

单词 θ133218
the mind > attention and judgement > contempt > disapproval > rebuke or reproof > rebuke or reprove [verb (transitive)] > severely (41)

transitive. To treat (a person) in a certain way; spec. to treat (a person) appropriately or fittingly. In later use chiefly ironically: to…


To strike, beat, or attack (with blows, or with mockery, sarcasm, rebuke, or the like). Now dialect or slang.

to take up1530

transitive. To check (a person) in speaking; to interrupt sharply, esp. with an expression of dissent or disapproval; to rebuke, reprove, or…


figurative. To vex, afflict, torment; to punish, chastise; to administer severe satire or reproof to, ‘lash’, ‘castigate’.

to shake upa1556

To rate soundly, abuse violently. (Very common in 16–17th centuries.) Also, to harass, afflict.


To assail or attack with rebuke or abuse; to censure; to scold severely.


transitive. To chastise, correct, inflict corrective punishment on; to subdue by punishment or discipline, to chasten; now usually, to punish or…


figurative; esp. ‘To scourge with satire’ (Johnson); to castigate in words, rebuke, satirize, vituperate.


transitive. To rebuke severely; to chide, scold.


figurative. To strike as with ‘thunder’. To inflict severe or terrible vengeance, reproof, or the like, upon. In quot. 1818 in physical sense, to…


To take up sharply or severely; to order about in a sharp fashion. Obsolete.


To reprimand.


figurative. To rebuke severely, to upbraid. Obsolete.


transitive. To berate (a person) angrily; to reprimand severely. Also with out, up, and adverbial phrase. Occasionally also intransitive: to scold.


North American. To rate, scold severely. Now esp. used in newspaper headlines.

to dress down1823

transitive. To reprimand (a person) severely; to rebuke, admonish.

to pitch into ——1823

intransitive. To attack or assail forcibly (with blows, words, etc.); to rebuke or criticize strongly; to set about. Also transitive with it, and…


To rebuke or censure severely, scold, rate. Also rarely intransitive with at. slang or colloquial.

to row (a person) up1838

U.S. slang to row (a person) up: to subject (a person) to severe verbal castigation or abuse. Obsolete.

to catch or get Jesse1839

to give (a person) Jesse: to treat or handle severely; to beat or scold soundly. Similarly to catchor get Jesse.


To assail with reproof or abuse; to rate or reprimand; to scold severely.


To come down upon, on with a surprise, a check, or forcible reproof; to ‘pitch into’. colloquial.

to drop (down) to or on (to)1859

Slang phr. to drop (down) toor on (to): to come casually or accidentally to knowledge of (something); to understand, become aware of, recognize. Also…

to give (a person) rats1862

Originally and chiefly U.S. to give (a person) rats: to give (a person) a hard time; to berate, rebuke. Now disused.

to jump upon1868

With prepositions in special uses. to jump upon: To spring or pounce upon as a beast upon its victim, or a victor upon the prostrate body of a foe…

to give (a person) fits1871

Hence colloquial in various hyperbolical phrases, as to scream oneself into fits, to throw (a person) into fits. Also, to beat (a person, a thing)

to give it to someone (pretty) stiff1880

Stiffly, firmly, tightly, hard, etc. Phrase, to give it to someone (pretty) stiff: to speak severely to, to rate.


figurative. To scold, castigate.


transitive. To criticize severely; to rebuke, reprimand, chide; (also) to nag.


transitive. Chiefly British. To reprimand or tell off severely.


With out (also ball out): To reprove or reprimand loudly or severely. Originally U.S.


transitive. To reprimand severely; to punish Military slang (chiefly Nautical).


transitive. U.S. slang. To criticize, reprimand, or berate (someone). Also: to insult (a person) in a particularly cutting or scathing manner.

to hang, draw, and quarter1930

to hang, draw, and quarter: to put (a person) to death by hanging, disembowelling (see draw, v. 57a), then cutting the body into four pieces (see qu

to tear a strip off1940

to tear (someone) off a strip, to tear a strip off (someone) and variants: to upbraid or reprimand (someone); to lose a strip, to have a strip to

to tear (someone) off a strip1940

to tear (someone) off a strip, to tear a strip off (someone) and variants: to upbraid or reprimand (someone); to lose a strip, to have a strip to


slang (originally Services' slang). (See quot. 1943.)


transitive. colloquial (originally Military slang). To reprimand severely. Cf. rocket, n.5 7.


transitive. Chiefly North American. With out. To scold or severely reprimand (a person). Cf. bawl, v. 3c.


figurative. intransitive with off (const. on): to hit out at, attack, reprimand, criticize severely. U.S. slang.


slang. trans. To beat; to rate soundly.





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