

单词 stream
stream1 nounstream2 verb
streamstream1 /striːm/ ●●● W3 noun [countable] Entry menu
MENU FOR streamstream1 small river2 continuous series3 air/water4 come on stream5 school
Word Origin
Old English
  • A stream of air swirled the dust into clouds.
  • a mountain stream
  • Below meandered a little stream; the stream believed to be the source of Charles Kingsley's inspiration.
  • Between there and Drumbreck House they came across a number of swollen burns and encountered streams where no streams had existed before.
  • It is raining, and I am watching the streams of water form patterns on the windows.
  • Many course combinations are possible during the first three years, facilitating transfer between these three streams.
  • Still holding the mangled trophy above his head, he started to cross the stream.
  • The constant stream of praise burbling in the background of the class swelled into shouts of rapture.
  • The upper path was deep in mud: the lower one was now a stream.
  • This free software uses the Internet to deliver a stream of news, stock quotes and other information right to your desktop.
THESAURUSa small river
a small narrow river: · a cool mountain stream
literary a small stream: · There was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green banks.
a narrow area of sea that goes into the land, or a small river: · The River Fal with its many creeks was a perfect place for smugglers.· The kids hunted for crabs in the muddy creek.
Longman Language Activatora series of events, things, numbers, people etc
several things that happen one after the other: · What is the next number in the series -- 12, 24, 48, 96?series of: · There has been a series of accidents on the M25.· The orchestra is giving a series of concerts to raise money for charity.· Police smashed a major drugs ring after a series of dawn raids.
the order in which events or actions follow one another, or the order in which they are supposed to follow one another: · The keys have to be turned in a particular sequence to open the safe.sequence of: · The sequence of movements for this particular dance is quite difficult to learn.sequence of events: · The report detailed the sequence of events that led to the oil spill.in sequence: · The chairs are numbered in sequence.
a series of similar events that happen very close together, or a group of similar things that exist or are found very close together: · O'Neill had a string of successes with his first four plays.· a string of tiny islands off the coast of Florida· Jackson was imprisoned in 1934 for a string of sensational crimes.
a number of events, relationships, people etc following closely after each other, especially when it is bad that there have been so many of them: succession of: · The project has had a succession of legal problems.· Like many rich kids, Georgie was raised by a succession of underpaid nannies.in succession: · We lost four important games in succession.
also train of events British a series of events, especially a series in which each thing that happens causes the next one to happen: · The 6 month trial focused on the chain of events leading to the murder.· The book details the train of events that led to the outbreak of the First World War.
a long and almost continuous series of events, people, objects etc that follow closely after each other: stream of of: · Guides take the non-stop stream of visitors around the castle.in an endless stream (=continuously, in large numbers): · Refugees were pouring across the border in an endless stream.
also catalog American a series of failures, disasters etc that happen one after the other and never seem to stop: · The bombing is the latest addition to the catalogue of terrorist crimes.· The official report into the disaster points up a whole catalog of errors and oversights.
a planned process of medical treatment, consisting of a series of regular amounts of treatment, drugs etc over a fixed period: · Europeans usually need to have a course of injections before travelling to India.· The disease can be easily cured with a simple course of antibiotics.
avalanche, nounaxis, nouncatchment area, nouncrater, noundinosaur, noundivide, nounelement, nounextinct, adjectivegallery, noungeo-, prefixgeophysics, nounglacial, adjectiveglaciation, noungoldfield, nounlandslide, nounlandslip, nounleach, verbmagnetic pole, nounmagnitude, nounmantle, nounmeteorite, nounmolten, adjectivemother lode, nounnatural history, nounonyx, nounopal, nounozone layer, nounpaleontology, nounpitchblende, nounPleistocene, adjectivePliocene, adjectiveprimeval, adjectivequake, verbquake, nounrarefied, adjectiverock, verbscour, verbshock wave, nounslide, nounsoapstone, nounstony, adjectivestream, nounstrip mine, nounsubcontinent, nounsubterranean, adjectivesuperficial, adjectiveterrain, nounterrestrial, adjectivetremor, nounundercurrent, nounvolcanic, adjectivevolcano, nounvortex, nounwater table, noun
 A steady stream of visitors came to the house.
(=a series of rude or angry words)
· There was a cold rush of air as she wound down her window.
(=moves fast)· A man was lying in the street with blood gushing from his head.
British English (=in which a lot of liquid comes from your nose)· You shouldn’t go to work if you’ve got a streaming cold.
 There was a constant stream of visitors to the house.
 an endless stream of visitors
· The special offer has produced a flood of inquiries from interested customers.
(=a large amount of light comes in)· Light streamed in through the window.
· The water was as clear and cold as a mountain stream.
· All day long a steady stream of customers came and went.
(=a lot comes in)· Mabel pulled back the curtains, and sunlight streamed in.
· Oliver laughed until tears ran down his face.
(=a long continuous series of cars, trucks etc)· There was a constant stream of traffic.
