

单词 plant
plant1 nounplant2 verb
plantplant1 /plɑːnt $ plænt/ ●●● S2 W1 noun Entry menu
MENU FOR plantplant1 living thing2 factory3 machinery4 something hidden5 person
Word Origin
Old English plante, from Latin planta ‘new growth on a plant, part cut off a plant to be grown again’
  • a KGB plant in the Washington establishment
  • a tomato plant
  • an aluminum plant
  • Carlson swore to the police that the drugs were a plant.
  • He concluded by asking Miller for one little root of Ixia, or other bulbous plant from the Cape.
  • In Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, gunmen reportedly seized 30 workers at an electrical power plant.
  • Perhaps difficulty in obtaining natron through the traditionally established routes triggered the use of halophytic plants instead.
  • The triumphant plant, a combination of lichen and cactus, certainly would look weird to the eyes of man.
  • The usual amount of organic detritus produced by the fish and plants will be sufficient for its growth.
  • They also tend to survive burial in conditions that destroy the rest of the plant.
  • Unlike most land plants, aquatic plants are not dependent solely on nutrition obtained through the root system.
  • When I do fertilize the plants you mention, I use a high-phosphorus fertilizer.
a living thing that has leaves and roots and grows in earth, especially one that is smaller than a tree: · Don’t forget to water the plants.· Plants grow towards the sun.· Botanists examined plant species from around the world.
a small plant that is used to improve the taste of food, or to make medicine: · Sprinkle the dish with chopped fresh herbs.· medicinal herbs (=used as medicine)· The shop sells an interesting range of herbs and spices.
a wild plant growing where it is not wanted that prevents crops or garden flowers from growing properly: · She was pulling up weeds in her garden.· Herbicides can be used to prevent and control weeds.
a root shaped like a ball that grows into a flower or plant: · She planted hundreds of daffodil bulbs.
a small bush with several woody stems: · flowering shrubs· Rosemary is an evergreen shrub.
acceptance sampling, assembly line, nounautomated, adjectiveautomation, nounbonded factory, business park, nouncannery, nouncash conversion, nouncertificate of analysis, nounchaebol, nounCIM, CKD, coachbuilder, nouncompletely built-up, adjectivecompletely knocked-down, adjectivecutoff, noundistillery, noundown time, drawdown, nounend-product, nounengineering insurance, fabricator, nounfacility, nounfactory, nounfactory preset, nounfeedstock, nounfirst in, first out, nounfork-lift truck, nounfurnace, nounGantt chart, intermediate goods, investment goods, manufacturer, nounmanufacturing, nounmass-produced, adjectivemill, nounMRO, nounoutput, nounoutturn, nounplant, nounpottery, nounprocessing, nounproduction line, nounproject engineer, quality control, nounrefinery, nounresearch manager, retool, verbright first time, adjectiverisk analysis, nounsawmill, nounshed, nounshipyard, nounshop, nounshop floor, nounsingle sourcing, sourcing, nounsteelworks, nounstock control management, supply chain management, works, nounwork sampling, zero defects,
· Many rare plants were collected from India and China.
· These plants are common in British gardens.
· Many wild plants are in danger of dying out.
(=plants that are grown in gardens)· These butterflies feed on the flowers of several garden plants.
· Exotic plants can be grown in a greenhouse.
(=plants that can be used in medicine)· A lot of research into medicinal plants and traditional remedies has now been carried out.
British English (=a plant that is grown in a container)· He leaves his house key under the potted plant on the porch.
(=a plant grown in a pot in the house)· These make excellent house plants.
(=one that grows up things)· The wall was covered with climbing plants.
(=one that grows along the ground or hangs down)
· Bean plants are easy to grow.
· What should you do if your child has eaten a poisonous plant?
· The plant grows to a height of about 20 inches.
(=grows well)· A lot of plants thrive in partial shade.
· The plants are flowering earlier this year.
· It is not an easy plant to grow.
· He could see her watering the plants in her small garden.
(=becomes drier and starts to die)
plant + NOUN
(=plants)· All but the dirtiest of rivers support some plant life.
· They feed on decaying plant material.
(=put a bomb somewhere)· It is thought that right-wing extremists planted the bomb.
· the structure of plant cells
(=factory producing chemicals)· There has been an explosion at a chemical plant in Germany.
· Farmers burn their fields in preparation for planting crops.
 Clean the ventilation ducts to remove dust and insect debris.
(=an animal that only eats plants)· Most insects are plant eaters.
(=the animals, plants etc that live in a particular place)· a new book about the plant ecology of this fascinating area
(=deliberately put evidence somewhere to make someone look guilty)· He claims the evidence was planted there by the police.
 Add one teaspoon of vanilla extract.
· Large areas of forest have been planted.
· They planted a beautiful rose garden in her memory.
(=to kiss someone on their cheek etc)· Stephen planted a kiss on his daughter’s forehead.
