

单词 capitulum


Brit. /kəˈpɪtjᵿləm/, /kəˈpɪtʃᵿləm/, U.S. /kəˈpɪtʃələm/
Inflections: Plural capitula.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin capitulum.
Etymology: < classical Latin capitulum head, little head, flower head of a plant, end, head or point of a blunt instrument, capital of a pillar, in post-classical Latin also chapter, small section of a book (late 2nd or early 3rd cent. in Tertullian), main point of an argument (4th cent.), edict, article of a law, reading of a chapter of the Scriptures during divine service, division or section of a psalm (6th cent.), assembly of monks or canons in a monastery that starts with the reading of a section from the rule, chapter house (9th cent.), non-ecclesiastical assembly (11th cent.), chapter, congregation of canons (12th cent.), (in anatomy) rounded protuberance at the end of a bone (1542 or earlier) < caput head (see caput n.) + -ulum -ulum suffix. Compare capitellum n. With sense 2 compare earlier chapter n. 3 and capitle n. 1a.
1. Anatomy and Zoology. A rounded protuberance at the end of a bone, articulating with another bone. Cf. capitellum n. 2, head n.1 27.
the world > life > the body > structural parts > bone or bones > parts of bones > [noun] > rounded end
1634 T. Johnson tr. A. Paré Chirurg. Wks. vi. xlii. 243 The Greekes..call the thicke and long head [of a bone] Cephale, that is, a Head absolutely; but the lesser they terme Corons, or Coronon which the Latines call Capitulum, a Litle-head.]
1661 R. Lovell Πανζωορυκτολογια, sive Panzoologicomineralogia 303 As also the radius, with its superiour capitulum and inferiour tuberculum.
1785 G. Motherby New Med. Dict. (ed. 2) Capitulum,..in anatomy it is a smaller process or protuberance of a bone received by another bone.
1805 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 95 205 The capitulum of the columella in birds..is joined to an obtuse-angled triangular plate of cartilage.
1881 St. G. Mivart Cat 37 They articulate with the heads, or the capitula, of the ribs.
1939 T. L. Green Pract. Animal Biol. i. 157 The tip of the rib is expanded as the head or capitulum.
1982 Injury 14 98/1 Fracture of the radial head together with the capitulum of the humerus is very rare.
2006 K. D. Rose Beginning Age Mammals ii. 30/2 The head (capitulum) of each rib articulates at the junction of two centra, and the tubercle (tuberculum) of the rib articulates with the transverse process.
2. Christian Church. A short passage or reading from the Bible.
society > faith > worship > parts of service > reading > [noun]
1668 J. Austin Devotions sig. A4 One reads the Capitulum or short Lesson; the Other begins the Hymn.
1700 H. Wanley Let. 18 Jan. 145 The Capitula in your Graces MS. are absolutely different from our Chapters.
1719 J. Bingham Origines Ecclesiasticæ VI. xiv. iii. 429 The lesser sort of Lessons were called vulgarly, Capitula, Chapters, and designed for the Praise of God.
1845 J. Lingard Hist. & Antiq. Anglo-Saxon Church (ed. 3) II. App. a. 359 A very ancient collectarium, containing the capitula, or short extracts from Scripture.
1885 C. G. McCrie Sketches & Stud. 29 The last page of the capitula of St. John's Gospel.
1901 Hermathena 11 335 This epilogus includes..some hitherto unprinted capitula for the Gospels.
1925 Times 27 Mar. 11/6 The little fifteenth-century book of Gospel ‘Capitula’..remains a relic of pre-Reformation times.
1998 T. O'Loughlin Teachers & Code-breakers vi. 235 Isidore..took over a series of capitula from the scriptural text, and then commented..on the verses of Genesis which occurred in each capitulum.
3. Botany.
a. A close head of sessile flowers, typical of the family Asteraceae ( Compositae).
the world > plants > part of plant > reproductive part(s) > flower or part containing reproductive organs > inflorescence or collective flower > [noun]
seed head1597
1704 J. Harris Lexicon Technicum I Capitulum, in Botanicks, is the Head or Flowring Top of any Plant, being composed of many Flowers and Threads (or Stamina) closely connected in a Globous, Circular or Discous Figure.
1708 J. Harris Lexicon Technicum (ed. 2) I Capitulum, in Botanicks, is the Head or Flowring Top of any Plant, being composed of many Flowers and Threads (or Stamina) closely connected in a Globous, Circular or Discous Figure.
1794 Bot. Mag. 7 No. 251 It [sc. Allium descendens] usually grows to the height of three feet,..its flowers as in many other species grow in a capitulum or little head.
1830 J. Lindley Introd. Nat. Syst. Bot. 106 The neutral florets..being quite open in very many capitula.
1861 S. Thomson Wanderings among Wild Flowers (rev. ed.) i. 91 The flower-head or capitulum of such a plant as the daisy.
