

单词 bare
bare1 adjectivebare2 verbbare3 adverb
barebare1 /beə $ ber/ ●●○ adjective Entry menu
MENU FOR barebare1 without clothes2 land/trees3 not covered/empty4 the bare facts5 smallest amount necessary6 the bare bones7 lay something bare8 with your bare hands9 bare infinitive
Word Origin
Old English bær
  • bare-chested men
  • bare and treeless hills
  • bare feet
  • a bare-looking room
  • Paint the bare wood with a primer.
  • The dress tied around her neck, leaving her shoulders bare.
  • The measure passed by a bare majority of votes.
  • The room was completely bare except for a bed against the wall.
  • Using her bare hands, she smears paint on the canvas.
  • We spent a long time walking through the bare rooms, remembering the games we used to play there.
  • He placed the towel on the bed under her bare foot.
  • He skipped into sight in his bare feet.
  • In winter, rice fields were bare and brown, but there was the anticipation of spring planting just around the corner.
  • Opponents argued that Prop. 140 was passed in an off-year election by a bare majority-52 percent-of the voters.
  • Rostov felt as if there was a bare exposed place between his shoulder blades.
  • The strength of this book is that it puts flesh on the bare bones of this argument.
not wearing any clothes or not covered by clothes – used especially when this seems rather shocking: · a naked man· He got out of bed naked, and answered the telephone.· his naked chest
to not be wearing any clothes. This phrase is very commonly used in everyday English instead of saying that someone is naked: · Can you wait a minute? I've got nothing on!· The little boy didn’t have anything on when he answered the door!
used about feet, legs, arms etc that are not covered by clothes: · The sand was too hot to walk on in bare feet.
naked – used especially when talking about naked people in paintings, films etc: · a nude portrait of his wife
[not before noun] not wearing any clothes, especially because you have just taken them off in order to go to bed, have a bath etc: · Sara was undressed and ready for bed but Jenny was fully clothed.· Wearily she got undressed and stepped into the shower.
if a woman is topless, she is not wearing any clothes on the upper part of her body, so that her breasts are not covered: · a topless waitress
not wearing any clothes: · Men and women swam together in the nude and thought nothing of it.
informal humorous not wearing any clothes: · He likes to sleep in his birthday suit. He says pyjamas are uncomfortable.
informal humorous to not wear any underwear: · In summertime, he likes to go commando.
informal not wearing any clothes – a very informal use: · a beach where you can sunbathe in the buff
without anything added, or without decoration: · a plain shirt· The fireplace was plain apart from a small design at the top.
not having a lot of decoration or unnecessary things, but attractive: · She was wearing a simple black dress.· The accommodation is simple but clean.
very plain and with very little decoration, or very little in it – used about a room or place that does not make you feel welcome: · He dreaded having dinner in that austere dining room.· The building was grey and a little austere.· the austere beauty and grandeur of mountain scenery
plain and without anything that would make life easier or more comfortable – used especially about rooms, conditions, or ways of living: · Her apartment is quite spartan.· They had a very spartan life.
very plain in a surprising way, with very little colour or decoration – used about rooms and places: · Sam sat looking at the stark white walls.· It is a landscape of stark beauty.
empty, or not covered by any decorations: · Her office seemed very bare now that her desk had gone.· He was tired of looking at the bare walls of his prison cell.
with nothing in it or on it
used about something that has nothing inside: · an empty can of hair spray· The fridge is almost empty.
used about a computer screen or a piece of paper that has no writing or pictures on it, or a CD, DVD etc with nothing recorded on it: · a blank sheet of paper· He stared at the blank screen for a few minutes.· a blank tape
used about a room or cupboard that has very little in it: · His room was bare except for a bed and a wardrobe.
used about something that has an empty space inside: · a hollow tree· The suitcase had a hollow bottom.
Longman Language Activatornot wearing any clothes
especially spoken to not be wearing any clothes: · Don't come in yet - I don't have anything on!· I didn't want to walk near the windows with nothing on.
wearing no clothes - use this especially when it is surprising that someone is not wearing clothes: · He was lying on the bed, completely naked.· The magazine was full of pictures of naked men.stark nakedalso buck naked American (=completely naked): · I walked in, and Mr Tolifero was standing there buck naked.
wearing no clothes because you have just taken them off, for example to have a bath or go to bed: · When you're undressed, the nurse will come back and explain the procedure.
a part of your body that is bare is not covered by any clothes: · bare feet· The dress tied around her neck, leaving her shoulders bare.