· Her clinic at the John Radcliffe hospital has a constant stream of parents wanting help.· A constant stream of spoken advice and directions that this child is less able to comprehend will thereby exaggerate her difficulty.· From it, during her life-time, she ejects eggs in an almost constant stream.· The constant stream of praise burbling in the background of the class swelled into shouts of rapture.· I always wondered where her constant stream of men came from.· A constant stream of strangers roamed the neighborhoods.· Cook drove clumsily, keeping up a constant stream of chatter.· Did he want to work with the same people over a period of time or have a constant stream of new ones?
· This behaviour is really a continuous stream of behaviours.· And it organises a continuous stream of philosophical conferences.· Don't just write a continuous stream of unorganised information.· Mr Daubney had been busy with a continuous stream of traffic.· The sisters had no money for food and medicines, but they received a continuous stream of charitable donations.· The frequency of occurrence of each n-gram in a continuous stream of data constitutes the n-gram statistics of the data set.
· She had an endless stream of admirers, and I was jealous of all of them.· The endless incomprehensible stream of language was sending Alan to sleep on his feet.· An endless stream of self-powered ants can be sent up to the end of the cable with no further power input whatsoever!· He takes great trouble over a seemingly endless stream of difficulties.· His life is an endless stream of interviews and news conferences, often back to back.· An endless stream of proposals had poured in for the £20 million a year it had to dispense.· The endless stream of parties, dinners and galas all seemed to draw from the same guest list.
· And there are marsh plants in the bossy bits and beside the little streams.· The little stream is delightfully clear and bright.· Immediately after the stile is a lovely little mountain stream crossed by stepping stones.· He was out hunting and hot and thirsty entered a grotto where a little stream widened into a pool.· Unfortunately, as more and more of our little rivers and streams are converted into drains our fishing opportunities dwindle.· Even the ponds looked healthy, the little streams we crossed in the middle of nowhere.· Right: The little stream which flows under Puente Chinoluiz where we found an abundance of fish.· The recent rain made the little stream passable and the water was very swift, shallow and rocky.
· Fishing the smaller rivers and streams gives you the chance to actually watch the fish.· But scores of state policemen met two truckloads of the farmers at a spot where a small stream crosses the mountain road.· They might make their own bridge over a very small stream or ditch and find out what will float underneath.· Soon however, she found a small stream carrying runoff from the previous rain.· The small streams are called 1st Order.· He remembered that in his university days he had been impressed by a bridge suspended by chains over a small stream.· Others nestle more gently around small meandering streams.· A small stream of water called Willoughby Run winds between the next two ridges.
· The docks were experiencing a boom in trade and all day long a steady stream of customers came and went.· The bill also would provide a steady stream of money for the emissions test.· A steady income stream is required to meet the costs of the syndicated lending department.· But until the weather here turns cool again and the race heats up, look for a steady stream of empty feints.· This, of course, is a recipe for disaster, her attempts to please meeting with a steady stream of rebuffs.· And out of that mouth came a steady stream of bottom-line analysis and profanity.· I4e was having a hard time still and his day was a steady stream of disappointments.
· The water is some 20 feet down: a pool fed by a diverted underground stream.· And I read that many cathedrals were built on ancient pagan sites, which in turn were built over underground streams.· The Forest of Dean is riddled with underground streams and springs.· Is the Black Virgin a symbol of the hidden Church and of the underground stream?· Erosion was caused by solution of the rocks and by the mud and pebbles moving in the underground stream.· We have seen how many of the Neolithic monuments, such as Silbury Hill, were built over underground streams.· Bless the underground stream that gave the town its water, and pray that it flows for ever and ever.
· The stream bed below is normally dry as the water percolates through at a lower level.· Restoring the old stream beds would create miles and miles of wetlands and streamside habitat in a and endangered.· They ram sticks upright into the stream bed.· We turned left and followed the gravel stream bed.· A formal tank would perhaps owe as much to landscape gardening as to an idealised stream bed.
· A steady income stream is required to meet the costs of the syndicated lending department.· However, if there would be a significant decline in her income stream, you would want to make much greater adjustments.· When income stream is not coming through and capital values are falling then you are going to get problems.· You could expect dividends of about 7 percent, producing a $ 12, 537 annual income stream.· Consequently, unlike equities, the income stream from debt is usually known.· Against this income stream, Flynn faced mounting tuition bills, which averaged $ 29, 328 annually over 11 years.· They analyse managements, investments and future income streams.· We want a predictable income stream.
· Immediately after the stile is a lovely little mountain stream crossed by stepping stones.· Or would he perhaps look upon a clear mountain stream and complain about the absence of raw sewage or Industrial effluents?· Spring streams are generally shorter, typically forming the tributaries of mountain streams.· A racing mountain stream ran through the centre of the village.· It creeps over the boulders on the beds of the mountain streams, grazing on algae.· It survived a dunking in a mountain stream, and brought back a picture of a retrieving hand to prove it.· We paddle on seas the green of cat's eyes, and seas as clear as mountain streams.· Its newly tamed garden has fine views and a fast-running mountain stream.
