affecting or including all of something► total/complete affecting everything or every part of a situation: · They want a total ban on cigarette advertising.· My parents had complete control over my life.· The satellite TV station is providing total coverage of the Olympic Games.
► blanket: blanket decision/statement/term etc one that affects every part of a situation: · A blanket requirement was announced by education officials -- all schools had to cut their budgets by 25%.· Dementia is a blanket term for various types of psychiatric disorder.
► overall including or involving all or almost all the parts of a situation: · Even though some of the details are badly done, the overall effect of the painting is very dramatic.· His attitude towards his job seemed consistent with his overall approach to life.· Conference members agreed on an overall approach to drug abuse that focuses on prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.
► global involving all possible parts of an idea or system: · We've done a global study on the company's weaknesses.· Simon & Schuster said it no longer wanted the smaller company because it did not fit into its global strategy.
► all-embracing: all-embracing concept/statement/term etc (=one in which all features of a situation have been thought of and included) · The prison governor now has all-embracing powers to deal with any situation in the way he thinks fit.· Physicists are searching for one all-embracing theory that covers matter, energy, radiation, and gravity.