenuse, nounimperial, adjectiveimproper fraction, nouninfinity, nouninformation theory, nouninnumerate, adjectiveinto, prepositioninverse, adjectiveisosceles triangle, nounline graph, log, nounlogarithm, nounlong division, nounlozenge, nounmath, nounmathematical, adjectivemathematician, nounmathematics, nounmatrix, nounmean, adjectivemedian, nounmedian, adjectivemetric, adjectiveminus, prepositionminus, nounminus, adjectiveminus sign, nounminute, nounmultiplication, nounmultiplication sign, nounmultiplication table, nounmultiply, verbN, nounnumber, nounnumerate, adjectivenumeration, nounoblong, adjectiveobtuse angle, nounoctagon, nounoval, nounparabola, nounparallel, adjectiveparallelogram, nounpentagon, nounpercentage, nounperimeter, nounperpendicular, nounpi, nounpictogram, nounpie chart, nounplane, nounplane geometry, nounplus, prepositionplus, nounplus, adjectiveplus sign, nounpolygon, nounpolyhedron, nounpower, nounprism, nounprobability, nounproof, nounproportion, nounproposition, nounprotractor, nounquadrangle, nounquadrant, nounquadratic equation, nounquadri-, prefixquadrilateral, nounradius, nounratio, nounrectangle, nounrectilinear, adjectiverecur, verbrhombus, nounright angle, nounright-angled triangle, nounroot, nounruler, nounscale, nounscalene triangle, nounscatter diagram, section, nounsegment, nounsemicircle, nounset square, nounsine, nounslide rule, nounsolid, adjectivesolid, nounsolution, nounsolve, verbsphere, nounsquare, adjectivesquare, nounsquare, verbsquare, adverbsquarely, adverbsquare root, nounsubset, nounsubtract, verbsubtraction, nounsum, nounsurface area, nounsymmetrical, adjectivesymmetry, nountangent, nounterm, nountheorem, nounthreefold, adjectivetimes, prepositiontrapezium, nountriangle, nountrigonometry, nountwo-dimensional, adjectivevalue, nounvariable, nounvector, nounVenn diagram, nounvertex, nounvertical, adjectivevolume, nounwork, verbX, nounx-axis, nouny-axis, noun
· We urge people not to keep large sums of money in their houses.
· He lost a substantial sum of money on the deal.
· The company has invested huge sums in research.
(=an amount in the ten thousands, hundred thousands etc)· The newspaper paid a six-figure sum for the photograph of the princess.
· Each year the inhabitants had to pay a small sum for the use of the pasture.
(=not a very big amount of money)· She had paid a modest sum for the paintings.
(=an amount that is being kept secret)· He sold the company for an undisclosed sum.
informal (=a large amount of money)· I had managed to save a tidy sum.
· The total sum lost is believed to be around £2 million.
(=a large amount – often used humorously to mean a small amount)· They were surviving on the princely sum of £50 a week.· For the princely sum of $8 million you too could live in a mansion like this.
(=use numbers to find out a figure, price etc)· I did a quick calculation on a piece of paper.
 huge sums of money
(also an amount of money)· £10,000 seemed a huge sum of money to me.
 paltry sum of money
 My savings had now reached the princely sum of £30.
(=the whole of an amount, when everything is added together)· This was the sum total of her grandfather's possessions.
 The government will have to borrow vast amounts of money. The refugees come across the border in vast numbers.
· Yes, both Place and Egan had considerable sums stowed away from various jobs.· Owing to the large amount of work demanded, this would be quite a considerable sum.· In mass transit, private bus companies spend considerable sums to influence legislatures, to get and keep their contracts.· The followers of this cult are, nevertheless, looking to the future and investing considerable sums of money in it.· The crisis has been caused partly by the reluctance of self-employed family doctors to invest the considerable sums needed to computerise.· Minna had spent a considerable sum of money on me and I could not die a swindler.