 Animals depend on plant material for food.
 a potted plant
(=for growing or planting crops)· The growing season is short in these mountainous areas.
(=put them in the soil)· Sow the seeds in trays or pots.
· You can see many different bird species on the canal.
(=cover them with liquid to protect them from insects or disease) The fruit is sprayed every four weeks.
· A terrestrial plant will always be stunted in growth and assimilation and can never be a match for a true aquatic plant.· Some aquatic plants develop seeds which germinate immediately after maturing.· This tends to rob submerged aquatic plants of light and hinder their growth.· It is a typical aquatic plant with a very short rhizome; stems are very thin, rooting or floating in water.· It is easy to maintain and does not need either aquatic plant life, fish or snails.· It will be more advantageous for the aquarist to acquire pre-cultivated seedlings or fully developed plants from aquatic plant shops.· He has also experimented with aquatic plants.· An aquarium two or three years old is an ideal environment for the growth and development of all species of aquatic plants.
· So does the vulnerability of people at work, or moving through the transport networks, or living near large industrial plants.· The immediate cause of last week's blackouts was a large power plant suddenly going offline in Northern California.· If you do desire greenery, it is best to use large plastic plants.· All life is interdependent on the natural environment, from the smallest bacteria to the largest animal or plant - even man.· For even larger plants use more than one Y-Stake.· Microscopical details are not so well-preserved, and the fossil is, of course, only a fragment of a larger plant.· With the Amazon Swords, there are lot of very good, very large plants becoming available at the moment.· Shopfloor bargaining became standard in large plants and effective national negotiations became the norm.
· The tree does die, but a new plant springs up each season at the foot of each dead tree.· Within a year as many as 60 new plants can develop from four to ten such inflorescences.· Substantial investment programmes in information technology and new effluent treatment plant to meet the latest regulatory requirements were also initiated.· Actually I was just starting to go over the new plant feasibility study when you called.· These mate, fly away and the females find new plants to lay eggs on.· Fourth, success requires the new consolidated plant to perform work previously assigned to five facilities.· They cover the construction of new plants, waste reduction, energy and resource conservation and recycling.· Fifth, Wireboard expects the new plant to reduce delivery times by a factor of three while simultaneously achieving zero defects.
· During 1991, there were a total of 270 unplanned stoppages at nuclear plants.· The findings could lead to improved seismic safety standards at nuclear plants.· That the falsehoods concerned a nuclear power plant sharpened the dismay.· Even if they keep within budget, nuclear plants are at least twice as expensive to build as coal stations.· Military hardware and a nuclear power plant earn hard currency.· Bush's scheme would brighten prospects for nuclear power by granting companies a single licence to build and operate nuclear plants.· Another worry is that nuclear material from defunct nuclear power plants and dismantled nuclear weapons might end up in the wrong hands.
· Underplanting is another association with other plants that has its problems.· The plant is very attractive, and provides excellent contrast to other plants.· Possible foods include leaves from various trees and from other kinds of plant.· Along with all the other indoor plants that fern received lavish treatment.· You may also find them on other kinds of plant.· And what about the seeds of your other garden plants?· Therefore other plants should not be planted too near it.· The economic consequences for food crops and other plants of the resulting increase in ultraviolet radiation have received less attention.
· Katina puts out her best potted plant on a stand on the pavement in the summer.· Suspend a cage from a strong hook in the ceiling and fill it with potted plants, preferably the trailing kind.· Polling stations would be awash with coffee machines and potted plants.· Patterned rugs adorned the floor and the walls. Potted jungle plants were everywhere.· This obviously does not occur with well-grown potted plants.· And they disappeared behind a potted plant.
· A tree is shown in the Niobid picture, trees and small plants in the vase illustrated in figs. 109 and 116.· He moved to the far end of the living room and boiled a small young spider plant.· A pronounced shift towards decentralized smaller plants, and towards non manufacturing activities in the economy, has already occurred.· These four varieties are ideal small garden plants, as they grow on a single stem and don't need pruning.· A few small plants will help provide shade and shelter for the animals, and food for some of them.· Crops with smaller plants should be treated first.· Grown in sand or clay alone, it will produce smaller, slow-growing plants.
· He spent 18 years working for Ford, ending up as manager of its Dearborn assembly plant.· The unions at Ford claimed the car giant is to shed 3,000 jobs at its main assembly plants.
· Ants often farm colonies of aphids on garden plants, feeding off their honeydew, while protecting the aphids from predators.· Translated into reality, it means a self-contained sewage treatment garden plant and a haven for Britain's natural flora.· These four varieties are ideal small garden plants, as they grow on a single stem and don't need pruning.· Firstly we need some seeds to grow our garden plants from.· And what about the seeds of your other garden plants?· The project aims to sort out which garden plants can be harmful, and to define just how toxic they really are.· Stocks of potatoes, apples, strawberries as well as an array of garden plants are produced in this way.
