

单词 business card
business cardˈbusiness ˌcard noun [countable] Examples
  • A storefront sign or a business card are some of the most powerful branding devices around.
  • If your business card says business development, what should you do all day?
  • Says so right on his business card.
word sets
absolute advantage, aggregate demand, AGM, nounagribusiness, nounairline, nounappurtenance, nounassessment, nounbad debt, nounbalance sheet, nounbankroll, verbbankrupt, adjectivebankrupt, verbbankrupt, nounbankruptcy, nounbargain, verbbargain basement, nounbaron, nounbill of sale, nounbiz, nounblack market, nounblack marketeer, nounboom, nounboom and bust, nounboom town, nounbrown goods, nounbubble, nounbudget surplus, business card, nounbusiness cycle, business hours, nounbuyout, nouncapital, nouncapital-intensive, adjectivechamber of commerce, nounclerical, adjectiveconsumer, nounconsumer goods, noundisposable income, noundownturn, noundrive-through, nouneconomically, adverbfinancial, adjectiveflat, adjectivefree enterprise, noungiveaway, adjectiveincrement, nounindustry, nouninflate, verbinflated, adjectiveinflation, nouninflationary, adjectiveinsolvent, adjectiveinstitution, nouninterest, nounintroduction, nounlivery, nounlow season, nounlucrative, adjectiveMBA, nounmemo, nounmentoring, nounnegotiable, adjectivenegotiate, verbnegotiation, nounnon-profit, adjectiveopen, verboperational research, nounowner-occupied, adjectivepack, nounpackage, nounpaperwork, nounpatron, nounpatronage, nounpatronize, verbpay, verbpcm, peppercorn rent, nounpersonal assistant, nounplanned obsolescence, nounpp., quarter, nounquarter day, nounquota, nounquote, verbready-made, adjectivereal estate, nounrebate, nounredeem, verbredevelop, verbrefund, nounrent, nounshutdown, nounsliding scale, nounsubcontract, verbsubcontractor, nountariff, nounundercut, verbundersubscribed, adjective
business carda card that shows a business person’s name, position, company, address etc




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