a word meaning naked, used especially when talking about images of naked people in paintings, films etc: · At the front of the painting is a nude figure carrying a torch.nude photograph/scene/drawing etc (=showing someone wearing no clothes): · On the wall was a nude drawing of her husband.
if you do something in the nude , you do it wearing no clothes at all, especially when this is unusual, exciting, or shocking: · He told me he cleans his house in the nude!· The pictures show Collier on top of a New York skyscraper in the nude.
informal without any clothes on - used humorously: · Martin's threatened to turn up for the wedding in his birthday suit.
someone who enjoys not wearing any clothes because they believe it is natural and healthy: · A close friend who is a nudist, convinced Michelle to visit the community with him.
a building, room, or seat that is empty has nothing or no-one in it: · My footsteps echoed across the empty room.· We were a little worried to find that half the seats in the theatre were empty.· Police say the shot was fired from an empty office building across the street.half empty (=used to say that a room, building etc has not got many people in it): · I was surprised that the train was half empty at that time of day.
a seat, space, or room that is free is not being used and is available for people to use: · Is this seat free?· There are never any parking spaces free at this time of day.· The meeting room won't be free until at least 3.30, I'm afraid.
a building, room, or seat that is vacant is not being used and is available for people to use: · The police had set up a temporary station in a vacant apartment across the street.· The next guesthouse we tried had a couple of rooms vacant.· Brunton went into the bar, but he couldn't spot a single vacant seat.
a room or building that is bare has very little furniture or other things in it: · The room was completely bare except for a bed against the wall.· We spent a long time walking through the bare rooms, remembering the games we used to play there.
especially written an unoccupied house, room, office etc is not being lived in or used: · Many of the old houses that back onto the railway are now unoccupied.· It's a scandal that there are so many unoccupied buildings in this city, and so many homeless people.
backwater, nounbank, nounbank, verbbare, adjectivebarrier reef, nounbay, nounbayou, nounbeach, nounbeck, nounbelt, nounbillow, nounbiting, adjectivebitter, adjectiveblack ice, nounblast, nounblazing, adjectivebleach, verbblizzard, nounblow, verbblowy, adjectivebluff, nounbluster, verbblustery, adjectivebog, nounboiling, adjectiveboulder, nounbracing, adjectivebreaker, nounbreeze, nounbreezy, adjectivebrook, nounbrush, nounbrushwood, nounburn, nounbutte, nouncanyon, nouncascade, nouncataract, nouncave, nouncavern, nounchange, verbchasm, nounchoppy, adjectiveclap, nounclear, verbclement, adjectivecliff, nouncloud, nouncloudburst, nouncloudy, adjectivecoast, nouncoastal, adjectivecoastline, nouncone, nouncopse, nouncountry, nouncranny, nouncrater, nouncreation, nouncreep, verbcrisp, adjectivecrosswind, nouncumulus, nouncyclone, noundale, noundell, noundense, adjectivedew, noundewdrop, noundewfall, noundewy, adjectivedisgorge, verbdog days, noundownpour, noundownriver, adverbdownstream, adverbdownwind, adverbdrift, verbdrift, noundriftwood, noundrizzle, noundrop, verbdrop, noundrought, noundry, adjectivedry land, noundull, adjectivedune, nounduster, noundust storm, nouneast, adjectiveeddy, nounelectrical storm, nounequable, adjectiveeye, nounface, nounfail, verbfair, adjectivefall, nounfell, nounfen, nounfield, nounfierce, adjectivefiord, nounfirth, nounfjord, nounflood, verbflood, nounflood tide, nounflotsam, nounflow, nounflow, verbflower, nounflurry, nounfog, nounfogbound, adjectivefoggy, adjectivefoothill, nounfoothold, nounford, nounforeshore, nounforest, nounfoul, adjectivefreak, adjectivefreeze, nounfresh, adjectivefreshen, verbfreshwater, adjectivefrost, nounfury, noungale, noungale force, adjectivegap, noungentle, adjectivegeyser, nounglacial, adjectiveglen, noungnarled, adjectivegrassy, adjectivegreen, adjectivegreenery, nounground, nounground