· By increasing the Group's focus on the digital environment, Emap expects to generate significant new revenue streams.· A revenue bond, on the other hand, is paid by a defined revenue stream, specified by the county.· That capital is dead money until the revenue stream comes on line.· In 1996, Massachusetts passed a law to provide an ongoing state revenue stream for connecting activities related to school-to-work.· It's already got a revenue stream from its education courses.· In time, as the portfolio of products develops, additional revenue streams are expected from e-commerce activities.· However, in time, other revenue streams are expected from e-commerce opportunities.
· Cash flow from operations will increase as production from these new fields is brought on stream.· Fluka's product line is continually increasing as its own research and development bring new products on stream.· Malacca Strait: Two discoveries in the Selatan field were brought on stream in the second half of 1991.· Some new lines have been brought on stream.
· They will be concentrated in the same industries and come on stream as the economy is beginning its recovery from the depression.· And out of that mouth came a steady stream of bottom-line analysis and profanity.· Norton believes privatisation of electricity and water companies means more funds will come on stream.· Similar initiatives flowed thereafter as the team members came up with a stream of ideas.· The Lomond platform is due to come on stream in April.· We came to a stream and crossed it on a tree trunk some one had flattened with an adze.· With more and more reactors coming on stream every year, it was inevitable that problems would begin to occur.· A seventy million pounds engine plant came on stream three years ago producing engines for Rover.
· A little way along the lane is a humpback bridge that crosses a stream.· When the Gingerbread Man wanted to cross a stream, he accepted help from a fox, who ate him.· Soon he crossed a stream which he did not recognize.· Still holding the mangled trophy above his head, he started to cross the stream.· A tumbling weir creates the localized conditions of an upland brook wherever it crosses a silty lowland stream.· He offered to help the Gingerbread Man cross a stream and told the cookie to jump on his tail.· The jeep was fitted with a snorkel so that it could cross the streams and rivers encountered on the way.· After crossing the stream turn right along the track which passes close to Trepewet Farm.
· You cut openings for springs and torrents; you dried up ever-flowing streams.· These reactions are carried out in flowing low-pressure gas streams.
· We turned left and followed the gravel stream bed.· Once on the other side turn left to follow the stream to the stepping stones across the East Dart.· They crossed an old footbridge and followed a stream that bubbled along off to their left.· The Roberts were soon following the stream of passengers heading in the direction of passport control.· We followed a stream up Salubrious Passage before squeezing ourselves through a small twisting passage to bring us back above ground.· One loosened, the rest follow in a steady stream, wrestling bitterly for freedom.· They followed the stream, their feet quiet on the soft mud, the boot soles leaving patterns in damp places.
· The second strategy is to produce a stream of new products.· Swinging through the trees produces a visual stream rushing past on both sides of your head.· A succession of published polls typically produces a stream of more or less contradictory results.· It was a Series that produced a stream of new faces to help pull the game toward the new millennium.· Finally, the increase in projects has produced a constant stream of highly-paid expatriate consultants.· The nuclear industry produces waste streams which contain a variety of radioactive metal ions, the extraction of which minimises radioactive discharges.
· The councillor had already survived one attempt on his life, and had received a stream of death threats.· The Customs Service will receive a stream of tips from child labor groups and will have to check on relatively few sites.· So it's equally unsurprising that he receives a steady stream of unsolicited portfolios from eager aspirants searching for their break.· In early 1958 he received a stream of well-placed visitors during his fortnightly trips to the capital.· To their alarm, civil servants began to receive a growing stream of horrifying reports.· The sisters had no money for food and medicines, but they received a continuous stream of charitable donations.· Despite the current depressed state of the advertising industry, Ashton receives a regular stream of calls from headhunters.
· On one side of the street ran a sluggish stream in a deep channel cut through the earth.· In addition Drake set up artificial ecologies in aquaria and in running water for artificial stream ecologies.· Viewed from the hill above, the wooden houses and flagstoned alleys divided by running streams still present an attractive sight.· They grow in running streams as well as in stagnant water of ponds, backwaters, and wells.
  • The new plant will come on stream at the end of the year.
  • A seventy million pounds engine plant came on stream three years ago producing engines for Rover.
  • If successful, the trust will come on stream in April, 1993.
  • No new cases would come on stream for us to deal with.
  • Norton believes privatisation of electricity and water companies means more funds will come on stream.
  • The Lomond platform is due to come on stream in April.
  • The plant is scheduled to come on stream in the spring of 1992.
  • They will be concentrated in the same industries and come on stream as the economy is beginning its recovery from the depression.
  • With more and more reactors coming on stream every year, it was inevitable that problems would begin to occur.
  • A seventy million pounds engine plant came on stream three years ago producing engines for Rover.
  • Norton believes privatisation of electricity and water companies means more funds will come on stream.
  • The Lomond platform is due to come on stream in April.
  • The plant is scheduled to come on stream in the spring of 1992.
  • They will be concentrated in the same industries and come on stream as the economy is beginning its recovery from the depression.
  • Those two plants came on stream at a time when we needed all the capacity they could provide.
  • Two years later, the new developments are on stream, bringing the target of 400 job opportunities even closer.
  • With more and more reactors coming on stream every year, it was inevitable that problems would begin to occur.