· Virtually all Third World countries were Spending enormous sums on war or preparation for war, despite staggering debts and dreadful poverty.· Lawyers are really expert at making you pay enormous sums for their advice.
· The policy guarantees a fixed sum to your pet if you die.· Recall that a bond is an asset that earns a fixed sum of money for its owner each year.· If the authority receives a fixed sum 31, then it is able to purchase more of the publicly provided good.· Usually this is a fixed sum which, at the time of writing seems to average around £90.· From each performance they were given either a fixed sum or collected money from the crowd for charity.· This petty cash is kept on the imprest system, whereby the petty cashier is entrusted with a fixed sum of money.· The petty cashier must always account for a certain fixed sum of money. 2.· He would then have drawings and quantities prepared and would invite tenders for a fixed sum.
· One of its ideas is that of holism - the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.· Is it thus greater than the sum of the individual parts?· Labor provides Daley with his strongest personal support and contributes great sums to his campaigns.· A plan consists of time, resources and indicated action but the whole is much greater than the sum of the parts.· It was their intention to suggest that the negative total was greater than the sum of his recent accomplishments.· On the other hand, it was no great sum and Hope's custom had given him publicity.
· The major companies operating in these markets spend huge sums on marketing in order to promote their products globally.· The only alternative to raising huge sums of money is to have it already.· All Mr Fractor did was write huge sums on his blackboards.· Though banks lend huge sums to firms, banks are not the only source of lending.· It was completed in 1970, at a cost of one billion dollars - a huge sum in those days.· Achieving the goal of absolute purity would cost an additional huge but undetermined sum.· On top of that come huge sums of cheap credit to enterprises which must be reduced if inflation is to be controlled.· Each vessel must have cost a huge sum, and carried at least a score of men on board.
· In addition, he was ordered to pay large sums of money to the government as compensation for his negligence.· Format Many public libraries now spend large sums on paperbacks, and budget for them separately.· He advanced large sums to Parliament and later invested heavily on his own account in the purchase of bishops' lands.· It often saves large sums in absenteeism and recruitment as companies retain a better workforce.· This will require them to deal with complex legal questions and to control large sums of money.· The Crown needed larger sums for longer periods than London financiers could provide.· Retail and wholesale banks alike raise large sums of money on this market, and lend their surpluses there.· Other Defences Consent People can - and often do for large sums of money - agree to be defamed.
· It was a very modest sum for Helmut.· In fact, investing had been on my mind because of a modest sum of money that had unexpectedly come my way.· Participating organisations will receive modest sums to defray recruiting, training and reporting costs.· Yet this one modest sum brings you some remarkable advantages.· It is £1,685.02, a fairly modest sum after nearly seven years of investment.· Added to which, these were simple people who worked hard for modest sums of money.
· He applied for a grant of land and this was sold to him for a nominal sum.· It would save money simply to give the pits to the miners for a nominal sum, say £1.· These were leased for a nominal sum from a very understanding Tangmere Parish Council.
· Little of these paltry sums is likely to be new money, most being sliced off existing allocations.· But the total amount of helium-3 in Uranus and Neptune is vastly larger than this paltry sum.· That is why men and women come on these schemes for such a paltry sum.
· Our local CAA-approved doctor charges the princely sum of £65 for similar services.· Like the other outreach workers Saturday, Harris earned the princely sum of $ 24 for her hours of outreach.· And young activists can win the princely sum of £100 if they come up with the winning slogan.· Eventually, they were returned to Quedlinburg, but not before the heirs of Joe Meador had collected a princely sum.· This was a princely sum in the year of our Lord, 1926.· Tim is doing a one-year cabinetmaking course with me and paying a princely sum for the pleasure of doing it.· The result was that it had been increased only twice and now stood at the princely sum of £30.· They would happily pay out princely sums for completely new garments made from superior imported cloths.