level, noungulley, noungully, noungust, noungust, verbgusty, adjectivehail, nounhailstone, nounhailstorm, nounhaze, nounheadwind, nounheath, nounheather, nounheat wave, nounhigh tide, nounhigh water, nounhill, nounhillock, nounhillside, nounhill station, nounhilly, adjectivehoarfrost, nounhot spring, nounhummock, nounhurricane, nounice, nouniceberg, nounice cap, nouninclement, adjectiveincline, nounIndian summer, nouninland, adjectiveinland, adverbinlet, nouninshore, adverbisland, nounisle, nounislet, nounjetsam, nounjungle, nounknoll, nounlake, nounlakeside, adjectiveledge, nounlightning, nounlip, nounloch, nounlough, nounlow tide, nounlow water, nounmarshland, nounmeadow, nounmere, nounmild, adjectivemillpond, nounmire, nounmist, nounmisty, adjectivemoan, verbmoan, nounmonsoon, nounmoonless, adjectivemoor, nounmoorland, nounMother Nature, nounmound, nounmountain, nounmountainous, adjectivemountainside, nounmountaintop, nounmouth, nounmudflat, nounmull, nounmurmur, verbmurmur, nounnarrows, nounnestle, verbnew moon, nounnook, nounnorth, adjectivenortheast, adjectivenortheaster, nounnortheasterly, adjectivenortherly, adjectivenorthwest, adjectivenorthwester, nounnorthwesterly, adjectivenotch, nounoasis, nounonshore, adjectiveooze, nounoutcrop, nounovercast, adjectiveozone, nounpack ice, nounpalisade, nounpanorama, nounparch, verbparched, adjectivepass, nounpatchy, adjectivepeak, nounpeal, nounpeasouper, nounpebble, nounpelt, verbpenumbra, nounperishing, adjectivepinewood, nounpinnacle, nounpitiless, adjectivepond, nounpour, verbprecipice, nounprospect, nounpuddle, nounquicksand, nounradiate, verbraging, adjectiverain, nounrainbow, nounrain drop, nounrainfall, nounrainstorm, nounrainwater, nounrainy, adjectiverange, nounrapids, nounrarefied, adjectiveravine, nounraw, adjectiverecede, verbreedy, adjectivereef, nounreservoir, nounridge, nounrift, nounrime, nounrise, verbrise, nounrock, nounrocky, adjectiveroll, verbrolling, adjectiverough, adjectiverural, adjectivescenery, nounscud, verbsea breeze, nounsea mist, nounset, verbshore, nounsky, nounslope, nounsludge, nounsnow, nounsnowbound, adjectivesnow-capped, adjectivesnowdrift, nounsnowfall, nounsnowflake, nounsnowstorm, nounsnowy, adjectivesouth, adjectivesoutheast, adjectivesoutheaster, nounsoutheasterly, adjectivesoutherly, adjectivesouthwest, adjectivesouthwesterly, adjectivespinney, nounspring, nounstream, nounsullen, adjectivesultry, adjectivesummer, nounsummit, nounsun, nounsundown, nounsun-drenched, adjectivesunrise, nounsunset, nounsunshine, nounswamp, nounsweep, verbswollen, adjectivetempestuous, adjectivethaw, verbthaw, nounthicket, nounthin, adjectivethunder, verbthunderbolt, nounthunderstorm, nounthundery, adjectivetide, nountreeless, adjectivetree-lined, adjectivetrough, nounturf, nountussock, nountwilight, nounvale, nounvalley, nounverdant, adjectivevisibility, nounvoid, nounwashout, nounwater, nounwatercourse, nounwaterfall, nounwaterside, nounwaterspout, nounwax, verbwest, adjectivewest, adverbwestbound, adjectivewesterly, adjectivewesternmost, adjectivewestward, adverbwet, adjectivewhirlpool, nounwhirlwind, nounwhite horses, nounwhitewater, nounwild, adjectivewill o' the wisp, nounwind, nounwindstorm, nounwindswept, adjectivewindy, adjectivewood, nounwooded, adjectivewoodland, nounwoodsy, adjectivewoody, adjectivezephyr, noun
 The room had the bare minimum (=the smallest amount possible) of furniture.
 Her bag was light, packed with only the bare essentials.
 If you ask her about herself, she gives only the barest (=the smallest amount possible) of details.
 He had killed a man with his bare hands.
(=not covered by clothes)· She wore no stockings and her arms were bare.
(=not covered by clothes)· The workmen all had bare chests.
(=not covered by trees or grass)· There were no flowers or grass, just bare earth.
 We only had the bare essentials (=the most necessary things).
(=only the basic general facts of a situation)· We know the bare facts of his life, but nothing about what he was really like.
(=not covered by anything)· Father Murphy led me to a tiny room with a bare floor and a simple bed.
