

单词 carboxy-

carboxy-comb. form

Stress is usually determined by a subsequent element and vowels may be reduced accordingly.
Origin: Formed within English, by conversion. Etymon: carboxy adj.
Etymology: < carboxy adj.Found in a small number of formations exemplified below (apparently earliest in carboxypolypeptidase n. ), and also carboxymethylcellulose n.
Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Containing a carboxyl group; involving or affecting carboxyl groups.
carboxydismutase n.
Brit. /kɑːˌbɒksɪdɪsˈmjuːteɪz/
U.S. /kɑrˌbɑksiˌdɪsˈmjuˌteɪz/
now disused = Rubisco n.
1955 M. Calvin in Science 29 Apr. 620/2 Further purification of this last enzyme system has confirmed the deduction that the carboxylation of RDP leads directly to the 2 molecules of PGA involving an internal dismutation and suggests the name carboxydismutase for the enzyme.
1976 P. Bell & D. Coombe tr. Strasburger's Textbk. Bot. (new ed.) 250 A molecule of carbon dioxide becomes bound by a special enzyme, carboxydismutase (ribulose diphosphate carboxylase), to a molecule of the ribulose diphosphate.
1986 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) B. 313 306 In the early 1970s carboxydismutase (or ribulose diphosphate carboxylase) as it was then called, was still an unresolved enigma.
carboxykinase n.
Brit. /kɑːˌbɒksɪˈkʌɪneɪz/
U.S. /kɑrˌbɑksiˈkaɪˌneɪz/
a kinase that removes a carboxyl group; spec. (in full phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) an enzyme that brings about the formation of phosphoenolpyruvate by the decarboxylation and phosphorylation of oxaloacetate, as one of the steps in gluconeogenesis in animals and in carbon fixation in plants.
1959 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 35 541 Fixation by the PEP carboxylase (PEP + Mg) and PEP carboxykinase (PEP + ADP + Mn) enzyme systems slowly decreased.
1961 Proc. National Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 47 1112 The enzyme catalyzing this reaction, phospho-enol-pyruvate carboxykinase, has only a very low activity in rat heart.
1986 Proc. Royal Soc. B. 228 487 In algae from M. verrucosa the activities of the carboxykinases were higher in cells grown at lower than at higher irradiances.
2003 W. E. Winter in M. Silink et al. Type 2 Diabetes in Childhood & Adolescence xi. 216 There are several genes or loci where a positive association has been described with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes... These genes/loci include..phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, PPARG and prohormone convertase 2.
carboxymethylated adj.
Brit. /kɑːˌbɒksɪˈmɛθᵻleɪtᵻd/
U.S. /kɑrˌbɑksiˈmɛθəˌleɪdᵻd/
(of a substance or molecule) having had one or more carboxymethyl groups added; subjected to carboxymethylation.
1949 Sci. Monthly Jan. 64/2 Figure 6 shows a partially carboxymethylated fiber.
1996 Science 23 Aug. 1080/1 The Edman sequencing result of a carboxymethylated thermolytic peptide..revealed two amino acids in early rounds of sequencing.
carboxymethylation n.
Brit. /kɑːˌbɒksɪmɛθᵻˈleɪʃn/
U.S. /kɑrˌbɑksiˌmɛθəˈleɪʃ(ə)n/
the addition to a compound or substance of one or more carboxymethyl groups (—CH2—COOH).
1949 Sci. Monthly Jan. 64/2 The partial carboxymethylation of cellulose..produces quickly swellable cotton fibers to be used in cloth where rapid absorbency is required.
1971 Nature 31 Dec. 507/1 When the free thiol is blocked by carboxymethylation, the reaction is completely inhibited.
2003 Jrnl. Cell Biol. 162 1230/1 The retention of the carboxyl terminus of lamin B1 in the nuclear envelope was dependent on carboxymethylation, confirming that protein–protein interactions in the extreme carboxyl terminus are present.
