ceaselesscease‧less /ˈsiːsləs/ adjective

- the ceaseless Arctic wind
- Critics had the opportunity to write poetically of the ceaseless, easy flow of rivers and this one in particular.
- He lay there, frozen as a mullet, listening to the ceaseless roar of the wind.
- His hands windmill in a frenetic semaphore and his body shifts in ceaseless motion, with a life of its own.
- It is constant and ceaseless in the vast majority of us, as uncritical self-observation will soon reveal.
- The ceaseless deluge had turned the small front yard of the cottage into a swamp.
- The only man who had ever wholly captured her imagination in a lifetime of meetings and travel and ceaseless activity.
- There are volcanoes and fault lines and a ceaseless tremor of activity.
- Why can't people understand what a fantastic achievement two-and-a-half years of ceasefire has been, given the ceaseless provocation?