(=without any socks or shoes)· The marble floor felt cold under his bare feet.
(=without using a tool, weapon, machine etc)· With his bare hands he forced the doors apart.
· The sun beat down on her bare head.
(=the very least amount)· He paid in five pounds, the bare minimum needed to keep the bank account open.
 A lot of families cannot even afford to buy the basic necessities of life.
(=one with no details at all)· The paragraph gives readers only the bare outline of Milton's life.
(=not covered by soil)· Here there was only bare rock and gravel.
 The apartment had been stripped bare.
(=show them, especially in an angry or threatening way)· The dog bared its teeth and snarled.
(=not painted or covered)· The floors were of bare wood.
· It was easy enough to hang around in the courtyard enjoying the soft splash of sunlight on her bare arms.· A drop of water fell on her bare arm and she jerked, a little bitten-off exclamation.· Tonight ... The cool air caressed her bare arms, and Folly shivered and turned back towards the house.· The sun was blazing hot, the skin of my bare arm beginning to burn.· It's advisable not to have bare arms or legs though, because the matting can burn your skin if you fall.· His fingers felt warm and strong on her bare arm.· The blanket settled over her shoulders and around her cold bare arms.· She was thin and her bare arms were muscular.
· They worked with a will, luxuriating in the feel of the sun on their bare backs.· The sudden appearance of her bare back made him cough.· Gallagher brought his arm back and over and laid the lash across Luke's bare back.· His bare back began to look very red an d he kept waving his arms at the insects which he was disturbing.
· The strength of this book is that it puts flesh on the bare bones of this argument.· But Forbes' state organization can still be described as bare bones.· Rip Rig created a heady hybrid out of the bare bones of jazz improvisation, dub-funk rhythms and punk attitude.· The above is the bare bones of the arrangement.· To clothe these bare bones we have to find other material.· We have outlined only the bare bones of the B & B method.· With blood pouring from the bare bone he made it to a pub near Loose, Kent, where regulars called 999.· Many different lines of evidence may be used to flesh out the bare bones of the fossils.
· The wind passed over them and rustled the bare branches of the trees and they still stood.· Surely those green leaves are hiding bare branches.· She hopped clear and opened her wings and in one sudden jump was up on the bare branch.· The outermost limits came first - the sky, with a pale shine of overcast through the bare branches of the trees.· When the winter wind whistled through the bare branches, the fragrance of this spicy cake was comforting.· A mist was already descending and clung to the bare branches of the trees.
· His almost bare chest and the high, curved horns he wears accentuate his height and his slender build.· When Clark Gable removed his shirt to reveal a bare chest, sales of undershirts plummeted.· Her hands spreading over my bare chest.· Five workmen stood near the heat, bare chests sweating, shoulders goose-pimpled.· His bare chest was bronzed and lightly coated with dark hair, darker than that on his head.· After what seemed like hours, the chief leaned forward, necklaces rattling like dice on his bare chest.· As they answer she leans back, and her nightdress brushes against my bare chest and tickles my hair.· The little hand resting against his bare chest was suddenly ice-cold.
· The floor was of bare earth, and a ring of wooden poles supported the roof.· There is nothing to be seen on the spot but bare earth.· Over the winter the distinctive bare earth is ground up and massed into sharp ruts by tractor tyres.
· Learn how to distil large quantities of information into their bare essentials. 7.· Reduced to the bare essentials, the divergent internal performance patterns looked like the figure on page 264.· Despite a lifestyle stripped to the bare essentials, they are also some of the most visually arresting animals in the desert.· Her bag was light now, only packed with the bare essentials.· Yet Gloria herself never seemed to hold on to more than the bare essentials that they had in their two paper carriers.· Now, she was stripped down to the bare essentials of her person, trying to deal with her knowledge.· But even with only the barest essentials, the list is as long as my arm.· So it pays to cut it down to the bare essentials - the minimum you feel is necessary.
· Loretta peered at the bare facts of Puddephat's life.· After relating the bare facts of the suicide decades later, Dan looked away, shuddering to keep his composure.· He was without doubt the very worst kind of news reporter, taking a few bare facts and embroidering them into a story!· And in some one as private as Langford, I find the bare fact of this confession remarkable.· There is only room here to outline the bare facts about cuts and the main lines of argument that surround them.· The bare fact is that the clerk did not look for the purse.· And you define yourself by the words you use, in my case words that seek to present bare facts.· The bare facts about Brimmer, complete with hard evidence, were ready to hand over.
