

单词 Soviet
SovietSoviet adjective Word Origin
1900-2000 Russian sovet ‘council’
  • A quidproquo arrangement of the latter kind could prove attractive to Soviet leaders.
  • Decidedly, Nizan's belief in the moral integrity of Soviet foreign policy was total.
  • That Soviet ships dumped nuclear waste in the area has been suspected for many years.
  • The official told him he was not yet being considered for Soviet citizenship.
  • These are among the findings by the city's Nature Conservation Council on the state of the environment in the Soviet capital.
word sets
aboriginal, adjectiveaboriginal, nounaborigine, nounAfghan, nounAfrican, adjectiveAfrican, nounAfrican American, nounAfrikaner, nounAfro-, prefixAmerican, adjectiveAmerican, nounAmericanize, verbanglicize, verbAnglo-, prefixanglophile, nounAnglo-Saxon, nounAussie, nounAustralian, nounAustrian, nounAustro-, prefixbarbarian, nounBedouin, nounBenelux, nounBengali, nounbirth, nounblack, adjectiveblack, nounBoer, nounBr., brave, nounBrit, nounBritish, adjectiveBritisher, nounBriton, nounCeltic, adjectiveChinese, adjectivecontinental, adjectivecosmopolitan, adjectivecultural, adjectiveDane, nounDanish, adjectiveDutch, adjectiveDutchman, nouneastern, adjectiveEgyptian, adjectiveEgyptian, nounEnglish, adjectiveEnglishman, nounEnglishwoman, nounEskimo, nounEurasian, adjectiveEurasian, nounEuro-, prefixEuropean, nounEuropean, adjectiveFr, Franco-, prefixFrench, nounFrenchman, nounFrenchwoman, nounGallic, adjectiveGerman, nounGermanic, adjectiveGraeco-, prefixGreco-, prefixGreek, adjectiveGreek, noungypsy, nounHebraic, adjectiveHebrew, nounHellene, nounHellenic, adjectivehighland, adjectiveHighlander, nounHispanic, adjective-i, suffixIberian, adjectiveIndian, nounIndian, adjectiveIndo-, prefixinsular, adjectiveinternational, adjectiveinternationally, adverbinternecine, adjectiveIrish, adjectiveIrishman, nounIrishwoman, noun-ish, suffixIslam, nounislander, nounIsraeli, adjectiveIsraeli, nounIsraelite, nounItalian, nounJohn Bull, nounkiwi, nounLatin, nounLatin, adjectiveManx, adjectiveMaori, nounmestizo, nounmetropolitan, adjectiveMexican, adjectiveMexican, nounMoorish, adjectivemother country, nounmotherland, nounnation, nounnational anthem, nounnational costume, nounnational dress, nounnationalism, nounnationalist, nounnationalistic, adjectivenationality, nounnation state, nounnative, adjectivenative, nounNative American, nounnon-white, nounNordic, adjectiveNorse, adjectiveNorseman, nounnortherner, nounoverseas, adverboverseas, adjectivePakistani, nounparentage, nounPersian, adjectivePersian, nounPole, nounPolish, adjectiveRasta, nounRastafarian, nounRastaman, nounRussian, adjectiveRussian, nounSaxon, nounScot, nounScots, adjectiveScotsman, nounScotswoman, nounScottish, adjectiveSherpa, nounSinhalese, nounSino-, prefixsoutherner, nounSoviet, adjectiveSpaniard, nounSpanish, adjectiveSwede, nounSwedish, adjectiveSwiss, adjectiveTeutonic, adjectiveTurk, nounTurkish, adjectivewestern, adjectiveWesterner, nounwesternized, adjectivewhite, nounYiddish, noun
· The Barbarians finally overthrew the Roman empire.
· Much communist propaganda was about the evils of capitalism.
· Her parents had been killed by the advancing Soviet army.· After the Soviet army seized the castle, they vanished.· Her other grandfather fought as a soldier of the Soviet army.· Service, for 18 months, was compulsory for men over 19 who had not served in the Soviet army.· Moscow politicians also are reassured by his past as a colonel in the Soviet army.· Other young men followed, some after national service in the Soviet army, or university training.· The Soviet Army, has also been getting in on the act.
