

单词 subsequent
subsequentsub‧se‧quent /ˈsʌbsəkwənt/ ●●○ W2 AWL adjective formal Word Origin
WORD ORIGINsubsequent
1400-1500 Latin present participle of subsequi ‘to follow closely’, from sequi ‘to follow’
  • Subsequent investigations did not uncover any new evidence.
  • Many of Marx's theories were disproved by subsequent events.
  • The first meeting will be in the City Hall, but all subsequent meetings will be held in the school.
  • These skills were then handed down to subsequent generations of craftsmen.
  • After the first, each subsequent divorce becomes statistically more likely than the one before.
  • In other words, cash limits were not expected to be adjusted during the subsequent year to take account of inflation.
  • It is thought that uric acid crystals serve as a nidus for calcium oxalate crystallization resulting in subsequent stone formation.
  • Therefore, it is likely that subsequent empirical studies will confirm this negative relationship for index futures.
  • They are placed here mainly for your enjoyment and for subsequent discussion with friends and teachers.
  • What will the impact be of this on subsequent rehabilitation, having had the same stress of acute infarct?
happening or existing at some time in the future after something or someone else: · We will discuss this at a later time.· Later historians have cast doubt on the truth of his story.· They say that they may need to review the case at a later stage.
happening or coming immediately after something – used about periods of time, or parts of a piece of writing: · He resigned the following year.· The following day he was back to normal.· Gandhi 's attitude to religion is dealt with in the following chapter.
likely to happen or exist at some time in the future: · What influence will this have on future developments?
formal happening or coming at some time after something else: · a subsequent decision by the Supreme Court· Subsequent events proved him wrong.· In subsequent years, the number of patients became smaller and smaller.
coming after someone or something else – used about a series of groups of people, periods of time, or parts of a book: · His work was admired by succeeding generations.· Over the succeeding months, the stitches were carefully removed.· These problems are further discussed in the succeeding chapters.
Longman Language Activatorcoming after someone or something else
the next person, thing, or time comes just after the one you have just been talking about, or just after the most recent one: · Who was the next president of the United States after Ronald Reagan? · When's the next flight to Miami?the next day/week/month/year: · I finished my classes on the 5th, and the next day I went home to Cleveland.next Thursday/week/August etc (=the one after this Thursday, this week, this August etc): · Next week I'm going on a training course in Seaford.
: the day after/the Saturday after/the week after etc the day etc that comes after the time or event that you are talking about: · Helen arrived on July 20th and I arrived the week after.· The party's not this Thursday but the Thursday after.· The weather changed the morning after we arrived.· I felt rather tired the day after the party.the one after (=the next one): · If we miss the ten o'clock train we'll just have to catch the one after.
: the following day/month/year etc the next day, month etc -- use this when you are describing something that happened in the past: · The following day she woke up with a splitting headache.· They agreed to meet the following week in the Cafe Rouge.
happening some time later , not immediately afterwards: a later date/time/stage etc: · We can sort out the final details at a later stage.in later years/months/centuries etc: · In later centuries Venice lost its former importance and began to go into decline.
formal coming after something you have just mentioned - used especially before plural nouns: · These skills were then handed down to subsequent generations of craftsmen.· Many of Marx's theories were disproved by subsequent events.· The first meeting will be in the City Hall, but all subsequent meetings will be held in the school.
: succeeding weeks/months/years/generations etc in every week, month, year etc that comes after something : · The government started to borrow money in 1961, and the national debt has steadily increased with each succeeding year.· The effects of exposure to atomic radiation at Hiroshima have been passed on to succeeding generations.
formal: the ensuing battle/fight/confusion/panic/days/months etc the battle etc that happens immediately after the events or period of time that you have just mentioned: · Someone shouted 'Fire!' and in the ensuing panic several people were injured.· They met each other several times over the ensuing six months.
: follow-up meeting/visit/interview/treatment etc something that is done after something else in order to check it or make sure that it is successful: · Once you have installed solar heating you will receive regular follow-up visits from our experts.· After each training programme everyone has a follow-up interview with their manager.
: future generations/years/events/work/employees etc the people, years etc that will come in the future: · It is our duty to preserve our culture for future generations.· In future years some of you will regret the decision you have made today.· The company is building apartment buildings for future employees.
· There is no evidence that either type is more potent as a guide to subsequent action.· The particular thoughts of the global mindand its subsequent actions-will be out of our control and beyond our understanding.· The distinctive nature of Ends is further reinforced by the subsequent actions of club officials and police.· Methods of evaluation and subsequent action. 5.