· The salute and stamp of boot on bare floor were smarter than normally as a consequence.· He heard only forks against plates and shoe leather against bare floors, as if the Grill were observing a wake.· Those having no money were forced to give up their clothes and sleep on the bare floor, often with fatal results.· Brother Mariadas led me to a tiny office with a bare floor, a simple desk and a couple of chairs.· Her footsteps were little explosions of sound on the bare floor.· Diagonal designs, whether painted on bare floor boards or woven into carpets, will always seem to push space out.
· She inspected her bare feet and started to paint the toe-nails.· Beloved put her fists on her hips and commenced to skip on bare feet.· She wore impossibly high heels, yet she was still only eye to eye with Virginia in her bare feet.· Her bare feet were silent on the drive.· But he was in overalls and bare feet.· She was exhausted and her bare feet were stinging cruelly, but to stop would have been fatal.
· Mosses and lichens provide much of the patchy ground cover, forming mats rather than carpets with bare ground between.
· He was capable of killing a man with his bare hands.· Going by feel, I needed bare hands to find, fasten and tighten the leather bindings.· Hundreds of parishioners were working with bare hands, shovels and harrows, extending the church by burrowing out a crypt.· Either you go down there of your own volition or I strangle you with my two bare hands.· The shaman broke the bones with his bare hands, and used the jagged edges to scratch at his bark.· They were freed after 30 rescuers had clawed away rubble with bare hands in temperatures of 100F.· With their bare hands, they fought to save the man who had an ear ripped off in the attack.· The novices empty vats of mutton scraps into the dustbins and pack them down with their bare hands.
· She was in her nightdress, bare legs and large slippers.· He ran a finger up her bare leg.· He didn't even begin to caress her bare leg.· The rain fell steadily; wet bracken brushed her bare legs.· The hot car seats stung the children's bare legs and made them cry out in protest.· A girl with bare legs, black eyeshadow and purple lipstick?· Their bare legs pump bicycle pedals, they clatter on wooden-soled sandals into the dazzling light over the work benches.· His gaze moved from her startled face down the length of her body and lingered on her slim bare legs.
· The bare minimum required to keep the account open.· Leaders like that get only the bare minimum of effort and never rouse employees to cooperative activity.· The role of government in macroeconomic management had to be pruned to a bare minimum.· Or Sally Jessy, bare minimum.· It is generally sensible to limit the additional capabilities that the new desktop publishing product will give you to the bare minimum.· Challenge it and challenge it again until it's at a bare minimum.· With the underfloor heating at a bare minimum, it gave out considerably more heat than wood, and I loathed it.· In Alabama's West Jefferson Prison inmates are kept in tiny cells, with the bare minimum of furniture.
· Although many people in Esarn are poor, most have the bare necessities.
· For the purposes of this appeal the barest outline is sufficient.· The bare outlines and graphic shorthand of Botticelli s drawings leave more space for the imagination, and speak more directly.· It is necessary in his judgment to relate the facts only in the barest outline.· These brief examples are given, in bare outline, to indicate some possible procedures.· That is the bare outline of the Pilmay and Scott story, a tale that could be told in much more detail.
· One little plant grew at the foot of an old, bare rock.· The body that had been photographed with a definite cometary tail in 1949 was now a bare rock.· Most of Lewis is acid peat bog, and much of Harris bare rock.· It had taken three months to excavate down to the bare rock.· As the tank lurched away the shape ignited on a surface of bare rock, blasting it to pieces.· And if we examine the bare rock at the base of the grassy hill we discover carved spirals.· With so much tree growth over the years it is impossible to identify the bare rocks of the engraving.· But in places the bare rock is showing and the joints have been enlarged by chemical solution.
· Upstairs, feeling utterly suicidal, Perdita looked round her tiny bare room.· Moments later, we knocked and were admitted to a small bare room.· I was shown into a bare room where paper spilled from the desks then taken back round the main hall.· I was left in the apartment with Trudy, in the bare rooms in which we circled each other.· A large, bare room with big trestle tables in the centre and benches along the walls.· In that small bare room, it seemed not to matter, even if I was a shade scared.· After three months in prison he entered the bare room listlessly, shoulders drooping.· Perdita cried unashamedly after they left, fleeing to her bare room and hurling herself down on the pink counterpane.
· Now her arms rested loosely on his bare shoulders, skin against skin.· Out came the jewels and bare shoulders, the silk georgette and gold tissue.· She shuddered, then slipped the shirt around her bare shoulders before heading towards the landing.· Rufus threw his cigarette away and from behind her laid his hand lightly on Mary's bare shoulder.· Rachel moved her hands over his bare shoulders, kissed his chest, buried her hot face in the black hairs there.
