

单词 cartilage
cartilagecar‧ti‧lage /ˈkɑːtəlɪdʒ $ ˈkɑːrtəlɪdʒ/ noun [countable, uncountable] Word Origin
WORD ORIGINcartilage
1400-1500 Latin cartilago
  • Had it landed, the blow would have crushed the cartilage and killed him instantly.
  • It has somewhat toughened and dark flesh, coarse skin, and a somewhat hardened breastbone cartilage. 6.
  • It has tender meat; soft, pliable, smooth-textured skin; and flexible breastbone cartilage. 3.
  • Pull meat off ducks and remove any skin, cartilage, or bone.
  • Pulsing flesh, exposed cartilage and bone fastened to mattresses shoved against hospital walls.
  • Such buds containing re-aggregated cells do not develop normally but they can form jointed cartilage elements and sometimes very good-looking digit-like structures.
  • There were also floating bits of cartilage running round the knee.
  • They are among the most primitive on bony fish, though their skeleton consists largely of cartilage.
word sets
AB, nounabdomen, nounaccommodation, nounAchilles tendon, nounAdam's apple, nounadaptation, nounadenoids, nounadrenalin, nounairway, nounambidextrous, adjectiveanatomical, adjectiveankle, nounantibody, nounantigen, nounanus, nounanvil, nounaorta, nounappendix, nounarch, nounarmpit, nounarterial, adjectiveartery, nounatrium, nounbaby tooth, nounback, nounbackbone, nounbandy, adjectivebarrel-chested, adjectivebeat, verbbelly, nounbelly button, nounbicep, nounbig toe, nounbikini line, nounbile, nounbiological clock, nounbiorhythms, nounbiped, nounbladder, nounblind spot, nounblink, verbblink, nounblood count, nounblood group, nounblood pressure, nounbloodstream, nounblood type, nounblood vessel, nounBO, nounbody clock, nounbody odour, nounbone, nounbone marrow, nounbowel, nounbow legs, nounbrain, nounbrainwave, nounbreast, nounbreastbone, nounbristly, adjectivebronchial, adjectivebronchial tube, nounbrow, nounbuck teeth, nounbullnecked, adjectiveburp, verbbust, nounbuttock, nouncanine, nouncapillary, nouncardiac, adjectivecardio-, prefixcardiovascular, adjectivecarotid artery, nouncartilage, nouncentral nervous system, nouncerebellum, nouncerebral, adjectivecervical, adjectivecervix, nounchamber, nounchange of life, nouncheek, nouncheekbone, nounchest, nounchin, nouncirculation, nounclavicle, nouncleavage, nounclitoris, nounclose-set, adjectivecoccyx, nouncochlea, nouncock, nouncollarbone, nouncolon, nouncolour, nouncolour-blind, adjectiveconception, nouncone, nounconnective tissue, nouncoordination, nouncornea, nouncortex, nouncough, verbcough, nouncowlick, nouncranium, nouncrook, verbcrotch, nouncrow's feet, nouncrutch, nouncry, verbcuticle, noundandruff, noundeep-set, adjectivedefecate, verbdefence mechanism, noundental, adjectivedentine, nounderrière, noundiaphragm, noundigit, noundigital, adjectivedimple, noundisc, noundominant, adjectivedouble-jointed, adjectivedribble, verbdrool, verbduct, nounduodenum, nounear, nouneardrum, nounearhole, nounegg, nounejaculate, verbelbow, nounenamel, nounendocrine, adjectiveentrails, nounepidermis, nounepiglottis, nounerect, adjectiveerection, nounerogenous zone, nounexcrement, nounexcreta, nounexcrete, verbexcretion, nounexpectorate, verbextremity, nouneye, nouneyebrow, nouneyelash, nouneyelid, nouneyesight, nouneye tooth, nounface, nounfallopian tube, nounfart, verbfart, nounfemur, nounfibre, nounfibula, nounfigure, nounfingernail, nounfingertip, nounfist, nounfive o'clock shadow, nounflat-chested, adjectivefoetal position, nounfolic acid, nounfollicle, nounforearm, nounforefinger, nounforehead, nounforeskin, nounframe, nounfunny bone, noungall bladder, noungallstone, noungastric, adjectivegenital, adjectivegenitals, noungland, nounglottis, noungonad, noungrey matter, noungroin, nounG-spot, noungullet, noungum, nounhair, nounhairless, adjectivehairy, adjectivehammer, nounhamstring, nounhand, nounhand-eye co-ordination, nounhandlebar moustache, nounhead, nounheart, nounheel, nounhiccup, nounhiccup, verbhip, nounHomo sapiens, nounhumerus, nounhymen, nounimmune, adjectiveimmune system, nounimmunity, nouninbred, adjectiveincisor, nounindex finger, nouninherit, verbinstep, nounintestine, nounin vitro