carboxypeptidase n.
Brit. /kɑːˌbɒksɪˈpɛptᵻdeɪz/
U.S. /kɑrˌbɑksiˈpɛptəˌdeɪz/
any of a number of enzymes which hydrolyse oligopeptides and polypeptides by removing a terminal amino acid containing a free carboxyl group.
1935 Jrnl. Biol. Chem. 111 249 Aminopeptidase, carboxypeptidase, and dipeptidase need in addition to a peptide bond a free amino group or a free carboxyl group.
1956 Nature 17 Mar. 527/2 Treatment with carboxypeptidase..revealed leucine as the C-terminal amino-acid.
1997 Jrnl. Amer. Dental Assoc. 128 1448/1 These enzymes are identified as penicillin-binding proteins,..and at least some of them are transpeptidases and others are transglycosylases or carboxypeptidases.
carboxypolypeptidase n.
Brit. /kɑːˌbɒksɪˌpɒlɪˈpɛptᵻdeɪz/
U.S. /kɑrˌbɑksiˌpɑliˈpɛptəˌdeɪz/
now rare = carboxypeptidase n.
1930 Chem. Abstr. 1129 Proteinase and carboxy~polypeptidase of the pancreas.
1949 A. L. Romanoff & A. J. Romanoff Avian Egg viii. 533 When acting successively, trypsin, protaminase, and carboxypolypeptidase probably split a total of 60 per cent of the peptide linkages.
2005 Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Med. 6 332/2 Carboxypolypeptidase further divides the peptide fragments into their constituent amino acids.
carboxy-terminal adj.
Brit. /kɑːˌbɒksɪˈtəːmᵻnl/
U.S. /kɑrˌbɑksiˈtərmənəl/
located at the carboxy terminus of a peptide chain; of, relating to, or involving a carboxy terminus; contrasted with amino-terminal.
1953 W. H. Yudkin in G. H. Bourne & G. W. Kidder Biochem. & Physiol. Nutrition II. xvii. 254 The reaction of carboxypeptidase with proteins containing carboxy terminal amino acids has so far clearly indicated, by the rapid liberation of one specific amino acid, which one is carboxy terminal.
1966 Proc. National Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 55 1195 Hilschmann and Craig established that the carboxy-terminal halves of these molecules were essentially identical, whereas the amino-terminal halves had a substantial number of amino acid differences.
1988 A. M. Silverstein Hist. Immunol. vi. 134 The carboxy-terminal portions of these chains, however, were much more constant in composition.
1999 Nature 18 Nov. 249/2 When Asp 61 is deprotonated, there is a dramatic 140°-rotation of the carboxy-terminal helix with respect to the amino-terminal helix.
carboxy terminus n.
Brit. /kɑːˌbɒksɪ ˈtəːmᵻnəs/
/kɑːˈbɒksɪ ˌtəːmᵻnəs/
U.S. /kɑrˌbɑksi ˈtərmənəs/
/kɑrˈbɑksi ˌtərmənəs/
the free carboxyl group at one end of a peptide chain; the end of a peptide chain that terminates in a free carboxyl group, rather than in an amino group; contrasted with amino terminus n. at amino- comb. form Additions.
1955 E. B. Astwood et al. in G. Pincus & K. V. Thimann Hormones III. vii. 275 Manipulations designed to split off amino acids from either carboxyl or amino termini.]
1966 Proc. National Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 55 843 The carboxy termini of acidic oligopeptides.
1990 Nucleic Acids Res. 18 261/2 An octapeptide sequence, which was later shown to map near the carboxy terminus, was obtained from a tryptic fragment.
2001 S. Baksh et al. in K. F. Austen et al. Therapeutic Immunol. (ed. 2) vi. 92/2 The crystal structure..indicates a defined four-helical bundle with its amino and carboxy termini close together.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2008; most recently modified version published online December 2021).
comb. form1930




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