· Thinking about hands, Pete's hands on bare skin, his lips touching bare skin.· A large white crane with black wing-tips and conspicuous white plumes; legs, bill and bare skin on face red.· The shock of her bare skin against his took her breath away.· He liked to wear his fleecy tracksuit next to bare skin.· He felt the inch of bare skin above his socks as two cold metal bands.· She would not bathe away the smell of him, and slipped an overall over her bare skin.· Kalchu, wearing only his loincloth. let the rain course over his bare skin.
· Spilt drink stuck to my bare toes, and when I tried to wipe it off, it changed into blood.· He looks under the table and sees a bare toe rubbing the toe of his sneaker.· He lay perfectly still, brows arched in surprise, bare toes quivering as the blood drained out of him.· The sight of her bare toes made him feel slightly religious.· She had lost one of her shoes; broken glass had cut her bare toes.· She watched her bare toe rub against the whitened concrete of the balcony.
· For the dark lines of bare tree branches Martin uses a pen loaded with paint.· The bare trees were silvered in the moonlight.· We followed a path through the bare trees.· A pair of. sullen punks from the East Village were talking quietly beneath a bare tree.· In daylight in winter through the bare trees you can see odd corners of the ornate Victorian glasshouses.· They looked across the lines of houses and the blocks of flats towards a distant handkerchief of park with tall bare trees.
· I had a hundred men in there, dismantling the place back to the bare walls.· After fifteen or twenty minutes, the big classroom with the bare walls was empty.· What wouldn't burn still remained: bare walls muffled with incongruous tapestries, flooring tamped over with carpets.· All around me, the bare walls expanded and converged into a relentless stretch of white.· The chill from the bare wall seemed to penetrate to her bones.· As the train pulled out, she saw gleaming white, bare walls slide past the windows.· Perhaps he could be persuaded to commission the muralist to cover some of the acres of bare wall which Matthew had described.· Inder Lal looks at my bare walls.
· Make sure the frame is dry, and prime bare wood before applying new putty.· Then there was another thud, followed by the noise of scuffling shoes on the bare wood floor.· Stencilling is an easy way of producing a complex decoration that will add interest to any area of bare wood.· I woke to the sound of voices, the shuffling of shoes against the bare wood floor.· Then prime and undercoat the bare wood and put on one top coat to finish the job.· Here, all timber was decorated with Weathershield Exterior Woodstain, which needs no undercoat unless applied to new or bare wood.· A bare wood staircase led up to the first floor, which comprised a bathroom and two bedrooms.
  • The depth of the problem is laid bare in the fact that 40% of 18- to 25- year-olds are unemployed.
  • The excavation laid bare the streets of the ancient city.
  • They'll fight with their bare hands to protect their homeland.
  • Firemen dug with their bare hands to free Gemma Kitchiner from the storage pit on her parents' farm.
  • He'd strangled two children with his bare hands, then called the police to give himself up.
  • He was capable of killing a man with his bare hands.
  • I reached out to feel your forehead, but you burned so hot I could not touch you with my bare hands.
  • Oyama is famous for fighting bulls with his bare hands.
  • The novices empty vats of mutton scraps into the dustbins and pack them down with their bare hands.
  • The shaman broke the bones with his bare hands, and used the jagged edges to scratch at his bark.
  • With their bare hands, they fought to save the man who had an ear ripped off in the attack.
  • And yet the bare infinitive has been chosen by the speaker.
  • As for the grammatical meaning of the bare infinitive, the following remarks can be made.
  • The bare infinitive would blunt the sharp edge of this expressive effect.
  • The extremely rare use of the bare infinitive with the passive of perceptual verbs adds further proof that this is the case.
  • There are fewer contexts where only the bare infinitive seems appropriate.
  • There is an obvious parallel, therefore, between the bare infinitive's use in exclamations and that after need and dare.
  • These sentences support Erades's and Wood's intuitions about the meaning of the bare infinitive construction.
  • This explains why the bare infinitive would not be possible in this context.
  • After relating the bare facts of the suicide decades later, Dan looked away, shuddering to keep his composure.
  • Loretta peered at the bare facts of Puddephat's life.
  • There is only room here to outline the bare facts about cuts and the main lines of argument that surround them.
  • I don't know how we can cut any more spending. We're down to the bare bones.