· His Milton and Dante fetch pathetically small sums in comparison with the labour and skill they cost.· Others took in smaller sums, but it added up.· Even putting by a relatively small sum on a regular basis can lead to a healthy nest-egg after a few years.· They insist there is no pot of gold, but relatively small sums at best.· There are few more cost-effective ways to invest relatively small sums of money than reinstating the support funding for tourism.· This meant that even customers with small sums of money could he made to do large pieces of business.· Two large denomination bills on top, the rest a small sum.· Plenty of managers have had spectacular short-term records when they ran relatively small sums.
· As you would expect, a project of this kind requires substantial sums of money to set up.· People have gained confidence in sending substantial sums off to unseen institutions and working with them long-distance.· The field officer, after all, has the power to make a discharger spend a substantial sum of money.· He managed to raise 200, 000 pesos, a substantial sum in those days, to begin his religious order.· He is set to front a new rescue package, with a mystery backer ready to invest a substantial sum.· Now careless loss of a substantial sum of money.· It has redrawn the boundaries between the public and private sectors in favour of the latter and raised substantial sums for the Treasury.· For those businesses requiring substantial sums of cash it is often appropriate to provide these from our Cash centres.
· Even allowing for what they would have lost on laundering the proceeds, there should have been a tidy sum.· Chief Auctioneer, Michael Welch, suggests that silver, brass or other trinkets could well fetch a tidy sum.· Would we be right in thinking, a tidy sum?· And, if my memory serves me right, you stand to rake in a tidy sum on that.· These represented a tidy sum, not a great fortune but enough for her to be comfortably off.· Still, I should be coming in for a tidy sum of compensation.
· Klein reports that the total sums spent began a slow rise from the 1970s, reaching £39 million by 1983.· Next they weighed each new shopping plan against their total sum of money.· Each school received figures showing how the total sum available to them had been allocated under different headings.· But this total sum is distributed very unevenly among the schools.· The total sum is then debited to your Current Account.· The report also says that the total sum spent on improvements is far less than required.· In the case of unspecified valuables, there is a total sum insured and a separate single article limit.· The normal premium is about 10 percent of the total sum insured.
· Disney said yesterday it had reached a settlement with one group of contractors for an undisclosed sum.· Koutros' attorney, Steven Thaler, said the case had been settled last year for an undisclosed sum.· Darlington conservatory maker Amdega bought a Staffordshire-based rival for an undisclosed sum.· Acquired by Houston from San Antonio for an undisclosed sum on Feb. 21, 1990.· Boots is selling Fine Art Wallcoverings to its management for an undisclosed sum.· However, he settled the case for an undisclosed sum in 1992.· Disney has an option to buy the entire 140, 000 square-foot site from Slough Estates for an undisclosed sum.
· Creditors and investors stood to lose vast sums.· Rather than expending vast sums on political posturing, we may in-stead choose to invest in potentially profitable space enterprises.· Shoppers will have more in their pockets and it will not cost companies vast sums to borrow for expansion.· And I recognize now that Kathie Lee is above all a humanitarian who raises vast sums for good causes.· Major record companies invest vast sums of money in new artists every year.· Most businesses, especially small businesses, can not afford to squander vast sums of money on such refined legalistic nit-picking.· Courts don't pay out vast sums of money for ruined holidays.· Her father had bought it for a vast sum from a sailor in a pub.
· Marcella Tate came to the Incident Room and made her statement which added nothing to the sum of their knowledge.· But nobody fuses much over daily expenditures on sales and gasoline taxes -- even though they add up to large sums annually.· Equally it has to be acknowledged that misguided and failed protest has added to the sum of human misery.· But the whole doesn't always add up to the sum of its mostly clever parts.· This one is well researched, but I question whether it adds much to the sum total of our knowledge about Wellington.
· When I accepted he suggested I might like to give him a certain sum to help the wine flow.· If a fire department were given a lump sum budget and allowed to keep any savings, these incentives would change.· Some state schools have followed the example of the independent schools in asking parents to give covenanted sums.· Had she wanted it, the Loreto Order would certainly have given her a reasonable sum to cover her expenses.· Should you wish to give away substantial sums of money which will reduce your savings you should notify the Department.· If they gave you ten sums, you were allowed to get only one wrong.· From each performance they were given either a fixed sum or collected money from the crowd for charity.· What if I wish to give a sum of capital or a sum in excess of my annual taxable income?
