

单词 candy
candycan‧dy /ˈkændi/ ●●● S3 noun (plural candies) [countable, uncountable] Word Origin
1200-1300 Old French candi, from Arabic qandi ‘covered with sugar’, from qand ‘sugar’
  • A quick cane easing the candy over the railing.
  • Give out a lot of free candy and everybody is happy for a while.
  • He looked too old to be coming around for candy.
  • His knapsack and sketch pad and sleeping bag lay on the floor, candy wrappers scattered around them.
  • If red candies have a reinforcing flavor and green candies do not, the child takes and eats red candies.
  • They stare back defiantly at the crowds, menacingly baring their teeth, and grabbing candy trays with nimble speed.
  • Thrown away like a candy wrapper, thrown away like trash.
  • Unwholesome pink and yellow candies were sold from trays.
Longman Language Activatorto be very easy to do
spoken informal · If you can learn Japanese, learning French should be a piece of cake.· Don't worry about the exam. It'll be a cinch!be a cinch to learn/drive/use etc · My new car's a cinch to drive, compared to the old one.
British informal /be a snap/a breeze American informal · "You passed your driving test?'' "Yes -- it was a doddle!''· Managing a team of businessmen is a snap compared to a team of twelve-year-olds.a doddle/snap/breeze to do something · It's a snap to make this sauce if you have a few basic ingredients in the cupboard.
use this when saying that something is surprisingly easy for someone to do, or that something is very easy compared to something else: · Persuading people to give away their money is child's play when you know how.· Life today is child's play compared to how it was 100 years ago.
spoken say this when it is easy for you to do something, even though other people think it is difficult: · "Oh, great! You've fixed the washing machine." "Yeah, there was nothing to it, really."
use this to say that something is so easy that everyone could do it: · Anyone can learn to cook.· I don't know why you think you're so clever -- anyone can do that.· Politicians insist that there are plenty of jobs and that anyone can get one if they really try.
someone who is a pushover is very easy to defeat, persuade etc: · The kids all think their new English teacher's a real pushover.be no pushover (=not be easy to defeat, persuade etc): · Colonel Moore was no pushover. He wouldn't let anyone tell him what to do.
spoken extremely easy: · Sally smiled to herself. It was easy to attract men. Like taking candy from a baby.
abalone, nounacetic acid, nounadditive, nounaftertaste, nounà la carte, adjectiveal dente, adjectivealfresco, adjectiveambrosia, nounangelica, nounaniseed, nounantipasto, nounappetizer, nounarrowroot, nounbad, adjectivebaker, nounbaking powder, nounbaking soda, nounbanana split, nounbanger, nounbanquet, nounbanqueting hall, nounbarbie, nounbarley, nounbasil, nounbass, nounbatch, nounbay leaf, nounBBQ, nounbean, nounbean curd, nounbeansprout, nounbeef, nounbeefburger, nounbeefsteak, nounbeet, nounbell pepper, nounberry, nounbetel, nounbetel nut, nounbicarbonate of soda, nounbilberry, nounbill of fare, nounbinge, nounbinge, verbbistro, nounblackberry, nounblack-eyed bean, nounblack pepper, nounblack pudding, nounblend, verbblend, nounblueberry, nounboard, nounbolt, verbbone, verbbon vivant, nounbony, adjectivebox lunch, nounbramble, nounbran, nounbrandy butter, nounbrasserie, nounbrawn, nounbreakfast, nounbrisket, nounbroiler, nounbroiler chicken, nounbroth, nounbrown rice, nounbrunch, nounbubble gum, nounbuckwheat, nounbuffet, nounbun, nounbus, verbbusboy, nounbutcher, nounbutcher, verbbutchery, nounbuttercream, nounbutty, nouncafé, nouncafeteria, nouncaff, nouncaffeine, nouncake, nouncan, verbcandy, nouncanned, adjectivecapon, nouncapsicum, nouncaraway, nouncarbohydrate, nouncare package, nouncarvery, nouncassava, nouncater, verbcaterer, nouncatering, nouncatsup, nouncatwalk, nouncayenne pepper, nouncereal, nouncheese, nounchef, nouncherry