

单词 banana
bananaba‧na‧na /bəˈnɑːnə $ -ˈnæ-/ ●●● S2 noun [countable] Word Origin
1500-1600 Spanish, Portuguese, from Mande
  • But tonight he would like to have something equivalent to a stalk of bananas to purchase, circa 1910.
  • Pepita began to pick up the fallen bananas and place them back in their crate.
  • Q: We are new to growing bananas.
  • The Clinton administration, though generally supporting open markets, had taken a neutral position on the banana question.
  • The leader either numbers each pair or gives them names such as apple, banana, cake, or other fruit.
  • They brought bananas to Africathey had boats, they travelled.
  • Though small, the banana settlement is worth noting.
  • Wines Fruit was picked from a plantation growing mangoes, guava, grapes, oranges, lemons and bananas.
word sets
afters, nounalmond, nounanchovy, nounapple, nounapricot, nounartichoke, nounasparagus, nounaspic, nounaubergine, nounavocado, nounbacon, nounbagel, nounbaguette, nounbaked beans, nounbanana, nounbap, nounbarley sugar, nounbatter, nounbear claw, nounbhaji, nounbiscuit, nounbisque, nounblancmange, nounbloater, nounblood orange, nounblue cheese, nounboiled sweet, nounbologna, nounbouillon, nounbread, nounbreadfruit, nounbreast, nounBrie, nounbrioche, nounbroad bean, nounbroccoli, nounbrownie, nounBrussels sprout, nounbubble and squeak, nounbullseye, nounburger, nounburrito, nounbutter, nounbutter bean, nounbutterfat, nounbutterscotch, nounCanadian bacon, nouncanapé, nouncandy apple, nouncandy cane, nouncandyfloss, nouncannelloni, nouncantaloup, nouncaramel, nouncarrot, nouncashew, nouncauliflower, nouncaviar, nouncelery, nouncereal, nouncheddar, nouncheeseburger, nouncheesecake, nounchew, nounchewing gum, nounchicken, nounchicken-fried steak, nounchilli, nounChinese leaves, nounchip, nounchipolata, nounchitterlings, nounchoc, nounchoccy, nounchoc-ice, nounchocolate, nounchocolate chip cookie, nounchop, nounchop suey, nounchowder, nounchow mein, nounChristmas cake, nounChristmas cookie, nounChristmas pudding, nounchutney, nounclementine, nouncock-a-leekie, nouncoconut, nouncod, nouncoleslaw, nouncollard greens, nouncompote, nouncoq au vin, nounCornish pasty, nouncouscous, nouncrème caramel, nouncrepe, nouncrumble, nouncurry, nounDanish, nounDanish pastry, noundessert, noundevil's food cake, noundigestive biscuit, noundill pickle, noundip, noundish, noundoorstep, noundory, noundouble cream, noundouble-decker, noundoughnut, noundressing, noundrumstick, nounduck, noundumpling, nounDundee cake, nounenchilada, nounfaggot, nounfava bean, nounfish, nounfish and chips, nounfishcake, nounfish finger, nounfish stick, nounflapjack, nounfoie gras, nounfondant, nounfondue, nounfortune cookie, nounfrankfurter, noungammon, noungarbanzo, noungâteau, noungelatin, nounghee, noungherkin, noungiblets, nounginger, adjectivegingerbread, nounginger nut, nounglacé, adjectiveglacé icing, noungoose, noungooseberry, noungoulash, noungranola, noungrape, noungrapefruit, noungravy, noungreen bean, noungreengage, noungreen onion, noungreen pepper, noungreen salad, noungriddlecake, nounguacamole, nounhaggis, nounhamburger, nounharicot, nounhash, nounhash browns, nounhazelnut, nounheavy, adjectiveheavy cream, nounhelping, nounhero, nounhock, nounhominy, nounhomogenized, adjectivehoney, nounhors d'oeuvre, nounhorseradish, nounhot-cross bun, nounhot dog, nounhotpot, nounhoumous, nounhuckleberry, nounhumbug, nounhumus, nounice, nouniceberg lettuce, nounice cream, nouningredient, nouninstant, adjectiveIrish stew, nouniron rations, nounjacket potato, nounjalapeño, nounjam, nounjambalaya, nounjawbreaker, nounJell-O, nounjelly, nounjelly baby, nounjelly bean, nounjelly roll, nounjerky, nounJerusalem artichoke, nounkabob, nounkale, nounkebab, nounkedgeree, nounkernel, nounketchup, nounkidney, nounkidney bean, nounkipper, nounkiwi fruit, nounkorma, nounkumquat, nounlamb, nounlasagne, nounleek, nounlemon, nounlemon curd, nounlemon sole, nounlentil, nounlettuce, nounlima bean, nounlime, nounlinguini, nounliquorice, nounliver, nounliver sausage, nounloaf, nounlobster, nounloganberry, nounlollipop, nounlox, nounlozenge, nounluncheon meat, nounlychee, nounmacaroni, nounmacaroon, nounmarzipan, nounmash, nounmatzo, nounmayo, nounmayonnaise, nounmeatball, nounmeatloaf, nounMelba toast, nounmelon, nounmeringue, nounmilk pudding, nounmincemeat, nounmince pie, nounminestrone, nounmixed grill, nounmonkey nut, nounmoussaka, nounmousse, nounmuesli, nounmuffin, nounmulberry, nounmullet, nounmulligatawny, nounmunchies, nounmush, nounmushy