· Major record companies invest vast sums of money in new artists every year.· The followers of this cult are, nevertheless, looking to the future and investing considerable sums of money in it.· First, whether you are investing a lump sum or saving from income, you can never start too soon.· I am 74 years old and when I retired in 1982 I invested my lump sum pension with a brokerage.· There are few more cost-effective ways to invest relatively small sums of money than reinstating the support funding for tourism.· He has done well before and now wants to invest a large sum of money in your operation.· He is set to front a new rescue package, with a mystery backer ready to invest a substantial sum.· You can either invest both the original sum and interest for another fixed term.
· Reinstating a siding at Bedale would involve a five-figure sum.· The management offer involves a lump sum payment of £300 and a pay rise of about £8 a week from next July.· You will also handle projects involving large sums of public money.· For all the children, the best indicator of response time was the size of the smaller number involved in the sum.
· Lawyers are really expert at making you pay enormous sums for their advice.· Courts don't pay out vast sums of money for ruined holidays.· The firm had just paid him a fantastic sum of money.· If we are to pay out a large sum to cover the last cargo there must be some corroboration.· In addition the government would pay an annual sum equivalent to 6 percent interest on the transferred stock.· They paid large sums to secure their pitches.· Clubs will pay sums of four figures as secret bonuses or salary top-ups to their star players.
· At subsequent Forest Eyres in other counties the judges were clearly determined to raise large sums by fining the forest landowners.· The only alternative to raising huge sums of money is to have it already.· Such accommodation can often be let on a long lease or sold to raise a capital sum.· Fund-raisers used fears of destruction to raise the prodigious sums that fueled the entire machine.· This kind of flotation to raise large capital sums has already been seen in cases such as Bairstow Eves and Connells.· And I recognize now that Kathie Lee is above all a humanitarian who raises vast sums for good causes.· Though he may never have visited Leighton, he raised a considerable sum of money to repair the church.· Several dozen staffers worked in administration and finance, raising the ever-growing sums needed to keep the machine running.
· She also received a cash lump sum from her Personal Accident Policy.· Dear Help Wanted: I may be receiving a lump sum of money to settle a workers' compensation claim.· Participating organisations will receive modest sums to defray recruiting, training and reporting costs.· Under a block grant approach, each state would receive a lump sum to be divided any way the state chose.· The average partner received a lump sum of $ 7. 8 million from the sale.
· Format Many public libraries now spend large sums on paperbacks, and budget for them separately.· He spent extravagant sums for blockbuster articles by and about celebrities, and launched a circulation war against Life and Look.· The major companies operating in these markets spend huge sums on marketing in order to promote their products globally.· In mass transit, private bus companies spend considerable sums to influence legislatures, to get and keep their contracts.· Yet to win the big audiences that would attract advertising, the companies had to spend large sums on attractive programmes.· Minna had spent a considerable sum of money on me and I could not die a swindler.· The field officer, after all, has the power to make a discharger spend a substantial sum of money.· The Church argued that it was not worth spending such high sums on the building's repair.
  • In sum, we need to cut costs.
  • An organism's phenotype was thus believed to be almost entirely accounted for by the sum of these two apparently independent variables.
  • But the whole doesn't always add up to the sum of its mostly clever parts.
  • It is computed as the sum of the values divided by the number of observations.
  • That is, that line which minimizes the sum of squared deviations from the line. 4.
  • The difference between the sums of money in the different bands that people will have to pay is relatively small.
  • The final score of a strategy was the sum of the points it gained against all the other strategies.
  • The national figures, after all, represent the sum of all the varied influences on productivity, good and bad.
  • This is simply the sum of the distances between the corresponding end-points of the actual and hypothesized word durations.