tomato, nounchickpea, nounchilli, nounChinese, nounchip shop, nounchives, nounchocolate, nounchocolatey, adjectiveChristmas dinner, nounchuck steak, nouncitric acid, nouncitron, nounclotted cream, nounclub sandwich, nouncob, nouncobbler, nouncocoa, nouncocoa bean, nouncoconut milk, nouncoffee house, nouncoffee shop, nouncold cuts, nouncold storage, nouncold store, nouncommissary, nounconcentrate, nouncondensed milk, nouncondiment, nouncone, nounconfection, nounconfectioner, nounconfectioner's sugar, nounconfectionery, nounconserve, nouncontent, nouncontinental breakfast, nounconvenience food, nouncook-chill, adjectivecooker, nouncookie, nouncooking, nouncooking oil, nouncorn bread, nouncorn chip, nouncorncob, nouncorned beef, nouncornet, nouncornflakes, nouncornflour, nouncornmeal, nouncorn on the cob, nouncorn pone, nouncornstarch, nouncorn syrup, nouncottage cheese, nouncotton candy, nouncourgette, nouncourse, nouncover charge, nouncrab, nouncrab apple, nouncracker, nouncrackling, nouncranberry, nouncrayfish, nouncream, nouncream cheese, nouncream cracker, nouncreamer, nouncreamy, adjectivecress, nouncrisp, nouncrisp, adjectivecrispbread, nouncrispy, adjectivecroissant, nouncroquette, nouncrouton, nouncrumb, nouncrumpet, nouncrunchy, adjectivecrust, nouncrusty, adjectivecrystallized, adjectivecucumber, nouncud, nouncuisine, nouncupcake, nouncurd, nouncurdle, verbcurrant, nouncustard, nouncut, nouncutlet, noundainty, nounDanish pastry, noundate, noundefrost, verbdelicacy, noundemerara sugar, noundesiccated, adjectivedevilled, adjectivedevour, verbdiabetic, adjectivedigest, verbdigestible, adjectivedill, noundill pickle, noundine, verbdiner, noundining car, noundinner, noundinner dance, noundinner party, noundinner theater, noundinnertime, noundissolve, verbdoggy bag, noundoily, noundollop, noundough, noundown, verbdrain, verbdredge, verbdried, adjectivedried fruit, noundripping, noundrumstick, noundry goods, noundunk, verbEaster egg, nouneat, verbeatery, nouneating apple, nouneats, nounEccles cake, nounéclair, nounEdam, nounedible, adjectiveeel, nounegg, nouneggplant, nounegg roll, nounelevenses, nounendive, nounEnglish breakfast, nounEnglish muffin, nounentrée, nounepicure, nounescalope, nounevaporated milk, nounfast food, nounfeed, verbfeed, nounfeta cheese, nounfig, nounfilbert, nounfillet, verbfilling, adjectivefilling, nounfilo, nounflounder, nounfloury, adjectiveflyblown, adjectivefoil, nounfoodstuff, nounforage, nounfork, verbfortify, verbfreeze-dried, adjectiveFrench bean, nounFrench bread, nounFrench dressing, nounFrench fry, nounFrench loaf, nounFrench stick, nounfries, nounfromage frais, nounfrozen, adjectivefruit, nounfudge, nounfull-fat, adjectivegaram masala, noungarlic, noungarnish, noungarnish, verbgastronomic, adjectivegastronomy, noungel, verbginger, nounglass, nounglassware, noungolden raisin, noungoody, noungourmand, noungrain, nounGranary, adjectivegranulated, adjectivegreasy, adjectivegreasy spoon, noungreen, adjectivegrill, noungristle, noungrocer, nounground, adjectiveground beef, noungrub, noungruel, nounguava, noungum, noungumball, noungumbo, noungumdrop, nounhalal, adjectivehalibut, nounham, nounhamburger, nounhaunch, nounhead table, nounhealth food, nounheart, nounhearty, adjectiveheat, nounherb, nounhigh tea, nounhome economics, nounhot dish, nounhygiene, nounhygienic, adjectiveiceman, nounindigestible, adjectiveindigestion, nouninedible, adjectiveinfected, adjectiveingest, verbinn, nouninsipid, adjectiveintake, nounirradiate, verbjellied, adjectivejoint, nounjuice, nounjuicy, adjectivejunk, nounjunk food, nounknuckle, nounkosher, adjectivelaxative, nounlean, adjectiveleavings, nounleg, nounlight, adjectiveliquorice, nounlive, adjectiveloaf, nounlocker, nounloin, nounlotus, nounlukewarm, adjectivelump, nounlunch, nounlunch, verblunchbox, nounlunch break, nounluncheon, nounlunch hour, nounlunchroom, nounlunchtime, nounluscious, adjectivemace, nounMadeira cake, nounmain