

单词 succeeding
succeedingsuc‧ceed‧ing /səkˈsiːdɪŋ/ adjective [only before noun] Examples
  • She became more well-known with each succeeding novel.
  • The effects of exposure to atomic radiation at Hiroshima have been passed on to succeeding generations.
  • The government started to borrow money in 1961, and the national debt has steadily increased with each succeeding year.
  • Certainly no other nineteenth-century artist was so widely studied and so differently interpreted by the painters of the succeeding age.
  • During the succeeding weeks he had not written - except to send her an enigmatic note warning her to keep away.
  • Each succeeding generation has made a guy in the semblance of somebody they didn't care for.
  • It will also be considered in some detail in parts of succeeding chapters on alphabetical indexing languages and alphabetical indexing systems.
  • Nor did his philosophy contribute significantly to the development of the scientific enterprise in succeeding generations.
  • Of course it only gradually came to mean all this to me through the succeeding years, through my memory of it.
  • Such an analysis is an important prerequisite to much of the discussion that follows in succeeding chapters.
happening or existing at some time in the future after something or someone else: · We will discuss this at a later time.· Later historians have cast doubt on the truth of his story.· They say that they may need to review the case at a later stage.
happening or coming immediately after something – used about periods of time, or parts of a piece of writing: · He resigned the following year.· The following day he was back to normal.· Gandhi 's attitude to religion is dealt with in the following chapter.
likely to happen or exist at some time in the future: · What influence will this have on future developments?
formal happening or coming at some time after something else: · a subsequent decision by the Supreme Court· Subsequent events proved him wrong.· In subsequent years, the number of patients became smaller and smaller.
coming after someone or something else – used about a series of groups of people, periods of time, or parts of a book: · His work was admired by succeeding generations.· Over the succeeding months, the stitches were carefully removed.· These problems are further discussed in the succeeding chapters.
Longman Language Activatorcoming after someone or something else
the next person, thing, or time comes just after the one you have just been talking about, or just after the most recent one: · Who was the next president of the United States after Ronald Reagan? · When's the next flight to Miami?the next day/week/month/year: · I finished my classes on the 5th, and the next day I went home to Cleveland.next Thursday/week/August etc (=the one after this Thursday, this week, this August etc): · Next week I'm going on a training course in Seaford.
: the day after/the Saturday after/the week after etc the day etc that comes after the time or event that you are talking about: · Helen arrived on July 20th and I arrived the week after.· The party's not this Thursday but the Thursday after.· The weather changed the morning after we arrived.· I felt rather tired the day after the party.the one after (=the next one): · If we miss the ten o'clock train we'll just have to catch the one after.
: the following day/month/year etc the next day, month etc -- use this when you are describing something that happened in the past: · The following day she woke up with a splitting headache.· They agreed to meet the following week in the Cafe Rouge.
happening some time later , not immediately afterwards: a later date/time/stage etc: · We can sort out the final details at a later stage.in later years/months/centuries etc: · In later centuries Venice lost its former importance and began to go into decline.
formal coming after something you have just mentioned - used especially before plural nouns: · These skills were then handed down to subsequent generations of craftsmen.· Many of Marx's theories were disproved by subsequent events.· The first meeting will be in the City Hall, but all subsequent meetings will be held in the school.
: succeeding weeks/months/years/generations etc in every week, month, year etc that comes after something : · The government started to borrow money in 1961, and the national debt has steadily increased with each succeeding year.· The effects of exposure to atomic radiation at Hiroshima have been passed on to succeeding generations.
formal: the ensuing battle/fight/confusion/panic/days/months etc the battle etc that happens immediately after the events or period of time that you have just mentioned: · Someone shouted 'Fire!' and in the ensuing panic several people were injured.· They met each other several times over the ensuing six months.
: follow-up meeting/visit/interview/treatment etc something that is done after something else in order to check it or make sure that it is successful: · Once you have installed solar heating you will receive regular follow-up visits from our experts.· After each training programme everyone has a follow-up interview with their manager.
: future generations/years/events/work/employees etc the people, years etc that will come in the future: · It is our duty to preserve our culture for future generations.· In future years some of you will regret the decision you have made today.· The company is building apartment buildings for future employees.
(=generations that follow one another)· This medical textbook has been used by successive generations of medical students and doctors.
· Such an analysis is an important prerequisite to much of the discussion that follows in succeeding chapters.· It will also be considered in some detail in parts of succeeding chapters on alphabetical indexing languages and alphabetical indexing systems.· It provides a conceptual setting for what follows in the succeeding chapters.· These problems are further discussed in the succeeding chapters in sections on mastery, criteria and feasibility.· In the succeeding chapters, the role of carers, paid and unpaid, is explored at considerable length.· In this chapter, I am mainly concerned with analytic methods, and in succeeding chapters with interpretation.
· Nor did his philosophy contribute significantly to the development of the scientific enterprise in succeeding generations.· The recipe is modified and simplified by succeeding generations of cooks.· A university congregates together that type of personality and places it at the disposal of the succeeding generation.· This kind of family care is not merely between parents and succeeding generations of children.· Each succeeding generation has made a guy in the semblance of somebody they didn't care for.· In this sense fitness is measurable by the number of offspring surviving in succeeding generations.· And had not that song passed like a plague virus to every one of his fellow men in succeeding generations?· In one way or another Bede helped to concentrate educated minds in the succeeding generations on the Old Testament.
· Of course it only gradually came to mean all this to me through the succeeding years, through my memory of it.· Over the succeeding years he repaid their great kindness with massive generosity.· That period now covers the year ahead and two succeeding years in broader outline.· Over succeeding years, the seafarers' unions of several countries managed to secure improved conditions for work in the area.
coming after something else OPP  preceding:  Over the succeeding weeks things went from bad to worse. succeeding generations




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