· The fry drift with the current to the relative safety of plant growths.· This highly engineered plumbing produced concentrated plant growth in cramped spaces.· But, as every good gardener knows, healthy plant growth depends very much on the fertility and structure of the soil.· F Fertiliser substrate Compound mixed with gravel to promote plant growth.· It is known that, beyond a certain age, plant growth slows down.· Grolux tubes are great for promoting plant growth, but they do give everything a pinkish tinge.· The tank has all the mod. cons. for plant growth, including CO2 injection and undergravel heating.· First we will give a brief overview of plant growth analysis.
· Even plant life has some intelligence, it's a matter of degree.· She does not simply restore plant life, but teaches the secrets of agriculture, giving humans control over their food supply.· It is easy to maintain and does not need either aquatic plant life, fish or snails.· It is ideal for sighting rare arctic-alpine species of plant life.· There's a great variety of bracken, ferns and other plant life.· This kills the fish and plant life.· Distressed by mindless vandalism that destroys trees and flowers they are keeping a watchful eye on plant life.· Like the oceans in general, healthy reefs seem remarkably free of plant life.
· However, a real plant will be constrained by the amount of already existing plant material and its needs.· Each time any plant material was harvested, it was laboriously weighed and recorded by the biospherians.· Orfe are ideal inhabitants for a planted pond, as they only eat small amounts of plant material.· York said that reconstituted tobacco is made by separating water-soluble elements, including nicotine, from the tobacco plant material.· Another similar material is the partly rotted plant material in garden compost heaps.· Most 14C ages are determined from the carbon in dead plant material.· A second explanation is that antibiotic production is rooted in the plant material that is the food source.· Gooey and black, the muck is full of decaying plant material.
· Extra humidity can often be provided by the use of well watered pot plants.· In the commercial horticultural field, the mass production of pot plants has been facilitated through cloning.· The walls are splashed with blood, Ann's pot plants strewn everywhere.· She had also had a pot plant on the chest called David.· One of my patio pot plants suddenly wilted and died.· The 14-watt windowsill tray base gently warms the compost and strengthens root growth of pot plants during cold weather.· The competition for a healthy pot plant was won by A McClelland while S Coll was runner-up.· Customs Offficers found the drugs hidden in a lorry load of pot plants at Sheerness Docks in January last year.
· That the falsehoods concerned a nuclear power plant sharpened the dismay.· The concern arises when a nuclear power plant is refueled.· Commercial organisations such as Wartsila, a leading producer of diesel power plants, have already begun using the software.· The utility defaulted on over $ 2 billion in borrowing, used to pay for nuclear power plants.· The plant will initially reprocess irradiated fuels from the country's five existing nuclear power plants.· In Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, gunmen reportedly seized 30 workers at an electrical power plant.· Military hardware and a nuclear power plant earn hard currency.
· Substantial investment programmes in information technology and new effluent treatment plant to meet the latest regulatory requirements were also initiated.· San Diego pulled out of that project last fall, saying it would build its own treatment plant in the valley.· The mechanical and water-treatment plant is contained in the basement.· Since incorporating in 1988, the city has connected fewer than half its residents and other users to its wastewater treatment plant.· Nothing is maintained, sewer networks, water pipes, or treatment plants, so health hazards have flourished.· Example: Diamond is supposed to provide the sewer lines and a treatment plant.· In the North East the commissioning of treatment plants and other pollution control measures will lead to a drop in discharges.
· If you build a water plant in a desert using mediocre technology, you're a superstar.· In the late seventies we conducted a pilot evaluation of video tele-conferencing for a group of engineers building a new manufacturing plant.· It wants to increase this amount by building 20 new plants by 2010.· San Diego pulled out of that project last fall, saying it would build its own treatment plant in the valley.· Watertight had hoped to build a £3m plant, creating almost 90 jobs near a spring at Hendre Ddu.· More than forty team rooms have been built in the plant for team meetings, briefings and debriefings, and work breaks.· The company wanting to build the plant has reported massive pre-tax losses.· It anticipated building another new plant every two years.
· The group is closing the St Austell plant despite recent capital investment and numerous employment initiatives.· Should you close an antiquated plant, retool it, or sell it?· Do firms close their branch plants before their headquarters?· The engineering firm, Meco is to close its plant at Ashchurch near Tewkesbury, making around 350 staff redundant.· Tavlin also speculated there may be cost savings from closing manufacturing plants.· Anheuser-Busch even threatened to close its St Louis plant if the tax measure passed, though nobody believed that.· They closed a few plants and decided to use the idle machinery to make plastic chips for cigarette filters.