fertilization, nouniris, nounIVF, nounjaw, nounjawbone, nounjowl, nounkidney, nounknee, nounknee cap, nounknuckle, nounlap, nounlarge intestine, nounlarynx, nounlash, nounlaugh lines, nounlaughter lines, nounleft-handed, adjectivelefty, nounlens, nounlid, nounlifeblood, nounligament, nounlip, nounlittle finger, nounliver, nounlobe, nounlong-sighted, adjectivelumbar, adjectivelung, nounlymph, nounlymph node, nounmammary, adjectivemammary gland, nounmanual, adjectivemarrow, nounmasticate, verbmatrix, nounmelanin, nounmelatonin, nounmember, nounmenopause, nounmenses, nounmenstrual, adjectivemenstrual period, nounmenstruate, verbmiddle ear, nounmiddle finger, nounmidget, nounmidriff, nounmilk tooth, nounmind, nounmolar, nounmucous membrane, nounmuscle, nounnail, nounnape, nounnasal, adjectivenavel, nounnervous, adjectiveneurology, nounneuron, nounniacin, nounnipple, nounnode, nounnodule, nounnostril, nounocular, adjectiveoesophagus, nounoral, adjectiveovary, nounoverbite, nounoviduct, nounpalate, nounpalm, nounpalpitate, verbpalpitations, nounpancreas, nounpassage, nounpatella, nounpectorals, nounpelvic, adjectivepelvis, nounpenetrate, verbpepsin, nounperiod, nounperiod pain, nounperspiration, nounperspire, verbphallus, nounpharynx, nounphlegm, nounphysical, adjectivephysiognomy, nounphysiology, nounphysique, nounpigeon-toed, adjectivepit, nounpituitary, nounplacenta, nounplasma, nounplatelet, nounpore, nounpotbelly, nounpremenstrual, adjectiveprepubescent, adjectivepressure point, nounprimal, adjectiveprivate parts, nounprognathous, adjectiveprostate, nounpuberty, nounpubescent, adjectivepubic, adjectivepudendum, nounpulmonary, adjectivepulp, nounpulse, nounpupil, nounquad, nounquadruplet, nounquin, nounquintuplet, nounradius, nounreceptor, nounrecessive, adjectiverectal, adjectiverectum, nounred blood cell, nounREM sleep, nounrenal, adjectiveretina, nounRhesus factor, nounRH factor, nounrib, nounrib cage, nounright, adjectiveright-handed, adjectiveright-hander, nounrigor mortis, nounring finger, nounrod, nounRoman nose, nounround-shouldered, adjectiverun, verbsalivary gland, nounsallow, adjectivescalp, nounscaly, adjectivescapula, nounsciatic, adjectivescrotum, nounsemen, nounseminal, adjectivesense, nounsense organ, nounsensory, adjectivesextuplet, nounshank, nounshin, nounshinbone, nounshoulder, nounshoulder blade, nounside, nounsinew, nounsinus, nounskeletal, adjectiveskull, nounsleep, verbsleep, nounsmall intestine, nounsneeze, verbsneeze, nounsnub nose, nounsnub-nosed, adjectivesoft palate, nounsolar plexus, nounsole, nounsphincter, nounspinal, adjectivespinal column, nounspine, nounspit, verbspit, nounspittle, nounspleen, nounspotty, adjectivesputum, nounsternum, nounsteroid, nounstirrup, nounstomach, nounstool, nounstubble, nounsubcutaneous, adjectivesuck, verbsuckle, verbsuckling, nounsweat gland, nounsystem, nountailbone, nountan, verbtan, nountanned, adjectivetarsus, nountartar, nountaste bud, nountear, nounteardrop, nounteat, nountemple, nountendon, nountestes, nountesticle, nountestis, nountestosterone, nounthickset, adjectivethigh, nounthorax, nounthroat, nounthumb, nounthumbnail, nounthyroid, nountibia, nounticklish, adjectivetoe, nountoenail, nountongue, nountonsil, nountooth, nountorso, nountouch, nountrachea, nountriceps, nountrunk, nountympanum, nounulna, nounumbilical cord, nounurethra, nounuterus, nounuvula, nounvagina, nounvascular, adjectivevein, nounvenous, adjectiveventricle, nounvessel, nounvestibule, nounvital, adjectivevocal cords, nounvoice box, nounvulva, nounwaist, nounwall-eyed, adjectivewax, nounwhite, nounwhite blood cell, nounwindpipe, nounwisdom tooth, nounwomb, nounwrinkle, verbwrist, nounyawn, verbyawn, noun
· He left by stretcher with cartilage damage.· Wearing the Lord of the Isles tartan, he used a crook to support the knee recently operated on for cartilage damage.· The diagnosis could worsen if specialists decide he needs surgery on knee ligament or cartilage damage.
· Peter Nicholas will be out of the Chelsea team for a month after a cartilage operation yesterday.
a strong substance that can bend, which is around the joints in your body and in your outer ear




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