

单词 pea
peapea /piː/ ●●● S3 noun [countable] Word Origin
1600-1700 pease ‘pea’ (11-19 centuries) (mistaken as plural), from Latin pisa, plural of pisum, from Greek pison
  • pea soup
  • frozen peas
  • At Lowestoft a Birds Eye freezing factory processes fish, peas and beans.
  • Divide black-eyed pea mixture between 2 serving plates.
  • Heat very briefly so that the snow peas just turn bright green.
  • In a saute pan, heat oil and saute ham with drained peas for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Plant the peas, zigzag fashion, 2in apart.
  • She gave Denver a half peck of peas to sort and soak overnight.
  • There does indeed seem to be little advantage in damaging the coat of modern varieties of sweet peas.
  • Use one eighth of a walnut - about the size of a pea.
word sets
afters, nounalmond, nounanchovy, nounapple, nounapricot, nounartichoke, nounasparagus, nounaspic, nounaubergine, nounavocado, nounbacon, nounbagel, nounbaguette, nounbaked beans, nounbanana, nounbap, nounbarley sugar, nounbatter, nounbear claw, nounbhaji, nounbiscuit, nounbisque, nounblancmange, nounbloater, nounblood orange, nounblue cheese, nounboiled sweet, nounbologna, nounbouillon, nounbread, nounbreadfruit, nounbreast, nounBrie, nounbrioche, nounbroad bean, nounbroccoli, nounbrownie, nounBrussels sprout, nounbubble and squeak, nounbullseye, nounburger, nounburrito, nounbutter, nounbutter bean, nounbutterfat, nounbutterscotch, nounCanadian bacon, nouncanapé, nouncandy apple, nouncandy cane, nouncandyfloss, nouncannelloni, nouncantaloup, nouncaramel, nouncarrot, nouncashew, nouncauliflower, nouncaviar, nouncelery, nouncereal, nouncheddar, nouncheeseburger, nouncheesecake, nounchew, nounchewing gum, nounchicken, nounchicken-fried steak, nounchilli, nounChinese leaves, nounchip, nounchipolata, nounchitterlings, nounchoc, nounchoccy, nounchoc-ice, nounchocolate, nounchocolate chip cookie, nounchop, nounchop suey, nounchowder, nounchow mein, nounChristmas cake, nounChristmas cookie, nounChristmas pudding, nounchutney, nounclementine, nouncock-a-leekie, nouncoconut, nouncod, nouncoleslaw, nouncollard greens, nouncompote, nouncoq au vin, nounCornish pasty, nouncouscous, nouncrème caramel, nouncrepe, nouncrumble, nouncurry, nounDanish, nounDanish pastry, noundessert, noundevil's food cake, noundigestive biscuit, noundill pickle, noundip, noundish, noundoorstep, noundory, noundouble cream, noundouble-decker, noundoughnut, noundressing, noundrumstick, nounduck, noundumpling, nounDundee cake, nounenchilada, nounfaggot, nounfava bean, nounfish, nounfish and chips, nounfishcake, nounfish finger, nounfish stick, nounflapjack, nounfoie gras, nounfondant, nounfondue, nounfortune cookie, nounfrankfurter, noungammon, noungarbanzo, noungâteau, noungelatin, nounghee, noungherkin, noungiblets, nounginger, adjectivegingerbread, nounginger nut, nounglacé, adjectiveglacé icing, noungoose, noungooseberry, noungoulash, noungranola, noungrape, noungrapefruit, noungravy, noungreen bean, noungreengage, noungreen onion, noungreen pepper, noungreen salad, noungriddlecake, nounguacamole, nounhaggis, nounhamburger, nounharicot, nounhash, nounhash browns, nounhazelnut, nounheavy, adjectiveheavy cream, nounhelping, nounhero, nounhock, nounhominy, nounhomogenized, adjectivehoney, nounhors d'oeuvre, nounhorseradish, nounhot-cross bun, nounhot dog, nounhotpot, nounhoumous, nounhuckleberry, nounhumbug, nounhumus, nounice, nouniceberg lettuce, nounice cream, nouningredient, nouninstant, adjectiveIrish stew, nouniron rations, nounjacket potato, nounjalapeño, nounjam, nounjambalaya, nounjawbreaker, nounJell-O, nounjelly, nounjelly baby, nounjelly bean, nounjelly roll, nounjerky, nounJerusalem artichoke, nounkabob, nounkale, nounkebab, nounkedgeree, nounkernel, nounketchup, nounkidney, nounkidney bean, nounkipper, nounkiwi fruit, nounkorma, nounkumquat, nounlamb, nounlasagne, nounleek, nounlemon, nounlemon curd, nounlemon sole, nounlentil, nounlettuce, nounlima bean, nounlime, nounlinguini, nounliquorice, nounliver, nounliver sausage, nounloaf, nounlobster, nounloganberry, nounlollipop, nounlox, nounlozenge, nounluncheon meat, nounlychee, nounmacaroni, nounmacaroon, nounmarzipan, nounmash, nounmatzo, nounmayo, nounmayonnaise, nounmeatball, nounmeatloaf, nounMelba toast, nounmelon, nounmeringue, nounmilk pudding, nounmincemeat, nounmince pie, nounminestrone, nounmixed grill, nounmonkey nut, nounmoussaka, nounmousse, nounmuesli, nounmuffin, nounmulberry, nounmullet, nounmulligatawny, nounmunchies, nounmush, nounmushy peas, nounmuskmelon, nounmussel, nounmutton, nounnachos, nounnan, nounneapolitan, adjectivenectarine, nounnonpareil, nounnoodle, nounnougat, nounoat cake, nounoatmeal, nounomelette, nounopen-faced sandwich, nounopen sandwich, nounorange, nounoven-ready, adjectiveoyster, nounpacked