· Because of its specialist requirements it should be grown as a specimen plant on its own.· The tube-type filter also has less chance of getting tangled in the growing roots of the plants.· Now the Trust is appealing for gardening enthusiasts to grow plants and donate them in time for the Fair.· The police were forced to grow mature plants from the seeds to prove they were a drug, she said.· Though it's often debated, undergravels may not be a good choice for those who wish to grow plants.· This is reason enough to grow the plant rather than buying it at the supermarket, after days of shipping and shelving.· And I sowed seeds and grew plants and trees so that that place would be still more beautiful.
· Lord McLuskey says they manufacture false confessions, plant evidence and commit perjury.· Wireboard, by contrast, chose both to reengineer its manufacturing plants and to reorganize around process.· The company said a small herd of goats can produce protein-based medicines less expensively than a giant manufacturing plant.· In the late seventies we conducted a pilot evaluation of video tele-conferencing for a group of engineers building a new manufacturing plant.· D., to visit two manufacturing plants.· Its first drug is nearing approval and executives are optimistic enough about the future to plan a $ 100 million manufacturing plant.· All the Republicans except Buchanan support global free trade and oppose direct measures to discourage companies from moving manufacturing plants overseas.
· Alcohol can be produced from plants such as sugar cane and cassava by fermentation and distillation.· One that also produces pollen can generate plants that spread far and wide.· As Table 8.6 shows, two further plant attributes are being exploited to produce new crop plants.· How do we get the plants to produce bananas?· Unfortunately, much of the opium produced by the plants ends up in the bloodstreams of drug addicts.· Yet even here annual plants prevail to grow and during the short dry period produce seeds.· Both forms produce neat, firm-looking plants, with sturdy white roots.· This highly engineered plumbing produced concentrated plant growth in cramped spaces.
  • It ignores the obvious discriminations which we make between similar treatment of different species within the animal kingdom.
  • Its object was to show the comparative structure and functions of organs throughout the animal kingdom.
  • Molluscs Molluscs belong to the largest phylum in the animal kingdom and are a very varied group of animals.
  • The circles were full up, and therefore man was not a part of the animal kingdom at all.
  • They are the tanks of the animal kingdom, and they come in many forms.
  • This we shall see to be as true of man as of any of his relatives in the animal kingdom.
  • Upon the balance between them depends the enormous variety of societies seen in the animal kingdom.
  • With man effort not often matched in the animal kingdom, he overcame that considerable obstacle.
  • He can live in and accept the natural world, yet his soul lofts upward.
  • However we have seen that quantum theory places considerable restraint on a plain man's objectivist view of the natural world.
  • In that casual gesture she trampled upon an awesome human achievement and upon great sacrifices contributed by the natural world.
  • It is not true that the will to power alone characterises the animal world.
  • Similarly, these continuing contests in the natural world were leading to areas which were specialised in their functions.
  • The focus today is not the predicted disappearance of order but the abundance of it throughout the natural world.
  • We must learn to accept it as a law of the natural world.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounplanttransplanttransplantationplantationplanterverbplanttransplant
1living thing [countable] a living thing that has leaves and roots and grows in earth, especially one that is smaller than a tree:  Don’t forget to water the plants. houseplant2factory [countable] a factory or building where an industrial process happens:  a huge chemical plant power plant3machinery [uncountable] British English heavy machinery that is used in industrial processes:  a plant hire business4something hidden [countable usually singular] something illegal or stolen that is hidden in someone’s clothes or possessions to make them seem guilty of a crime5person [countable] someone who is put somewhere or sent somewhere secretly to find out informationCOLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + plantrare· Many rare plants were collected from India and China.common· These plants are common in British gardens.wild plants· Many wild plants are in danger of dying out.garden plants (=plants that are grown in gardens)· These butterflies feed on the flowers of several garden plants.exotic/tropical plants· Exotic plants can be grown in a greenhouse.medicinal plants (=plants that can be used in medicine)· A lot of research into medicinal plants and traditional remedies has now been carried out.a potted/pot plant British English (=a plant that is grown in a container)· He leaves his house key under the potted plant on the porch.a house plant (=a plant grown in a pot in the house)· These make excellent house plants.a climbing plant (=one that grows up things)· The wall was covered with climbing plants.a trailing plant (=one that grows along the ground or hangs down)a tomato/potato/bean etc plant· Bean plants are easy to grow.poisonous· What should you do if your child has eaten a poisonous plant?verbsa plant grows· The plant grows to a height of about 20 inches.a plant thrives/flourishes (=grows well)· A lot of plants thrive in partial shade.a plant flowers· The plants are flowering earlier this year.grow a plant· It is not an easy plant to grow.water a plant· He could see her watering the plants in her small garden.a plant withers (=becomes drier and starts to die)plant + NOUNplant life (=plants)· All but the dirtiest of rivers support some plant life.plant material· They feed on decaying plant material.THESAURUSplant a living thing that has leaves and roots and grows in earth, especially one that is smaller than a tree: · Don’t forget to water the plants.· Plants grow towards the sun.· Botanists examined plant species from around the world.herb a small plant that is used to improve the taste of food, or to make medicine: · Sprinkle the dish with chopped fresh herbs.· medicinal herbs (=used as medicine)· The shop sells an interesting range of herbs and spices.weed a wild plant growing where it is not wanted that prevents crops or garden flowers from growing properly: · She was pulling up weeds in her garden.· Herbicides can be used to prevent and control weeds.bulb a root shaped like a ball that grows into a flower or plant: · She planted hundreds of daffodil bulbs.shrub a small bush with several woody stems: · flowering shrubs· Rosemary is an evergreen shrub.