1small river a natural flow of water that moves across the land and is narrower than a river downstream, upstream2continuous series a long and almost continuous series of events, people, objects etcstream of a stream of traffic a stream of abusesteady/constant/endless etc stream A steady stream of visitors came to the house.3air/water a flow of water, air, smoke etc, or the direction in which it is flowing:  A stream of cold air rushed through the open door. Gulf Stream, jet stream4come on stream especially British English to start working or producing something:  The new factory will come on stream at the end of the year.5school British English a level of ability within a group of students of the same age:  Kim’s in the top stream. bloodstream, mainstream1, stream of consciousness
stream1 nounstream2 verb
streamstream2 ●○○ verb Entry menu
MENU FOR streamstream1 pour2 flow3 give out liquid4 light5 move freely6 computer7 school
Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theystream
he, she, itstreams
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theystreamed
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave streamed
he, she, ithas streamed
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad streamed
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill stream
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have streamed
Continuous Form
PresentIam streaming
he, she, itis streaming
you, we, theyare streaming
PastI, he, she, itwas streaming
you, we, theywere streaming
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been streaming
he, she, ithas been streaming
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been streaming
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be streaming
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been streaming
  • And they streamed in as the game wound down.
  • At the appointed hour for the concert to begin, crowds began streaming off the parade route and into the park.
  • His eyes were streaming with tears from the coughing.
  • People streamed past us on all sides.
  • There was a beach of pebbles, grey too, and streaming with rain.
  • There were no more creatures streaming from the rear of the shuttle.
word sets
access, verbaccess point, nounaccess time, nounaccounting system, accumulator, nounadd-on, nounADSL, nounaffective computing, nounAI, nounALGOL, nounalias, nounANSI, anti-spam, adjectiveanti-virus, adjectiveanti-virus software, nounAPL, nounapp, nounApple, Apple Macintosh, applet, nounapplication, nounapplication software, nounarcade game, nounarchitecture, nounarchive, nounarchive, verbarray, nounartificial intelligence, nounASCII, nounASIC, nounASP, nounassembly language, nounasynchronous, adjectiveAT&T, attachment, nounaudit trail, nounautomate, verbautomated, adjectiveautomation, nounavatar, nounB2B exchange, nounB2C, adjectiveB2E, adjectiveBabbage, Charles, backslash, nounbackspace, nounbackup, nounback-up copy, bandwidth, nounbar code, nounBASIC, nounbatch, nounbatch processing, nounbaud rate, nounBerners-Lee, Tim, bespoke, adjectivebeta test, nounBig Blue, bioinformatics, nounbiometric, adjectivebit, nounbitmap, nounBlackBerry, nounbloatware, nounblog, nounBluetooth, nounBMP, nounbond certificate, book entry, bookmark, nounbookmark, verbbook of final entry, nounbook of first entry, nounBoolean, adjectiveboot, verbbootable, adjectivebootstrapping, nounbot, nounbotnet, nounbps, brain dump, nounbroadband, nounbrown goods, nounbrowse, verbbrowser, nounbubble jet printer, nounbuddy list, nounbuffer, nounbuffer, verbbug, nounbulletin board, nounbundle, nounbundle, verbburn, verbbus, nounbusiness continuity services, nounbusiness continuity services, button, nounbyte, nounCabinet Office Briefing Rooms, cable modem, nouncache, nouncache, verbCAD, nounCAD/CAM, nounCAL, nounCalifornia, nounCALL, nounCAM, nounCambridge, Capita, caps lock, nouncapture, verbcapture, nouncard, nouncathode ray tube, nounCAT scan, nounCBT, nounCD-R, nounCD-ROM, nounCD-ROM drive, CDRW, nounCD-RW, nouncentral processing unit, nouncentral processor, nounCGI, nounCHAPS, character, nounchat room, nouncheat, nouncheckbox, nounchip, nounchip card, CIM, CIO, clerical assistant, click, verbclickable, adjectiveclient, nounclient machine, client-server, adjectiveclient/server architecture, clip art, nounclipboard, nouncloaking, nounclock cycle, nounclock speed, nounclone, nouncluster, nounCOBOL, nouncode, nouncoder, nouncom, Comdex, nouncommand, nouncomm port, comms, nouncompact disc, nounCompaq, compatibility, nouncompatible, adjectivecompatible, nouncompile, verbcompiler, nouncompress, verbcomputer, nouncomputer (industry) analyst, computer-aided, adjectivecomputer-aided design, nouncomputer-aided manufacture, computer-aided