· By then he was unofficially resident and working abroad, and in uneasy relations with the Soviet authorities.· The Soviet authorities judged them not dangerous enough to deport with the rest.· For days after the explosion the Soviet authorities withheld news of the accident.· The Soviet authorities strictly controlled all telecommunications.· Furthermore, the way the Soviet authorities went about indoctrinating the people in atheist dogma was counterproductive.· But many had not been settled, and Britain had a list of 50 names it had presented to the Soviet authorities.
· Status: Soviet bloc economic co-operation pact.· The Soviet bloc collapses; same story.· In time the Soviet bloc might begin to break up as nationalism reasserted itself among the satellite states.· The demise of the Soviet bloc deprived revolutionaries of powerful sponsors.· Or perhaps she is a kind of Soviet bloc Norma Desmond.· Nearly all of it was imported, at preferential prices, from Soviet bloc countries.· The president himself ordered studies of the feasibility of tougher policies than had been been pursued under Truman against the Soviet bloc.· Philby was discounted and everything pointed to Mills - a senior man in the Soviet bloc department.
· In the early years few groups of Soviet citizens visited Britain.· For many pro-reform Soviet citizens, Nevzorov personified the hardline editorial shift in television broadcasting.· New customs rates On July 1 new customs duties for Soviet citizens bringing goods into the country came into force.· This latter has the inestimable advantage for Soviet citizens of accepting roubles.· Given a real cause to fight for, hundreds of thousands of Soviet citizens would volunteer to help overthrow Stalin.· To us he will always be a Soviet citizen.
· Preobrazhensky was in fact trying to analyse Soviet economy without reference to the specific historical features of that formation.· The Soviet economy is like a car that is in such bad shape an overhaul of the engine is not enough.· We have seen the result of that in the Soviet economy.· During the 1950s and part of the 1960s, the Soviet economy grew faster than that of the United States.· The militarisation of the Soviet economy, baffling to an outsider, is complemented by a militarisation in the sphere of education.· This should do much to ease the burden the arms race had put on the Soviet economy.· As far as the first factor is concerned, foreign trade has clearly assumed greater importance to the Soviet economy in recent years.
· Repeated pressure on Parastaev at the Soviet Embassy produced nothing.· There was no tracking down Richter at a hotel -- he was staying at the Soviet Embassy.· It was bold of Tarkovsky because he knew that Soviet Embassy officials were present.· Later he was posted to the Soviet Embassy in Washington, where I met him again briefly in 1985.· Parastaev was insisting to me in London that the Soviet Embassy had no role to play in whether permission would be given.· That afternoon the passport was delivered to the Soviet Embassy for renewal on an emergency application.
· The street battles of Vilnius and Riga show a brutal determination to keep the Soviet empire together.· Multinationals, once shunned as colonialists by the developing world, have been courted as never before since the Soviet empire dissolved.· Rhys Williams was very convincing and his books did much to whet my appetite to visit the vast Soviet empire.· The West now viewed his government as a satellite in a monolithic Soviet empire.· Life goes on, despite nuclear accidents and the collapse of the Soviet empire.· Murphy retired in 1991, but not before seeing the Berlin Wall crumble and the Soviet empire collapse.· The Soviet empire once rules half our continent - and threatened the rest.· The public release of data from sensitive military intelligence-gathering systems was unthinkable until the collapse of the Soviet empire.
· However, Soviet forces were still impressive and were being modernized across the whole spectrum.· The Pact would provide for the withdrawal of Soviet forces following the formation of a coalition government in Kabul.
· They agreed to do nothing which could be construed as recognition of the current Soviet government.· Surprised and shocked, the Soviet government would have none of it.· It was understood, however, that the Soviet government had refused the offer prior to Gorbachev's visit.· At first overlooked by the Soviet government, the article was later denounced as in error.· Following his invitation the Princess Royal visited as a guest of the Soviet Government in 1990.· The coal strike alone will not cause the economic disaster that the Soviet government is pretending it will.· The Soviet government is still nervous of letting the world know what happened to these people.· For the first time the Soviet Government allowed foreign disaster relief organisations to enter its territory on a massive scale.
· Omar Mumtaz, 75, was a transport mogul before the 1979 Soviet invasion.