· Initial results have led to further exploration of the subsequent careers of nurses.· As she reminisces on camera, she also recalls her early days of stardom as an actress and her subsequent career.· In the context of de Gaulle's subsequent career, it would be difficult to exaggerate the significance of the war years.· He very soon diversified, however, and his subsequent career included investigations in many areas.· She had escaped education until she was fourteen, and her subsequent career had not been structured or sensible.· The story of his subsequent career is an unusually dramatic one.· For some postgraduates, their chosen course or research specialism may form a natural stepping-stone into a subsequent career.
· It should be followed in all subsequent cases.· In two subsequent cases, however, federal appeals courts have given greater weight to the rights of teachers.· Perhaps because of this the courts have in subsequent cases generally declined to follow Lord Macmillan's view.· That portion of the decision in Roe has been given too little acknowledgement and implementation by the Court in its subsequent cases.· The question has given rise to much debate in subsequent cases and in academic writings.· Although this formulation has been referred to in subsequent cases it has not been adopted as laying down an all embracing test.· As we shall see in subsequent case studies, this problem is likely to reappear.· The duration and nature of this disability has been the subject of comment in subsequent cases.
· Many Acts allow governments to promote subsequent changes and new regulations.· The impact of subsequent changes in accounting standards or legislation on the above consistent accounting policies requirement.· Such conflicts may increase the risk of depression but be resolved by a subsequent change in employment status.· The Association's view was influenced by war-time scarcities, and there have been subsequent changes in the structure of the industry.· They found evidence of a positive relationship between the basis and subsequent changes in the spot price for both indices.
· This controversy will be discussed in more detail in subsequent chapters.· Additional stories will come in subsequent chapters.· Some of the applications will be examined in more detail in subsequent chapters.· As we shall see in a subsequent chapter there is good evidence for this optimism.· It is this pressure for change and its implications that subsequent chapters will explore.· Descriptions of how this is done are found in subsequent chapters.· Indeed in subsequent chapters I shall again be concerned almost entirely with the way in which stimulus representations are modified by experience.· A reconsideration of these moves us on to a more analytical plane, and points the way forward to discussion in subsequent chapters.
· A classic example of cognitive processes is that of animal memory and the demonstration of subsequent decisions based thereon.· The Treaty of Rome and the subsequent decisions of the member Governments provide for a series of further steps.· Delegates are regarded as mandated by those who elect them to support specific policies and to return to explain their subsequent decisions.· However, the approach taken to each case in subsequent decisions has been entirely different.· But that debate and subsequent decision has been put off until October, when supporters of ban expect to win.
· We have, however, already noted that there is a difference in subsequent developments within the chaotic zone.· Instead, we will examine the basic features of this philosophy and its influence upon subsequent developments in mathematics and astronomy.· Although the critical Rayleigh number is independent of the Prandtl number, subsequent developments are not.· While many of the subsequent developments are to be welcomed, certain cautionary notes should be sounded.· In 1861-2 a constitutional crisis arose, whose outcome fundamentally affected subsequent developments.· Several factors are responsible for recurrent exposure of the distal oesophagus to gastric contents and the subsequent development of reflux oesophagitis.· We have also to show that the gradient influences subsequent development.
· The subsequent events that lead to the rupture of these abnormal vessels are unclear.· There is neither a direct statement nor a suggestion that Chronos is ever absent from subsequent events.· Anyway, the Hillary Clinton bashers claimed justification in subsequent events.· And subsequent events had shown just how much more.· From subsequent events, it would appear that Mr. Marriott was given an appointment in electrical engineering.· The Bridge disaster, along with the subsequent events on Moloch, had thrown Piper's carefully calculated schedules into complete disarray.· If he isn't given anything, the subsequent events occur in much the same manner anyway.
· That the apostle Paul thought of his letters to his churches as constituting inspired revelation to instruct all subsequent generations is unlikely.· This concern has appeared in subsequent generations.· This usually takes the form of obsessively pursuing the minutiae of experimental phenomena and theories that leave a subsequent generation cold.· It is the story of the failures of one generation written for the enlightenment of a subsequent generation.· A period when a killer volcano threatens to erupt and in the end does not is a non-event to subsequent generations.· He would have been amazed to learn that subsequent generations would make such stuff the foundation of dogmas.
· It changed hands again several times but its subsequent history is of no consequence to this narrative.· Indeed, if the stroke were a vigorous one, all kinds of subsequent histories might potentially unfold upon the table.· It is of great significance for the subsequent history of anthropological thinking.· The subsequent history of the amphibians includes a further development of terrestrial forms, but others remained wholly or partly aqueous.· Their subsequent history as hired servants is one of exploitation and abuse.