course, nounmaitre d', nounmaize, nounmandarin, nounmandarin orange, nounmangetout, nounmango, nounmaple syrup, nounmargarine, nounmarge, nounmarmalade, nounmarrow, nounmarshmallow, nounMason jar, nounmasticate, verbmature, adjectivemature, verbmeal, nounmealie, nounmealtime, nounmealy, adjectivemeat, nounmeat-packing, nounmeaty, adjectivemellow, adjectivementhol, nounmentholated, adjectivemenu, nounmess, nounmess, verbmess hall, nounmilk chocolate, nounmillet, nounmince, nounmint, nounmocha, nounmolasses, nounmoreish, adjectivemorsel, nounmouldy, adjectivemouth, nounmouthful, nounMSG, nounmunch, verbmung bean, nounmush, nounmushroom, nounmustard, nounnibble, verbnibble, nounnosh, nounnourish, verbnourishment, nounnugget, nounnut, nounnutcracker, nounnutshell, nounnutty, adjectiveoatmeal, nounoats, nounoffal, nounokra, nounon, prepositiononion, nounorder, nounoregano, nounorganic, adjectiveoverindulge, verboxtail, nounpackaging, nounpacker, nounpap, nounparcel, nounpaste, nounpastille, nounpastry, nounpatisserie, nounpearl barley, nounpectin, nounpeel, verbpeel, nounpepper, nounpepper, verbpeppercorn, nounpeppermint, nounperishable, adjectivepetit four, nounpiccalilli, nounpicnic, nounpicnic, verbpie, nounpilaff, nounpilau, nounpimento, nounpinto bean, nounpit, nounpizza parlor, nounpizzeria, nounplain chocolate, nounplain flour, nounploughman's lunch, nounpoor boy, nounpork, nounpork pie, nounpork rinds, nounporridge, nounporterhouse steak, nounportion, nounpostprandial, adjectivepotato, nounpotato crisp, nounpotted, adjectivepoultry, nounpraline, nounprawn, nounprepacked, adjectivepreservative, nounpreserve, verbpreserve, nounpretzel, nounprovision, verbprune, nounpuff pastry, nounpumpernickel, nounpumpkin, nounpuree, verbquince, nounQuorn, nounrabbit, nounrancid, adjectiverare, adjectiveravenous, adjectiveraw, adjectivered meat, nounreheat, verbrennet, nounrepast, nounreplete, adjectiverestaurant, nounrestaurant car, nounrestaurateur, nounrib, nounrice, nounrigatoni, nounrind, nounripe, adjectiveroadhouse, nounrock, nounroe, nounroll, nounroot vegetable, nounrose hip, nounrusk, nounrutabaga, nounsaccharin, nounsalad cream, nounsalad dressing, nounsalami, nounsalmon, nounsalsa, nounsalt, verbsalt, adjectivesalty, adjectivesandwich, nounsardine, nounsassafras, nounsatisfying, adjectivesatsuma, nounsauerkraut, nounsausage, nounscallion, nounscampi, nounscone, nounscoop, nounScotch broth, nounscratchings, nounseafood, nounseasoned, adjectiveseed, verbsemolina, nounservery, nounservice charge, nounserving, nounset, adjectiveshallot, nounshellfish, nounsherbet, nounshish kebab, nounshortbread, nounshortcake, nounshortcrust pastry, nounshoulder, nounshrimp cocktail, nounside order, nounsillabub, nounsimnel cake, nounsingle cream, nounsirloin, nounsitting, nounskimmed milk, nounskin, nounskin, verbslaw, nounslice, nounsliced bread, nounsloe, nounsloppy joe, nounsmorgasbord, nounsnack bar, nounsnow pea, nounsoda fountain, nounsodium chloride, nounsoft fruit, nounsorghum, nounsoul food, nounsour, adjectivesour, verbsourdough, nounsoya, nounsoya bean, nounspearmint, nounspinach, nounsponge, nounsponge cake, nounsponge pudding, nounspoon, verbspoonful, nounspotted dick, nounspread, nounspring onion, nounspring roll, nounsprout, nounspud, nounsquash, nounsquid, nounstaple, nounstarfruit, nounstarter, nounsteak, nounsteakhouse, nounsteak tartare, nounstew, nounstick, nounStilton, nounstir-fry, verbstodge, nounstone-ground, adjectivestrawberry, nounstring bean, nounstringy, adjectivestrudel, nounsub, nounsucrose, nounsuet, nounsugar, nounsugar, verbsugar-coated, adjectivesugar cube, nounsugar lump, nounsugary, adjectivesultana, nounsun-dried, adjectivesup, verbsupper, nounsustenance, nounswallow, verbswallow, nounswede, nounsweetcorn, nounsweetened condensed milk, nounsweetener, nounsweetmeat, nounsweet pepper, nounsweet potato, nounsyrup, nounsyrupy, adjectivetable