plant1 nounplant2 verb
plantplant2 ●●○ verb [transitive] Entry menu
MENU FOR plantplant1 plants/seeds2 put something somewhere3 hide illegal goods4 bomb5 person6 plant an idea/doubt/suspicion (in somebody’s mind)Phrasal verbsplant something out
Word Origin
Old English plantian, from Latin plantare, from planta; PLANT1
Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyplant
he, she, itplants
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyplanted
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave planted
he, she, ithas planted
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad planted
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill plant
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have planted
Continuous Form
PresentIam planting
he, she, itis planting
you, we, theyare planting
PastI, he, she, itwas planting
you, we, theywere planting
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been planting
he, she, ithas been planting
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been planting
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be planting
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been planting
  • About a dozen school children helped plant trees in the park.
  • Before you plant the seeds, prepare the soil carefully.
  • He accused the police of planting evidence.
  • It turned out the security services had planted the documents in his luggage.
  • Someone planted the drugs on her before she left the country.
  • The police found the stolen cameras in his flat, but he insisted they had been planted.
  • They planted an oak tree in the middle of the field.
  • Towards the end of March, the potatoes can be planted outside in the ground.
  • Delphiniums and hollyhocks are planted in the sun to give colour and height.
  • He said the ground is planted with sensors that detect footsteps.
  • How many large areas of coniferous forest have been planted?
  • It seemed that he had a foot planted firmly on both sides of the generation gap.
  • Perhaps the native rainbows outlasted their planted sisters and brothers, he argued.
  • With planting season approaching, all sides agree that farmers need to know what government programs will be.
Longman Language Activatorto put seeds or young plants into the ground
to put seeds or plants into the soil so that they will grow: · Before you plant the seeds, prepare the soil carefully.· They planted an oak tree in the middle of the field.· Towards the end of March, the potatoes can be planted outside in the ground.
to plant seeds in the soil, especially in a planned way and at the best time of year for them to grow well: · If you want an early crop, you should sow in September.· Sow the seeds in rows about 20 centimetres apart.· The ground was still too waterlogged for sowing rice.
to deliberately try to make someone seem guilty when they are not
also fit up/stitch up British informal to deliberately make it seem that someone is guilty of a crime that they are not really guilty of: set up somebody: · He wasn't guilty of the fraud. He'd been set up by his business rivals.set somebody up: · Cahill has always protested his innocence, and insists that someone set him up.
to make someone seem guilty of a crime, especially by providing something that seems like proof: · That's not my handwriting and it's not my signature! I've been framed.· Healey agreed to defend two young men, who were being framed in a local murder case. frame for: · The accused told the court that the police tried to frame him for assault.
informal to say that someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something wrong, especially when this is not true: · The police pinned the murder on two men who were later proved to be innocent.· You're not going to pin it on me! I was a hundred miles away at the time.
to put something such as illegal drugs or stolen goods into someone's house or into their pocket, in order to make it seem that they are guilty of a crime: · The police found the stolen cameras in his flat, but he insisted they had been planted.plant something on somebody: · Someone planted the drugs on her before she left the country.
to put something somewhere
to move something to a place or position and leave it there: put something in/on/there etc: · Just put the bags on the table.· I can't remember where I put my keys.put something back (=put it in the place where it was before or where it should be): · I put the letter back in the envelope.put something away (=put it where it is usually kept): · It's time to put everything away now.put something down/put down something (=put something you are holding onto a surface): · She picked up a porcelain figurine and put it down again. put something up/put up something (=fasten something to a wall, ceiling, or in a high position): · I'm not allowed to put up any posters in my bedroom.
to carefully put something somewhere: place something on/in/over/there etc: · Every week someone comes and places fresh flowers on her grave.· Place some lemon slices on the fish before serving it.· Food is placed in a large cage, and when the animal enters, the door drops down.· Winters placed his hand on my arm, holding me back.
to put something in a place and not take it with you when you go: · Now, where did I leave my gym shoes?leave something in/on/on top of etc: · Just leave your umbrellas and things behind the door.· She had left all her personal belongings in the London apartment.leave something somewhere: · I'm sure I left my bag somewhere around here.
to put someone or something somewhere and never go back to get them, for example because you want to get rid of them or because you are unable to take them with you: · Retreating troops were told to abandon their weapons and run as fast as they could towards the beach.· A new-born baby was found abandoned on the steps of a hospital yesterday.