  • Or is the organisation more than the sum of its parts?
  • I did my sums and I knew I could pay him.
  • We can accumulate the figures and we can all do our sums.
  • You will have to do your sums.
  • If you are aged over 55, Family Assurance Society will reduce the sum assured by £20 for each year above 55.
  • If you can not complete the declaration without qualification, the sum assured may also have to be reduced under your Bond.
  • It seems fair to assume that she will attract the attention of a goodly number of our countrymen.
  • Small Dave had spent a goodly amount of time impressing upon him the importance of finding a camel.
  • The Thatcher Years have been splendid ones for a goodly number of golf members throughout this Royal and Ancient land of ours.
  • A red cotton T-shirt or running vest is available at a nominal charge of £1.00 together with sponsorship forms.
  • He applied for a grant of land and this was sold to him for a nominal sum.
  • Homes for the elderly were shut, and formerly nominal charges increased and extended.
  • It would save money simply to give the pits to the miners for a nominal sum, say £1.
  • The local agents provide an extensive catalogue of programs available at a nominal charge.
  • Those registered users of Word for Windows requiring the upgrade can obtain it from Microsoft for a nominal fee of £7.75inc.VAT.
  • Traditionally, the people's singing has been delegated to a choir which is generally paid a nominal fee.
  • Under the program, the government sold shares to citizens for a nominal fee to quickly transform state enterprises into private companies.
  • In his eyes I amount to nothing, much, much less than the sum total of him.
  • In the orthodox view the illness is considered to be the sum total of the symptoms and signs which it produces.
  • Indeed, the whole is considered to constitute more than just the sum total of its parts.
  • Is that the sum total of the charges against me?
  • That was the sum total of my formal education for the craft.
  • The built environment therefore equates to the sum total of all the assembled items which surround us, both natural and man-made.
  • They create the illusion that they are the sum total of their own accomplishments.
  • In 1899, the mansion cost the tidy sum of $350,000.
  • And, if my memory serves me right, you stand to rake in a tidy sum on that.
  • Chief Auctioneer, Michael Welch, suggests that silver, brass or other trinkets could well fetch a tidy sum.
  • Even allowing for what they would have lost on laundering the proceeds, there should have been a tidy sum.
  • He has sold no less than five cars, each one at a tidy profit.
  • Nevertheless that blip was long enough for some one to make a tidy profit.
  • These represented a tidy sum, not a great fortune but enough for her to be comfortably off.
  • Until now they have made a tidy profit from selling re-issued pop hits from the fifties, sixties and seventies.
  • Would we be right in thinking, a tidy sum?
1money an amount of money:  He owes me a large sum of money.sum of the sum of £4,000large/substantial/considerable etc sum Bill wants to spend a large sum on modernizing the farm.small/modest/trifling etc sum We should be happy to buy it for a modest sum. lump sum, → princely sum at princely(1)2the sum of something the total produced when you add two or more numbers or amounts together:  You will have to pay the sum of the two sets of costs.3greater/more/better etc than the sum of its parts having a quality or effectiveness as a group that you would not expect from the quality of each member:  The team is greater than the sum of its parts.4calculation a simple calculation by adding, multiplying, dividing etc, especially one done by children at school5do your sums British English informal to calculate whether you have enough money to do something:  Do your sums first before you decide how much to spend.6in sum formal used before a statement that gives the main information about something in a few simple words:  In sum, soul music is important to the record industry. sum totalCOLLOCATIONSphrasesa sum of money· We urge people not to keep large sums of money in their houses.adjectivesa large/considerable/substantial sum· He lost a substantial sum of money on the deal.a huge/enormous/vast sum· The company has invested huge sums in research.a five-figure/six-figure/seven-figure etc sum (=an amount in the ten thousands, hundred thousands etc)· The newspaper paid a six-figure sum for the photograph of the princess.a small sum· Each year the inhabitants had to pay a small sum for the use of the pasture.a modest sum (=not a very big amount of money)· She had paid a modest sum for the paintings.an undisclosed sum (=an amount that is being kept secret)· He sold the company for an undisclosed sum.a tidy sum informal (=a large amount of money)· I had managed to save a tidy sum.the total sum· The total sum lost is believed to be around £2 million.the princely sum of ... (=a large amount – often used humorously to mean a small amount)· They were surviving on the princely sum of £50 a week.· For the princely sum of $8 million you too could live in a mansion like this.