  • GUIs provide the padding to the bare bones of the system.
  • Many different lines of evidence may be used to flesh out the bare bones of the fossils.
  • Rip Rig created a heady hybrid out of the bare bones of jazz improvisation, dub-funk rhythms and punk attitude.
  • The above is the bare bones of the arrangement.
  • The strength of this book is that it puts flesh on the bare bones of this argument.
  • These are the bare bones of a long and distinguished scientific career.
  • This is boxing stripped down to the bare bones.
  • We have outlined only the bare bones of the B & B method.
  • GUIs provide the padding to the bare bones of the system.
  • Many different lines of evidence may be used to flesh out the bare bones of the fossils.
  • Rip Rig created a heady hybrid out of the bare bones of jazz improvisation, dub-funk rhythms and punk attitude.
  • The above is the bare bones of the arrangement.
  • The strength of this book is that it puts flesh on the bare bones of this argument.
  • These are the bare bones of a long and distinguished scientific career.
  • This is boxing stripped down to the bare bones.
  • We have outlined only the bare bones of the B & B method.
the cupboard is bare
  • Krushchev laid bare Stalin's crimes.
  • New bricks were removed, laying bare the old foundations.
1without clothes not covered by clothes SYN  naked:  a ragged child with bare feet She felt the warm sun on her bare arms.bare-headed/bare-chested/bare-legged etc2land/trees not covered by trees or grass, or not having any leaves:  The trees soon gave way to bare rock.3not covered/empty empty, not covered by anything, or not having any decorations:  She looked round her tiny bare room. a bare wood staircase see thesaurus at empty4the bare facts a statement that tells someone only what they need to know, with no additional details:  The newspaper had simply published the bare facts.5smallest amount necessary [only before noun] the very least amount of something that you need to do something:  He got 40% – a bare pass. The room had the bare minimum (=the smallest amount possible) of furniture.the bare essentials/necessities Her bag was light, packed with only the bare essentials. If you ask her about herself, she gives only the barest (=the smallest amount possible) of details.6the bare bones the most important parts or facts of something without any detail:  We have outlined only the bare bones of the method.7lay something bare a)to uncover something that was previously hidden:  When the river is low, vast stretches of sand are laid bare. b)to make known something that was secret:  historical writing which seeks to lay bare the true nature of an event8with your bare hands without using a weapon or a tool:  He had killed a man with his bare hands.9bare infinitive technical the basic form of a verb, for example ‘go’ or ‘eat’bareness noun [uncountable]
bare1 adjectivebare2 verbbare3 adverb
barebare2 verb [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theybare
he, she, itbares
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theybared
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave bared
he, she, ithas bared
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad bared
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill bare
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have bared
Continuous Form
PresentIam baring
he, she, itis baring
you, we, theyare baring
PastI, he, she, itwas baring
you, we, theywere baring
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been baring
he, she, ithas been baring
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been baring
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be baring
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been baring
  • The dog bared its teeth.
  • As if she stood naked before him, her very soul bared.
  • But after he bares his fangs, she wobbles as if the blood had been sucked from her veins.
  • He bared his teeth in the kiss and he nipped at her mouth.
  • He promised to bare all before a committee of experts chosen by the board.
  • They stare back defiantly at the crowds, menacingly baring their teeth, and grabbing candy trays with nimble speed.
 The dog bared its teeth.
(=not covered by clothes)· She wore no stockings and her arms were bare.
(=not covered by clothes)· The workmen all had bare chests.
(=not covered by trees or grass)· There were no flowers or grass, just bare earth.
 We only had the bare essentials (=the most necessary things).
(=only the basic general facts of a situation)· We know the bare facts of his life, but nothing about what he was really like.
(=not covered by anything)· Father Murphy led me to a tiny room with a bare floor and a simple bed.
(=without any socks or shoes)· The marble floor felt cold under his bare feet.
(=without using a tool, weapon, machine etc)· With his bare hands he forced the doors apart.
· The sun beat down on her bare head.
(=the very least amount)· He paid in five pounds, the bare minimum needed to keep the bank account open.
 A lot of families cannot even afford to buy the basic necessities of life.
(=one with no details at all)· The paragraph gives readers only the bare outline of Milton's life.
(=not covered by soil)· Here there was only bare rock and gravel.
 The apartment had been stripped bare.
(=show them, especially in an angry or threatening way)· The dog bared its teeth and snarled.
(=not painted or covered)· The floors were of bare wood.
