

单词 cast a bone

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to cast (in) a bone
(i) to cast (in) a bone and variants: to do something to provoke a quarrel or disagreement; to stir up trouble between two or more people. rare after early 18th cent.In quot. 1498 as part of an extended metaphor.
society > society and the community > dissent > become at variance with [verb (transitive)] > cause (dissension) > set (people) at variance
to cast (in) a bone1498
to set (or fall) at variancec1522
to set by the ears?1566
to set outa1610
1498 Interpr. Names Goddis & Goddesses (de Worde) sig. Cij/1 Wherfore dethe thought he wolde auenged be..And at banket made of soo lyte Whiche caused hym among them to cast in a bone þt founde them gnawyng ynough euerychone.
1528 W. Tyndale Obed. Christen Man f. lxxv And if moch landes by any chaunce fall to one man ever to cast a bone in the waye, that he shall never be able to obteyne it, as we now se in the Emperoure.
1546 J. Heywood Dialogue Prouerbes Eng. Tongue ii. ii. sig. G The diuell hath caste a bone..to set strife Betwene you.
1660 Exact Accompt Trial Regicides 79 But you cast in Bones here to make some difference.
1702 R. L'Estrange tr. Josephus Jewish Antiq. xvi. xi, in Wks. 457 By this Means she..cast-in a Bone betwixt the Wife and the Husband.
1996 Li Xiaobing et al. tr. in Bull. Cold War Internat. Hist. Project Nos. 6–7. 223 Jiang Jieshi will likely hold a press conference..accusing us of attempting to cast a bone between him and America.
extracted from bonen.1
to cast a bone
69. to cast a clod between (Scottish); to widen the breach between. †to cast galmoundis (Sc.): to cut capers. to cast a (point of) traverse: (see quots.). †to cast stones against the wind: to labour in vain. Also to cast ambs-ace, to cast anchor, to cast a bone, to cast cantraips, to cast cavel, to cast a damp, to cast damper, to cast an essoin (excuse), to cast lots, to cast a spell; for which see those words.
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > disadvantage > uselessness > uselessness, vanity, or futility > be of no avail [verb (intransitive)] > expend effort in vain
to lose or spill one's whilec1175
to speak to the windc1330
to beat the windc1375
to boil, roast, or wash a stonea1529
to lose (one's) oil1548
to plough the sand (also sands)a1565
to wash an ass's head (or ears)1581
to wash an Ethiop, a blackamoor (white)1581
to wash a wall of loam, a brick or tilea1600
to milk the bull (also he-goat, ram)1616
to bark against (or at) the moona1641
dead horse1640
to cast stones against the wind1657
to go, run or rush (a)round in circles1933
1529 D. Lindsay Compl. King 181 Castand galmoundis with bendis and beckis.
1657 R. Ligon True Hist. Barbados 43 I grew wearie of casting stones against the wind.
1704 J. Harris Lexicon Technicum I Cast a Point of Traverse, in Navigation, signifies, to prick down on a chart the Point of a Compass any Land bears from you, or to find on what Point the Ship bears at any instant, or what way the Ship has made.
1768 A. Ross Fortunate Shepherdess 105 (Jam.) Betweesh them sae by casting of a clod.
1867 W. H. Smyth & E. Belcher Sailor's Word-bk. To cast a traverse, to calculate and lay off the courses and distances run over upon a chart.
extracted from castv.
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