

单词 steroid
steroidste‧roid /ˈstɪərɔɪd, ˈste- $ ˈstɪr-/ noun [countable] Word Origin
1900-2000 sterol type of alcohol (20-21 centuries) (from cholesterol) + -oid
  • An added benefit is that rabbits are commonly raised without the use of hormones or steroids to promote growth.
  • Anabolic steroids, a controlled substance in the United States since 1988, are not detectable by drug-sniffing canines.
  • Apart from changes in the quantity applied, no changes in topical steroids were allowed during the trial or the preceding 4 weeks.
  • Both authors used steroids in an attempt to control the disease process, with some success.
  • In some patients, a course of steroids may be added to this drug.
  • Treatment has been started, just steroids for the moment.
word sets
acid, nounaddict, nounaddicted, adjectiveaddiction, nounaddictive, adjectiveamphetamine, nounbong, nouncannabis, nounclean, adjectivecocaine, nouncoke, nouncold turkey, nouncontrolled substance, nouncrack, nouncut, verbdeal, verbdealer, noundesigner drug, noundetox, noundetoxification, noundope, noundope, verbdopehead, noundowner, noundrug, noundrug addict, noundrug baron, noundrug czar, noundrug dealer, noundruggie, noundrug rehabilitation, noundrug runner, nounecstasy, nounfix, nounganja, noungear, nounglue-sniffing, noungrass, nounhallucinogen, nounhallucinogenic, adjectivehard, adjectivehard drugs, nounhash, nounhashish, nounhemp, nounheroin, nounhigh, adjectivehigh, nounhippie, nounhit, nounjoint, nounjunkie, nounline, nounLSD, nounmagic mushroom, nounmainline, verbmarijuana, nounmescaline, nounmethadone, nounmule, nounnarc, nounnarcotic, adjectiveneedle, nounOD, verbopiate, nounopium, nounoverdose, nounpeddler, nounpep pill, nounpot, nounpsychedelic, adjectivepush, verbpusher, nounrecovery program, nounreefer, nounrehab, nounroach, nounscore, verbshooting gallery, nounsmack, nounsmoke, nounsniff, verbsnort, verbsnort, nounsnow, nounsoft drug, nounsolvent abuse, nounspeed, nounstash, nounsteroid, nounstoned, adjectivestrung-out, adjectivesubstance abuse, nountab, nountake, verbtrafficking, nountrip, nountrip, verbuse, verbwasted, adjectiveweed, nounwithdrawal, nounwithdrawal symptoms, noun
· They were all later released after police dropped charges that they illegally imported anabolic steroids into the country.· Then we each knock back a fistful of anabolic steroids.· We will make it an offence to supply anabolic steroids to minors.· There is rampant use of anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs among young athletes..· Between 1981 and 1988, he purchased anabolic steroids worth $ 215,101 from various pharmaceutical companies.
· Reynolds was banned from athletics for two years after testing positive for steroids.
· I've prescribed steroids freely in the past without thinking about the immunosuppressant effect.
· One of the major side effects of taking steroids is a noticeable change in body structure, changes in features.· But he said Yates denied taking steroids and that there had been irregularities in the testing procedures.
· Reynolds was banned from athletics for two years after testing positive for steroids.
· Patients were allowed to use topical steroids and emollients as required.· They were advised to use topical steroids only on severely affected areas of skin, in accordance with our usual practice.· Most of these people use intramuscular steroids, although only one admits to having shared needles at any time.
  • And the Alnico pickup sounds huge, almost like a Stratocaster neck pickup on steroids and three steaks a day.
  • Finding no road, we leave the terrarium on steroids to enact Plan B, which begins in Oracle.
  • I felt like a Pop Warner athlete on steroids.
  • Near the pull-down machines I get a lecture on body parts from a guy who looks like Mel Gibson on steroids.
  • Nineteen were also on steroids with or without azathioprine.
  • The flavor is akin to anchovies on steroids.
1a chemical that the body produces naturally or that can be made as a drug to treat illness and injuries. Steroids are sometimes used illegally by people doing sports to improve their performanceon steroids a body builder on steroids2something on steroids American English informal used to say that something is much bigger, stronger, more impressive etc than something else that is similar to it – used humorously:  They sell cinnamon rolls on steroids.




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