d'hôte, nountaco, nountaffy, nountainted, adjectivetakeaway, nountakeout, nountangerine, nountapas, nountapioca, nountaramasalata, nountariff, nountart, nountartare sauce, nountaste, verbtasteless, adjectivetaster, nountasting, nountater, nountattie, nounT-bone steak, nountea, nounteacake, nountender, adjectivetin, nountinned, adjectivetitbit, nountoffee apple, nountofu, nountomato, nountongue, nountop, nountopping, nountop round, nountopside, nountop table, nountortilla, nountough, adjectivetransport cafe, nountreacle, nountrifle, nountripe, nountrotter, nountruck stop, nountruffle, nountub, nountuna, nounturkey, nounTurkish delight, nounturnip, nounturnover, nountutti frutti, nounTV dinner, nounTVP, noununadulterated, adjectiveunleavened, adjectiveunpalatable, adjectivevacuum-packed, adjectivevanilla, nounveal, nounvegan, nounvegetable, nounvegetarian, nounvegetarianism, nounveggie, nounvenison, nounvictual, verbvictuals, nounvoracious, adjectivevoucher, nounwaiter, nounwaitress, nounwalnut, noun-ware, suffixwarmed-over, adjectivewedge, nounwell, nounwell-done, adjectivewell-fed, adjectivewet fish, nounwheat, nounwhite, nounwhite flour, nounwhite pepper, nounwhite sauce, nounwholefood, nounwholemeal, adjectivewhole wheat, adjectivewiener, nounwild rice, nounwishbone, nounwrap, nounyeast extract, nounyoghurt, nounyogurt, nounyolk, nounyule log, nounyummy, adjectivezucchini, nounzwieback, noun
(=used in cooking)
· He bought a comic, several candy bars and a bag of liquorice all-sorts.· During the first few months of traveling, I ate only candy bars and salad with Tabasco sauce.· I used to take candy bars, little toys, sharpened pencils, anything small and easy to mail to school.· They take the wrappers off the candy bars I bring my son.· Go to the grocery store and buy yourself a candy bar.· The men took frequent smoke breaks; they ate candy bars and exchanged stories.· People eat candy bars and put butter on their popcorn.· Compare Boston Chicken to Mars, maker of the candy bars.
· Making more cotton candy requires buying a new, bigger machine.
· The proprietor of a North Hollywood candy store recently posted a sign saying he may no longer accept Wells Fargo checks.· The thought depressed him so much he double-parked outside a candy store on Southern Boulevard and had a cigarette.· Few can afford either the calories or the cost of frequent trips to these gourmet candy stores.· He always stopped at a candy store near the corner and bought the Times.· Spider lent him out to a friend who ran a candy store on Southern Boulevard.
· Thrown away like a candy wrapper, thrown away like trash.· His eyelids crackle like candy wrappers.· Print your music on candy wrappers or on the backs of daguerreotypes.· But when he walked over to it, he saw that it was only a candy wrapper.· His knapsack and sketch pad and sleeping bag lay on the floor, candy wrappers scattered around them.
· His throat was dry and he'd forgotten to buy any candy.· Go to the grocery store and buy yourself a candy bar.· The welcoming committee suggested they buy lots of candy for Halloween.· We could order meals from outside and buy fresh fruits, candies, and toiletries.
· If red candies have a reinforcing flavor and green candies do not, the child takes and eats red candies.· During the first few months of traveling, I ate only candy bars and salad with Tabasco sauce.· Wyatt had never seen an adult eat so much candy.· The men took frequent smoke breaks; they ate candy bars and exchanged stories.· People eat candy bars and put butter on their popcorn.
· Bout two years ago, I got some candy from Cornelia Timms and gave it to him.
1candy (1) American English a sweet food made from sugar or chocolate:  a box of candies a candy bar Do you want a piece of candy?2mind/brain candy informal something that is entertaining or pleasant to look at, but which you do not approve of because you think it is not serious:  Most video games are just brain candy.




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