

单词 charger
chargercharg‧er /ˈtʃɑːdʒə $ ˈtʃɑːrdʒər/ noun [countable] Examples
  • Fast chargers and coffee break chargers reduce this to 15 minutes or a top up charge for 5 minutes.
  • He had ridden to her rescue like a knight on a white charger and now he was insulting her.
  • St James also appears on a white charger at Compostela to rout the Moors.
  • The equally monolithic image of the male saint, Demetrios on his charger, is not really for us either.
  • This charger is dealing with two batteries at once.
  • We stayed with our chargers, in the motor pool.
word sets
adjutant, nounarmoured, adjectivebarracks, nounbasic training, nounbatman, nounbattalion, nounbearskin, nounbillet, nounbillet, verbbombardier, nounbooty, nounbrigade, nounbrigadier, nounbrigadier-general, nouncadet, nouncanteen, nouncantonment, nouncapture, verbcavalry, nouncavalryman, nouncenturion, nouncharger, nounchevron, nounCol., colonel, nouncommand, nouncommando, nouncommissary, nouncompany, nouncontingent, nouncorps, noundesert, verbdeserter, noundesertion, noundetachment, noundetail, noundisengage, verbdishonourable discharge, noundivision, noundivisional, adjectivedog tag, noundraft, verbdragoon, noundrill, noundrill, verbdugout, nounencampment, nounexpeditionary force, nounfield marshal, nounfiring squad, nounfive star general, nounflank, nounfoot locker, nounforay, nounfour-star general, nounfusilier, noungarrison, noungarrison, verbGen., general, noungeneralship, nounGI, noungrenadier, nounground forces, noungrunt, nounguardsman, noungunner, nounhussar, nouninduct, verbinductee, nouninfantry, nouninfantryman, nounirregular, nounlance corporal, nounlegion, nounlegionary, nounlegionnaire, nounLieut, loot, nounLt., man-at-arms, nounmatériel, nounMC, nounmedic, nounmercenary, nounmess hall, nounMIA, nounM.O., nounmobilize, verbmotorized, adjectivemounted, adjectivemusketeer, nounmuster, nounnon-commissioned officer, nounobstacle course, nounparade, verbparade ground, nounparatrooper, nounparatroops, nounpennon, nounpicket, nounpicket, verbpip, nounplatoon, nounpoint man, nounposition, nounprivate, nounprivate soldier, nounPte, redcoat, nounregiment, nounregular, nounreservist, nounreveille, nounroute march, nounsapper, nounsarge, nounsignalman, nounsoldier, nounsoldiering, nounsoldierly, adjectivesoldier of fortune, nounsoldiery, nounsortie, nounsortie, verbspecial forces, nounsquad, nounsquaddy, nounstaff sergeant, nounstandard-bearer, nounstormtrooper, nounsubaltern, nounTerritorial Army, the, trench, nountroop, nountrooper, noun
(=a piece of equipment for charging batteries)· Don't forget to pack your battery charger.
· He had ridden to her rescue like a knight on a white charger and now he was insulting her.· St James also appears on a white charger at Compostela to rout the Moors.· But the battle between the white charger and the black flash could create the biggest interest of all.· I'd like to whisk her away on my white charger, but I have to settle my debts first.· They're building him up like a Messiah on a white charger galloping to the rescue.
1a piece of equipment used to put electricity into a battery2literary a horse that a soldier or knight rides in battle




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