to carefully move something into the right position for a particular purpose: · Make sure you position the wheel correctly before you tighten up the nuts.· Federal troops were positioned around the city.
to put a bomb in a public place : plant something in/at/outside/nearby etc: · The two men planted the bomb outside Harrods department store in London.plant something in/on/there etc: · No rebel group has claimed responsibility for planting the explosives in the van.
to put something in someone's pocket, room, car etc in order to make them seem guilty of a crime: · It turned out the security services had planted the documents in his luggage.· He accused the police of planting evidence.
to put something on a surface, especially so that it is flat: lay something on/across something: · She unfolded the map and laid it on the table.lay something out/lay out something (=arrange something carefully on a surface): · Before you start packing, lay out all the clothes on the bed.lay something down/lay down something (=put something you are holding onto a surface): · Farley laid the gun down and surrendered.
to put down something big and heavy which you have been carrying - used especially in literature or stories: set something/it/them down: · They set the coffin down in front of the altar.set down something: · The movers brought in the dresser, which they set down against the wall.
to put something down - used especially when describing events in a formal or humorous way: · Aunt Augusta deposited the contents of her bag on the kitchen table.· After the lessons on the environment, children deposited much more litter in trash cans, rather than dropping it.
abet, verbaccusation, nounaccuse, verbaffray, nounarson, nounassault, nounassault and battery, nounbackhander, nounbattery, nounbigamy, nounblack market, nounblack marketeer, nounbreak-in, nounbreaking and entering, nouncaper, nouncapital, adjectivecarjacking, nouncat burglar, nouncontract, nouncosh, nouncounterfeit, adjectivecounterfeit, verbcover, nouncrack, verbcriminal, adjectivecriminal, nouncriminal law, nouncriminal record, nouncriminology, nouncrook, nounculpable, adjectiveculprit, noundefamation, noundefraud, verbdelinquency, noundelinquent, adjectivedelinquent, noundesperado, noundisorderly, adjectivedrug baron, noundrug runner, nounDUI, nounembezzle, verbexpropriate, verbextort, verbeyewitness, nounfelon, nounfelony, nounfence, nounfiddle, nounfiddle, verbfiddler, nounfilch, verbfinger, verbfire-raising, nounfirst offender, nounflash, verbflasher, nounforge, verbforger, nounforgery, nounfoul play, nounframe, verbframe-up, nounfratricide, nounfraud, nounfreebooter, noungang, noungang-bang, noungang rape, noungangster, nounGBH, noungenocide, noungetaway, noungodfather, noungrand larceny, noungrass, noungrievous bodily harm, nounheist, nounhijack, verbhijack, nounhijacking, nounhit, nounhit-and-run, adjectivehit man, nounincriminate, verbindecent assault, nounindecent exposure, nouninfanticide, nounjob, nounjoyriding, nounjuvenile delinquent, nounkidnap, verblarceny, nounlibel, nounlibel, verblibellous, adjectivelow life, nounmafioso, nounmalpractice, nounmanslaughter, nounmassacre, nounmassacre, verbmatricide, nounmisappropriate, verbmisconduct, nounmisdeed, nounmisdemeanour, nounmobster, nounmoll, nounmug, verbmugshot, nounmurder, nounmurder, verbmurderer, nounmurderess, nounmuscleman, nounnark, nounnefarious, adjectiveneighbourhood watch, nounnick, verbno-go area, nounoffence, nounoffend, verboffender, nounold lag, nounorganized crime, nounoutlaw, nounparricide, nounpatricide, nounpetty larceny, nounPhotofit, nounpiracy, nounplant, verbpoach, verbpoacher, nounpossession, nounprivateer, nounprotection, nounprowl, verbprowler, nounpublic nuisance, nounpull, verbpunk, nounpurloin, verbraid, nounram-raiding, nounrape, verbrape, nounrapist, nounravish, verbreceiver, nounreceiving, nounrecidivist, nounregicide, nounring, nounringleader, nounriotous, adjectiverob, verbrobber, nounrobbery, nounroll, verbrustler, nounscheme, nounscheme, verbshady, adjectiveshoplift, verbshoplifting, nounslander, nounsmuggle, verbsnout, nounspeeding, nounstabbing, nounstalking, nounstatutory offence, nounstatutory rape, nounsteal, verbstoolpigeon, nounsupergrass, nounsuspect, nounswag, nountheft, nounthief, nounthievish, adjectivetorch, verbtraffic, nountrafficker, nountriad, noununder-the-counter, adjectiveunderworld, nounundesirable, nounvagrancy, nounvandal, nounvandalism, nounvandalize, verbvice, nounvigilante, nounvillainy, nounviolate, verbviolation, nounwanted, adjective
 a hillside planted with fir trees
(=put a bomb somewhere)· It is thought that right-wing extremists planted the bomb.