sum1 nounsum2 verb
sumsum2 ●○○ AWL verb (past tense and past participle summed, present participle summing) Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theysum
he, she, itsums
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theysummed
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave summed
he, she, ithas summed
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad summed
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill sum
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have summed
Continuous Form
PresentIam summing
he, she, itis summing
you, we, theyare summing
PastI, he, she, itwas summing
you, we, theywere summing
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been summing
he, she, ithas been summing
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been summing
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be summing
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been summing
  • Ask the task orientated member to regularly sum up where the meeting has reached.
  • It is possible to sum up the Pauline arguments in terms of two directives.
  • Three words to sum up the feelings of the Hereford fans on Saturday.
Longman Language Activatorto summarize something
also summarise British to make a short statement giving only the main information, but not the details, of a report, plan, event etc: · Your final paragraph should summarize the main points of your essay.· The interview was summarized on the front page of the newspaper.· The report was detailed and thorough; it didn't just summarize.
to summarize something clearly and in very few words, especially at the end of a speech, report, or meeting: · The Chairman's job was to introduce the speakers and to sum up at the end of the debate.sum up something: · The last section of the report sums up the arguments on both sides.· In these few words the president summed up the feelings of the whole nation.sum something up: · I couldn't have summed it up better.
to make a short spoken statement summarizing what has already been said in order to remind someone of it: · If you missed the previous episode, Alistair Cooke starts off each week by recapping the story so far.· To recap the legend: William Tell shot an apple off his son's head.recap/give (sb) a recap of: · At the end of the article, Kohn gives a recap of the proposals.
to give someone a short, usually spoken report, especially about a series of events, including all the important facts: · Before we go to work on this, you'd better give us a complete rundown.give (sb) a rundown on: · Baseball cards give a rundown on each player's statistics.give (sb) a rundown of: · Can you give me a rundown of what was said at yesterday's meeting?
what you say when you are going to summarize something
use this at the beginning of a sentence when you are going to summarize what has been said, especially at the end of a speech: · To sum up, the jury found the wrong person guilty.· To summarize, Bremer is saying "you just have to trust me."· In summary, don't waste your money on this book.
use this when you are summarizing a situation or idea in a few words: · In a nutshell, the state government is expected to be $2 million in debt by the end of the year.· A study of women at work says, in a nutshell, that opportunities have opened up dramatically.put it in a nutshell: · Bob put it in a nutshell when he said the problems was essentially a lack of communication.
use this to say the most important point about a situation in a few words: · In short, the report says that more money should be spent on education.· In short, the better a parent you are during the first 18 years, the better friends you'll be later.
especially British /to make a long story short American say this when you want to finish a story quickly and only tell people the most important parts: · To make a long story short, Stephen had a fight with Paul and ended up in the hospital.· I was a waitress in a bar and he was one of my customers, and that, to cut a long story short, is how we met.
(=use numbers to find out a figure, price etc)· I did a quick calculation on a piece of paper.
 huge sums of money
(also an amount of money)· £10,000 seemed a huge sum of money to me.
 paltry sum of money
 My savings had now reached the princely sum of £30.
(=the whole of an amount, when everything is added together)· This was the sum total of her grandfather's possessions.
 The government will have to borrow vast amounts of money. The refugees come across the border in vast numbers.