· With their banshee wails, squalling guitars and naked aggression, they are baring their souls and they are angry.· Marie had never understood how women could bare their souls with such ease, exposing themselves so shamelessly to one another.· I don't have to stand here baring my soul in order to make you feel better and less of a victim!· No parent is going to bare their soul to an uninterested, cool, busy professional.· Some bare their souls on their feet and some bare their souls in the bars.· The legislation gave the Government generally and the Home Office in particular an opportunity to bare its liberal soul.· To bare one's soul to a member of my profession, Mr Barnett, is no small hurdle to surmount.
· But Bulldog has his teeth bared and ready to sink any rival.· Harold was flexing his muscles for the perfect balance, teeth bared, knife poised over his head.· With his yellow teeth bared, he looked like a cornered man about to break and run.· He usually hit the chest, and our teeth bared as the hilt of the bayonet quivered in the dummy.· Adam turned, his eyes clenched, his teeth bared.
· Nicosia, not a veteran himself, clearly admires the tough-minded, bluntly articulate activists who laid bare their pasts for him.· Yo, they complain, has once again laid them bare.· Critical work like that of Jo Spence and Valerie Walkerdine lays bare the trauma of an ordinary childhood.
· The chassis and car body were stripped to bare metal, mudguards re-made, and woodwork repaired.
  • I don't have to stand here baring my soul in order to make you feel better and less of a victim!
  • Marie had never understood how women could bare their souls with such ease, exposing themselves so shamelessly to one another.
  • No parent is going to bare their soul to an uninterested, cool, busy professional.
  • Some bare their souls on their feet and some bare their souls in the bars.
  • With their banshee wails, squalling guitars and naked aggression, they are baring their souls and they are angry.
  • GUIs provide the padding to the bare bones of the system.
  • Many different lines of evidence may be used to flesh out the bare bones of the fossils.
  • Rip Rig created a heady hybrid out of the bare bones of jazz improvisation, dub-funk rhythms and punk attitude.
  • The above is the bare bones of the arrangement.
  • The strength of this book is that it puts flesh on the bare bones of this argument.
  • These are the bare bones of a long and distinguished scientific career.
  • This is boxing stripped down to the bare bones.
  • We have outlined only the bare bones of the B & B method.
the cupboard is bare
  • Krushchev laid bare Stalin's crimes.
  • New bricks were removed, laying bare the old foundations.
1to remove something that was covering or hiding something:  The dog bared its teeth. He bared his back to the hot sun.2bare your soul to reveal your most secret feelings
bare1 adjectivebare2 verbbare3 adverb
barebare3 /beə $ ber/ adverb British English spoken informal Collocations
(=not covered by clothes)· She wore no stockings and her arms were bare.
(=not covered by clothes)· The workmen all had bare chests.
(=not covered by trees or grass)· There were no flowers or grass, just bare earth.
 We only had the bare essentials (=the most necessary things).
(=only the basic general facts of a situation)· We know the bare facts of his life, but nothing about what he was really like.
(=not covered by anything)· Father Murphy led me to a tiny room with a bare floor and a simple bed.
(=without any socks or shoes)· The marble floor felt cold under his bare feet.
(=without using a tool, weapon, machine etc)· With his bare hands he forced the doors apart.
· The sun beat down on her bare head.
(=the very least amount)· He paid in five pounds, the bare minimum needed to keep the bank account open.
 A lot of families cannot even afford to buy the basic necessities of life.
(=one with no details at all)· The paragraph gives readers only the bare outline of Milton's life.
(=not covered by soil)· Here there was only bare rock and gravel.
 The apartment had been stripped bare.
(=show them, especially in an angry or threatening way)· The dog bared its teeth and snarled.
(=not painted or covered)· The floors were of bare wood.
  • GUIs provide the padding to the bare bones of the system.
  • Many different lines of evidence may be used to flesh out the bare bones of the fossils.
  • Rip Rig created a heady hybrid out of the bare bones of jazz improvisation, dub-funk rhythms and punk attitude.
  • The above is the bare bones of the arrangement.
  • The strength of this book is that it puts flesh on the bare bones of this argument.
  • These are the bare bones of a long and distinguished scientific career.
  • This is boxing stripped down to the bare bones.
  • We have outlined only the bare bones of the B & B method.
the cupboard is bare
  • Krushchev laid bare Stalin's crimes.
  • New bricks were removed, laying bare the old foundations.
very, or a lot of – used by young people:  Check out this new game – it’s bare hard. His dad’s got bare money.




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