· the structure of plant cells
(=factory producing chemicals)· There has been an explosion at a chemical plant in Germany.
· Farmers burn their fields in preparation for planting crops.
 Clean the ventilation ducts to remove dust and insect debris.
(=an animal that only eats plants)· Most insects are plant eaters.
(=the animals, plants etc that live in a particular place)· a new book about the plant ecology of this fascinating area
(=deliberately put evidence somewhere to make someone look guilty)· He claims the evidence was planted there by the police.
 Add one teaspoon of vanilla extract.
· Large areas of forest have been planted.
· They planted a beautiful rose garden in her memory.
(=to kiss someone on their cheek etc)· Stephen planted a kiss on his daughter’s forehead.
 Animals depend on plant material for food.
 a potted plant
(=for growing or planting crops)· The growing season is short in these mountainous areas.
(=put them in the soil)· Sow the seeds in trays or pots.
· You can see many different bird species on the canal.
(=cover them with liquid to protect them from insects or disease) The fruit is sprayed every four weeks.
· It seemed that he had a foot planted firmly on both sides of the generation gap.· Norma darted back and forth between the oven and the table, a smile planted firmly on her face.· When it comes to design, the Minipod has all three of its Sputnik feet planted firmly on the ground.· He died a very old man, with both feet firmly planted on the ground.
· I appeal to farmers and cultivators to plant every possible acre during the coming planting season.· His family planted six acres of garlic this year and sold it for over five thousand yuan.· In September, he planted 2, 000 acres of wheat, an enterprise that cost about $ 180, 000.· That increased his anxiety: having planted two acres of millet, he had been looking forward to a good harvest.
· In Northern Ireland the loyalist ceasefire is under scrutiny after bombs were planted at sports grounds.· Was it some psychic time bomb long ago planted on Ludlow Street?· Both bombs were planted in white vans.· On Thursday, two bombs were planted at a highway interchange outside Birmingham.· The idea was to show Crawford making a phone call to warn police that a bomb was planted there.· The imprecise messages also suggested the bombs were planted by the same cell which targeted north London last week.
· Members also agreed to ask Darlington Borough Council to plant some more bulbs on the village green.· If you missed planting your bulbs in the fall, you can still get color by planting them from 4-inch containers.
· It is too late in the year now to plant a crop.· Tempted by the exceptionally strong prices for durum, Arizona farmers planted the largest durum crop since the 1970s.· Ripping out deep-rooted forest vegetation and planting shallow-rooted crops is causing groundwater to rise to the surface.· In exchange, farmers would have wide latitude to plant almost any crop they wish.· Farmers in Ovamboland were reported to be unable to plant crops and to be facing severe stock losses.· Farmers whose fields test positive for the disease have the option of planting a different crop next year, he said.· Encouraged by her new friend, Farnham resolved to stick with farming and to plant a crop again the following spring.
· Detectives think some one may have seen the bombers as they were planting the devices.· Elsewhere his attempts to plant the devices had failed.· Two accused, he alleged, were seen by witnesses planting the device at Primity Crescent, New Buildings.· The lawyer said the defendants were all involved in a joint enterprise to plant a booby-trap device under the car.· I took the liberty of planting a listening device in the jukebox you ... earned.
· None of the farmers were planting rubber or citrus.· I appeal to farmers and cultivators to plant every possible acre during the coming planting season.· Tempted by the exceptionally strong prices for durum, Arizona farmers planted the largest durum crop since the 1970s.· The government has introduced several schemes to encourage farmers to plant up land.· Growers -- mostly peasant farmers -- planted agave in the late 1980s, then waited seven years for their crop to mature.
· When she was about ten she had even started to plant flowers outside it.· The restorers manually hacked back the brush each season and planted the choicest prairie flower seed they could find.· Some of the people had little plots of their own where they planted flowers.· This makes it unnecessary to fertilize when planting your flowers.· He transformed the brown, empty lots into rows of trim homes with green lawns and freshly planted flowers.
· It seemed that he had a foot planted firmly on both sides of the generation gap.· I had my foot planted and some one fell on me.· When it comes to design, the Minipod has all three of its Sputnik feet planted firmly on the ground.· She freezes in place, feet planted on the floor, white-faced, disoriented.· He died a very old man, with both feet firmly planted on the ground.
· This would exclude land of scientific or ecological value and identify large areas where commercial growers could plant forests.· Living in camps, they carried out conservation work, planting new forests and helping with flood control projects.· We will plant a new national forest in the Midlands and community forests elsewhere.
· The Physic Garden is planted with examples of herbs used in Medieval times for medicinal purposes.· Clearing two acres of tree stumps so a garden could be planted in the spring.· A garden is planted where the Garfinkel home once stood.· On either side of the front path a knot garden had been planted with low hedges and tufts of tiny blossom.· What about a garden planted in her honor?· My garden needs to be planted.
