

单词 canister
canistercan‧is‧ter /ˈkænɪstə $ -ər/ noun [countable] Word Origin
1400-1500 Latin canistrum ‘basket’, from Greek kanastron, from kanna; CANE1
  • canisters of film
  • a flour canister
  • Police fired tear-gas canisters at the crowd of protesting students.
  • A seven-year-old child was reportedly hit by one of the canisters and taken, injured in the leg, to hospital.
  • Bhutto was choked by tear gas earlier when police fired canisters directly at her open-top jeep.
  • Guns were run up close to the parapet, and double charges of canister played their part in the bloody work.
  • If it is chosen, the underground site could start receiving canisters of waste in 2010, Olds said.
  • The canisters were landing in a cornfield about half-a-mile away.
  • The exhaust gas is mixed with a little air from a small pump at a point just before it enters the canister.
  • The M-16, the. 45 Colt, the ammunition, the backpack of water canisters and chow.
  • They met the same tempest of shell, grape, canister, and musketry, and recoiled.
word sets
air rifle, nounair-to-air, adjectiveammo, nounammunition, nounanti-aircraft, adjectiveanti-personnel, adjectiveanti-tank, adjectivearmament, nounarmoured car, nounarmourer, nounarmour-plated, adjectivearrow, nounarrowhead, nounarsenal, nounartillery, nounatomic bomb, nounautomatic, nounballistic missile, nounballistics, nounbandolier, nounbarbed, adjectivebarrage, nounbarrage balloon, nounbarrel, nounbattering ram, nounbattery, nounbayonet, nounbayonet, verbbazooka, nounBB gun, nounblank, nounblaze, verbblowpipe, nounbludgeon, nounblunderbuss, nounbolt, nounbomb, nounbomber, nounbombing, nounbomb scare, nounbooby trap, nounboom, nounbore, nounbow, nounbrass knuckles, nounbroadsword, nounbuckshot, nounbullet, nounbullet-proof, adjectivebutt, nouncaisson, nouncalibre, nouncanister, nouncannon, nouncannonball, nouncarbine, nouncartridge, nouncatapult, nounchain mail, nounchamber, nouncharge, verbchemical warfare, nounchemical weapon, nounclip, nouncluster bomb, nouncock, verbColt, conventional, adjectivecordite, nouncosh, nouncrossbow, nouncruise missile, nounCS gas, nouncudgel, nouncutlass, nouncut-throat razor, noundagger, noundart, noundecommission, verbdetonator, noundevice, noundirk, noundisarm, verbdischarge, verbdismount, verbdouble-barrelled, duel, nounduel, verbdum-dum, nounelevation, nounemplacement, nounequalizer, nounfirearm, nounfirebomb, nounflak, nounflame thrower, nounflick knife, nounforty-five, nounfusillade, nounfusion bomb, noungauge, noungerm warfare, noungrenade, nounguidance, nounguided missile, noungun, noungun carriage, noungunner, noungunnery, noungunpowder, noungun-running, noungunshot, nounhaft, nounhair trigger, nounhalberd, nounhammer, nounhand grenade, nounhandgun, nounH-bomb, nounheat-seeking, adjectiveheavy, adjectivehilt, nounholster, nounhoming device, nounhowitzer, nounhydrogen bomb, nounICBM, nounincendiary, adjectiveKalashnikov, nounknuckle-duster, nounlance, nounlandmine, nounlive, adjectivelongbow, nounlong-range, adjectivemace, nounmachete, nounmachine gun, nounmagazine, nounmagnum, nounmarksman, nounmarksmanship, nounmegaton, nounmisfire, verbmissile, nounmortar, nounmunitions, nounmushroom cloud, nounmusket, nounmustard gas, nounmuzzle, nounnapalm, nounnerve gas, nounnightstick, nounnitroglycerine, nounnon-proliferation, nounnosecone, nounnuclear, adjectivenuke, verbnuke, nounordnance, nounparry, verbpayload, nounpepper, verbpike, nounpistol, nounplastic explosive, noun.22, nounpoison gas, nounpommel, nounpound, verbprime, verbprimer, nounprojectile, nounpropellant, nounquarterstaff, nounramrod, nounrange, nounrapid-fire, adjectiverapier, nounrearm, verbrecoil, verbrepeater, nounreport, nounrevolver, nounrifle, nounrocket, nounround, nounrubber bullet, nounsabre, nounsafety catch, nounsawn-off shotgun, nounscabbard, nounscimitar, nounsemi-automatic, adjectiveshaft, nounsheathe, verbshell, nounshell, verbshield, nounshooter, nounshot, nounshotgun, nounshrapnel, nounsidearm, nounsight, nounsilencer, nounsilo, nounsix-shooter, nounslash, nounsling, nounslingshot, nounslug, nounsmart bomb, nounsmoke bomb, nounsmokescreen, nounsnipe, verbsniper, nounspear, nounspear, verbSten gun, nounstockpile, nounstockpile, verbstun gun, nounsubmachine gun, nounsurface-to-air missile, nounsurface-to-surface missile, nounswordsmanship, nountank, nountear gas, nounthermonuclear, adjectivetime bomb, nountommy gun, nountorpedo, nountorpedo, verbtracer, nountrident, nountrigger, nountruncheon, noununload, verbvolley, nounvolley, verbwarhead, nounwater cannon, nounweapon, nounweaponry, noun
1a round metal case that contains gas and bursts when it is thrown or fired from a gun:  Police fired tear gas canisters into the crowd.2a metal container for keeping something in:  a tea canister a petrol canister




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