not saying anything► silent especially written not speaking: · Phil was silent for a moment as he thought about his reply.remain silent: · I wanted to say 'please don't go', but instead I remained silent, and she left.fall silent (=become silent): · The woman fell silent, though she kept darting angry glances at Jessica.
► be lost for words/be at a loss for words to be unable to say anything because you are very surprised or because you are not prepared for the situation that has suddenly happened: · No matter what happens he never seems lost for words.· She stared at his letter, clearly at a loss for words.
► be struck dumb to be suddenly unable to say anything because you are extremely surprised or shocked and cannot believe what has happened: · Amy was struck dumb. Was it possible that her own son had deceived her?be struck dumb with: · When he arrived at the scene of the disaster, he was struck dumb with horror and amazement.
► clam up informal to suddenly become unwilling to talk: · He always clams up when I ask him about his job -- do you think he's doing something illegal?· The police took her in for questioning, but she clammed up when they asked about her boyfriend.
► speechless unable to say anything because you are very angry, surprised, or upset: · Anna was speechless. She had never seen such luxury before.speechless with: · Laura stared at him, absolutely speechless with rage.leave/render somebody speechless (=make someone speechless): · His words dented her pride and left her speechless.
► tongue-tied unable or unwilling to say anything because you are nervous or embarrassed: · She became tongue-tied when she looked at the handsome man sitting beside her.· Nervousness affects people in different ways. While some people become tongue-tied, others cannot stop talking.
► I don't know what to say spoken say this when someone gives you an unexpected present, or does something bad or shocking, and you cannot express how happy, angry etc you feel: · You're so kind! I don't know what to say.· Well, I don't know what to say. It's absolutely disgraceful!
► words fail me spoken say this when you are so shocked or angry that you cannot think of anything to say to express how you feel: · Just look at this mess. Look at it. It's...Words fail me!
► bite your tongue to not say anything even though you want very much to say what you think: · I had to bite my tongue to stop myself telling Neil exactly what I thought of his stupid plan.· She's so temperamental that even if you disagree with her it's better to bite your tongue and say nothing.