

单词 aspirin
aspirinas‧pirin /ˈæsprɪn/ ●●○ noun (plural aspirin or aspirins) [countable, uncountable] Word Origin
1800-1900 German acetylierte spirsäure type of acid from which aspirin is obtained, from Modern Latin spiraea type of bush from which this acid is obtained
  • A couple of cookies are as good as a couple of aspirin.
  • Any patient who has vascular disease should be on long-term aspirin.
  • At my house Jasper kept an electric razor, a toothbrush, and he saw to it that I always had aspirin.
  • Meye etal reported that tight junctions in the canine gastric mucosa were significantly damaged by exposure to aspirin.
  • On the other hand, aspirin is safer, cheaper and more readily available than most drugs.
  • So, if you're popping down a daily aspirin, keep the pop music down too.
  • Still, caffeine is not aspirin.
  • The proportion receiving aspirin within the first 24 h may be substantially lower.
noun [countable, uncountable] a substance used for treating illness: · Certain medicines should not be taken with alcohol.· Has he taken his medicine?
noun [countable] a small piece of medicine that you swallow: · She managed to swallow the pill with a sip of water.· The doctor gave him some pills.· sleeping pills· diet pills· contraceptive pills
noun [countable] especially British English a small piece of solid medicine: · She’s now on four tablets a day.· a five-day course of tablets· sleeping tablets· anti-malaria tablets
· The doctor put him on a course of antibiotics.· Why don’t you take some aspirin?· The tablets contain codeine, which is unsuitable for people with asthma.
noun [countable] a small tube-shaped container with medicine inside that you swallow whole: · a bottle of 500 capsules of vitamin C· I advised her to take four to six garlic capsules a day for the duration of the treatment.
noun [countable] a small smooth pill that is slightly longer than it is wide – used especially on bottles and containers: · In small type, the consumer is warned not to take more than one caplet per day.
liquid medicine that you put into your eye or ear: · Remember — if you’re using eye drops for your hay fever, leave your contact lenses out.
noun [countable, uncountable] especially British English (also lotion especially American English) a thick smooth substance containing medicine, that you put on your skin: · an antibiotic cream· antiseptic cream· skin cream
noun [countable] a medicine or a substance for making medicines: · a drug used to treat malaria· There are a wide range of different drugs on the market.
noun [countable usually singular] the amount of medicine that you should take at one time: · The dosage should be reduced to 0.5 mg.· It’s important to get the dosage right.
noun [countable, uncountable] medicine or drugs given to someone who is ill: · He takes medication for his diabetes.· She’s on medication (=taking medication), having suffered from depression for a number of years.
anabolic steroid, nounanaesthetic, nounantacid, nounantibiotic, nounantidepressant, nounantidote, nounantihistamine, nounanti-inflammatory, adjectiveantitoxin, nounaspirin, nounbalm, nounbalsam, nounbandage, nounbandage, verbBand-Aid, nounbarbiturate, nounbatch, nounBCG, nounbelladonna, nounbeta-blocker, nounbismuth, nounbooster, nouncaffeine, nouncapsule, nouncastor oil, nounchemotherapy, nounclinical, adjectivecodeine, nouncondom, nouncortisone, nouncough mixture, noundepressant, noundisinfect, verbdisinfectant, noundispensary, noundispense, verbdispensing chemist, noundiuretic, noundosage, noundose, noundose, verbdraught, noundrip, noundrug, noundrug, verbdruggist, noundrugstore, nounear drops, nounemetic, nounemollient, adjectiveEpsom salts, nouneucalyptus, nounexpectorant, nounfluoridate, verbfluoride, nounfolic acid, noungripe water, nounhallucinogen, nounhemlock, nounherbal, adjectiveherbal medicine, nounhypnotic, nounimmunize, verbinfusion, nouninhalant, nouninhaler, nouninject, verbinjection, nouninoculate, verbintravenous, adjectiveiodine, nounlaxative, nounlotion, nounlozenge, nounmagnesia, nounmedicament, nounmedicated, adjectivemedication, nounmedicinal, adjectivemedicine, nounmelatonin, nounmethadone, nounmilk of magnesia, nounmorning-after pill, nounmorphia, nounmorphine, nounnarcotic, nounnarcotic, adjectiveneedle, nounniacin, nounnicotine patch, nounobstetrician, nounointment, nounopiate, nounopium, nounoral contraceptive, nounoverdose, nounover-the-counter, adjectivepack, nounpainkiller, nounparacetamol, nounpastille, nounpatch, nounpatent medicine, nounpenicillin, nounpharmaceutical, adjectivepharmaceuticals, nounpharmacist, nounpharmacology, nounpharmacopoeia, nounpharmacy, nounplacebo, nounprescribe, verbprescription, nounpurgative, nounquinine, nounRDA, nounreaction, nounremedy, nounrubbing alcohol, nounsalve, nounsedation, nounsedative, nounsenna, nounserum, nounside effect, nounsleeping pill, nounspecific, nounsteroid, nounstimulant, nounstrychnine, nounsuppository, nounsurgical spirit, nounsyringe, nountablet, nountake, verbThalidomide, nountherapist, nountincture, nountonic, nountranquillizer, nountruth drug, nounvaccinate, verbvaccine, nounValium, nounVaseline, nounwitch-hazel, noun
· She made herself some tea and took some aspirin and paced about the flat.· I took an aspirin and slept until it was light enough in the corridor to find the toilet.· Had to take twenty aspirin a day for ten years the pain was so great.· Other things being equal, taking aspirin will result in higher and longer-lasting blood alcohol levels.· Exercise is not a short-term cure like taking an aspirin to cure a headache.· Many doctors now take an aspirin every other day themselves, as a hedge against heart attacks.· Apply cold compresses and take aspirin or another nonprescription pain reliever if necessary, says KleinSchwartz.· When Grandpa had his heart attack, he took one aspirin and went to bed early.
a medicine that reduces pain, inflammation, and fever




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