· Following the death of Stalin in March 1953, the new Soviet leaders were also seeking to relax world tensions.· Today's Soviet leaders are the products of a long-standing tradition of thinking about war and the use of force.· It soon became evident that the new Soviet leader had some of the qualities associated with youth.· After a long silence, Reagan assumed that the Soviet leader had nothing more to say.· After Geneva, Reagan had established an informal personal correspondence with the Soviet leader.· The others were blown up in 1982, following strategic-arms limitation talks conducted by Ronald Reagan and a succession of Soviet leaders.
· Why did the Soviet leadership decide to send him?· The Soviet leadership enjoys no such trust.· This new strategy was ridiculed by the Soviet leadership and opposed by the heavy engineering sector inside Czechoslovakia.· Second, and more important, came the succession of Mikhail Gorbachev to the Soviet leadership.· The Soviet leadership was thrown into panic.· The Soviet leadership openly proclaimed the illegitimacy of military bases on foreign territories only after the death of Stalin.· The Soviet leadership appeared concerned that it should ensure for itself a role in any future Middle East peace settlement.· The Soviet leadership could anticipate diplomatic dividends from these initiatives among the non-aligned countries.
· To counteract Western influence Soviet officials advocated a system of collective security.· The delegation met a number of Soviet officials and leaders, including President Gorbachev.· Nevertheless, as the following studies indicate Soviet officials have regarded neutralisation in the Third World as a pragmatic compromise at best.· For Soviet officials such international guarantees should become a component part of a political settlement.
· Fourteen finance ministers from former Soviet republics also here are expected to mount a strong claim on bank funds in 1992.· The former Soviet republics are still trying to sort out the relative powers of executive and assembly.· Active follow-up with the former Soviet republics is now well in hand.· Seven of the original 15 Soviet republics reached a partial agreement on Dec. 5 to divide the Soviet debt.
· The year 1987 began with the periodic enquiry from the Soviet side.· The Soviet side sent us the names of people who would be with Gorbachev.· The only problem is that the Soviet side insists there is nothing new.· Later on I realised the extent to which the Soviet side could exert pressure on us in these matters.· On Dec. 13 Landsbergis had announced that a further round of preliminary consultations had been postponed indefinitely by the Soviet side.· In March 1985 two important changes on the Soviet side helped to relieve the image of an unremitting East-West struggle.· The Soviet side then reiterated adherence to the Moscow agreement.· Nevertheless, with the passage of time the Soviet side could begin to accuse us of bad faith.
· In Chapter 4 we look at how Soviet society organises itself for war.· Gorbachev also was quick to admit that the process of globalization played a major role in cracking open the closed Soviet society.· Thus there was a frank recognition of the disaster facing Soviet society if such policies had been continued.· What is important to emphasise is that war is the ultimate purpose for which Soviet society is organised.· These failures, however, were merely symptoms of a larger failing in Soviet society.· The belief in a scientifically-controlled world runs deep in Soviet society.· But today things were changing, with Mikhail Gorbachev trying to renew Soviet society and create a better life for the people.
· However, the myth of the moral integrity of the Soviet state more than compensated for its metaphysical shortcomings.· Disseminating for the purpose of undermining or weakening the Soviet regime slanderous fabrications which defame the Soviet state and social system.
· The liberals believe they are under-represented in the Congress, which was elected two years ago under the old Soviet system.· He brought starkly into question all the guiding principles on which the Soviet system was based.· Boris Yeltsin and his team wanted to privatize land after toppling the Soviet system.· Tuva, under the Soviet system, was always an autonomous republic.· Mr. McCartney An old Soviet system.· Mr. Jones An old Soviet system, as my hon. Friend says.· We inherited inefficient industries from the Soviet system.· The subsequent crisis in the Soviet system, compounded by the Moscow show trials, exposed the dystopic methods of utopian Communism.
· That arrangement collapsed with the Soviet Union.· He defects to the Soviet Union.· Robert Conquest on the Soviet Union.· When Carter left office, relations with the Soviet Union were worse than they had been when he was inaugurated.· About their own camps, by contrast, the Soviet Union was able to exercise a sustained Orwellian denial.· The athlete-trainer had a successful business, a big name, a wife and a child in the Soviet Union.· The Soviet Union, however, once loaded the missile with a 1-megaton nuclear warhead.
relating to the former USSR (Soviet Union) or its people




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