· The complaints must be made to the police themselves in the first instance and all subsequent investigations are undertaken by police officers.· The Museum of Transport is housed in the Kelvin Hall and subsequent investigation revealed that 3 cars were infested.· If we had no rights of participation in the subsequent investigation, we would have no reliable means of obtaining the information.
· At subsequent meetings efforts could be made to reduce this quota further.· The winning coalition of line managers would become prophetic as they were to become more dominant in subsequent meetings.· These offers should be based on the contents of the memorandum and any information obtained from subsequent meetings.· Mr Barrett informed the police and tape-recorded subsequent meetings.· The memorandum was remitted to the officers of both bodies for detailed consideration and report at a subsequent meeting.· Three themes were pinpointed and discussed in subsequent meetings.· At subsequent meetings Britain attempted to divert the discussions towards its favoured position of a permanent committee of foreign ministers.· This is generally observed at the first meeting and to a somewhat lesser extent at subsequent meetings.
· As set out below, more detailed valuations will be undertaken for actual targets at subsequent stages in the deal process.· Chapters 9, 10, and 11 describe each of the subsequent stages in the change process at Mega.· But our first experiment found that he neglects the left side of perceptual figures at a subsequent stage of attending to them.· Where a guardian ad litem is not appointed initially there is power to appoint at any subsequent stage in the proceedings.· Explicit symmetry judgements require a subsequent stage of attending to perceptual figures, at which the patient neglects left-sided information.· Budgets and terms of reference for each subsequent stage of assistance will be agreed with yourselves before starting an assignment.· These potentialities are successively narrowed down in subsequent stages of development.
· In this and subsequent studies seven point scales replace the previous 20 point scale.· Most subsequent studies have shown the difficulty of measuring the price response of demand.· This energy related universal relationship has been confirmed by many subsequent studies.· These had a major impact in Britain and elsewhere and form the beginning of subsequent studies.
· A promising approach is to require the information-gatherer to gain permission for subsequent use.· Furthermore, many patients given streptokinase produce neutralising antibodies after the first exposure, which reduces effectiveness on subsequent use.· This in turn led to increased degradation that has been exacerbated by the subsequent use of marginal lands for cultivation.· The ones that are declared as inputting variables are used only for input and subsequent use in expressions.
· This approach she adopted in all her subsequent work thereby introducing a revolutionary style of attack on problems of algebra.· But could you cast it that way in the first place and save the subsequent work?· In many cases it will also repay you, in subsequent work saved, to register the title to the property.· This and subsequent work contributed significantly to the current understanding of hazards from chemical plants and lead to special legislation.· In his subsequent work, the connection between the two would remain profoundly equivocal.· Much subsequent work has tended to confirm both Thorns's theoretically based and Pahl's empirically based conclusions.
· Relevance Lost opened the debate, and in the subsequent years many authors have followed to offer similar evidence.· He gains another month of severance each subsequent year.· In the subsequent years they have appeared in losing finals against Tyrone 1984, Derry 1987 and Donegal 1990.· In subsequent years, the number of patients in the trial were too small to compare mean annual costs.· In other words, cash limits were not expected to be adjusted during the subsequent year to take account of inflation.· In these and the immediate subsequent years Gilman painted the well-known portraits of his landlady, Mrs Mounter, with her teapot.· Old-age pensioners will constitute 15 percent of the population - a figure expected to rise steeply in subsequent years.· As such she became integral to international strategic thinking and power politics in subsequent years.
· Relevance Lost opened the debate, and in the subsequent years many authors have followed to offer similar evidence.· In subsequent years, school districts would have the option of testing in both languages.· In subsequent years, the number of patients in the trial were too small to compare mean annual costs.· The subsequent years were filled with roadwork, television and film appearances and little rest.· In these and the immediate subsequent years Gilman painted the well-known portraits of his landlady, Mrs Mounter, with her teapot.· Old-age pensioners will constitute 15 percent of the population - a figure expected to rise steeply in subsequent years.· As such she became integral to international strategic thinking and power politics in subsequent years.· I intend that Lanarkshire Development Agency should continue to receive special additional funding in subsequent years.
Word family
WORD FAMILYadjectivesubsequentadverbsubsequently
happening or coming after something elseconsequent:  These skills were passed on to subsequent generations. subsequent pages of the booksubsequent to something events that happened subsequent to the accident




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