manufacturing, nouncomputer-assisted, adjectivecomputerate, adjectivecomputer-based training, computer-generated, adjectivecomputer-integrated manufacture, computerize, verbcomputer-literate, adjectivecomputer modelling, nouncomputer science, nouncomputer system, computer virus, nouncomputing, nounconcordance, nounconfiguration, nounconfigure, verbconnect, verbconnectivity, nounconsole, nouncontrol, nouncontrol key, nouncookie, nouncoordinate, nounCorel, corrupt, verbcounter, nouncourseware, nounCPU, nouncrack, verbcrack, nouncracker, nouncrash, verbcrash, nounCroft, Lara, cross-platform, adjectivecross-posting, nounCtrl, nouncursor, nouncut, verbcutover, nouncyber-, prefixcybercrime, nouncybernetics, nouncyberpunk, nouncybersickness, nouncyberspace, nouncyberterrorist, nouncyberwidow, noundata, noundata bank, noundatabase, noundatabase management, database management system, data capture, noundata centre, data dictionary, noundata encryption standard, noundata file, data interchange format file, data mining, noundata processing, noundata protection, Data Protection Act, the, Dateline, daytrader, nounday trading, nounDBMS, debug, verbdecision support system, decode, verbdecompress, verbdecrypt, verbdefault, noundefragment, verbDel, noundelete, verbdeletion, noundeliverable, noundematerialize, verbdemo, verbdemonstration version, denial of service attack, noundeselect, verbdesktop, noundesktop computer, noundesktop publishing, noundestination site, dialogue box, noundial-up, adjectivedigerati, noundigicam, noundigital nervous system, digital rights management, digital wallet, nounDilbert, direct access, noundirectory, noundisaster recovery, noundisc, noundisinfect, verbdisk, noundisk drive, noundiskette, noundisk operating system, display, noundisplay, verbdistributed processing, Dixons, dock, noundock, verbdocking station, noundocument, noundocument sharing, noundongle, nounDOS, noundot-matrix printer, noundouble click, verbdouble-click, verbdouble density, adjectivedown, adverbdownload, verbdownload, noundownloadable, adjectivedowntime, noundown time, downwardly compatible, adjectiveDP, noundrag, verbdrive, noun-driven, suffixdriver, noundropdown, noundrop down, noundrop-down menu, nounDTP, noundumb terminal, dump, verbdump, nounDVD, nounDVD-ROM, nounEasdaq, noune-book, noune-business, nounECN, noune-commerce, nouneditor, nounedutainment, noune-fatigue, nounE-FIT, nounEFTPOS, nounelectronic, adjectiveelectronic bill of lading, electronic cottage, nounelectronic data interchange, nounelectronic funds transfer, nounelectronic invoice, electronic mail, nounelectronic media, electronic publishing, nounelectronics, nounelectrosmog, nounEllison, Larry, email, nounemail account, embed, verbencrypt, verbend-to-end, adjectiveenter, verbenterprise application integration, nounentry, nounEPROM, noune-publishing, nounequipment leasing, erase, verbErnie, error, nounerror message, nounescape key, Ethernet, noune-ticket, nounE-ticket, nounexecutable, nounexecute, verbexecution, nounexit, verbexpansion card, nounexpansion slot, nounexpert system, nounexport, verbextension, nounextranet, nouneye scan, nounF2F, adjectivefabricator, nounfactory preset, nounfatware, nounfeed, verbfeed, nounfield, nounfifth generation computer, file, nounfile manager, nounfilename, nounfile sharing, nounfile transfer, filing system, filter, nounfirewall, nounfirmware, nounfirst generation, nounfirst in, first out, nounfirst-person shooter, nounfive nines, nounfixed wireless, nounflash, verbflash, nounflash drive, nounflash memory, nounflatscreen, adjectiveflat screen, flip chip, nounfloor broker, floppy disk, nounfly-by-wire, nounfolder, nounfont, nounfooter, nounfootprint, nounforklift upgrade, nounformat, verbFortran, nounforum, noun404, adjectivefreeware, nounftp, nounfunction, nounfunctionality, nounfunction key, nounfungible, adjectivefuzzy logic, nounGame Boy, gameplay, noungamer, noungaming, noungarbage in, garbage out, Gates, Bill, gateway, nounghost, nounGIF, noungigabit, noungigabyte, nounGIGO, GIS, nounGlitter, Gary, global, adjectiveGLOBEX, nounGMS, nounGoogle, gopher, noungraphical, adjectivegraphical user interface, noungraphics, noungraphics card, noungraphic software, grid computing, noungroupware, nounGUI, nounhack, verbhack, nounhacker, nounhacktivist, nounhandshake, nounhard copy, nounhard disk, nounhard drive, nounhardware, nounhard-wired, adjectiveHawk, Tony, Hawking, Stephen, head, nounheader, nounhelp, nounhelp desk, nounhelp menu, help screen, nounHewlett Packard, hexadecimal, adjectivehigh-definition, adjectivehigh-level, adjectivehigh-level language, highlight, verbhome computer, home office, nounhome shopping, hookup, nounhook-up, nounhost computer, hot key, nounhot