· For instance, by the summer solstice on 21 June, the crops should be long since planted in the ground.· Some pots can be planted in the ground when the seedling is ready, reducing the risk of transplant shock.· These can be planted in the ground after the soil dries out.
· She giggled, and shrugged Hugh off, as he tried to plant a kiss, and nip her arms.· El Comandante bowed low and planted a kiss on her hand.· Signe wrapped her yellow oilskin arms around my neck and planted a kiss on me.· Claire offered her cheek and then planted a hard kiss on his.
· They encourage landowners and businesses to plant on their own land.· His family members had planted chiles on land they had bought as an investment.· In some areas he could plant his land with windmills.· Later that day, Columbus's party planted on the land the flag of Catholic Castile, a green crowned cross.· The government has introduced several schemes to encourage farmers to plant up land.· Should you plant one on your land?
· This species can be planted in pots with a loam and sand mixture which can then be embedded in the gravel.· It can be planted in a pot, and embedded in the gravel.
· Athelstan knew it would make no immediate difference but a seed had been planted in his soul.· The contamination does not pose any immediate public health threat because none of the seed has been planted.· But the seed would have been planted.· But, the seed planted, it begins to grow.· The seeds you've planted are sprouting the tenderest of young green shoots.· Tiny pebbles are the seeds that I am planting.· You may begin to question whether the seed that was planted was alive or dead.
· It is a good time to plant hardy shrubs too.
· The hedges are small trees that were planted very close together.· Holman went to look at the three ficus trees Pimentel had planted along Greenfield Drive.· Another serious problem for environmentalists is the type of tree and forest planted.· I hated the way those rubber trees were planted: It was like looking at tombstones at Arlington.· She recommends that they should be felled and new trees planted to preserve the environment.· An offending tree may have been planted many years ago by a previous owner.
· If the quota's exceeded, growers could be forced to stop planting new vines.· Q: We planted grape vines more than 10 years ago.· He planted a dead vine branch, then said a prayer for an early harvest.· Better yet, we could start a vineyard, plant the vines ourselves, begin it from the ground.
  • Police discovered that a bomb had been planted in the bus station.
  • He did five himself in Long Kesh in the early seventies for planting a bomb.
  • He wanted to plant a bomb in the middle of the busy market, but he was a day early.
  • Suspected rebels last week planted a bomb outside the prime minister's home, although no one was injured in the blast.
  • You'd never have thought anyone would plant a bomb there.
  • Their conversation had planted doubts in Dennis' mind about the partnership.
  • It ignores the obvious discriminations which we make between similar treatment of different species within the animal kingdom.
  • Its object was to show the comparative structure and functions of organs throughout the animal kingdom.
  • Molluscs Molluscs belong to the largest phylum in the animal kingdom and are a very varied group of animals.
  • The circles were full up, and therefore man was not a part of the animal kingdom at all.
  • They are the tanks of the animal kingdom, and they come in many forms.
  • This we shall see to be as true of man as of any of his relatives in the animal kingdom.
  • Upon the balance between them depends the enormous variety of societies seen in the animal kingdom.
  • With man effort not often matched in the animal kingdom, he overcame that considerable obstacle.
  • He can live in and accept the natural world, yet his soul lofts upward.
  • However we have seen that quantum theory places considerable restraint on a plain man's objectivist view of the natural world.
  • In that casual gesture she trampled upon an awesome human achievement and upon great sacrifices contributed by the natural world.
  • It is not true that the will to power alone characterises the animal world.
  • Similarly, these continuing contests in the natural world were leading to areas which were specialised in their functions.
  • The focus today is not the predicted disappearance of order but the abundance of it throughout the natural world.
  • We must learn to accept it as a law of the natural world.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounplanttransplanttransplantationplantationplanterverbplanttransplant
1plant (1)plants/seeds to put plants or seeds in the ground to grow:  Residents have helped us plant trees. We’ve planted tomatoes and carrots in the garden.plant a field/garden/area etc (with something) a hillside planted with fir trees2put something somewhere [always + adverb/preposition] informal to put something firmly in or on something elseplant something in/on etc something He came up to her and planted a kiss on her cheek. She planted her feet firmly to the spot and refused to move.3hide illegal goods informal to hide stolen or illegal goods in someone’s clothes, bags, room etc in order to make them seem guilty of a crimeplant something on somebody She claims that the police planted the drugs on her.4bomb plant a bomb to put a bomb somewhere:  Two men are accused of planting a bomb on the plane.5person to put or send someone somewhere, especially secretly, so that they can find out information:  The police had planted undercover detectives at every entrance.6plant an idea/doubt/suspicion (in somebody’s mind) to make someone begin to have an idea, especially so that they do not realize that you gave them the idea:  Someone must have planted the idea of suicide in his mind.plant something ↔ out phrasal verb to put a young plant into the soil outdoors, so that it has enough room to grow:  The seedlings should be planted out in May.




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