To keep, preserve, retain; not to lose, let go, part with, or emit; to detain; to arrest, rivet the attention of. Also hold it!: stay as you are…
单词 | θ145657 |
释义 | the mind > possession > retaining > retain or keep [verb (transitive)] > keep, maintain, or preserve (10) holdc1000 To keep, preserve, retain; not to lose, let go, part with, or emit; to detain; to arrest, rivet the attention of. Also hold it!: stay as you are… i-haldOE transitive. To hold, maintain, observe, keep, preserve. keepc1175 To guard, defend, protect, preserve, save. (Const. from, †of.) a person. withholdc1200 To keep, maintain, preserve. Obsolete. keepa1325 To guard, defend, protect, preserve, save. (Const. from, †of.) a thing. maintaina1375 transitive. To keep up, preserve, cause to continue in being (a state of things, a condition, an activity, etc.); to keep vigorous, effective, or… preservea1393 transitive. To keep safe from injury or harm; to save or spare (a person's life). Subcategories:— unaltered (1) — in a specified state, place, or relation (2) |
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