link, nounhot spot, nounHTML, nounhttp, hyperlink, nounhypertext, nounIBM, icon, nounICT, nounidentifier, nouniMac, nounimport, verbinbox, nounincremental backup, nounincubator space, industrial design, infect, verbinfected, adjectiveinformation exchange, information retrieval, nouninformation system, information technology, nouninfowar, nouninitialize, verbinkjet printer, nouninput, nouninput, verbinput/output, adjectiveinstall, verbinstaller, nounInstinet, Intel, intelligent terminal, interactive, adjectiveinteractive whiteboard, nouninterface, nouninterface, verbInternational Securities Exchange, nounInternet cafe, nounInternet Service Provider, interpreter, nounintranet, nouninvoke, verbIP address, nouniPod, nouniris scan, nounISDN, nounISP, nounIT, nouniterate, verbiTunes, iTV, nounJava, nounjob, nounjob bank, Jobs, Steve, joystick, nounJPEG, nounK, KB, keno, nounkey, nounkeyboard, nounkeyboard, verbkeyboarder, nounkeypad, nounkeystroke, nounkeyword, nounkilobyte, nounkit, nounkludge, nounknowledge base, Kraftwerk, LAN, nounlanguage, nounlaptop, nounlaser disk, nounlaser printer, nounlaunch, verbLCD, nounlight industry, nounlight pen, nounline printer, nounlink, verbLinux, nounLISP, nounlisting paper, listserv, nounload, verblocal area network, nounlog file, LOGO, nounloop, nounlow-level, adjectiveMac, nounmachine, nounmachine code, nounmachine language, machine-readable, adjectiveMacintosh, nounmacro, nounmagnetic disk, nounmagnetic media, nounmagnetic tape, nounmail, nounmail, verbmailbomb, nounmailbox, nounmailing list, nounmail merge, nounmainframe, nounmainframe computer, main memory, manual, adjectivemaximize, verbmegabyte, nounmemory, nounmemory address, memory bank, nounmemory card, nounmemory hog, nounMemory Stick, nounmenu, nounmessage, nounmetadata, nounmicro, nounmicrochip, nounmicrocomputer, nounmicroelectronics, nounmicroprocessor, nounMicrosoft, MIDI, nounmigrate, verbmigration, nounMillennium bug, minicomputer, nounminimize, verbmips, mission-critical, adjectiveMIT, mixer, nounmodel, nounmodel, verbmodelling, nounmodem, nounmodule, nounmonitor, nounMoore, Gordon, Moore's Law, nounmorphing, nounmotherboard, nounMotorola, mouse, nounmouse mat, nounmouse miles, nounmouse potato, nounMP3 player, nounMP4 player, nounMPEG, nounMSC, nounMS-DOS, multimedia, adjectivemulti-player gaming, nounmultiple applications, multiplexer, nounmultitasking, nounnagware, nounNasdaq, nounNASDAQ, Naseem, Prince, National Market System, nounNEC, nerd, nounnest, verbNetscape Navigator, network, nounnetwork, verbneural computer, nounneural network, nounneuroinformatics, nounnewbie, nounnew economy, nounNintendo, node, nounnoise, nounnotebook, nounnumber-cruncher, nounnumber crunching, nounobject, nounobject language, object-oriented, adjectiveOCR, nounOfex, nounoffice machinery, offline, adverboff-line, adjectiveonline, adjectiveonline catalogue, online updating, nounon-screen, adjectiveopen, verbOpen Group, the, open outcry, nounopen system, nounoperating system, nounoperation, nounoptical character recognition, nounoptical fibre, nounoption, nounorder, nounorganizing business, OSI, nounoutbox, nounoutput, nounoutput, verbover-the-counter dealing, over-the-counter market, over-the-counter share, over-the-counter stock, over-the-counter trading, overwrite, verbP2P, adjectivepackage, nounpacket, nounpacket-switching, nounpage, nounpage break, nounpalette, nounpalm phone, nounpalmtop, nounpaperless, adjectiveparallel data query, parallel port, parallel processing, nounPASCAL, nounpass-along, adjectivepassword, nounpaste, verbpasting, nounpatch, nounpause, verbPC, nounPC Card, nounPDA, nounPDF, nounPDF file, pen drive, nounPentium, peripheral, adjectiveperipheral, nounpersonal communicator, nounpersonal computer, nounpersonal electronic device, nounpersonal organizer, nounpetaflop, nounphishing, nounping, verbpiracy, nounpirate, verbpixel, nounplasma screen, nounplatform, nounplatform game, nounPlayStation, plotter, nounplug and play, nounplug-and-play, adjectiveplug-in, nounpointer, nounpop-under, nounpop-up, nounport, nounport, verbportable, adjectivepost, verbpost-industrial, adjectivePostScript, nounPowerPoint, nounprint, verbprinter, nounprintout, nounprint-out, nounprint preview, nounprocess, verbprocessing, nounprocessor, nounprogram, nounprogram, verbprogram file, programmable, adjectiveprogrammer, nounprogramme trading, programming, nounprogramming language, PROLOG, nounPROM, nounprompt, verbprompt, nounprotocol, nounPsion, pull down, nounpull-down, adjectivepull-down menu, nounpunched card, nounquantum computer, nounQuarkXPress, queue, nounqwerty, adjectiveRAM, nounrandom access memory, nounread, verbread only memory, read-only