peas, nounmuskmelon, nounmussel, nounmutton, nounnachos, nounnan, nounneapolitan, adjectivenectarine, nounnonpareil, nounnoodle, nounnougat, nounoat cake, nounoatmeal, nounomelette, nounopen-faced sandwich, nounopen sandwich, nounorange, nounoven-ready, adjectiveoyster, nounpacked lunch, nounpaella, nounpancake, nounpantry, nounpapaya, nounpaprika, nounparfait, nounParmesan, nounparsley, nounparsnip, nounparson's nose, nounpassion fruit, nounpasta, nounpastrami, nounpastry, nounpasty, nounpâté, nounpatty, nounpavlova, nounpawpaw, nounpea, nounpeach, nounPeach Melba, nounpeanut, nounpeanut butter, nounpear, nounpease pudding, nounpecan, nounpemmican, nounpeppermint, nounpepperoni, nounpersimmon, nounpickle, nounpilchard, nounpineapple, nounpippin, nounpistachio, nounpitta bread, nounpizza, nounplantain, nounplum, nounplum pudding, nounpomegranate, nounpopcorn, nounpoppadom, nounPopsicle, nounpound cake, nounprofiterole, nounpudding, nounquiche, nounradish, nounragout, nounraisin, nounrasher, nounraspberry, nounravioli, nounredcurrant, nounred pepper, nounrelish, nounrice pudding, nounrisotto, nounrissole, nounroly-poly, nounsalad, nounsalsa, nounsamosa, nounsausage roll, nounsavoury, nounschnitzel, nounsemolina, nounshepherd's pie, nounsherbet, nounsoft-boiled, adjectivesole, nounsorbet, nounsoufflé, nounsoup, nounsour cream, nounsoy sauce, nounspaghetti, nounSpam, nounspare ribs, nounspeciality, nounspecialty, nounsponge, nounsubmarine sandwich, nounsuccotash, nounsucker, nounsummer pudding, nounsundae, nounsushi, nounsweet, nounsweetbread, nounsweetie, nounsweet roll, nounSwiss roll, nounSwiss steak, nounsyllabub, nountagliatelle, nounterrine, nountoad-in-the-hole, nounvol-au-vent, nounwafer, nounwaffle, nounwater biscuit, nounwater chestnut, nounwater ice, nounwatermelon, nounweenie, nounWelsh rarebit, nounwhip, nounwhipped cream, nounwhipping cream, nounYorkshire pudding, noun
 This government has an unhappy knack of slipping on banana skins.
· Bunches of bananas hung in the trees.
· This always included milk and green bananas, though the latter do not feature prominently on a wild orang's menu.
· Beauty was everywhere. Large palms and banana trees lined the roads and hamlets.
· Though small, the banana settlement is worth noting.· Over in a corner, at the entrance to the recreation center, is a small grove of banana and ficus trees.
· Vehicles and people both were festooned with banana leaves-symbol of rejoicing and fertility, I later learned.· My father sliced open a square of sticky rice wrapped in banana leaves.· They put up bunting-banana leaves-round the stadium that day.· Sometimes the boat was made of wood, sometimes of banana leaves.· Then they cut it up, with everyone crowding round, ready with banana leaves in which to wrap their piece.
· Then a guy slips on a banana peel.
· This is proof of the erosive effects of past inflation rate which climbed to banana republic levels in the 1970s.· The Agency had huge collections of intelligence on banana republics and their leaders.· The guy has more titles than the leader of a banana republic.
· The enamel has peeled off the taps like so much banana skin, revealing dull, patchy brass.· They dug in garbage piles, looking for anything at all, banana skins, orange peels, discarded greens.· He's just warning voters of the political banana skins on route to the polling booths.· Carrie kicked off her shoes and peeled her leotard down like a banana skin.· A tug-o'-war ensued and suddenly the rope came - unzipping all those carefully placed runners like a thumb through a banana skin.
· He passed veranda-ed houses with red-tiled roofs half-hidden by the great fringed, paddle-like leaves of banana trees.· Little tin shacks and round huts are scattered across the hills between the banana trees.· Large palms and banana trees lined the roads and hamlets.· Coconut and banana trees quickly give way to a dim still forest.· Occasionally I saw clearings on the sides of the hills where banana trees grew.· It sang in a sweet trembling voice about a yellow bird up high in a banana tree.
· He scrapped segregated dining rooms and often walked around barefoot and in casual dress, eating bananas.· He took the opportunity to stretch his legs and eat some biscuits and bananas.· Said she liked to walk in the rain and eat peanut butter-and-banana sandwiches.· The Cuds eat two bananas a day.
· Then a guy slips on a banana peel.
bananaa long curved tropical fruit with a yellow skin




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