· Reading the judge's summing up, they were obviously about to do so.· But to sum up, he is beginning to feel that lawyers have contributed significantly to the disintegration of our country.· She prefaces her book with an attempt to sum up the whole hideous story.· That suggested strategy comes at a time when the Dole campaign is concerned about two words that sum up the campaign.· To sum up, here are some of the benefits a Mercantile Credit Personal Loan offers.· And there was a little argument between two security men about some detail of crowd positioning that seemed to sum up everything.· To sum up, a translator can not always follow the thematic organization of the original.
· The judge has been summing up the case against Harper and the jury will consider the case against him tomorrow.· The judge will sum up the evidence tomorrow before asking the jury to consider a verdict.
· And there was a little argument between two security men about some detail of crowd positioning that seemed to sum up everything.· It's a work that must have seemed to sum up the traumas of the war years and their aftermath for you?
  • This was their task but that sums it up too simply.
sum something ↔ upsum something ↔ upsum somebody/something ↔ up
  • If you are aged over 55, Family Assurance Society will reduce the sum assured by £20 for each year above 55.
  • If you can not complete the declaration without qualification, the sum assured may also have to be reduced under your Bond.
  • It seems fair to assume that she will attract the attention of a goodly number of our countrymen.
  • Small Dave had spent a goodly amount of time impressing upon him the importance of finding a camel.
  • The Thatcher Years have been splendid ones for a goodly number of golf members throughout this Royal and Ancient land of ours.
  • A red cotton T-shirt or running vest is available at a nominal charge of £1.00 together with sponsorship forms.
  • He applied for a grant of land and this was sold to him for a nominal sum.
  • Homes for the elderly were shut, and formerly nominal charges increased and extended.
  • It would save money simply to give the pits to the miners for a nominal sum, say £1.
  • The local agents provide an extensive catalogue of programs available at a nominal charge.
  • Those registered users of Word for Windows requiring the upgrade can obtain it from Microsoft for a nominal fee of £7.75inc.VAT.
  • Traditionally, the people's singing has been delegated to a choir which is generally paid a nominal fee.
  • Under the program, the government sold shares to citizens for a nominal fee to quickly transform state enterprises into private companies.
  • In his eyes I amount to nothing, much, much less than the sum total of him.
  • In the orthodox view the illness is considered to be the sum total of the symptoms and signs which it produces.
  • Indeed, the whole is considered to constitute more than just the sum total of its parts.
  • Is that the sum total of the charges against me?
  • That was the sum total of my formal education for the craft.
  • The built environment therefore equates to the sum total of all the assembled items which surround us, both natural and man-made.
  • They create the illusion that they are the sum total of their own accomplishments.
  • In 1899, the mansion cost the tidy sum of $350,000.
  • And, if my memory serves me right, you stand to rake in a tidy sum on that.
  • Chief Auctioneer, Michael Welch, suggests that silver, brass or other trinkets could well fetch a tidy sum.
  • Even allowing for what they would have lost on laundering the proceeds, there should have been a tidy sum.
  • He has sold no less than five cars, each one at a tidy profit.
  • Nevertheless that blip was long enough for some one to make a tidy profit.
  • These represented a tidy sum, not a great fortune but enough for her to be comfortably off.
  • Until now they have made a tidy profit from selling re-issued pop hits from the fifties, sixties and seventies.
  • Would we be right in thinking, a tidy sum?
sum up phrasal verb1to give the main information in a report, speech etc in a short statement at the end SYN  summarize:  Gerald will open the debate and I will sum up.to sum up To sum up, for a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking.sum something ↔ up In your final paragraph, sum up your argument.2when a judge sums up or sums up the case at the end of a trial, he or she explains the main facts of the case summing-up3sum something ↔ up to describe something using only a few words SYN  summarize:  The city’s problem can be summed up in three words: too many people.4sum something ↔ up to show the most typical qualities of someone or something:  That image sums up the whole film.5sum somebody/something ↔ up to form a judgment or opinion about someone or something SYN  assess:  Pat summed up the situation at a glance.6that (about) sums it up spoken used to say that a description of a situation is correct:  ‘So you want us to help you change but you don’t believe change is possible?’ ‘That about sums it up.’




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