memory, nounread-out, nounread-write, adjectivereal-time, adjectivereboot, verbrecall, verbre-chip, verbrecord, nounrecord, verbrefresh, verbreload, verbremaster, verbremote access, nounremote control, nounremote working, nounreseller, nounreset, verbrespawn, verbretinal scanner, nounretrieval, nounretrieve, verbretry, verbreturn, nounright-click, verbrip, verbroad warrior, nounrobot, nounrollover, nounROM, nounRoute 128, nounrouter, nounroutine, nounRSI, nounRTF, nounrun, verbsalami slicing, nounSamsung, save, verbscalability, nounscalable, adjectivescan, verbscanner, nounscramble, verbscreen, nounscreen-based, adjectivescreen dump, nounscreensaver, nounscreen saver, nounscreenshot, nounscroll, verbscroll bar, nounscroll key, SCSI, nounSEAQ, search, nounsearch, verbsearchable, adjectivesearch engine, nounSEATS, nounsecurity rating, SEGA, self-healing, adjectivesend, verbserial port, server, nounserver farm, nounservice bureau, nounservice pack, nounSET, nounset-up, nounSFA, nounSGML, nounshareware, nounshift, nounshift key, nounshoot-'em-up, nounshopping bot, sig file, nounsilicon, nounsilicon chip, nounSilicon Fen, nounSilicon Glen, Silicon Valley, sim, nounSIMM, nounsimulation, nounSinclair, Sir Clive, single sourcing, skin, nounslo-mo, adjectivesmall office/home office, nounsmart, adjectivesmart bomb, nounsneakernet, nounsoft copy, nounsoftware, nounsoftware engineering, SoHo, SOHO, nounSonic the Hedgehog, sort, nounsoundcard, nounsource code, nounspace bar, nounspam, nounspeech recognition, nounspeech recognition software, speech synthesizer, nounspellcheck, nounspellchecker, nounspell-checker, nounspider, nounspider food, nounspim, nounsplit screen, nounspreadsheet, nounspreadsheet software, spyware, nounstandalone, adjectivestand-alone, adjectivestandby time, nounStarr Report, the, nounstarter pack, nounstart-up, nounstorage, nounstorage unit, store, verbstore-and-forward, nounstrategic information system, stream, verbstreaming, nounStreet Fighter, string, nounstylus, nounsubdirectory, nounsubroutine, nounsuite, nounSun Microsystems, sunrise industry, nounsupercomputer, nounsuperserver, nounsupport, verbsupport, nounswitching, nounsynchronous, adjectivesyntax, nounsynthespian, nounsystem, nounsystem administrator, nounsystems analyst, nounsystems programmer, system tray, nountab, verbtab key, nountab stop, nountag, nountag, verbtape, nountape drive, taskbar, nountechie, nountechnical support, nountechno-, prefixtechnocracy, nountechno-geek, nountechnophobe, nountechy, telecentre, nountelecommuter, nountelematics, nounteleprinter, nounteleworker, nountemplate, nounterabyte, nounteraflop, nounterminal, nountestdeck, nountext-to-speech, adjectivethird-generation, adjectivethird-party software, thumbnail, nountickbox, nountick box, nountime out, nountime-sharing, nountitle bar, nountoggle, nountoner, nountoolbar, nountoolbox, nounTOPIC, nountop-level domain, nountop ranking, nounTorvalds, Linus, Toshiba, Tottenham Court Road, touchpad, nountouch screen, nountrackball, nountransaction processing, transputer, nounTrojan horse, nountroubleshooter, nounTTS, Turing, Alan, tutorial, nounundo, verbuninstall, verbunique visitor, nounUnix, noununlisted share, unlisted stock, unrecoverable error, unzip, verbup, adverbupdate, nounupgrade, verbupload, verbupload, nounuptime, nounusability, nounUSB, nounUSB drive, nounuser-friendly, adjectiveuser group, nounuser interface, nounuser name, nounUS Robotics, utility, nounVActor, nounvalid, adjectivevalue-added reseller, vapourware, nounVDT, nounVDU, nounVGA, nounvideocard, nounvideo game, nounvideo snacking, nounviral marketing, nounvirtual, adjectivevirtual corporation, virtually, adverbvirtual memory, nounvirtual office, nounvirtual organization, virtual reality, nounvirus, nounvoice print, nounvoice recognition, wallpaper, nounWAN, nounWAP, noun-ware, suffixwar game, nounWAV, nounwearable, nounWeb 2.0, nounweb browser, nounweb crawler, nounweb design, nounweb development, web-enabled, adjectiveweb hosting, nounweb log, nounweb log file, wide area network, wi-fi, nounWi-Fi, nounwild card, nounwindow, nounWindows, Wintel, wipe, verbWiponet, nounwireless internet, wireless networking, nounWord, Wordperfect, word processor, nounworkspace, nounworkstation, nounWorld Wide Web, the, worm, nounWozniak, Steve, write, verbwrite-protected, adjectiveWYSIWYG, nounXbox, XML, nounY2K, nounYahoo!, zap, verbzip file, nounzombie, noun
British English (=an illness in which a lot of liquid comes out of your nose)
(=a series of rude or angry words)
· There was a cold rush of air as she wound down her window.
(=moves fast)· A man was lying in the street with blood gushing from his head.
British English (=in which a lot of liquid comes from your nose)· You shouldn’t go to work if you’ve got a streaming cold.