lunch, nounpaella, nounpancake, nounpantry, nounpapaya, nounpaprika, nounparfait, nounParmesan, nounparsley, nounparsnip, nounparson's nose, nounpassion fruit, nounpasta, nounpastrami, nounpastry, nounpasty, nounpâté, nounpatty, nounpavlova, nounpawpaw, nounpea, nounpeach, nounPeach Melba, nounpeanut, nounpeanut butter, nounpear, nounpease pudding, nounpecan, nounpemmican, nounpeppermint, nounpepperoni, nounpersimmon, nounpickle, nounpilchard, nounpineapple, nounpippin, nounpistachio, nounpitta bread, nounpizza, nounplantain, nounplum, nounplum pudding, nounpomegranate, nounpopcorn, nounpoppadom, nounPopsicle, nounpound cake, nounprofiterole, nounpudding, nounquiche, nounradish, nounragout, nounraisin, nounrasher, nounraspberry, nounravioli, nounredcurrant, nounred pepper, nounrelish, nounrice pudding, nounrisotto, nounrissole, nounroly-poly, nounsalad, nounsalsa, nounsamosa, nounsausage roll, nounsavoury, nounschnitzel, nounsemolina, nounshepherd's pie, nounsherbet, nounsoft-boiled, adjectivesole, nounsorbet, nounsoufflé, nounsoup, nounsour cream, nounsoy sauce, nounspaghetti, nounSpam, nounspare ribs, nounspeciality, nounspecialty, nounsponge, nounsubmarine sandwich, nounsuccotash, nounsucker, nounsummer pudding, nounsundae, nounsushi, nounsweet, nounsweetbread, nounsweetie, nounsweet roll, nounSwiss roll, nounSwiss steak, nounsyllabub, nountagliatelle, nounterrine, nountoad-in-the-hole, nounvol-au-vent, nounwafer, nounwaffle, nounwater biscuit, nounwater chestnut, nounwater ice, nounwatermelon, nounweenie, nounWelsh rarebit, nounwhip, nounwhipped cream, nounwhipping cream, nounYorkshire pudding, noun
 Josie was shelling peas in the kitchen.
· There were bowls of coleslaw and potato salad laced with green peas, buttered garlic rolls and hard-boiled eggs.· A recessive allele must be present in double copy to show itself, and all green peas have two green alleles.
· But it seems it will take more than 1992 to set the Continental palate tingling to the tune of mushy peas.· All the walls were painted a sickly green: the same colour, thought Marie, as mushy peas.· So do I. They emerge from the tunnel like an ad for mushy peas.· Chips and mushy peas by the coast are as popular as ice cream and donkey rides.
· Then she began to think to herself about which would be best, nasturtiums or sweet peas.· One day they left a bouquet of sweet peas from their garden, which the nurses took to him in his ward.· There does indeed seem to be little advantage in damaging the coat of modern varieties of sweet peas.· Decades later, the scent of sweet peas still made him gag.· Large seeds, such as sweet peas, are easily spaced by hand, but other techniques are needed for finer seeds.· A creamy green sauce, redolent of sweet pea and butter, provides the final touch.· In anticipation that the same problem might recur this summer I tried sowing some sweet peas with the runner beans.· Look out for the sweet peas back in Unwins Seeds Plants Plus collection.
· If you can't get chick peas, the same sort of salad can be made with haricot beans.· Drain and rinse the chick peas and kidney beans and combine with other beans. 3.· Add the rice, cooked chick peas, herbs, salt and pepper to the onion mixture.
· Add ginger, shallots, the snow pea leaves, rice wine and salt.· The snow pea leaves should be bright green in color.· Stir in snow peas, and cook for 3 minutes.· Return the seafood to the wok and then add the scallions and snow peas.· Heat very briefly so that the snow peas just turn bright green.· Add sauce and snow peas, stirring until warm and thickened.· Add the chicken stock and when boiling, add the snow pea leaves.
· What were pea soup rhythms and honda-honda basslines and who invented them?· The gray tasteless pea soup served at each meal was nicknamed the Green Terror.· Before the apple charlotte, Miss Chib was given a bowl of pea soup with a spoonful of whipped cream on it.· The Feldwebel agreed and she came back with three large bowls of hot pea soup.· Lunch was pea soup, roast beef, roast potatoes, sprouts and peas, with apple snow for dessert.· As for food - do you call a bowl of thin pea soup food?
· Frozen food has greatly increased in popularity ever since Clarence Birdseye popularized frozen peas during the 1920s.· Frozen orange juice concentrate, frozen peas, and frozen lima beans are nearly always less expensive than their fresh counterparts.· For their first meal, she bought frozen fish sticks, frozen french fries, frozen peas and a frozen apple pie.
· Many have never shelled a pea.· We are peeling potatoes, forming tiny meatballs, browning chicken, shelling peas.
1a round green seed that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable, or the plant on which these seeds grow:  roast chicken with peas and carrots2like two peas in a pod informal exactly the same in appearance, behaviour etc




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