1903 Amer. Naturalist 37 449 In classifying bicoloured capitula, preference is given to the color of the rays.
1952 P. Mann Systematics Flowering Plants ii. 150 The inflorescence is a capitulum, surround by an involucre of ‘bracts’, which holds the inflorescence together.
2000 C. Tudge Variety of Life ii. xxv. 595 The individual florets within a capitulum commonly lack a calyx.
b. The rounded head of any of various stalked structures, as the pileus of a fungus, the apothecium of a moss, etc.
the world > plants > part of plant > head or heart > [noun] > head or top
1791 J. Bolton App. to Hist. Fungusses Halifax 179 The capitulum or central globe breaks at the summit, and discharges a dust like the other Lycoperdons; after which, it..soon perishes.
1829 J. L. Knapp Jrnl. Naturalist 129 I have had one specimen, in which the volvæ or wrappers of seven or eight individuals grew together, each throwing out a head or capitulum, forming a cluster the size of a doubled fist.
1892 M. C. Cooke Veg. Wasps & Plant Worms 36 The stem is slender, flexuous, and not more than one centimetre high, bearing a globose capitulum, of an ochraceous colour.
1974 Mycologia 66 982 The head or capitulum is formed when the stroma ruptures the surface of the sclerotium.
2009 G. A. Laursen & R. D. Seppelt Common Interior Alaska Cryptogams 119 Vegetative mycelia inconspicuous. Apothecia clavate, composed of a short stalk and capitulum.
c. The head of any of several stalked structures occurring in the reproductive bodies of certain green algae; spec. a knob-shaped cell occurring at the end of each manubrium in the antheridium (or globule) of a stonewort (order Charales).
the world > plants > particular plants > algae > [noun] > stoneworts > part or cell of
1849 W. H. Harvey Man. Brit. Marine Algae (ed. 2) 21 To the filaments composing these capitula or knob-like receptacles are attached the spores.
1888 T. F. Allen Characeae Amer. 30 Each manubrium bears on its inner extremity one of the innermost series of cells, a roundish cell called the capitulum.
1901 C. J. Chamberlain Methods Plant Histol. 72 Good preparations showing shield, manubrium, capitula, and filaments may be obtained by staining in bulk..and then crushing the antheridium under the glass cover.
1927 Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 54 189 Each manubrium..usually bears one primary capitulum on which are generally developed six secondary capitula.
1995 C. van den Hoek et al. Algae xxx. 477 The capitulum cells give rise to spermatogenous filaments containing between 5 and 50 cells.
4. Zoology.
a. In stalked (goose) barnacles: the body and carapace (as distinct from the peduncle or stalk).
the world > animals > invertebrates > phylum Arthropoda > class Crustacea > [noun] > subclass Entomostraca > order Cirripedia > suborder Thoracica > member of > body of
1851 C. Darwin Monogr. Cirripedia I. 75 The largest specimen which I have seen had a capitulum two inches in length.
1872 H. A. Nicholson Man. Palæontol. 152 At its free extremity the peduncle bears the ‘capitulum’.
1976 W. J. North Underwater Calif. xi. 208 Gooseneck barnacles..dark leathery stalk surmounted by enlarged capitulum, surrounded by shells or plates.
1993 Jrnl. Crustacean Biol. 13 343 Scalpellomorph barnacles (Thoracica: Pedunculata) are stalked, with a capitulum bearing 6 or more calcified or partly calcified plates.
b. In ticks and some mites: an anterior movable part of the head, which bears the mouthparts.
the world > animals > invertebrates > phylum Arthropoda > class Arachnida > [noun] > order Acari or family Acaridae > member of (tick) > parts of > part of head of
1891 C. Curits in Jrnl. Compar. Med. & Vet. Arch 12 317 Boophilus (ox loving), is a name I applied as a generic name for these ticks in a paper..read before the Washington Biological Society, December 27, 1890. In the proposed genus..the capitulum is wider than the combined width of the palpi and rostrum.
1892 G. Marx in Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 2 274 This part, which was considered the head by the older writers..I will call capitulum, in conformity with Haller's nomenclature of the same part in the Gamasidæ and other allied families.
1920 I. F. Henderson & W. D. Henderson Dict. Sci. Terms 42/1 Capitulum..the exsert part of the head in ticks.
1964 M. Hynes Med. Bacteriol. (ed. 8) xxx. 460 Ticks are eight-legged arthropods with no division between head, thorax or abdomen. Their mouth-parts are carried on a separate movable capitulum.
2009 Vet. Parasitol. 164 325/2 For this purpose, tick capitulum was pierced with a hypodermic needle.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2012; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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