 There was a constant stream of visitors to the house.
 an endless stream of visitors
· The special offer has produced a flood of inquiries from interested customers.
(=a large amount of light comes in)· Light streamed in through the window.
· The water was as clear and cold as a mountain stream.
· All day long a steady stream of customers came and went.
(=a lot comes in)· Mabel pulled back the curtains, and sunlight streamed in.
· Oliver laughed until tears ran down his face.
(=a long continuous series of cars, trucks etc)· There was a constant stream of traffic.
· I looked round and there was blood streaming from this guy's head.· His legs felt wobbly, blood streaming into his face from the cut on his forehead.· There was blood streaming down her white nightdress and also soaking the bedcovers.· So had the warm gushing blood that streamed out of her body, taking her life with it.· Its blood, streaming upon the glass, was slowly set aside by the windscreen wipers.· Men with blood streaming from their head wounds stood defiantly hurling stones.· Bellot retired, blood streaming from a head wound.
· Tears were streaming down his black cheeks.· She held it in her palm and gazed at it, as if stricken, tears streaming down her cheeks.
· However most walkers were enjoying the view of me with a glove covered in steaming soup and a face streaming with tears.· An black man, his face streaming with blood, shouts at a group of white men.
· The black cloak of hair streamed now over her hips and legs.· She wore a nightgown, and her silvery hair streamed free over her shoulders.· On windy days he finds himself flying over Doncaster, flares a-flap, hair streaming behind him like a curtain.· The observer lay sprawled across his gun, his blond hair streaming romantically in the wind.· It was Britta, her blond hair streaming in an unfelt wind.· She turned automatically belly down, hair streaming behind her, and floated in the rushing wind.
· Michael and Hope lay on the floor of the nursery with warm sun streaming in over their lovely bodies.· It is my favorite, especially on a sunny morning when the sun streams through the stained glass front door.· When she woke, the sun was streaming through the window.· The setting sun streams over the peaks of the Sierra that fill the background.· The sun was streaming in at the windows of her room.· The sun was streaming in through the window, yet it did nothing to lighten his mood.· When Caroline awakened, the sun was streaming in through the windows.
· A beam of sunlight streaming through the crack in the door hit her closed eyes.· I looked at her face in the colorless sunlight that streamed through the windows.· Jack instinctively moved to the window and pulled apart the curtains. Sunlight streamed in.· Mabel pulled back the curtains, and sunlight streamed in.
· This time was no different and my master left Syon with the tears streaming down his face.· When I pull on my coat, the tears are streaming down my face.· Ivan had gathered Viktor and the baby Valeria in his arms; tears were streaming down his face.· She got up, tears streaming from her eyes as he grabbed her trembling wrist and put the bracelet on her.· Redmond, with tears streaming down his face, tried to carry on.· Elsie, who lived with us at that time, just sat with tears streaming down her face.· I crawled off his body and sat down in the road, tears streaming down my face.
· Faces appeared, water streaming from their eye-sockets.· Instead it has numerous beehive-shaped patches of shingled sulfides where high-temperature water streams upward.
· Sunlight streamed in from the windows above the gallery, bathing the polished panels of the walls in a warm glow.· I looked at her face in the colorless sunlight that streamed through the windows.· When she woke, the sun was streaming through the window.· The sun was streaming in at the windows of her room.· The sun was streaming in through the window, yet it did nothing to lighten his mood.· Daylight streamed through the aircraft windows.· When Caroline awakened, the sun was streaming in through the windows.
  • A seventy million pounds engine plant came on stream three years ago producing engines for Rover.
  • Norton believes privatisation of electricity and water companies means more funds will come on stream.
  • The Lomond platform is due to come on stream in April.
  • The plant is scheduled to come on stream in the spring of 1992.
  • They will be concentrated in the same industries and come on stream as the economy is beginning its recovery from the depression.
  • Those two plants came on stream at a time when we needed all the capacity they could provide.
  • Two years later, the new developments are on stream, bringing the target of 400 job opportunities even closer.
  • With more and more reactors coming on stream every year, it was inevitable that problems would begin to occur.
1pour [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to flow quickly and in great amounts SYN  pourstream out/from/onto etc Water came streaming out of the burst pipe. Tears streamed down her cheeks.2flow [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to move in a continuous flow in the same directionstream out/across/past etc People streamed past us on all sides.3give out liquid [intransitive, transitive] to produce a continuous flow of liquidstream with When I got up, my face was streaming with blood.streaming cold British English (=an illness in which a lot of liquid comes out of your nose)4light [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if light streams somewhere, it shines through an opening into a place or onto a surface SYN  floodstream in/through/from etc The first rays of morning sunlight streamed through the open doorway.5move freely [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, usually in progressive] to move freely in a current of wind or waterstream in/out/behind etc Elise ran, her hair streaming out behind her.6computer [transitive] if you stream sound or video, you play it on your computer while it is being downloaded from the Internet, rather than saving it as a file and then playing it7school [transitive] British English to put school children in groups according to their ability SYN track American Englishstreaming noun [uncountable]




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